640 or 1240

"During the Red Scare in the 1950's, Doomsday was always right around the corner."

"Bobby, I can't. Not yet. I'm not ready." Piper gently pulled her boyfriend's hand out from under her panties. His fingertips had just grazed the fringes of her feathery pubic hair when she came to her senses and remembered what...


"An author researching a book in the French woodlands discovers a Goddess."

"And Puissard," the old jailer warned, "Leave the poor girl alone."  He gave the foul-smelling rabassier an unceremonious shove through the outer gate and into the cobbled alleyway behind the Périgueux jail. The grizzled Frenchman turned as he stumbled to...

The Tunnel

"A Victorian scientist demonstrates his discovery of a tunnel through other dimensions."

"Wake up!" Devon was gently shaking the pale figure lying on the ground next to me as I was roused from sleep at the sound of his raised voice. He was tugging Partita's arm from beneath her curled-up body and...

Beauregard’s Driveway

"A tepid night at an Alabama watering hole turns even steamier out in the parking lot."

I felt a slight brush, an excuse-me touchbeneath the awning of dark cloudsa summer storm was brewing in Alabamawith the devil's hammer banging loud the Spanish moss hung deathly stillthe bees returned to their combseven the locusts gave up the ghostas...

The Dripping of the Tallow

"The seduction of erotic pain"

I feel the dripping of the tallowlike a stinga fleeting thingburning shallow on my fleshI felt afresh the beating of my pulselike a drum callingeach drop fallingin a rhythm to convulse my febrile loinsmy cock enjoined to risein propinquity to...


"In the past, a virgin bride lost her cherry to the local Priest, but what if there was none to pop?"

Walden and Bayard crouched low in the grasses beyond the crumbling stone wall outside Carmarthen Abbey. The young squire's leather skull-cap kept slipping down over his eyes each time his jaw turned and stretched wide to gnaw off another bite...

The Sidewinder Caper

"An international model scams an Arab Prince for millions."

Orlando eased back on the yoke, cut thrust, and the sleek Gulfstream jet settled gently onto the runway of the King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh."Hey! Wake up, beautiful!" he said, leaning across the thrust console and giving Indri a...

Kitchen Help

"Any (remarkable) similarities between the author and the protagonist are impurely co-incidental"

There have been, over the years, occasions when I treaded somewhat gingerly across that indefinite line between adventurous and slutty. Regardless of how incriminating it might be, it all got recorded in my diaries. But this particular experience will doubtless...