Surprise at the beach

"Fist time surprise anal sex encounter"

We were on a cruise along the coasts of South America with a few other couples, friends from our hometown, when we had a “land” stop for a week in a beach resort in the North of Brazil. Our group...

Nail shop sex

"Vibrating orgasm with benga balls in a nailshop"

In my frequent business travels to the USA, I like to visit one of the many nail shops where the girls are very good in giving manicures, pedicures and relaxing massages. Sometimes when my husband is with me, he also...

Two for Tennis

"Two girls discovering a new side of their relationship"

Two for Tennis - Episode One – Discovering the unexpected On Wednesday afternoon, I usually take off to play some tennis with friends at the local sports club. It’s a nice group, we usually have lots of fun and its great...