So Far, Yet So Near

"Keeping the fire lit"

So Far, yet So Near. By BBWLOVER56     Hello my darling Am sorry about these emergency meetings that take me away from you, I promise I’ll make it up to you as usual darling In the mean time, I...

Why I Love to Explore You

"The Art of exploring"

Why I love to explore you By BBWLOVER56               Sometimes, I sense that we both are so horny and just want to make mad passionate love to each other and to forgo the formalities of foreplay. Every so...

A Picnic made in Heaven

"A Picnic under the Sun in Montana"

A Picnic made in Heaven By BBWLOVER56             Have you ever wanted to enjoy an outdoor outing with someone that you really enjoy being with? How about having a picnic just for two? Would you also consider making mad...

Long and Hard

"A Trucker coming home"

Long and Hard By BBWLOVER56               I was on the last leg of my run from the east coast, traveling on I-80 bound for home, it’s been too long since I’ve seen my wife and children and to...