Huey and Me

"Two best friends - one straight, one gay - get a little drunk and try something new ..."

“Do you think I'm hot?” The question pretty much floored me. Well, it would have if I wasn't too drunk to see right there and then what was going through Huey's head. It was the far side of a pretty...

The Boss The Office Boy

"The boss takes a shine to the new office boy ..."

I'm Fabian. As in Fabian Copeland. Yes.That Fabian Copeland. He of the countless divorces, bottomless bank balances and endless romping. But despite what's splashed across what are jokingly referred to as 'the society pages', there's a few things that nobody...

The Locked-Out Neighbour

"When a straight neighbour gets locked out of his house, who knows what it can lead to?"

With a groan I slammed my almost emptylager bottle onto the table and stood up. I briefly debated putting on some trousers but then figured what the hell – if someone wants to knock at the front door ten minutes...


"When a forgotten pair of trousers leads a wedding guest to discover some fine Welsh beef..."

Provincial South Wales. Nice scenery.Presumably this was why my best friend was choosing to marry here instead of at her home in Surrey. Plus her husband to be was Welsh. Always helps. Anyway, a joy for her to be able...