Passionate Danger, Part II

"The drama and passion continue as Chuck's long lost high school crush re-enters his life."

This is a collaborative work between Kim and myself. Part 2 concludes "Passionate Danger."Chuck, instantly alert, heard his cousin hollering loudly in the sitting room to an unknown man. He untangled himself from Sammi’s soft arms and grabbed his pants....

Passionate Danger

"Chuck's long lost high school crush re-enters his life."

This story is a collaborative work between Kim and myself. Thousands of evil thoughts raced through her mind, as she stared at Ben’s phone bill. He was at it again, and Samantha was sure of it. You would think that...

Tuck’s American Roadtrip! The Return.

"Tuck is shocked at the surprises he encounters upon his return to Tallahassee."

PART SIXLAX (Los Angeles International Airport)Tuck was standing several feet from the airline ticket counter arguing over who is the best quarterback in the NFL with Chuck, while Reggie Tharpe wearing his embarrassingly tacky bright Hawaiian shirt, negotiated with the...

Tuck’s American Roadtrip! California Surfer

"Tuck scores more than just a view when he sees the Pacific Ocean for the first time."

PART FIVETallahassee, FloridaPrissy’s father, J. Howard Barrington, III, sometimes called “The King of Tallahassee,” was frantically dialing the phone in his study. He had to do something drastic and get it done right away. He was worried sick about his...

Tuck’s American Roadtrip! Pecos Laid

"Tuck gets picked up again on the second evening of his journey west across the USA."

Tuck gets fucked senseless in Pecos country!Part Two — Tuck didn’t have much of a plan as he headed west on Interstate 10 toward Baton Rouge. He was struggling to push the hurt of being dumped by Prissy on their...

Tuck’s American Road Trip! The Agony The Ecstasy

"A groom gets dumped at the church on his wedding day and sets out on an unplanned erotic adventure!"

Part One — The Agony & The EcstasyBradley Tucker ‘Tuck’ Grayson was scurrying about his apartment getting ready for his wedding. His long time best friend and Best Man, ‘Bimbo’ Billy Bryson, had just arrived from picking up the bride-to-be’s...

The Bonus Surprise – Secret Unveiled

"John's identity secret is discovered."

This story is the sequel to The Bonus Surprise...John Grabo's skyrocketing career was the cause of much resentment and made him the object of ridicule by many of Miami’s jealous young attorneys. Part of the resentment and criticism was his...

The Closet Hideaway

"Forced to watch hot sex while hiding in the closet."

Chuck had been working for his Uncle Gino in the family’s private investigation and security business for the past three years since dropping out of college. He had been sent by Uncle Gino to install some video and electronic surveillance...