Arising Siren Seduction

"Siren seduces a man into the unspeakable."

IntroArising Siren travels across time through memories and enters the minds and imaginations of different people with the help of her mysterious counterpart, Dr. Bunny Sanguine. Armed with seductive powers and unclothed in remarkable beauty, Siren immerses the lives of...

Colliding Hearts

"Two hearts collide in an hour of anguish"

I cannot reverse our hands of timeAnd may never see if this may end.I only ask that you please forgive meAnd dream again, my precious friend.Gaze into my eyes and hold me tightAs we let go on a weightless flight.Gliding...

Arising Siren Unleashed

"A wife seduces her husband into sharing her with another man."

IntroArising Siren travels across time through memories and enters the minds and imaginations of different people with the help of her mysterious counterpart, Dr. Bunny Sanguine. Armed with seductive powers and unclothed in remarkable beauty, Siren immerses the lives of...

Oral Cravings

"Siren tastefully turns the tables on a mysterious seductress"

IntroArising Siren travels across time through memories and enters the minds and imaginations of different people with the help of her mysterious counterpart, Dr. Bunny Sanguine. Armed with seductive powers and unclothed in remarkable beauty, Siren immerses the lives of...

My Greatest Weakness

"Sixty-nine words on sixty-nine"

Feeling the sex outside of me,Licking her splitting precipice.My greatest strength is receivingThe gift of my greatest weakness.Eating the fruit of life,Drinking her living elixir.Turning between the two,Sensing the love and pleasure.Blowing the mind of man,Sucking his royal scepter.Tasting the...