Red Clay Summer

"At her twins' tennis camp, Bianca makes a friend."

In 1998, Matthieu was twenty-eight and teaching tennis at the Monsanto Country Club in Phoenix, Arizona. A year earlier he had been doing engineering work in the Utah salt flats, a quick but well-paying job for the state's Non-Profit Housing...

He/She is Typing Pt.02

"Joanna becomes close friends with her son's school teacher."

[RECAP: Joanna is a married writer of thirty-four, mother of two boys. At her son's school play she meets Alan, a rookie teacher of twenty-seven, and the two quickly hit it off, establishing a texting-based friendship fed by off-the-cuff jokes...

He/She is Typing Pt.01

"Joanna becomes close friends with her son's school teacher."

JOANNAIt's my son's school play today. Backstage, teachers and parents rush fussily from here to there amid a flock of costumed kids. It’s not how I usually allow myself to get. But I'm the class's resident Journalist Mom and I’ve...