A Catalyst To Love

"Something unexpected on the day she was dumped"

Perhaps it was silly to be walking on the front that day!The wind was strong, and the tide lashed the promenade wall.But this old geezer did not go with the usual agenda, and Alex trudged along in the wind and...

Score 110 110
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2.8k words 2.8k words

The Secret Cave

"The people you meet find on the beach"

There is something special about this secluded small beach. When I see the power of the waves smashing over the rocks, I feel humble against the force of nature. Yet the warm sand I walk on is so comforting one...

Score 110 110
5 Views 5
955 words 955 words

The Professor And The Widow

"A professor of English and a cunning linguist"

ALEXI felt a little cautious on my first day at the university. Although I had lectured for several years in England, this was the USA, and I was new to the American students. I thought it best to dress with...

Score 110 110
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4.6k words 4.6k words

The Pilgrim and the Sinner

"Even the good can be lead astray"

Jenny is a Jehovah's Witness and a charming lady too. She comes around every month or two to chat with my wife. Jenny is an attractive woman in her early thirties with a slim figure.  Her breasts are pert and...

Timothy Part 2

"Tim continues his sexual advanture at the schoo dance"

Sarah Atkins lay next to her husband, still wondering what to do about Timothy. Her husband was now laying, with his back to her and snoring. As Sarah recalled her time with Tim, she felt her juices beginning to flow....


"suggestions with a touch"

Sensitive fingertips caress your skinCareful to protect the lovely soul within Warm breath flowing over your neckYou just give in, oh what the heck! Two sensual bodies and a gentle touchAt last the carving you long so much Fingertips flowing over your thighsA...


"A dream night with a dream lady when I learned so much"

The two-week-long business meeting was coming to an end. I had spent the long days in the lecture hall listening to the new sales focus and new product introductions. The evenings were spent phoning home or going to more business...

I was surprised, as I stepped out of the shower to see a half-nude woman drying herself.She had blond hair, small pert breasts with hot erect nipples, and a slim waist.I stood there with my mouth open, and my gaze...


"Conversation and desires"

Verity writes sensual short stories for funMakes use of innuendoes and an appropriate punShe starts quite slowly to suck the reader inThe ends with a punch like to get them to grinNo swear words, vulgarity nor rude sexual actsBut the...


"When the time is right, jump in."

Timothy was a studious pupil and a keen athlete at school. Now at seventeen, he is doing well at sixth form and still running hard. His sport is sprinting and he plays tennis for recreation. Tim is a nice and...