After the weekend where Brenda had asked to be impregnated, I deliberately scaled back on our sexual activity. I wanted to give her space to bond with Roger over what had happened. This seemed to be working, as she did...
Member: aljames21
Brenda Wants a Baby
"Brenda and Roger decide they want a family"
During the weeks following Roger’s initiation into cock-sucking, his attitude changed slowly, becoming more concerned with my pleasure rather than Brenda’s. He took to sucking my cock before I fucked her and cleaning it off afterwards, as well as fondling...
A Montreal Meeting
"Fun at a conference"
It was summertime in Montreal. I was a twenty-treeh-year-old attending an annual three-day IT conference. I had made a presentation at a break-out session at the end of the first day on a piece of system software that I’d written. ...
Brenda Dominates Roger
"Roger enjoys becoming a true submissive."
During the weeks following the weekend where Roger became totally committed to his place in the relationship, our lives together continued as usual, but with him being more deferential. Other than a short break when Brenda was ovulating, we continued...
Brenda Gives Me Control
"Brenda lets me control the relationship."
I thought a lot on the weekend after the Friday night where the power dynamics changed. I could see where things were going and needed to tread carefully to make sure I didn’t screw things up. I wanted to be...
Brenda And Roger Become Subservient
"Roger enjoys being a subservient cuck."
For the next several weeks after our first fuck without birth control, Brenda became more dominant in her relationship with Roger. It was a slow transition, but one that he seemed to enjoy. She also became more vocal about comparing...
Brenda Becomes More Adventurous
"Brenda experiments and Roger submits."
After our Saturday together, things pretty much settled into a routine. I went to their house on a Saturday afternoon with the three of us spending the afternoon and evening all together. Sometimes Brenda and I would be left alone...
Brenda and I Set the Rules
"Brenda becomes more dependent on me"
I woke up the next morning full of energy and feeling on top of the world. The smell of sex and the stained sheets were a reminder of the delights of the previous night. I wondered what had happened when...
Learning From Liz
"Seduced by a work colleague"
Many years ago I was a software system support person. I was in my very early twenties and not very experienced in the ways of the world. Part of my job was to be on 24-hour call-out in case the...
A Night In Phoenix
"Seduced by a MILF"
It was in Phoenix, Arizona that I, as a young man just twenty-four years old, first experienced the delights of an older woman.Two colleagues, Henry and Graham, and I had travelled there to visit a data processing company. We had...