Shit Happens

"Am I still the same man you love, after all I have been through?"

Shit happens, or so everyone tells me. Working at the same job for twenty-four years, that would beEnough to drive anyone crazy.So why should I be any different? It was all going well until then,Until June,And then the cracks began...

Days Like Today

"You patiently wait and your patience makes me want you even more."

There are days where I don’t knowWhich way to turn.Pulled in a thousand different directions,Everybody wants something from me.Except for you.You have been patient and understanding,Even when I know my silence isFrustrating.Disheartening.Heart-breaking.But you send words of kindness,Of longing,Of desire.Of patience...

I Don’t Care

"The time doesn't have to be right and you don't have to be perfect - I just want you now"

I don't care.I am not waiting for the right time. I am not waiting for anything.You don't have to shave or wax, you don't even have to wash. Coming from the gym? All sweaty? A bit skanky?I don't care.It's your...


"When friends or lovers are absent, memories fill the void"

When you are not here,When you are not there,When you are absent,Where do I turn?My voice calls out,But you are not there to hear me.My words?You are not there to read them.My heart?It sits alone,Unable to call out,Unable to find...

Chicken Tonight

"A simple meal isn't always so simple"

I called ahead today,Rather than just show up,And she said she was makingChicken tonight.She works as hardAs I do,And we have nothingTo bind us,No ring, no vows,No obligations.She doesn't need to make it, but...But chicken,The way she does it,Is a...

Nothing Butt Friends

"I finally meet my online friend for an intimate encounter"

The phone call came through in the middle of the night, while I slept. It must have rang five times and then it went into my voicemail, waiting until the morning for me to see it. It was her. It...

Something Sweet

"Thinking of something sweet today"

I listened to your voice.It wasn't what I had imaginedYou would sound like,But then again,I really did not knowWhat to expect.If I said your voice was sweet,What would that mean?Memories of something sweet,Beginning when I was a boy,Buying candy bars...

Life Gets in the Way

"Apologies for all the times when other things occupy time"

I've been thinking of you all day.Really, I have.I get all the beautiful images of you,The friendship and the things thatAren't always within the usual four wallsOf friendship.I get the memories of late night chats,And of early morning e-mails,And surprises...

One Nipple, One Photo

"She gives me a solitary image which arouses me"

One nipple,One photo,Not enough detail to make a positive identificationIn a police line-up.One nipple,One photo,That is all she sends me to arouseMy curiosity.One nipple,One photo,My hand reaches down and findsMy hardness.One nipple,One photo,Enough to bring me to orgasm by myOwn...

No Time for Pretty Words

"Two potential lovers argue over the terms of their encounter"

No time for pretty words, you say,Just fuck me fast.There's always time for pretty words, I say,Let me make love to you.No time.I want your cock inside me,I want to be filled,I want the sweat to pour down from ourForeheadsAnd...