Vignette #2

"A military commander volunteers to become a slave to save a village."

Marius placed the last goblet on his silver tray in front of the guest sitting next to Clelia, the wife of the commander of the military base.  Marius was totally naked. He didn’t even have adornments like those of his...

Vignette #1

"Connor craves humiliation and Rachel obliges."

At five in the afternoon on this early spring day, the sun was already casting shadows. As Connor climbed the steps to the stoop of the red brick row house his whole body was sensitized in anticipation of what would...


"In Appreciation Of Masculinity"

He was lying supine on top of the bedspread. He smiled at her lazily.She loved his legs, the rough texture and the contours of the muscles in his thighs.She especially loved the tangled what's-it at the top of his legs....

Stairway to Heaven

"She had an idea for a sexy project."

"Oh!" he said when he walked in the front door. "Oh, hey!" he said delightedly as he surveyed her naked self.She grinned enticingly. "Come out back. I've built something.""Built something?""Yeah. Come on." She took him by the hand and led...