Delayed Flight

"A weather delayed flight leads to an impromptu encounter"

The airport was bustling at six o'clock on a Tuesday evening. Snow was beginning to blanket the area, and while flights were still coming and going, visibility was rapidly deteriorating. Please clear my flight, I thought. Pleeeeeease. I wanted to go...

Helping Kelli

"Will helps his female coworker live out a fantasy"

A couple weeks ago, I found myself on a rather interesting business trip. The long and short of it is that I ended up walking in...accidentally, mind you...on one of my coworkers masturbating. But, a little background before I get...

[Author’s note: Continued from previous stories. Characters may make more sense if you read those first.] Heather walked Miranda down the darkened, glistening streets to her apartment. The mostly quiet stroll was punctuated by short conversations about city life, favorite...

Wine Bar Date

"A woman risks discovery to please her friend"

Miranda walked down the street in a daze, trying to ignore the lingering moisture between her legs. After her surprising, yet incredibly rewarding experience at the coffee shop, she could hardly wait for dinner later with the mysterious Heather. Even...