Miss Parker – Part Seven

"This is the long awaited seventh part to this on-going story. Sorry it took so long."

Chapter OneThe graveyard was quiet and peaceful as Robert walk the all too familiar path to his wife’s grave. He laid the flowers he had brought and tidied up the space around the stone. When he was done, he sat...

A continuing need

"Kathy comes around for more"

A couple of weeks later, I was sitting watching a movie when the phone rang. “Hi it’s Kathy.” “Hey Kathy, how is it?” “Fine, I have the day off and was wondering if you were about.” “Yeah, I’m just chilling...

Jennifer’s Shame

"Jennifer returns to her old school to see how it has changed"

At the age of 37, Jennifer Carson still had it. Her face was unlined and she was fitter than she had ever been in her life. Appraising her naked body in the mirror, she allowed herself a small smile of...

Special Program

"A widow is looking for a good school for her daughter."

This was the story idea I was working on before you all wanted another part to Miss Parker. There is no spanking in this part, it's all prelude. Let me know if this is something you'd like me to develop....

Miss Parker – Part 4

"Gabriella comes home from boarding school for the summer"

Part 4 By the end of the following week, Caroline had completed her education plan for Gabriella. She had spoken with a number of her teachers and established weaknesses and had also read all the reports handed to her by...

Miss Parker – Part 3

"Carolina and Aunt Fiona visit Robert Wilson"

Part 3 Caroline spent the night in her old room at her Aunt’s house and next morning sat gingerly on a cushion at the breakfast table. “So Caroline, do you think you’ll be able to correct young Gabriella when she...

On Report

"A young girl experiences 1940s army life"

I'm writing Part 3 of the Miss Parker series, but re-working it. This story was inspired by a woman I saw in a tearoom in a small town not far from where I live during a WWII commemoration. She was...

Miss Parker – Part 2

"Caroline is worried about being able to deal with her new charge, so she goes to her aunt for advice"

Miss Parker – Part 2 “Gabriella will be home in two weeks time Miss Parker. By the time she arrives I expect you to have created a detailed plan of action regarding her education. I have taken the liberty of...

Miss Parker

"A graduate teacher goes for a job interview as a private tutor to the daugher of a rich businessman"

This is my first attempt, so please be gentle. All feedback appreciated.Part 1. At 23 years old Miss Caroline Parker had graduated with a 1st class honors degree in history and had completed her teacher training. Her preference was for...