Julie and the cruise

"Julie continues her hotwife adventure on a cruise"

Cruises are nice: go places, see things, eat good food. If you've got a wife like mine, a cruise is a great opportunity to show her off. Julie is really taking to her new role as a hotwife and it shows...

Julie and the Hot Tub

"Julie has an unexpected encounter when housesitting for a friend"

Julie’s friend Lorraine was off on vacation leaving Julie to watch over her house. This was no hardship, Lorraine has a really nice place on the lake with a big-screen TV, jacuzzi hot tub and a cat named Bill. I...

Julie and the Snowstorm

"Wife hitches a ride home with two guys after a party, gets more than she bargained for."

It’s not even like we really needed the money; we were doing fine, but my wife Julie decided she’d find a part-time job to earn a little extra cash for the Christmas season. She looked all around and finally found...