The chance I never took…

"As I was checking into lodging for the seminar, I felt her presence, then heard the voice of the one that I never took a chance with, Gina."

I felt her presence well before I heard her familiar voice. It reminded me of the chance I never took. Before I dive into this encounter, I need to give you some backstory first. I spent twenty-six years in the Air...

Red Eye

"It started when I overheard the conversation"

It started with an overheard conversation.The first thing I noticed about her was the sparkle in her stunning green eyes, next was her hair pulled back into a ponytail that reached mid-back, and finally the flair of her hips in...

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Brand New Adventure

"Judy saw it arrive and had to come over"

Judy saw it arrive, as soon as it was set up, she came over to look at the new addition, an 8-person hot tub.The knock on the door announced her arrival. She arrived carrying a towel, a bottle of wine...

Teenage Masturbation…Pt 6

"Tricia was waiting for me at the pond"

My mind was racing, my cock was throbbing, and I did the only thing that I thought was natural. I placed my hands on Tricia’s ass and pulled her up to me as we kissed as if the world was...

Teenage Masturbation…PT.5

"This was officially the best summer of my life. There was just one huge looming problem..."

After the Saturday movie adventure, I stayed away from the pool, not sure how to act around the girls. I was a lust-filled fool; I wouldn’t say I was in “love” with either Barb or Bren, but I loved the moments...

Teenage Masturbation…PT 4

"I had played with my first pussy, fingered this girl to orgasm, both first's for me and now she was"

It had been a couple weeks since my adventures with Barb and Bren. I still went to their pool daily, jerked off at the pond on the way home and thought about how I could score something from Tricia. I...

Teenage Masturbation…PT 3

"I was alone with Barb and her amazing bikini clad ass. I didn’t know what to do, but Barb had ideas."

Barb was swimming laps when I got to their pool. I looked around and didn’t see Tricia or Bren. That was a relief, I wasn’t sure how to act around Bren after our little adventure yesterday.When Barb swam up to...

Teenage Masturbation…PT 2

"So, here I was alone with Barb and her amazing bikini clad ass. I didn’t know what to do…"

After the most embarrassing moment of my life, I stayed home and avoided the girls for several days. With it being summer, I slept late and did my own thing, which still included a lot of jacking off.Being the time,...

Teenage Masturbation – Pt 1

"All I knew was that they just saw me jacking off, cumming and I was horribly embarrassed!"

I was your typical sixteen-year-old teenager, loved the shape of girls but didn’t know how to get close to them. Luckily there was a group of girls (three of them) around the same age that I hung out with a lot.Barb...