The Flirt – A Heather Story – Part 11

"CJ feeds Heather after dinner with their parents"

"What was THAT about?" CJ asked, smiling and spent.The whole thing with Kim, my soaking wet panties, and total bewilderment of which way my sexual compass was pointing, started a raging fire that was only extinguishable by immediate, masculine penetration...

The Flirt – A Heather Story – Part 10

"Kim makes a seductive play at Heather"

"So?" Kim asked, smiling. "How was it?""How was what?" I shook my head absently, finishing a term paper for my English & Literature class.The showroom was empty because of the weather. Rain definitely shuts our dealership down. Fortunately, my boss lets me...

The Flirt – A Heather Story – Part 9

"Heather tells Daddy about CJ, then relives her previous encounter... alone."

"OK. I'll admit it. CJ is pretty impressive," Daddy said, clearing the dinner dishes from the table.I smiled. I knew Daddy would like CJ if he met him. My dad has been pretty critical of the boys I'd hung out with in...

I told you my parents would adore you, CJ texted.What did they say? I asked in a text response.Well, my mom said you are delightful. Honestly never even heard her use that word before. Tell her I said she's delightful too!...

"That sure was a fancy ride you left in the other day," Bryce teased. "You didn't tell us it was prom night!""Oh, you're funny, Bryce! Write that joke yourself?""That one might have been Harp's. We were laughing our ASSES off!""Looks...

The Flirt – A Heather Story – Part 5

"Heather opens up to CJ, in more ways than one."

"Do you like the lasagna?" CJ asked"Oh my God. It's amazing!" I answered. "Tell your chef, it's the best I've ever had.""OK. I know you're making fun, because you know I didn't cook it," CJ said, soberly. Then he glanced...

The Flirt – A Heather Story – Part 4

"CJ advances his pursuit of Heather in the other-world of his swimming pool."

Hair up? Hair down? Ponytail? I pleaded with the girl in the mirror to give me a break with the indecisiveness. Fuck it. He won't see anything except my bathing suit anyway. Ponytail, it is.When I emerged from the changing...

The Flirt – A Heather Story – Part 3

"Heather gets dinner... and more."

I had a great time tonight. Really hope to see you again soon, CJ texted, as soon as I got home.No chance! I replied.Really??Yes. I don't go out with guys who don't share the story about their VERY personal car...