A Familiar Seduction

"I meet you at the mall, and allow myself to be enticed."

When I saw you at the mall I did a double-take. You were nearly stunning in a pair of white jeans with a slim gold belt and shiny silk blouse. High heels clicking; a princess in the midst of pigs....

Phero Moans

"Clubbing with a purpose"

Out on the street, lookin to meetI wanna get me some of that heatMy mom's home bangin her latest loserWhile I'm in the club with the hustlers and the posersBlood red lipstick on a schoolgirl smileDon't mind the package, so...


"I go to visit an old friend while at home on Winter break"

My hands are shaking as I drive out to his trailer on the county line. Breathing deeply, telling my inner Casey what a foolish thing I'm doing, but not heeding my own advice. Taking one last deep breath and walking...