Paula And The Unexpected Encounter

"Paula meets a new friend who also likes to cross-dress"

After I graduated from University, I stayed in the same town because I had been lucky enough to find work in the field I had studied while at Uni.I realized that it would be a whole new life for me...

Paula And Mardi Gras

"Further cross dressing adventures with Maggie"

After our Halloween experience, Maggie and I began to spend more time together. Officially Marcus/Maggie was in charge of the costume and makeup department of the University Drama Club and I was his assistant but, having discovered our mutual liking...

Paula At University

"Paula's life moves on to new adventures."

As with life generally, time moves on and suddenly I realized that the summer holidays were coming to an end. Soon I would be going up to university to do an arts degree. This would bring to an end my...

Helen’s Debt

"I watch as Helen pays her debt in kind."

Following the adventure I had had with Helen when she asked if I would show her the view from the top of my local church tower, it was not surprising that soon after we were again on the tower roof.This...

View From The Tower

"An unexpected result from an invitation to climb to the top of a church tower."

Let me begin by saying that I am the tower captain of my local church tower. By this, I mean that I am responsible for the bells and the bell ringing for Sunday services, weddings other similar occasions. Because of...

Paula Learns More Of Dee’s Beginnings

"Following their previous meeting Paula and Dee go further"

So there I was, a week later, standing outside and waiting to be let into the studio and when Dee opened the door I was stunned. She looked gorgeous and very alluring in a plain white blouse through which I...

Paula And The Photographer

"Further adventures during a photography session."

Following the success of winning the town's charity fancy dress competition, where I went as Cinderella and my sister Sue went as Prince Charming, I was wondering if this would be the end of my cross-dressing experience. While in this...

Paula’s Progress

"Paul's further experiences with his sister's help since 'Becoming Paula'"

Having agreed with sister Sue to enter the town's fancy dress competition as Cinderella and Prince Charming, with me as Cinderella and her as the Prince, I had discovered my liking for wearing girl's clothes. The feel of them, especially...