A few minutes ago, Carla had been in a good mood after having won in straight sets at tennis and was going to enjoy a quick shower before planning the rest of her day.
As she opened the front door and proceeded to her bedroom, she started to hear erotic female moans. Quietly approaching the slightly open door, she was shocked to see her daughter giving her already rosy bottom a hard spanking while Melody was in the throes of a strong orgasm.
As Melody started orgasming on Carla’s bed it caused several thoughts to zoom around in her head.
Firstly, how outrageous of Melody to use her hairbrush to get herself off while being naked in Carla’s bedroom.
Secondly, that Carla needed to confront her daughter about this bad behaviour but how to best tackle this situation?
The third thought was whether it was a good idea to push for spanking as a punishment if Melody clearly liked discipline?
The fourth and most appealing idea of Carla’s was how could she use this to her advantage? This could be a golden opportunity to start taking control of her wayward daughter; if Carla could convince Melody to sign the Punishment Contract it would give Carla free reign to deliver her own very hard spanking to her daughter’s hot bottom.
As Melody had recovered from her amazing orgasms and was about to head back to her room, she saw her mother standing in the doorway looking irate.
A wave of shock, fear and humiliation washed over her, and as much as she tried to hold herself together, Melody started crying. Her mother must think her some freak to be spanking herself in her bedroom and how could she ever face her after this incident?
Carla sat down on the bed beside Melody and let her cry while hugging her and telling her it would be alright soon.
Melody kept sobbing for another few minutes and still couldn’t look at her mother, instead, put her hands over her face and felt grateful when Carla maneuvered her to have her face down lying across her mother’s knee.
Until now, Carla had been wrestling with her dilemma over whether to implement the spankings; but seeing her daughter’s red bottom being placed so invitingly over her knee tipped the scales heavily in favour!
Carla started to scold Melody about her naughtiness, being naked in Carla’s bedroom, getting pussy juice all over her bed was a red line. Along with all her undone chores, brattiness and poor work ethic what was about to happen had been a long time coming.
Melody realised too late that Carla was about to discipline her already well-spanked bottom, and attempted to wriggle away. It was hopeless as Carla had pinned her arm behind her back and wrapped her leg around Melody’s ensuring no escape from her deserved punishment.
The first spank was not as hard as when Melody used the hairbrush, but it caused her to begin crying again both from how tender her butt was, and knowing that a threshold had now definitely been crossed, with this unlikely to be her only spanking from Carla.
Carla had planned to give about two dozen hard spanks to her slutty naked daughter, but as she kept going it was releasing so much built-up tension that Carla couldn’t stop. It was just too good to be able to put her daughter in her place while hearing more apologies in a few minutes than she usually heard in a year.
Melody had stopped struggling and had to listen to both the steady smacks from Carla’s hand and the occasional line of how this was for her own good and she would think twice about being naughty in this house again.
The clock on the side table was hard to read as Melody’s face was streaked with tears, but it didn’t surprise her that after ten more minutes of unrelenting spanks, there was a break for a few moments. Melody tried to get off her mum’s lap yet was still firmly held there; Carla had only stopped to pick up her hairbrush!
Seeing this, Melody started pleading with Carla that she wouldn’t do this again and it was going to hurt too much. Carla was unmoved and only responded that if her daughter could orgasm from using the hairbrush then she could definitely learn her lesson from it as well.
Carla soon told her that they were over halfway done but she needed to get the message across that she was in charge now and every time she felt Melody needed to change her behaviour it would mean another spanking.
Raising the hairbrush up high, Carla brought it down several times on Melody’s left cheek, before switching to the right side to even out the colour which was turning dark red. It was clearly having an effect as Melody was beginning to squirm around a lot and begging Carla to stop the spanking.
Unbeknownst to her mother, Melody had begun to become aroused the moment the hairbrush had started to be used, now she was wanting the spanking to stop as her pussy was getting very wet with an orgasm on its way. It would probably result in another spanking if she came hard whilst being disciplined.
Simply having this thought cross her mind caused Melody to become even hornier as Carla began to spank the back of Melody’s legs to finish the punishment. Trying her best not to come, Melody instead focused on what her mother was saying about her needing to improve herself to avoid future discipline; yet this only made her wetter.
Melody was now kicking her legs as her orgasm threatened to crash over her. Unfortunately, this only caused Carla to increase the tempo of the last dozen spanks which were the hardest so far.
Carla was trying her best to hit the spots just under the bottom so every time her daughter sat down she would have a reminder of this spanking.
The last spank with the hairbrush missed the target and landed firmly on Melody’s shaved cunt, causing her to scream in both pleasure and pain as she finally erupted in orgasm.
For the next couple of minutes, Carla and Melody didn’t move, with the stern mother resolving to not back down from implementing a new spanking regime; while Melody was still reeling from her orgasm.
Melody shakily got up to run to her room, but was shocked into compliance as her mother took hold of her ear; proceeding to march her over to the other side of the room and put Melody’s nose in the corner with her hands on her head!
Carla snapped that this is what she needed to complete her attitude adjustment and she would stay in that position until Carla came out of the shower and then would apologise for being such a naughty little brat.
The moment Melody heard the shower start she wanted to rub her sore backside, and go back to her room straight away; yet this had been what she wanted not so long ago, right?
There was also the fact that if she went back to her room Carla would drag her back out anyway; so Melody stayed exactly where she was and had to admit it was a deserved punishment.
While Melody was in her naughty spot, she began thinking of all the times recently when she was out of line, and how, if a hard spanking had been given, she would not have acted out as much. Smiling at coming to this epiphany, Melody resolved to get at least a couple of punishments a week to help rein in her bad habits.
This would mean she’d have to show Carla the completed Punishment Contract with all her added rules; it would also mean a third spanking at bedtime tonight which may be a little too much!
On reflection, if one bare bottom spanking could change her mind on whether to implement the Punishment Contract rules, then could discipline with the hairbrush change her into an obedient daughter?
When Carla came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel she was initially worried that her daughter would be over the shock of what happened and be back to her usual self. Yet when Melody spoke, she was quiet and submissive in tone, agreeing to be disciplined whenever her mother felt she needed a spanking.
Half an hour later, Melody was back in her room, reliving every moment of her spanking experience so far that day. It had been exhilarating to be spanked without a say in how long or hard it would be, along with the expectation of many more to come. Carla had even said, as Melody left the room after completing her naughty spot time, that if she caught Melody naked again, she would buy a cane to use on her in addition to the hairbrush.