Her name was Mellissa. She stood 5’ 4”. Her dark hair fell to between her shoulder blades. Her features were perfectly symmetrical and included deep green eyes and full, ruby lips. Her skin was unblemished and lightly tanned, giving it the appearance of glowing. Her slim frame and the way she dressed made you notice her 34C breasts and her perfect ass. Though she had a short torso she made up for it with her long, toned legs. She worked out to keep her gorgeous figure and she kept her area neatly trimmed.
Her real parents had died in an accident when she was 10 and she had been fostered by a Catholic pair who couldn’t have children, though she was anything but Catholic. Also, she was only 33, having been 14 when she had had Michael. Michael’s biological father had served a 10 year prison sentence for rape and child abuse and now lived at least 4 states away as stipulated in the court order issued upon his release.
Mellissa had met him at a party when she had just turned 13. The boy had seemed nice at first; he had introduced himself as being 15 and she had liked him instantly. They had dated for a couple of months and he’d even bought her jewellery. He seemed a real gentleman … until the night he took her to ‘meet his parents’; instead he had bound her in a field and raped her, then left her there. It was later discovered he was a very young looking 19 year old and had even used a false name and address, and it was later discovered that she was pregnant.
Her foster parent’s views on abortion had forced her to keep the child, and so Michael had been born. But she never once regretted the decision, never having anything but love for him. Her foster parents had supported her in everything, watching him for her so she could continue school and then college.
At the age of 22 she had met Michael’s step-father, who was then 29 and the owner and founder of his own company. They had married and moved in together 2 years later.
It was not long after his 19 th Birthday that Michael first had his Mother and this is the story of how it happened.
Michael had hit puberty at 12 and was instantly a horny devil, with a mind only for girls and sex. He had matured quickly and lost his virginity at 14 to his 28 year old, hot, blonde, large C, maths teacher. It was not till he was 15 that he first began to notice his Mother as anything but his Mother. It started the way it starts for most boys who fancy their mums; his friends commenting on how lucky he was to have such a hot mum, how much they would do her, how she was such a MILF, girls commenting on how sexy her clothes were, how perfect she always looked and how they wished they had a mum like her.
At first of course, he had laughed at the comments and said he didn’t see what they saw, she was just his Mother. But soon, he began to see past this. He began to realise how young she was, how perfect her hair was, the size and shape of her breasts, the curve of her hips and the long, supple legs she possessed. Not just the obvious did he notice; he began to love the sway of her ass, the way she smiled, the delicate action of tucking hair behind her ears, the sound of her voice, the electric spark her touch caused in him. In short, by his 16 th birthday, she was the only woman he really wanted.
Over the next three years, he found as many opportunities as possible to be alone with her, to spend time with her when she wore a bikini in summer, to sit beside her while they watched films together. He went further, becoming more daring the older he got. You see, his step-father had to travel frequently as part of his job and could be gone for a week or more at a time and only home for a few before he was gone again. During these times, Michael spent his time stalking his Mother.
When she went for showers, he would try and watch her through the keyhole but sometimes she closed the shower curtain and he couldn’t see her. Even if not, the keyhole only provided a view of her top half clearly. He would find excuses to be in her bedroom and talk to her while she was changing, looking the other way of course but slyly using the mirror to snatch glimpses of her. He even sometimes made her breakfast in bed, just because he knew she liked to sleep in just boy-shorts. On several occasions he had entered the room before she was awake to be rewarded with a view of her when she had unknowingly kicked the covers off in the night. He would then go back out and knock, so she could cover up, thinking no-one had seen.
But up until today, he had only ever seen her top half, her wonderful 34C cups, firm and round, with nipples pointing straight out, not a hint of sagging. Little did he know just how much more he would see by the end of the day.
He had got up early as he always did, even though it was a Saturday. He exercised for an hour or so before catching a quick, luke-warm shower in his private bathroom before donning some sport shorts and a tank top; he almost invariably slept naked. He had gone down to the kitchen to get some breakfast to find his Mother was there already. He had found it unusual for her to be up so early and commented as such.
She had replied that his step-father was due home today and that there were a number of things she wanted to have done before hand as he was scheduled to be home for a good few weeks this time and with the great weather that had set in, she didn’t want to have to spend the time on chores but with him.
Michael had asked what she wanted him to do and she assigned him polishing and hovering duties before he was to mow the rear lawn. She was going out to get in supplies for a BBQ they would have the next day but she would be back soon.
It was now three hours later and Michael was half way through mowing the lawn. He had ditched his top and had sunglasses on now instead against the bright mid-day sun. It was at least 77* out and he had stopped for a drink and a breather. Just then he heard the car pull into the drive. The engine shut off and a door was opened and closed, then he heard the boot go. A moment later he heard Mellissa calling for him.
Leaving the mower where it was, Michael exited the garden through the side gate and went to help his Mother. He paused when he saw what she was wearing now. She had taken off the thin jacket she had been wearing that morning to reveal she only wore a skimpy bikini top underneath and the short-shorts didn’t help stem the erection forming in his pants.
“Well? Don’t just stand there ogling your Mum’s new bikini, come and give me a hand,” she laughed at her son.
They had a rather relaxed relationship, possibly due to the less of an age gap then most parents and offspring have but mostly because of how close they were for spending a whole lot of time together.
Michael shook himself and moved to stand beside her at the back of the big SUV.
Between them, they ferried what seemed to him enough food to feed an army from the car, through the gate and into the kitchen.
“Jeez, Mum, how many people are coming to this barbie?”
“You know how much you and your Father eat; I just hope I got enough.”
Michael had to grin at that. He had to admit he and his step-father really did like to eat.
Once they had finished, Mellissa inspected the house to see how good a job he had done with the hovering.
“Passable I guess,” was her joking report, for which she received a feigned look of shock and a bump on the arm.
“Right, I’m going to finish this mowing, Mum, then I think I’ll go lie down for a bit, it’s really hot out here and my head hurts.”
“Okay, Michael. I’m going to sit in the Jacuzzi for a while and relax before I start gardening. If you want you can join me when you’re done instead of going in.”
Michael said he might, depending on how he felt. Twenty minutes later he was nearly finished, only five or so minutes to go. His Mother was in the Jacuzzi on the other side of the garden on a raised area of decking.
He took a quick drink and was about to continue when she called to him.
“Yes Mum?” he hollered back.
“Are you coming to join me when you’re done? Only, if not, then I’m going to slip off my top as it’s too tight. I think I got a size too small.”
Michael knew from earlier that it was a string tie bikini and so it was completely adjustable, so he guessed that was just a clever excuse to be topless. As he had already mowed and raked the lawn around there, he had no excuse to go over and he knew he couldn’t see her from here, not with the added elevation of the decking, and he knew she knew it too. But, from his bedroom …
“That’s fine Mum, I’m just going to head in, I still feel woozy.”
All he got in return was a lazy thumbs up. Obviously his Mother had been hoping he’d say no.
Soon he saw her top straddling the side of the Jacuzzi and he had finished the grass. He packed the mower and rakes away in the shed, took one final look at his Mother’s head reclining on the Jacuzzi headrests, and went inside. He did not head straight up immediately, but got another drink first and then sauntered up at a leisurely pace. He didn’t want his Mother to think anything was up. Not that he thought she would notice anyway but he had to be sure.
When he reached his room, he was relieved to see he had not opened his curtains that morning. There was a small gap, maybe two inches wide in the centre and he thanked his lucky stars. Exchanging his sunglasses for the binoculars resting on his desk, he shut his door and crept to the window. Peeping through the window, he was pleased to find that, although the sun was almost right above the house and bathing the garden proper in sunlight, it was at just the right angle that the back walls of the house were in deep shadow, the kind of dark shadows only created by contrast with stark, white light. Thus he would be rendered invisible at the gap and there would be no sunlight to shine off the binocular lenses and so give him away.
He brought them up to his eyes and trained them down on the Jacuzzi. He twiddled with the focus and suddenly there was his stunning Mother, in plain view, topless in the clear water. Only the massage bubbles were on so the water hardly moved affording him an almost perfect view. His hand unconsciously slipped down and slid his shorts down his legs, releasing his ten inch cock; he hadn’t bothered with boxers today, too hot for more than one layer.
He took hold of his throbbing shaft and began to stroke himself in time to his deep breaths. As if on cue, Mellissa sat up a little and looked toward the house, most likely to check he had indeed gone inside, Michael thought. She lay back again, shifting her position slightly so she could spread her legs and brought her hands up to her breasts. She began to squeeze and massage them, playing with them in a shockingly sensual display. Michael’s tempo changed and he began to beat himself in sync with his Mother’s actions, his breathe quickening, his mouth growing dry.
This was the first time he had ever seen his Mother playing with herself. Sure, he’d seen her itch her crotch or fiddle with her breasts to adjust her comfort, but nothing like this. He hoped she would go further and he didn’t have long to wait. Her left hand suddenly slid down her body while her right moved so she could cover both breasts. Her wandering hand disappeared beneath her flimsy bikini bottoms and he could tell she was straight in with her fingers. He had watched enough porn to recognise the signs as her back arched and she bit her lip to keep herself quiet so the neighbours wouldn’t hear. Yes, they had a high fence but no need to advertise the sexual scene.
After only a few more seconds, Michael couldn’t take it anymore. His balls squeezed and he felt seamen rush up his cock. Before it could shoot out and possibly hit the window and give the game away he turned, bracing himself with his right hand on the window sill, and shot it into a tissue box on his bedside table, positioned for just such an event and in easy reach when masturbating on the bed.
After his last few drips had landed on the carpet and tissues, he scooped up the box and wandered into his bathroom, where he cleaned himself up and flushed the used tissues. Returning to his room, he collapsed on his back on his bed, utterly spent. He was soon drifting in and out of sleep.
He was awakened, what he thought was minutes later but had actually been a good couple of hours, by the sound of his door opening followed by his Mother’s voice. He froze, feigning sleep, keeping his eyes all but closed. His Mother was asking what he wanted for dinner but she also froze when she realised he was asleep. It was surprisingly dark in the room so Michael couldn’t quite see her clearly, but he could tell her top was back on, as were her shorts and that a pair of gardening gloves hung from her belt.
He watched as she slowly began to back out.
He noticed her move her head from his crotch to his face, back to his crotch, back to his face and back again. To his surprise, she moved further into the room, tip-toeing beside his bed. He saw her hesitate then quietly drop to her knees. She seemed transfixed by his cock. He had known from the minute he woke that it was partially erect and when he saw her slowly reach a hand out towards it, all the while watching his face, he felt it harden further, especially when her finger tips brushed the shaft.
His cock jumped a little at that and grew fully erect. He heard her giggle softly at that.
“Wow,” he heard her whisper, “My son, blessed with such a monster.”
He was quite surprised and warmed by this compliment, but he was finding it a little strange that she was so relaxed at being inches from her own son’s massive member.
“You’ll make your future wife very happy,” she whispered to his ‘sleeping’ form before she rose quietly and slipped out of the room, closing the door behind her.
Michael lay there awhile longer. He knew it was ridiculous but he felt cheated. He had had his Mother a mere foot from him, admiring his naked cock, and he hadn’t made a move. He knew he couldn’t; it was his Mother and she had just proven, to his way of thinking, by her inaction that she didn’t share his perverse feelings.
A little later he went down stairs, cock away, to have dinner with her. They chatted about this and that, not really conversing much as they…