Megan had her nose pressed against the wall with her arms folded behind her back knowing her shorts and knickers were on the dining table behind her and her bare bottom was on show as she was wearing only her red vest top and bra. She was doing naughty spot time because she had spilt red wine on her step-mums’ new dress although it would be her girlfriend, or rather her chummy mummy, Cindy, who would be dealing with her. Cindy was forty-three and she and Megan had been a serious item for over a year. They met whilst Megan was at college, and she was now in her second year.
Megan was now nineteen.
Cindy was a strong-willed woman who wanted to be the one in charge of any relationship she was in. She was drawn towards partners Megan’s age because she found girls in their late teens or early twenties were more inclined to accept the authority of a mother figure.
In fact, Megan fitted the profile exactly as she was drawn toward older women. The reason was her step-mum, Sheila, who was, like Cindy, forty-three.
As her nose was pressed against the wall, Megan thought back to before her relationship with Cindy when she still lived at home. Sheila had married Megan’s dad when Megan was sixteen and from the start made it clear that she expected to be obeyed more like a governess than a mum. Her dad was often away on business for weeks at a time and so Megan had no choice but to accept Sheila’s authority and to accept the whole list of rules that Sheila set concerning helping around the house, keeping her room tidy at all times, keeping to her curfew, doing her homework, and the like.
There were also the consequences of breaking the rules and the main one was a bare-bottom spanking. In fact, spanking tended to be the only consequence Sheila imposed instead of time out or being grounded. It was also standard that on each day she was spanked she also had to be in bed by seven o’clock with her light out and her phone and other electronic devices in the living room with Sheila.
Megan had quickly grown to hate her step-mum just as she also hated being spanked, although to be fair Megan only hated Sheila when across her lap although knew each spanking was well deserved. So, when after just a few months Sheila and her dad divorced, Megan still had a special bond with her now ex-step-mum but often slept over at hers to experience the maternal style discipline she found she actually craved.
When sleeping over she was treated like the daughter still and had to obey Sheila like she would a real mum and suffer the consequences of a spanking when she didn’t, which was most times she slept over.
The routine was generally the same whenever a spanking was earned. Megan had to remove all her clothes below her waist and stand with her nose pressed against the wall with her arms folded behind her back. Sheila would generally be in the room for the fifteen minutes Megan had to have her nose pressed against the wall.
Initially, the spanking was in private but after one incident when Megan was determined to have been rude to a friend of Sheila’s and she got spanked in front of the friend, having people watch then became a regular thing. Megan instantly hated the humiliation of being watched as she was spanked and that added to her dislike of Sheila during her spanking, but it didn’t stop her misbehaving.
Once the fifteen minutes was up Sheila would order, “Come here, child, so I can teach you a lesson.”
Megan knew that being called a child was a purposeful way of belittling her but that was Sheila all over when about to give her a spanking.
Megan had to walk the few steps to where Sheila was seated and then ease herself down across her lap. Megan of course hated being across Sheila’s lap, particularly for those few moments when Sheila rubbed her bottom and up and down the backs of her legs whilst scolding her as she looked at Sheila’s upside legs and saw her own legs under the far side of the chair. Her own bare legs of course which reminded her that her bottom was bare.
The scolding was continuously highlighting whatever Megan had done wrong and Megan always thought it was such a drag, although equally was aware that as soon as the scolding was over the spanking would start.
Sheila always used a hairbrush. She had several in her drawer because they split after every few spankings. Megan really hated the hairbrush because it hurt so much. The spanking always started with Sheila’s hand but she rested the hairbrush on Megan’s back so she knew it would be used once Sheila had turned her bottom red with her hand.
Megan was fearful of the hairbrush and Sheila knew it and used the fact. Sometimes, Sheila would hold the hairbrush and wave it around when she wanted to be sure Megan would agree to whatever she demanded. Even if the request was to go to the shops when Megan wanted to go to a friend’s house because Sheila knew that as Megan hated the hairbrush so much, she would simply agree with her request.
Megan hated Sheila as much as she hated the hairbrush although hate was too harsh a word when describing how Megan thought about Sheila when not being spanked. She was her step-mum and most of the time was a warm and loving woman. She was the right age for being her mum and although very strict she was also a mum who saw her role as guiding her daughter and not being her daughter’s best friend, and that meant imposing a disciplinary regime and enforcing it. Indeed, although really her step-mum Megan always called her her mum when talking to her or about her.
So, whilst most of the time Megan was happy that Sheila was her mum, when Megan earned a spanking, she knew her mum dealt sternly with her and only ever gave a long and hard disciplinary spanking just as any strict mum should give.
Megan remembered those spankings so well and hated every single one. A spanking would never take less than ten minutes nor involve less than fifty spanks with the hairbrush on each bottom cheek. Every inch of her bottom cheeks were always red by the end of the spanking and the backs of her legs were also bright red and she remembered so clearly how much her bottom and legs stung. She invariably lay on her bed after having to be on her tummy as she clutched her burning stinging bottom cheeks with one hand and rubbed away the seemingly never-ending tears with the back of her other arm until she fell asleep. When she woke up the memory of the spanking returned immediately because her bottom still stung, even if she slept for several hours.
Megan knew though that Sheila didn’t spank so hard because she enjoyed it or was being deliberately vindictive. Far from it, in fact, because afterward once she had asked sternly if Megan had learned her lesson and got the expected apology, then Sheila would give Megan a loving maternal hug like only a loving mum could give and with lots of kisses on her cheek. It was clear that once the spanking was over then so far as Sheila was concerned the slate was clean and Megan was a good girl again, at least until another rule was broken which inevitably it was.
Whilst being spanked was a horrid memory for Megan in reality she was spanked only once or twice a month. For the rest of the time, she remembered Sheila as a loving mother figure who always put her first and was always there for her. So, whilst not her best friend she was the best mum that anyone could have, and she loved her for being just a great mum to her.
Indeed, it was Sheila who drove Megan to College and helped her settle into her digs and who cried when she eventually had to leave her there, just like a proper loving mum.
Megan reckoned that because she loved her step-mum so much she was drawn to older women who were like her. Of course, it was rare to find a woman who was both maternally dominant and sexually attractive as a partner, but Cindy was exactly that. She had the same no-nonsense do as I say tone of voice as Sheila, and liked to be in control like Sheila, so a chord was struck in Megan’s mind that she had found the older woman who was like her mum but was also a chummy mummy who she had the most wonderful finger and tongue sex with. It was perfect, she knew.
In return, Cindy loved Megan as the daughter she never had which was why she liked younger women Megan’s age. They did argue, but as friends rather than mum and daughter, until one-day Cindy slapped Megan on the bottom and told her to behave.
Megan retorted with, “You sound like my mum before she gave me a spanking,” and blushed.
Cindy was surprised that Megan spoke about being spanked as though it was a recent thing, so asked, “When was the last time you were spanked?”
Megan hadn’t intended to mention spanking although now she had she knew that she had pictured herself across Cindy’s lap when masturbating. She worked out her answer though. She had met Cindy within a month of starting College and a month later had moved in with her and she was now in her second year at college. “The week before starting College,” Megan admitted blushing.
Cindy was surprised that Megan had still been spanked when she was eighteen but that could work in her favour and she replied sternly, “Well maybe a good spanking is just what you need from time to time.”
“I haven’t broken any rules though, have I,” Meagan said with her hands on her hips sounding as if she had given such a smart response.
“I can set some rules, my girl, and then see if you earn a spanking,” Cindy shot back.
“Okay,” Megan replied because as she argued with Cindy, she realised she did want some rules to comply with and know that if she did break them then she would get a spanking. After all, Megan knew that Cindy was getting frustrated with the way she misbehaved as she was the youngster in the relationship and Cindy wanted maternal control then she would let her have it, just like her mum had disciplinary control over her and it had worked so well for them both.
It took only twenty minutes for Cindy to happily produce a set of rules which Megan said she would abide by even without reading them as Megan quickly realised that she would even feel more comfortable with a set of rules with boundaries and knowing she would earn a spanking if she broke any and hoped that Cindy would prefer that as well.
“If you don’t abide by them then you will earn a spanking,” Cindy pointed out sternly.
“I know,” Megan said meekly but felt flutters flying around her vagina and thought how that never happened when her mum told her how close she was to getting a spanking.
It didn’t take long for Megan to break her first rule and as she was across Cindy’s lap having her bare bottom spanked, she realised that she still hated the pain of the spanking.
However, as she bawled her eyes out after spanking her but with her still across her lap, Cindy rubbed and squeezed Megan’s bottom and calmed her down and as Cindy rubbed Megan’s legs she quite unintentionally rubbed the inside of her thighs and just once accidentally ran her fingers along Megan’s pussy lips.
Megan gasped as she felt Megan’s fingers running along her pussy lips and at that moment realised she was actually aroused by the spanking.
Cindy hadn’t meant to finger Megan but heard the gasp and wondered whether Megan was aroused by being spanked and so ran her fingers along her pussy lips again and heard the repeated erotic gasp.
Even before the discovery of how wet Megan got when spanked, she knew that what was different for her when being spanked by Cindy was that giving the spanking calmed Cindy down, and, afterward, there were always loving maternal hugs and kisses which invariably ended up with them making out. “You are a good girl now,” Cindy would say as she wiped away Megan’s tears, so just like Sheila after spanking her except with Cindy they nearly always ended up in bed.
For Megan as well the feelings were different. The spanking still hurt, and she was just as repentant but now she understood her damp pussy was a result of the spanking and whilst the spanking remained a punishment, with Cindy, it made them both want to make out.
A spanking from Cindy still had many similarities to a spanking from Sheila. Cindy scolded first and then spanked every bit as hard as Sheila did, turning both bottom cheeks and the backs of both legs bright red. Cindy also had a supply of wooden-backed paddle hairbrushes which Megan hated just as much as the ones Sheila had, and Cindy never gave less than fifty spanks on each bottom cheek.
Cindy strictly enforced the rules and most times it was very much a discipline spanking. Even so, by the end of the spanking as Megan was crying uncontrollably with her face inches from the floor Cindy would rub her bottom before rubbing the insides of her thighs and when Megan edged her legs apart Cindy would run her fingers along her very damp pussy lips now knowing Megan would let out an erotic gasp. By then Cindy was relaxed as the tension had left her and as Megan was back in her good books and she was so aroused it seemed quite natural to make out. Cindy enjoyed the wetness of Megan’s face as well as her pussy and both reached huge orgasms lovingly giving the other finger and tongue sex.
Megan could not quite understand how come she got so aroused by being spanked but knew that she did. She never actually misbehaved on purpose to earn a spanking though, fearing that Cindy would be put off by the action. However, when it was Megan’s birthday and they both had had a couple of glasses of wine over dinner at their favourite restaurant, Cindy smirked at Megan and with a wicked smile asked, “Shall I give you a birthday spanking when we get home?”
Cindy happily agreed and it was one of the hardest but most erotic spankings Megan had ever had. The sex afterward was better than any either had had before with Cindy flicking Megan’s taut clit time and time again as Megan did the same to her. As they lay in each other’s arms, afterward, caressing each others’ breasts and pussies they both knew they had found a new erotic passion for each other.
After that Cindy suggested a monthly maintenance spanking which later dropped to weekly. These were always in addition, though, to her still regular discipline spankings but they all ended up with them making out afterwards.
Now though as Megan had her nose pressed against the wall there was a further level of embarrassment for her as she was about to be spanked with a visitor ready to watch, except the visitor was her mum. Sheila had come to see Megan at College and came to dinner with Cindy and Megan.
Sheila was only recently told by Megan that she and Cindy were together and that Megan had left her digs and was living with Cindy. She wasn’t overly happy because Cindy was her own age which was why she made a point of coming to dinner with them. She knew Megan’s dad would freak out if he knew and so Sheila chose a time when he was away.
Sheila was wearing a brand new floral sleeveless dress with bare legs. Cindy also wore a sleeveless dress which was light red and had bare legs as well. Megan wore very tight brief light grey cotton shorts and a white vest top.
Dinner was going well and the wine flowed but Megan never handled wine too well. She was waving her arms around and flicked a glass of red wine over which splashed all over Sheila’s brand new sleeveless floral dress.
Sheila was shocked, as were Cindy and Megan, but it was Sheila who said in a voice that didn’t hide her anger, “If you were still living at home you’d be going across my lap, young lady.”
Megan swallowed hard as quite frankly she already knew that she had earned a spanking as it broke Sheila’s rules and Cindy’s.
Cindy then recovered and said sternly, “No problem there, Sheila, she gets spanked in my house as well.”
Sheila was taken aback as she was just about to say she was joking to hide the fact Megan used to get spanked, and so when Cindy made her comment she said in a surprised tone, “You spank Megan?”
Cindy replied confidently, “You bet I do. In fact, I’ll show you.”
Cindy glared at Megan who knew what was coming. “Get your shorts and knickers off and get on your naughty spot and press your nose against the wall.”
Megan looked like she was already going to cry as she stood up, looked woefully at Sheila, and said, “Sorry, mum,” and yanked her cotton shorts and thong knickers downwards and stepped out of them, scooping them up, and putting them on the table. She then went and pressed her nose against the wall and folded her arms behind her back knowing her bare bottom was fully on show.
Cindy waited for Megan to settle into her usual position when about to be spanked before getting up and going to one of the drawers and taking out a wooden-backed paddle hairbrush. She picked up three and checked the backs of them before choosing one.
Sheila asked in a surprised tone, “You have several?”
Cindy was still studying the hairbrushes and replied, “Several here and more upstairs as they get well used.”
Sheila was still surprised to discover that Megan was going with a woman who spanked her as she knew how much she hated being spanked when living at home. Still, it looked like she was so maybe Megan was looking for a duplicate of her mum, Sheila thought, smiling to herself. That would be quite a compliment, she told herself happily.
Cindy returned to the table and as though knowing what Sheila would be thinking said, “She told me how you spanked her when we worked out, she needed rules and boundaries and penalties just like when she was at home, and so that is exactly what we have.”
“Well, I am all for that,” Sheila acknowledged as she looked at the red wine stains on her dress and then glared at Megan. She just hoped Cindy gave a proper spanking and not just a few light smacks which never did anyone any good.
Sheila felt good that Megan was happy to duplicate her strict home life and watched with renewed interest as Cindy turned her chair away from the table, sat down, and glared at Megan, ordering, “Come here, young lady.”
Megan turned and saw Cindy sitting on the chair and holding the hairbrush, and Sheila almost opposite and also sitting on a chair. She took a deep breath knowing it was Cindy that she was now answerable to and obediently went and stood by her side looking down at her lap. Only a few moments later she heard the instruction, “Get across my lap.”
Megan eased herself down across Cindy’s lap and as the floor came up to meet her face and her eyes were inches from the floor, she had her usual close upside-down view of the backs of Cindy’s legs and of her own dangling under the far side of the chair. What was unusual though was when she glanced sideways and saw just a few feet away what she knew were Sheila’s upside-down legs and so she had her loving mum, who only ever had her best interests at heart no matter how hard she spanked and how much she cried, about to watch her being spanked by her chummy mummy lover.
Cindy glanced across at Sheila and knew she would be watching critically as she set about spanking Megan like she always did. She started spanking on alternate bottom cheeks time and again until they turned a nice red hue and Megan was gasping after each spank and started to squirm around on her lap. She then increased the intensity by landing half a dozen spanks on each bottom cheek before spanking the other bottom cheek half a dozen times and repeating that several times. Now Megan’s bottom was a bright glowing red and she was straightening her legs and crossing them at the ankles showing how the pain was taking hold as she still gasped after every spank.
Cindy again looked across at Sheila who was now nodding her head and looking satisfied with the intensity of the spanking. She looked even more satisfied as Cindy picked up the hairbrush and tapped it a couple of times on Megan’s bottom, saying, “Sixty on each bottom cheek,” before raising her arm and bringing the hairbrush down with a loud thwack on Megan’s far bottom cheek.
Megan sniffed back tears as she felt the light taps of the hairbrush and next moment let out a loud yelp as the hairbrush spanked down on her bottom. She knew it was only the first of one-hundred-and-twenty spanks and the pain would intensify horribly but she had been so bad spilling the wine over her mum’s new dress and so earned every last spank.
Sheila watched and listened feeling more and more satisfied that Cindy was being severe enough and just like she would have been had this happened when Megan was still living with her, and as she saw Megan’s reddened bottom splattered with the hairbrush, she knew that Cindy was just the right person for her. Sheila knew that Megan reacted well to being disciplined because although she hated being spanked, she knew it was the one thing that reminded her to be at least much better behaved and responsible than she would have been without the deterrent. So, as she watched the tears flood down Megan’s face and listened to her howls of pain, and saw her now bruise-tinged bottom cheeks, she knew this was a spanking Megan would remember well into tomorrow at least.
Megan was crying uncontrollably as spank after spank landed all over her bottom. She wasn’t so sure which bottom cheek was being spanked as the stinging pain just cascaded around her whole bottom as she kicked her legs, squirmed around on Cindy’s lap, and cried out with her eyes tightly shut as she tried to cope with the pain.
Cindy counted out the spanks and as always made sure the last ten were particularly hard before putting the hairbrush down and rubbing and squeezing Megan’s bottom cheeks which she knew were stinging madly. She allowed Megan to start to calm down before telling her, “Okay, Get up, Megan.”
Megan struggled to get up from Cindy’s lap as she always did after a spanking but once up she rubbed her bottom frantically and stepped from foot to foot feeling ever so sorry for herself.
Cindy and Sheila looked on, but neither was overly sympathetic because it was such a well-deserved spanking.
Once Megan stopped doing her post-spanking dance Cindy ordered, “Now go and apologise to your mum.”
Megan was still sobbing and sniffing and wiping away her tears and rubbing her bottom and feeling so sorry for herself but did as she was told and went and stood in front of Sheila and said between sobs, “Sorry for spilling wine on your lovely new dress, mum.”
Sheila knew the apology was heartfelt and stood up holding her arms wide open and as Megan fell into them, she hugged her daughter and said, “I know you are, Megan. You just need to be more careful, but I guess you know that.”
Megan loved the maternal hug she was getting and replied a heartfelt, “I do, Mum, I do, and will keep on trying.”
Sheila kept hugging Megan as she smiled at Cindy and said, “I am pleased to see that your rules are as strict as mine and your punishment as severe. My little girl is in good hands.”
Cindy smiled back and said, “Well that works in my house. I guess though that now you know that I spank her when she earns it that when we are at your house then your rules should apply and if she is naughty there then you should spank her again. That would be only right.”
Sheila smiled as she felt a wave of maternal love for her daughters’ girlfriend and said, “I really do appreciate that, and, yes, I will take you up on that suggestion.”
Megan heard the exchange and couldn’t be happier. She loved Cindy as her chummy mummy lover and loved her mum equally although in different ways but was really up for accepting the discipline she earned from both of them. It hardly mattered really, as both spanked her as hard as the other, but she savoured the love that she was being given by both of them and felt even more secure than before.
Of course, when Sheila left to go home in an hour or so Megan knew that Cindy would take her to bed and, as they kissed, her fingers would ease into her vagina and flick her taut clit as only Cindy knew how to and would bring her to the most amazing orgasm that she only ever got when her bottom was stinging as much as it was now. However, before then she would enjoy the company of the two women closest to her and who meant the most to her with one her mum and the other her lover, but both were her disciplinarians, and hoped that she would never lose either of them.