I lay there, desperate for her touch, but all she did was look at me with a mischievous grin and said, “I want to see your toys.”
“What, now? Can’t we…”
“No. We can’t. You made me wait, and you played with yourself last night,” she obviously saw the frustration in my face and looked at me with a wild lust that made me shiver, “and because I want to use one on you.”
She sprang off the bed, and headed for my wardrobe. Realising what she might see I sprang up and almost screamed, “Marie. No. Stop. Please. Let me get them.” I didn’t want to scare her with some of my more outlandish toys.
She turned around and looked at me, a quizzical look on her face, “Why, Anna? What’s do you have that’s so bad? You don’t have some horrible S and M thing going on do you?”
“No, little one, I don’t, but this is new to both of us, and I don’t want to alarm you.”
A thoughtful look crossed her beautiful face and she said, “I trust you. If it’s something you like, I know I will like it.”
I took a deep breath. I was going to have to trust her, of course, but wanted to be in control in my own home. A little sternly, I said, “Marie, undress me. Now. I will get the toys out when we’re both naked.”
She pouted, and all I wanted to do was kiss her beautiful mouth, but it was clearly a pretend pout and I needed to keep control. Wordlessly she approached me and undid my rather soaked dress then slid it down my body. She then unclipped my shelf bra and let it fall.
She bent down and placed a kiss on one of my very erect nipples, sending more shockwaves down to my soaked pussy, but I had made a rule, and I was determined to keep it. My voice almost groaning, I said, “No, Marie. Not yet.”
Without breaking away I felt her hands on my hips, and pulling down my panties, exposing me to her.
She finally stood back up and looked at me, “Oh Anna. I love seeing you like this.”
“And I love being naked with you, kitten, but you aren’t naked yet. Remove that dress now.”
She looked at me, and said, “I’m your kitten?”
Once more I was worried that I’d gone too far. To me it was just an affectionate term. “Sorry, Marie. Is that wrong?”
I heard a low growl come from her and then she made a purring sound, then looked back at me and said, “No. I like that. It’s like ‘Little One’. I like the idea of being your ‘kitten’.”
I smiled, and then said firmly, “So, kitten you need to get your dress off, remember?”
She turned around and had me help her with the zip. I then slid it down her shoulders and she stepped out. Turning around, I once more took in her beautiful body. Her full breasts, her crinkly nipples.
I stepped forward and kissed her, our lips soft against each other. We wrapped our arms around each other and I felt the surge of desire wash through my whole body. I needed release, I needed to cum, but Marie had different ideas. She broke away and, holding my arms said, “Toys?”
I loved how persistent she was, and right then, right there I would have granted her any wish it was in my power to give her, and the thought of her picking one of my toys to use on me was making me weak.
Naked, I led her to the wardrobe and opened the doors. I went to the two drawers and opened them, taking the two shoe boxes I keep in there with my toys, and gathering my Rabbit off the shelf.
I carried them over to the bed and placed them there.
Looking at Marie, I said, “I won’t hide anything from you. Open and look, and do what you want with me.”
A little frown came over Marie’s face. Once again, I was worried I’d overstepped the mark.
“Marie? Did I do something wrong?”
“No. No, really. It’s just that… um. I don’t know how to say this. I don’t want to upset you.”
Now I was really worried. I’d obviously scared her. I knew I shouldn’t have let this happen.
“Marie. I’m sorry. I’ve gone too far, we should just forget…”
She burst in, “No, Anna! No. That’s not it. I just don’t want you, like, submitting? That’s not me.”
I rewound the conversation in my head and realised how it could have been mis-construed.
“No! Kitten! I didn’t mean like that,” I practically shouted, “but like you, after the last twenty four hours I want release,” I blushed and added, “and unlike last night I don’t want to have to do it myself.”
Marie’s frown lifted from her face, and her beauty became radiant as she smiled at me and said, “Well, why didn’t you just say so?”
She came over and put her arms around me, and I put mine around her, pulling her to me. We kissed, and I loved the feeling of out skin touching everywhere possible, her beautiful breasts pressed against mine, and then I felt her thigh pressing between mine and I opened my legs and felt her press against my sex and if she hadn’t been holding me I’d have just collapsed there, my need was so great.
My boxes of toys forgotten, we fell onto the bed, me on my back, legs dangling over the edge and Marie gave a soft growl, then said, “Kitty needs to lick everywhere.”
I sighed as she slid down my body, her tongue tracing a line down my neck and then to my stiff nipples. She took one in her mouth and gently nibbled on it, making my need even greater. My body betrayed my need by lifting me up, my sex eager for her touch, and then I felt her fingers slide down over my belly, over my bush, down between my lips until she found my, by now, very wet, very engorged clit. It was like someone had plugged me into the mains. The huge tingles and shocks that crammed themselves through my body as she touched me. After a day of teasing and desire, of certainty and uncertainty, I was almost there.
Marie clearly sensed I was on the edge because I nearly exploded when her fingers stopped moving, and she released my nipple from her sucking and nibbling. By this point my eyes were closed, and I was in a world filled only with Marie and what she was doing to me. I felt her kiss my stomach, then my mound, and then…
Oh fuck.
As I felt her tongue touch my clit that was it. I couldn’t contain it. It was the biggest surprise orgasm I have ever known. I cried out. I squirmed. I screamed as the orgasm started washing through me, from my cunt, to my tits, through my thighs, my legs, out over my arms and then the huge head rush, and finally it was like my whole skin was on fire. Everywhere we were touching sent new tremors through me, sent me back over the edge into a new height, a new depth, a new place. My orgasms washed one into the other and I practically lost consciousness.
Finally I slowly felt myself starting to float back down to planet Earth, and the shaking subsided.
I couldn’t remember ever experiencing anything like it, and the well of emotions in me was deep, and very full. I felt tears pricking my eyes, and I couldn’t help myself. I started crying.
The next thing I knew, I was looking up at Marie’s very worried face, “Anna? Is everything okay? Did I hurt you?”
In between my tears I started laughing, which is a very odd and weird thing to experience. I looked back at her, and between sobs and laughs I managed to say, “Far from it kitten. I just don’t know that I’ve ever experienced anything like that, with anyone.”
A look of glee lit her face, and she said, “So it’s okay if we do this again?”
My tears and laughter both subsiding, I said the first thing that came into my head, which was simply, “It’s not just okay. It’s mandatory. I’m making it one of the house rules.”
She looked into my eyes and said, “Is laundry a house rule as well?”
Confused, I said, “Well, we have to do laundry, kitten.”
“Yes, I know. But do I have to do it when you make a mess?”
Even more perplexed, I said, “Well, okay, theoretically speaking, if I make the mess I have to clean up. Yes.”
She smiled and said, “You made a mess!”
I was trying to think. We’d taken our clothes off and left them on the floor, and in fact she’d squirted on my new dress, so all I could say was, “I did? When?”
She kissed me and said, “When you came.”
Horrified, I pushed her up and sat up, my head spinning slightly, and looked. I saw a clear track of damp splashes from between my legs. Nowhere near as much as she had produced, but still more than I had produced in the rare occasions in the past that it had happened.
I looked at Marie, “Oh god. I’m sorry. I squirted? That much?”
She laughed delightedly and said, “Yes, Queen Anna. You did. A lot. And I love that you did. That we both do.”
“But… but… Marie. I don’t. I’ve never… well, rarely…”
She stopped me with a finger touching my lips, “Well you do with your kitten, and I can’t tell you how happy that makes me.”
I suddenly realised that I was happy. I was more than happy. I was ecstatic. This beautiful young woman had given me something wonderful. Not just sexually, but emotionally. A delightful closeness, and a sense of impishness and fun.
A wash of fatigue came over me, and I said, “Is it okay if we just go to sleep now? Queen Anna is tired.”
Marie looked at me, her eyes wide and beautiful, and said, “Can I sleep here? In your bed?”
“I think I’d be really upset if you didn’t,” I said, with a smile on my face. “Now I need to just tidy up a little.”
“No, Anna. We can tidy tomorrow. Let’s just go to sleep. Please?”
I smiled. Against my better judgement, I was going to leave my room with clothes strewn all over the floor, but I didn’t care. I was just so happy to be with my beautiful lover.
“Yes. Let’s sleep, but at least let me put my toy boxes somewhere?”
Without waiting for permission I got up, wobbling slightly on post orgasmic legs, and picked up the boxes and my Rabbit, placing them on the bedside table.
I turned to Marie and said, “Okay, Little One, get under the covers.”
She almost squealed with delight and crawled over the bed, pulled the duvet back and slid in. I slid in next to her, glorying in the warmth of her body.
Marie had her back to me, so I hugged her in the ‘spoon’ position.
I heard a contented sigh, and then she said, “Anna?”
“Yes, Marie?”
“I love you calling me kitten. It feels so lovely. Can you call me kitten all the time?”
I thought for a little while and said, “You mean, even if we’re out?”
“Well, yeah. I mean, most people will just think we’re mother and daughter, and it’s just…”
I stopped her, “You think people will think we’re mother and daughter? I’m not sure..”
She burst in, “No. Not really. Just that I like you calling me kitten. Can you? Please?”
I thought again, “Okay. I will, but for now it’s just here. At home.”
I felt her kiss my arm and she sighed. “Thanks, Anna.”
“No problem… kitten.”
There was a brief pause and then she said, “Umm. One last thing?”
I wondered what was coming, worried where this was going, but as before I couldn’t refuse this woman anything. I murmured, “Yes, kitten?”
I felt her wriggle her behind into me as I called her that. Still holding onto my arm she said, “Can I put your hand somewhere comfortable?”
“I’m so sorry, Kitten,” I said, realising I must be cutting her circulation off somewhere, “am I making you uncomfortable?”
She giggled nervously, which I thought was odd, and said, “No. No, not at all. Can I show you?”
I was intrigued, so merely said, “Okay.”
I felt her take me hand and guide it down over her tummy and then between her legs. She said, “I hope you don’t think it’s weird, but I feel safer this way. I just want you holding me there.”
I could feel her wetness, her puffy, soft lips under my fingers and a rush of amazing warmth ran through my body. It felt so right, and so perfect.
“I don’t think it’s weird, kitten. I think it’s lovely.”
I felt a gentle kiss on my arm, and she said, “Good night Anna.”
Inwardly and outwardly, I smiled.
“Good night Marie. Sweet dreams, little Kitten.”
I heard a soft murmur and then we both slowly drifted off to sleep.