It was just after five on what had been a really hectic week at work and, as I was making my way home, I decided to pop into ‘Fredericks’, a new bar near the office, and have a relaxing drink. The weather was turning cold, it now being late October, so my plan was to have maybe a couple of glasses of wine and then catch a cab home. If any of my friends were there maybe we would go and get dinner in town somewhere. I was in my work clothes, but I’m pretty relaxed about dress code in the office so this means I was wearing a knee length, loose pale blue skirt and a black long sleeved top, although I had my heels on. I’m five feet eight so this made me quite tall, a feeling I like.
I walked in through the doors and it was already getting pretty busy, but not so much that there wasn’t room at the bar. I walked over and one of the bar staff, a young guy dressed all in black, asked me what I would like to drink.
“A nice cold, Italian dry white wine,” I said.
“How about a Chardonnay?”
I smiled, “Sounds perfect.”
“Large or small?”
I smiled, “Better make it a large.”
He smiled in return and got a glass out from under the counter, and took a bottle out of one of the fridges behind him, filling the glass up to the line. I opened my purse and fished out a ten pound note, and he duly provided change.
I looked around. I didn’t see anyone I knew, maybe they’d turn up later. There was a couple just down the bar from me, and they seemed to be having some sort of disagreement. She was a twenty something, gorgeous looking woman with an amazing cascade of blonde hair, wearing a short denim skirt, low cut white tee and knee length black boots, all rounded off with a black leather jacket. He looked to be about thirty in a dark suit. He had close cropped hair and a hint of five O’Clock shadow.
I couldn’t help but overhear them as I sipped my wine.
“Come on, all I’m asking is if you want a drink?” The guy said.
“And I told you I’m not interested,” she said. I detected an accent but wasn’t completely sure what it was. Maybe Scandinavian.
“You’re not interested in a drink?”
“I’m not interested in you,” she said, quite forcefully. I liked this woman immediately. She was clearly strong minded and independent.
“I wanted to buy a beautiful girl a drink, and this beautiful girl in front of me in particular. Come on, how can it hurt?”
If there’s one thing I really despise it’s guys who can’t take a very clear ‘no’ for an answer, so I decided to try and help out.
I walked along the bar, and the click of my heels attracted their attention. The woman looked at me with a mixture of curiosity and relief as I said, “Hi. Is everything okay here?”
The guy held his hands up, palms out and backing away, “Yes. Fine. Sorry. There’s been a misunderstanding,” and he went over to join a group of guys who he no doubt had had some stupid bet with about being able to pick up the blonde beauty at the bar.
The woman turned to me, smiled and said, “Thank you. That guy was such a jerk.”
I laughed, “I sort of got that impression. I have to ask, you have such a delightful accent, where are you from?”
Her face broke into the most glorious smile before she said, “Oh thank you! I’m from Sweden. I’m here for a few weeks trying to improve my English.”
I found her enchanting. She was bubbly and beautiful and I was captivated by her voice. I’ve always had a thing for the Scandinavian accent, the way the voice lilts in such a melodious sing song way.
I realised I’d been staring for maybe an awkward second too long. Holding out my hand, I said, “Sorry, I shouldn’t be so rude. I’m Anna.”
“I’m Marie,” she said, “nice to meet you Anna,” and she took my hand in hers, her soft skin brushing mine as we gently shook.
“Lovely to meet you too, Marie. I notice you don’t have a drink. Now don’t take this the wrong way, but can I get you something?” I laughed.
She giggled back, her red ox bow lips turning up into a delightful smile, “That’s very kind, Anna. Can I perhaps have a beer of some sort? Not a flat English beer, something fizzy?”
“Of course. Hold on,” I managed to attract the attention of the barman who had served me previously and Marie ended up with a bottle of some imported beer I’d never heard of, but then I rarely drink beer of any sort, flat or fizzy.
I held up my glass and said, “Cheers, and welcome to Britain.”
She smiled and clinked my glass with her bottle, “Thank you and cheers to you.”
“So where are you staying?” I asked, wanting to keep the conversation going.
“Oh, there’s some student accommodation, it’s pretty basic to be honest, but it was all I could afford.”
I remembered my own halls of residence from my first term at university twenty two year ago, and I smiled in sympathy, “One room, terrible plumbing?”
Marie laughed, “Oh, you’ve stayed there?”
“A long time ago. I was a student here, so I know what it can be like.”
“What did you study?”
“History,” I replied..
“Oo, so you’re like really smart!” she said with a little laughter in her voice.
Her laughter was infectious, and we were both giggling as the guy who had been hassling her earlier walked past with his friends, clearly leaving. He looked at us both and snarled under his breath, “I should have known it. Fucking dykes.”
I stared wide eyed, and Marie turned to me and said, “What did he say?”
I turned away from him and just said, “Ignore him. He’s an idiot.”
“Did he call us ‘dykes’?”
“Yes. Sorry. Not all British guys are such idiots.”
She laughed, “Oh being an idiot isn’t exclusive to British men.”
“So, are you meeting up with friends?” I asked.
“No, this is my first full day here so I thought I’d come out and see how things are.”
I thought for a moment, “Hey, look, say no if you’d like, but maybe having a female chaperone would help you avoid idiots like that, and maybe I could help show you around a bit. I have nothing planned for this evening, so maybe we could go for dinner?”
Marie smiled, “That sounds wonderful, but what is a, what was it, shapper…?”
I blushed, “I’m sorry, your English is so good I forgot to try not to use complicated words. It’s ‘chaperone’, and basically means a companion to make sure you don’t have any trouble.”
“Oh, no. Please don’t say sorry. I’m here to improve my English, so now I have a new word. Thank you. About dinner, I’m on a budget, so…”
I stopped her by placing my hand gently on her wrist, “Oh, don’t be silly. It will be my treat. I live alone, so it’ll be nice to have some company.”
“In that case I would love to, if you’re sure?”
I was more than sure. Spending more time with this delightful woman was something I was looking forward to.
“Of course I’m sure. Let’s finish our drinks and find somewhere that’s not too busy. What sort of food do you fancy? There’s a really good Italian not too far from here.”
“That sounds great. I love Italian food.”
We finished up and left the bar, walking towards the town centre until we came to my favourite Italian. We walked in through the giant glass door into the white marble tiled restaurant, the sounds of happy diners and clattering cutlery echoing and adding to the atmosphere.
The maître d’ greeted me, “Anna, how great to see you again.” He looked at Marie with an appreciative glance, and said, “Table for two?”
I smiled and said, “Mark, so glad you’re working tonight. This is my friend Marie, and yes a table for two, please.”
“Nice to meet you Marie,” he said, smiling at her and clearly admiring.
Marie blushed cutely, and said, “And you.”
Mark grabbed some menus and led us to a secluded corner, with a private table.
We sat down, and Marie said, “Wow, this place is amazing, and they seem to know you quite well.”
“Oh, they know me alright. I’ve been coming here since I was a student. That’s a long time,” I said, suddenly aware of the fifteen or so years that surely separated us.
Marie laughed and put her hand on mine briefly, sending a little jolt through me as her fingers touched the backs of mine, “It can’t be that long ago, Anna.”
I laughed, “Flattery will get you everywhere, Marie. Just so you know, I’m forty.”
“Well, I’m twenty six, and to me age is just a number.”
I liked this woman more and more.
A waitress came over and asked if we wanted any drinks, and Marie asked for an Italian beer, a Peroni, and I asked for a glass of Pinot Grigio. While she was away, we looked at our menus, and when she came back we ordered. Marie went for a Hawaiian pizza, and I opted for their wonderful mushroom risotto.
When the waitress was gone, I held up my glass, “To delightful Swedish women who walk into my life.”
Marie giggled and returned with, “And here’s to gorgeous English redheads who walk into mine to.… oh what’s the word…?”
“Chaperone me. To gorgeous English redheads who chaperone me.”
I was pretty sure I blushed, but I was happy that she had complimented my hair, which I keep just past shoulder length, and I’m actually more a strawberry blonde than red, but I wasn’t going to argue.
We clinked our drinks and took a sip. Marie said, “So you actually live in the city?”
“Yes. About ten minutes cab ride from the centre.”
“And you said you live alone? No husband or boyfriend?”
“Um. I had a partner but we’re no longer together.”
Marie blushed, “Oh god. I am so sorry. Really. I should just keep my mouth shut.”
I laughed, “Don’t worry. I left. My terms. Anyway, what about you?”
She sort of stalled, but then said, “I sort of have a relationship back home. It’s complicated.”
I realised she didn’t want to talk about it, which was fine with me. I decided to move the conversation onto safer ground.
“So your digs are pretty bad?”
“Sorry, ‘digs’?”
“Oh god, there I go again. It’s an English word meaning flat, apartment. That sort of thing.”
Marie laughed, “I told you, stop apologising. I’m here to learn. I have two new words just in one evening from spending time with you, but to answer your question, yes it’s pretty crap.”
“I can imagine. In this city rents are high, and quality is terrible. I wish I’d known you before you came. I have a spare room I would willingly let you have for free.”
Marie looked astounded, “Are you serious? For free?”
I considered it for a moment, “Yes. For free. It would be nice to have some company.”
“But, but, I’d get under your feet. You’re used to living alone. I’d cramp your style.”
I laughed and placed my hand back over hers and I was glad that she didn’t draw it away, “Stop. I work most days, and you’d be at college, and I like you. Anyway, you have somewhere. I was just saying that it’s a pity I…”
“I could leave where I am. I don’t have a commitment, it was just part of the package and I could get my money back and have a little better time. But I’d have to pay you something.”
“You’re serious?”
“About paying you, yes of…”
“No, you can stay for free, like I said. I meant, you’re serious about taking my spare room?”
“I’d love it. I don’t know anyone here, and this way a get a built in friend and I don’t have to worry so much about the money.”
I was enchanted, she was so bubbly, her enthusiasm was infectious.
“Deal. When do you want to move in? Tomorrow?”
A small frown came over her face.
“What’s wrong, is that too difficult?”
Her frown lifted a little, “I was a bit sad because I have to wait until tomorrow which means I spend a night in my crappy room… And not with my new friend Anna.”
I realised my hand was still over hers, so I squeezed it gently, smiled until I had her attention, and said, “Of course you can move in tonight. I just thought you’d need time to pack up or arrange it with the college…”
“You mean it?” She said, with a big grin on her face.
“I mean it,” I said returning her smile.
She shouted out, “Yay!” Then suddenly was out of her chair and giving me a huge hug, and kissing my cheek just as the waitress came with our food. Marie sat back down and I couldn’t help noticing that the waitress had a curious look on her face.
We were silent as dinner was served, my mind wandering back to that brush of Marie’s lips on my cheek, which had made me feel things I probably shouldn’t be feeling.
When the waitress had gone, Marie said, “Thank you Anna. Thank you. You have turned what I was expecting to be a boring and depressing trip into something I’m now looking forward to.”
I smiled, “You’re welcome Marie.”
We started eating and the food was as delicious as it always was. As we were eating, I said, “So, when we’re finished here we’ll get a taxi over to your digs,” and here she smiled, “pick up your stuff and then head to mine. How does that sound?”
Marie giggled. “It sounds wonderful. I don’t have a huge amount of stuff anyway so that should only take a few minutes.”
I was falling more and more for her infectious bounciness. She made me feel happy just being around her. We finished our dinner and headed out to the nearest taxi rank and got in a cab. I told the cab driver what we needed to do, Marie gave her the address, and she got us there quickly enough. When we pulled up outside the flats I asked her if she needed any help.
“Pfth! I’ll be back before you know it. And no sneaky driving off and making me sad.”
I laughed and said, “If you’re more than five minutes…”
She ran off into the halls and the taxi driver said, “She seems fun.”
“Oh no. A language student I’m rescuing from the terrible accommodation.”
She half turned, “Good for you. Those places are awful, aren’t they?”
Suddenly the cab door was open, and Marie was sliding in beside me with a suitcase and a shoulder bag and breathlessly said, “Three minutes. I timed it.”
The driver and I both laughed. We moved off and ten minutes later we were outside my house.
I paid for the taxi and got my keys out, leading Marie into the hallway and through to the kitchen. She looked at my breakfast island, my five burner range, my oven and long worktops, and said, “Oh wow. I’ve moved in with the queen or something. You didn’t tell me you were the queen. Where are all the servants to take my bags up to my room? Do I have to sleep on five hundred mattresses and tell you if there’s a pea under them or something?”
I laughed again, “No, Marie, I’m afraid I had to fire all the servants. They were lazy. Now, let me show me to your room.”
She picked up her bag and I led her up the stairs, and turning right I opened the door to my spare room, which I always keep made up in case friends, come to stay.
She took one look at the room, and said, “Oh, Anna. This is just amazing. I have to pay you. I mean, a double bed?”
“If you offer to pay again, I am going to get angry,” I said with a smile, “now, it’s just after nine, do you want to go to bed, or maybe come downstairs and we can sit in the kitchen and talk.”
“Oh. Talk. Definitely talk. I’m too excited to sleep. Where’s the bathroom? I need to freshen up.”
I was thrilled I had made someone so happy. It’s that Random Acts of Kindness thing that always makes me feel good, like when I pay the bus fare for someone who’s obviously having problems getting the money together.
I took Marie down the corridor to the bathroom, and opened the door for her. She looked at my walk-in shower and two person jet water tub and said, “Oh. This is just too much. Hold on, I’ll be down in a minute.” With that she closed the door, and I walked back down to the kitchen. I had some cold beers in the fridge for when friends pop over, so I got one out and poured myself a glass of white wine from my half empty bottle.
Marie came down some minutes later, having shed her leather jacket, a huge grin on her face and sat down on one of my kitchen stools next to me.
With a huge grin she said, “So your majesty, when do I get to meet the rest of the royal family?”
“Oh stop it. It’s not a palace, Marie.”
“I know Anna. Just me being silly. Thank you so much. This is like the best thing that ever happened to me.”
“You’re welcome Marie. I’m glad to have made you so happy.”
“More than happy. I’m in heaven. I am so lucky to have met you.”
“And I am so glad I met you. You make me laugh. I love your sense of silliness.”
We clinked our drinks, and Marie offered another toast, “To Queen Anna, the beautiful heroine who saved poor Princess Marie from the stupid dragon that was trying to buy her a drink.”
I laughed, “Okay princess, knock it off with calling me a queen.”
“But you are. Well, more like a Fairy Godmother.”
I did a pretend frown, “Queen? Godmother? No. All too old sounding. Maybe more like Prince Charming who saves Sleeping Beauty? Princess Lovely?”
“Wait. What? A princess saving a princess? Is that allowed?”
I wasn’t sure how to respond to that, given my own position on the sexual spectrum. I didn’t want to frighten Marie, but I said, “Well, in this enlightened age everything is allowed, surely?”
“Yes, but Prince Charming woke Sleeping Beauty with a kiss. No, you have to be a queen. If you’re not a queen I’ll pout. You don’t want me pouting do you? So what does Queen Lovely do to Sleeping Marie?”
I swallowed, “Um. Well, you sort of kissed me in the restaurant. Does that count?”
“Nuh uh. That was me kissing you. And I wasn’t asleep. Definitely doesn’t count.”
I pretended to be exasperated, “So, Princess Marie, what is it that the Queen has to do if you sleep in in the morning?”
“Duh! You come in and kiss me. Would definitely wake me up.”
“And Princess Marie would like that?”
There was a silence, and Marie looked straight at me, her voice level dropping from the excited tones of before and said, “Oh yes. I’m pretty sure she would.”
I wasn’t sure what to say, but I placed my hand on hers. She turned her hand up and we held each other, staring, fingers starting to curl.
The world stopped, and I wasn’t sure whether I should do something. It all seemed to be happening so quickly. Tentatively I leaned towards her, and saw that she was moving towards me. Our lips brushed. We broke away and I lifted my hands up to frame her face, brushing a lock of her hair back behind her ear.
Marie got a cheeky look in her eyes, “Your chat up lines in bars obviously work a lot better than that creep earlier.”
It broke the tension which I was feeling. Was this right? This woman was going to be living with me for the next few weeks. What if we argued? Right at that moment I didn’t care. She was fun, intelligent and beautiful. I did need to find something out though.
“Are you okay? I mean with this? I mean it isn’t my first time with a woman, but you’re…”
She placed a finger over my lips, “Sh. Mine either.”
We kissed again, and I responded. In fact my whole body responded, particularly in the parts that count. I could feel my nipples against my top, and a distinct wetness between my legs.
I suddenly had a crisis of conscience. I hardly knew this woman, while it felt good, and right, I realised I needed to slow things down, for her sake as much as mine.
I pulled back and she cocked her head to one side, staring at me quizzically, “What’s wrong?
“We’re moving too fast, Marie. You know I am attracted to you..”
“And I’m attracted to you…” she interrupted.
“But I’ve only known you a handful of hours. I think we need to take things a little more slowly.”
I hated the deflated look on Marie’s face, “But, does that mean you won’t even kiss me?”
A genuine smile spread across my face, “Of course not. I want to kiss you.”
She grinned and said, “And are we okay snuggling?”
I laughed, “That’s more than okay. In fact I would love to snuggle.”
Smiling she stood up and came and sat on my lap, not the most comfortable way to be on a kitchen stool, and draped her arms around my neck, kissed me softly and then nuzzled her glorious head of hair into my neck.
I heard her slightly muffled voice say, “Mm. I could stay like this forever.”
“It would be nice, but maybe somewhere more comfortable?”
She looked up, a wicked grin on her face, “Your bed?”
I laughed again, “Don’t push it. At least not yet,” I said, grinning.
Marie nuzzled once again into my neck, and I said, “Come on, let’s go through to the lounge. I’ve got a big sofa we can snuggle on.”
She jumped off my lap and I stood and took off my shoes, Marie following suit by unzipping her boots. As she bent down I admired her figure from behind, loving the curve of her bottom and the sight of her exposed legs.
She straightened up and looked at me, “Were you checking me out? You were checking me out, weren’t you? Please say you were?”
I giggled and said, “I was so checking you out.”
I took her hand in mine and led her to the lounge. I have a large, blue, comfortable sofa, and matching arm chairs. We walked across the dark, hardwood floor, over the beige deep pile throw rug, and sat down, pulling Marie with me. She curled up next to me, her legs underneath her, and draped her arms around me again. I embraced her, closely, holding her to me, smelling her scent and her hair, and then we kissed again, this time so naturally and so tenderly and I loved feeling her warm body so close to me.
After a while we broke, and she said, “Anna?”
“Yes, Marie?”
“Thank you. Thank you for giving me somewhere so lovely to stay, and thank you for being so nice to me.”
“Why wouldn’t I be nice to you? Anyway, it is my pleasure. I think I’m going to enjoy having you around.”
“I think I’m going to love being here.”
We kissed and talked aimlessly and I realised it was getting quite late.
“I think I need my beauty sleep,” I said, “Time for Queen Lovely to go to bed.”
“Aww, not fair. I want to stay here with you.”
“I would like nothing more, but I have to go and do some shopping in the morning and I like to go out early. Do you want me to wake you, or let you lie in?”
She looked warily at me, “Uh, how early is ‘early’?”
“On a Saturday I usually get up around eight and I want to leave for the shops about nine.”
“Can I go shopping with you? Help you?”
“I’d love that. You want me to wake you?”
“With a kiss?”
I warmed inwardly, “Yes. If you’d like?”
“Like? Nuh uh. I insist.”
“Then it’s a deal. I’ll have my shower and then wake you so you can take one. How does that sound?”
“It sounds perfect.”
“Right. I’m off to bed. If you want to stay up, the TV remote is there,” I said, pointing at the side table and indicating my flat screen TV on the wall.
“No, I think I’d like to go to bed too. It’s been such an exciting day, and I don’t really want to be down here on my own.”
I smiled, “Okay. Come on. I’ll make you a hot drink if you like? I always have tea.”
“I don’t suppose you have hot chocolate?”
“Of course I do,” I said, smiling, “come on.”
We went barefoot through to the kitchen and the cold marble tile on my feet felt soothing. I was at the counter preparing our nighttime drinks, when I felt Marie’s arms slide around me from behind, and her chin rest against my shoulder and she kissed my neck, something that always makes me melt. I was just finishing with the tea and hot chocolate, so I left the drinks and turned around, and we kissed, a long slow kiss that seemed to go on forever. I wasn’t sure how long I was going to be able to hold out against making love with this woman, so I broke away and busied myself, handing Marie her chocolate and saying, “Now, time for bed.”
We walked up the stairs, me in the lead. When we got to Marie’s door, I turned and said, “Good night Marie. Sleep tight, and sweet dreams.”
She blinked and kissed me gently.
“Good night Anna. I can’t wait for tomorrow.”
She went into her room and I smiled as she closed the door slowly on me, peering out at me all the while until the door was firmly in place.
I walked down the landing to my room and I heard her call out, “Good night Queen Lovely!”
I laughed and called, “Good night, Princess Marie. See you in the morning.”
I got to my room, placing my tea on the bedside table and undressed. Standing naked and alone in my bedroom I looked at myself in the long mirror I usually use to check my clothing. I don’t think of myself as any great beauty, but I do try and keep myself fit. I still have a waist, but I think my hips are a little wide. My thirty four C breasts are nothing compared to Marie’s, she certainly seemed to more than adequately fill her tee shirt, but they’re still not bad, even though I say so myself. I was still very turned on from our encounters earlier, and I couldn’t help feeling, and even seeing, that my clit was more than a little excited. I sat on the edge of the bed and let the wonderful feelings of excitement run through me as I watched myself in the mirror, my legs parted. I saw how my lips were glistening, and I thought of Marie, wondering what she looked like. Was she hairy? Smooth? Bikini trimmed like me? The more I thought, the more I got lost and I touched my clit and started circling my finger on it, pressing slightly harder. I fought to keep my eyes open, not against tiredness, but against the pleasure I was feeling. I just wanted to see myself as I came, something that has turned me on since I first discovered masturbation.
I felt my orgasm start, and my fingers moved faster, knowing, as only oneself can, how my body worked, and what would take me over the edge. I felt it, as I rose up and over the peak, and suddenly I was trembling, my thighs crashing together, my whole body on fire in a way I hadn’t felt for a long time.
I cried out with one last gasp as my orgasm subsided, and fell back on the bed, the wonderful feelings of peace that always follow on.
I was shocked out of my reverie by a tentative knock on the door and Marie whispering, “Anna? Are you ok?”
With a shock, I realised that, with our adjoining wall, she would have heard everything, all my moans and final cry out.
I gathered myself up enough to call, “I’m fine Marie. Nothing to worry about.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, sweetie, I’m sure. I was just… doing some bedtime exercises.”
There was a pause, and then she said, “Okay. Good night Anna.”
I heard her footsteps go back down the hall and wondered how I hadn’t heard them before, realising that actually it was because I was somewhat wrapped up in my own world.
I hurriedly got under my covers and sipped on my now cool tea. I switched the light off, and fell into a deep and surprisingly contented sleep.
I awoke on Saturday morning to my alarm. It was eight in the morning and my mind cast back to the night before. I remembered all that had happened, meeting Marie, her being here and then…
I couldn’t believe that she had nearly caught me masturbating. Yes, I was fully aware we had shared kisses, and been intimate in a surface way, but I still felt a huge level of embarrassment.
I remembered my promise to wake her with a Princess kiss and worried she might have guessed what I was doing. How was I going to face her?
I got out of bed, put on my silk bathrobe and walked out of my room and down the landing to the bathroom. I walked in, and there, in my shower, stood Marie, side on, the water cascading over her body. I stood and took in her beauty, her beautiful breasts with little pinky brown nipples, her soaking hair, long and straight under the weight of the shower water. She had obviously heard the door when I opened it. She turned and then, comically, tried to cover herself up. One hand flying up to cover her breasts, the other trying to cover what I now saw, all too briefly, was her little landing strip of pubic hair.
I was frozen to the spot, not sure what to say.
Marie looked equally spooked.
A moment of silence passed and then we both tried to speak at once, Marie saying, “Oh, I’m sorry Anna I was just…”, and me saying, “Marie! Sorry. I didn’t realise you were up!”
“I’ll let you finish.” I continued, “maybe I’ll go down and put some coffee on. Do you drink coffee?”
“Ugh. No, I don’t. Horrible stuff. But don’t go, Anna. I was just finishing, sorry I gave you a fright.”
I laughed, “It should be me who is apologising. I should have heard the shower. I’m just not used to having house guests.”
Suddenly her face lit up with a smile. She turned away from me and turned off the shower, then stepped out and grabbed one of the large towels off the warmer rail and wrapped it around her. I watched, mesmerised by her beauty.
She walked over to me, “I missed out on my Princess kiss, didn’t I?”
I blushed, “Yes. I suppose you did. Well, there’s always tomorrow.”
She did a pretend pout, “Aww. But I still want it. Today.”
I laughed, relaxing a little. She seemed to have a way to diffuse any awkward situation with me. “Well, that’s a little difficult. You’re awake.”
“Okay. I know. I’ll go back and pretend to be asleep, and then you can shower and come and wake me up.”
I couldn’t resist her enthusiasm if I tried, “Sounds good. I’ll be through as soon as I can.”
She passed me and left the bathroom, closing the door behind her.
I quickly took off my dressing gown, draping it over the chair, and realised Marie must have walked naked into the bathroom, because I couldn’t see any evidence of a night dress, dressing gown or anything of hers. She obviously has a lot of confidence, I thought to myself, but then she was young and from what I could tell had a beautiful body, so she deserved that confidence.
I got in the shower and washed myself as quickly as possible, finishing with my hair. I took the shower head down and used it to clean off the remaining soap, resisting the temptation to spray it onto my sex, something I sometimes quite enjoy in the mornings if I’m not in a hurry, but I didn’t want to have Marie suddenly coming in and finding me in the throes of passion. I was embarrassed enough about nearly being caught the night before.
I stepped out of the shower and grabbed another warm towel off the rail, dried myself and towel dried my hair. I’d sort it out properly later.
I put my bathrobe on, aware of how short it is, it comes to slightly higher than mid thigh, which doesn’t usually matter, I’m on my own after all. I wondered if perhaps I should change, although that was silly. Marie had already seen me in it.
I left the bathroom and went to the spare room, the door was slightly open. I tentatively pushed on it, and I could see Marie lying under the covers, on her back, eyes closed.
I walked over the blue carpeted floor and sat down on her bed, then leant down and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.
“Good morning Princess,” I said as I sat back up.
She didn’t open her eyes, and I had to smile when I saw her pucker her lips. Clearly, one wasn’t enough.
I leant down and this time made the kiss last a little longer, and Marie responded, her soft lips against mine felt wonderful. I broke the kiss and sat up again. This time Marie opened one eye, looked at me, and closed it again.
I sighed, “Oh, it takes more than two kisses to wake this Princess, does it?”
She puckered her lips, and gave a barely perceptible nod.
So I leaned down again and this time kissed her with a little more force, and that’s when I felt her hand come out of the bed and around my neck, pulling me to her, her fingers stroking my hairline, sending delicious shivers through me.
I was incredibly aroused, more even than the night before, and her touch made me moan. I could feel the thrill running from my centre out over my whole skin.
Finally I pulled back, sitting upright once more. Resisting the urge to push things further. Marie lay there with a grin on her face, looking straight at me.
“What a lovely way to wake up, Queen Lovely. Thank you for rescuing me,” and she fluttered her gorgeous eyes at me.
I chuckled, “I have travelled far to find you in your palace, Princess Marie.”
“See. Told you you were a queen and you lived in a palace,” she said, sitting up and letting the covers drop away, exposing her breasts, apparently oblivious to the effect she was having on me.
I coughed, more like spluttered, and said, “I suppose I had better go and get dressed. We need to go out shopping.”
I was surprised to see Marie frown. With real concern in her voice, she said, “You don’t like me, do you? Not really.”
I was confused, “What do you mean? Of course I do. Why on earth would you think that?”
“You’ve seen me naked, or almost naked, twice now, and both times you’ve tried to do anything but be in the same room.”
“Is that what you think? Really? Marie, trust me, it is anything but that. I think you are beautiful, not just on the outside, but the person you are. What I’ve seen of you makes me think that even more. I just want to make sure neither of us do something that will upset the balance of our new friendship and, possibly, our developing relationship.”
“Really? You like me?”
“I do. I really do. You make me laugh, you are fun to be with, and yes, I can’t deny you are physically very attractive,” I paused, a realisation coming to me, “but what I don’t understand is why you seem to like me. I’m a lot older than you, I…”
She stopped me by leaning forward and kissing me on the lips, a short but gentle kiss. She pulled away, looking into my eyes, her face serious, “Anna, forget what age you are, and what you look like,” my face obviously registered my disappointment with that, “I don’t mean you don’t look gorgeous, because you do. I think you are wonderful because you seem to get me, which given we’ve only known each other for a few hours, is amazing.”
I smiled, my mood brightened by her words, “Thank you Marie. That is really sweet of you.”
“Pfth. I’m not being sweet. I’m telling you how I feel. You are clearly a wonderful person. You put me up, took me out of my hellhole…” she paused, “digs? Yes, digs. And I do find you attractive, very. But, you have to admit, you have one advantage over me…”
I was confused, “I do?”
She got that impish look on her face. “Yep. You’ve seen me naked. You could be hideous under that bathrobe.”
I swallowed, suddenly nervous, but still excited, “You want to see me naked?”
She didn’t say a word, just looked me in the eyes again and nodded.
Slightly shaky with nerves, I stood up. I undid the tie around my gown and pulled it down over my shoulders and let it drop to the floor, standing exposed to her.
She looked at me and smiled, “Not hideous then,” she said, her eyes taking me in.
My nerves were dispelling with her humour, her openness, her nonchalance. “Just slightly ugly then,” I said.
She looked up, more serious, “No! Anna, no. I was just teasing. You are beautiful. You have a beautiful body. Sorry!”
I laughed, “I was joking too, silly.”
She growled at me, actually saying, “Grrr!” and dived out of the bed and grabbed my waist, tickling me, something I usually hate but right there, right then I didn’t hate it. I laughed, and tried to tickle her back, we fell on the bed, laughing and giggling insanely.
When we finally stopped, I was exhausted, we were both breathing hard from the laughter, but I realised I hadn’t laughed so much, or been so relaxed in a long time. Then the realisation that here I was, naked on the bed with this beautiful woman came over me, and I remembered all my promises to myself, and to Marie.
Lying next to her, I put my hands on her face and kissed her, then broke away. I smacked her playfully on her bottom, smiled and said, “Come on young lady. We need to get dressed and go shopping.”
She looked up at me, and said, “Was I being naughty?”
I was puzzled, and said, “No. Why?”
She looked mischievous when she said, “I must have been. You smacked my behind. I think I’ve been naughty.”
I smiled, “Oh, you do, do you?”
“Yes. Must have been,” she said as she rolled over onto her front and provocatively pushed her bottom in the air, her face turned towards me.
I giggled. I don’t usually indulge in the whole domme/sub thing, and pain isn’t really something I seek out, but this was just playing, so I just said, “Naughty Marie,” and slapped her across both cheeks.
She squealed and said, “Again?”
I laughed and got off the bed, picking my dressing gown up and wrapping it around me. I couldn’t believe how much self control I was showing. I was so turned on it was unbelievable, but I knew I had to show restraint.
“No. I’m going to get dressed and we’re going shopping.”
I took one last look at her, lying on the bed, admiring her beautiful back, bottom and legs, and closed the door behind me and went back to my room practically shaking with the desire coursing through me.