Meeting James Chapter 8 Part 1

"James and Melanie spend an intense evening at the Bellagio."

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I felt as if my heart was going to beat out of my chest as James and I drove west on Route 95 towards Summerlin. Had I been alone in the SUV, I would have texted Gianna to let her know that James and I would be dining at the restaurant this evening. However, with James sitting next to me, giving her an advance warning didn’t feel appropriate. I tried everything I could to hide my nervousness, but I felt as though James could see right through me. Did he know what a nervous wreck I was? Normally, his hand on my thigh had a calming effect, but tonight it didn’t help.

It felt like the powers of the universe were conspiring against me. James insisted that we dine at his restaurant so we could sample entrees that would help him to decide whom to hire as his new executive chef. This would have been fine on any other night, but tonight my girlfriend Gianna was finishing her shift as a server in James’s restaurant.

It had been a difficult twenty-four hours, and nothing seemed to help soothe my guilty conscience. I had participated in a threesome with James and Megyn, and I tried to reassure myself that, because of his dominant nature, I didn’t have a choice. However, I had chosen to spend the remainder of the evening having sex with Megyn once James had fallen asleep, and that was impossible to justify to myself and even more difficult to explain to Gianna. Like James, she evoked so many complex emotions within me. Part of me missed her terribly, and I couldn’t wait to see her. The other part of me dreaded the thought of being in the same room with her.

About twenty minutes later, we pulled up in front of the restaurant. A valet opened the passenger door and greeted me with a warm smile. I stepped out and walked around the Escalade just as James was handing the keys to the young valet. James pulled me to him and possessively put his arm around me. He leaned in and whispered into my ear. “Stop fidgeting, you look beautiful.”

Unconsciously, I was pulling at the short hem of the neon-yellow scrunch halter dress that James had chosen for me to wear for the evening. When he pointed out what I was doing, I immediately released the hem, letting it fall on my upper thighs. I couldn’t remember a time when I was so nervous, but I tried desperately not to show it. We walked into the restaurant and we were met immediately by David, the manager, who I recognized from our last visit a month ago.

“Good evening, Mr. Moretti,” David said as the men vigorously shook hands. David appeared to be much more relaxed than the last time I had met him; at that time he and James were dealing with financial issues that arose when an assistant manager was stealing from the restaurant.

James’s face broke into a big smile. “Good evening, David, you remember Melanie.”

“I do. It’s a pleasure to see you again, Ma’am,” David said as we shook hands. David released my hand and then turned towards James and began to speak. “As you requested, I set up the banquet room, and I will direct our three candidates to begin preparing their appetizers if you’ll both follow me.”

David led us through the restaurant, and I scanned the area looking for Gianna but I didn’t see her. Just like last month, the restaurant was packed and there were even people waiting to be seated in the waiting area. As we entered the large dining room, I could tell that David had done some decorating since we had been there last. There were several new Italian frescos prominently displayed, and in the middle of the dining room there was a large fountain that really added to the cozy, romantic ambiance.

Almost immediately, I felt hundreds of eyes on me. The elegant aesthetic of the decadent Italian décor was a glaring contrast to the bright yellow club dress I was wearing, and the snide and jeering looks I was getting from many of the older women reminded me of it. The vast majority of them were wearing long, more formal and conservative-looking dresses and skirts. It reminded me of when my older brother used to tease his girlfriend by saying she dressed like a whore in church. That was definitely how I felt in the dress that James had chosen for me to wear that evening.

As we walked through the restaurant towards the banquet room, I clung to James and tried my best to look forward and ignore the rude sneers of the people we were walking past. To make matters worse, James seemed to be walking at such a slow pace. It felt like we were taking a leisurely stroll and I knew it had to be about half the speed of his normal quick-paced gait. Then I realized it wasn’t just happenstance; he was doing it on purpose! He had to know how mortifying this was for me, getting those nasty looks from these women, and he was actually trying to prolong this horrible experience by walking slowly so everyone had a chance to visually insult me.

By the time we reached the banquet room, I was seething from what James had just done to me. I knew I probably looked visibly shaken, and I needed to calm myself down. “If you’ll both excuse me, I need to use the ladies’ room,” I said sweetly, trying to hide the utter turmoil I was feeling inside.

James gave me a tender smile and a soft kiss on the cheek. “Of course, darling, there is a matter I need to discuss with David anyway.”

I forced the best smile I could and turned and walked towards the restroom. Thankfully, it was just off the banquet room and I wouldn’t have to suffer the humiliation of walking through the main dining area again. Just as I stepped out of the banquet room, I saw Gianna. She was delivering food to one of the tables in her section and almost immediately she saw me. Her warm smile turned into a look of shock when she saw what I was wearing. I pointed at the restroom door, motioning for her to meet me in there if she could, and she slowly nodded her head in affirmation.

I walked into the bathroom, and thankfully, two women were just leaving as I was entering. I first quickly checked my look in the mirror. My hair was holding up really well and my makeup still looked good. I was looking much better outwardly than how I was feeling inwardly. I walked over to the large wheelchair stall, sat down on the toilet, and locked the door. Why would James do that to me? Why would he put me through that?

I couldn’t believe he would knowingly make me wear something so inappropriate, and then make it worse by intentionally walking slowly, so all the old people in the dining room would have plenty of time to gawk and sneer. Was this some type of punishment for something I’d done?

I heard the bathroom door open, which broke me out of my thoughts.“Mel?” I heard a voice say softly.

“I’m in here, Gianna,” I said quietly while unlocking the door.

She walked into the stall, and we quickly embraced, our lips touching as we shared a tender kiss. It felt so good to be with her, and just being in her presence immediately calmed me down. “How are you, honey?” she said softly.

“I’m doing okay, I think.”

Her face broke into a little smile. “Well, I have to give it to you, you really know how to make a grand entrance.”

Oh God, did she really see me walking through the dining room? “This is James’s idea of keeping a low profile,” I said jokingly, trying to make light of what he had just put me through.

She gave me a puzzled look. “I think it’s more of his way of showing you off or announcing to everyone in the restaurant the ‘eye candy’ on his arm,” she said in a serious tone.

I looked down, feeling deeply embarrassed by her statement. I had never thought of myself in that way, ‘eye candy’ to be displayed in front of others. Of course, I loved dressing in sexy clothes and showing off a bit, but only when it was appropriate and when I fitted in with everyone else, such as when I went clubbing. Gianna was right. Making me wear this bright yellow club dress was his way of making sure I’d stand out from everyone else in the restaurant, and when he walked slowly that was him making sure everyone had the opportunity to see me. That realization made me feel sick to my stomach.

“Mel, listen, I’m sorry,” she said in a soft tone. “It’s not my place to say anything about how you choose to dress. I’m just happy to see you.”

I pulled her in tight, and we kissed passionately, our tongues lightly touching in our romantic embrace. Amidst all of the chaos and upheaval that James was putting me through, Gianna was my rock and I honestly didn’t know what I’d do without her.

“I have to get back out onto the floor, honey, and you had better get back to that crazy man of yours,” she said, keeping her voice low. We smiled at each other as I watched her turn and open the door to the stall and then exit the bathroom.

I took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom and back into the spacious banquet room, where I saw James seated at a large table in the middle of the room. It felt strange, the two of us alone in such an expansive space that was designed to seat at least a hundred people.         

James rose when I approached the table and pulled out my chair to assist me in taking my seat. Like the rest of the restaurant, the banquet room was beautifully decorated in a classic Italian theme with intricate crown moldings and large paintings displaying scenes from Italy. There were several crystal chandeliers, giving the room a romantic ambiance. The large table was set with a sparkling white linen tablecloth, fine china, intricate stemware, and three different crystal glasses for beverages. They had obviously made a lot of upgrades since we were here last month because I didn’t remember the restaurant being nearly this elegant.

Talking with Gianna had helped settle my nerves, and as I felt James put his hand on my thigh I started to feel relaxed and comfortable. I was still upset at the whole yellow-dress incident, but I decided to let it drop, at least for now. It was so wonderful being alone with James as we sipped our wine and he told me about the various upgrades they were doing to the restaurant, most of which I’d already noticed.

Several minutes later, David entered the room. “The appetizers will arrive shortly, Mr. Moretti, and I located the server you wished to speak to, she will be here momentarily as well.”

“Thank you,” James said nonchalantly before David turned and quickly left the room.

Before I had a chance to ask James what was going on, Gianna appeared and was walking towards us. My mouth dropped open in complete surprise. Gianna is the server that James wanted to speak to?

She had changed out of her server’s uniform and was now wearing a short white jean skirt and a pretty pink lace top with sandals, presumably the clothes she wore to work before she changed into her uniform. Once she reached our table she hesitantly began to speak. “David said that you wanted to speak with me.” She looked so nervous, I was sure that she thought she was somehow in trouble.

James stood and extended his hand. “I’m James Moretti, and it’s very nice to make your acquaintance.”

I watched as they shook hands. Gianna’s expression softened as she started to realize that her boss wasn’t upset with her. “I’m Gianna Fiscella, and it’s nice to meet you too.”

“Am I correct in assuming you are Italian?”

She smiled. “Yes, Sicilian, actually, my family is originally from Palermo.”

“I have a favor to ask of you. Melanie and I would love it if you would join us for dinner. I’m in the process of hiring a new executive chef, we are going to be sampling various Italian dishes, and I’d appreciate it if you’d give me your expert opinion.”

I watched as Gianna blushed slightly. James could be so charming and smooth. Their interaction reminded me of the first night we met at the Paris when it felt as if he had swept me off my feet. “I’d love to have dinner with you both,” she said warmly.

“Please sit here,” James said as he slid one chair to the left so Gianna could sit between us.

Over the next two hours, we sampled some of the most delicious Italian food that I had ever eaten. All three chefs were at the top of their game as they prepared amazing Italian dishes for us. We must have tried at least fifty appetizers, entrees, and desserts.

While we enjoyed the delicious dishes, David sat with us and was relegated to the role of secretary, jotting down which entrees and appetizers we liked best and the ones that we felt weren’t as good as the others. As we ate, Gianna gave James her impression of each dish. Once James learned that she had been to Italy several times with her parents and traveled extensively through the country visiting her family, he listened intently when she spoke and valued her opinion concerning the various dishes we sampled. He seemed very interested to know which entrees she thought tasted authentically Italian compared to the ones that had been ‘Americanized’, as she called it. 

James also asked Gianna about her coursework and what type of nursing specialization she planned to pursue once she graduated. She told him that she had narrowed her choice of specializations down to emergency room or inpatient care. He also mentioned how impressed he was with her ability to hold down a full-time job at the restaurant while taking a full-time course load.

I marveled at how well they seemed to hit it off. James appeared to be very interested in everything Gianna had to say, and throughout the evening he always kept their conversations professional or, at the very least, casual. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but James was a perfect, charming gentleman throughout the entire meal.

Once we had finished sampling all of the amazing dishes and enjoyed bites of very decadent desserts, James spoke. “If you’ll both excuse me, David and I need to confer in the office and make a decision concerning our new executive chef; it shouldn’t take too long.”

James rose, gently kissed my cheek, turned, and then walked out of the banquet room with David. Gianna and I watched the men exit the room, and she slid her chair up against mine. “God, he’s so handsome, isn’t he?” she said enthusiastically.

“He is,” I said quietly.

“To be honest, Mel, the first night we met, and I saw both of you together, he looked so gruff and mean. I really didn’t know what you saw in him, and for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why you were with him. But now I think I have a better appreciation of him.”

I thought back to the evening a month ago when I had first met Gianna. James was so upset that night with David concerning the assistant manager, who had been stealing money. I could see her point, he had made such a bad impression, and she must have thought she was working for some sort of monster. Thankfully, she got to see a better side of him this evening. 

Even though I had only been seeing Gianna for about a month, we never talked about what our sex lives were like outside of each other. I honestly didn’t want to know what she did with her boyfriend because I knew I was developing serious feelings for her. Also, I reasoned that if she shared that intimate knowledge with me, I’d be obliged to reciprocate, and I wasn’t ready to reveal to her what I let James do in the bedroom. His smooth, charming, jovial nature she saw this evening was a stark contrast to the demanding and dominant man he could be when we had sex.

Gianna began speaking, which brought me back to the now. “Mel, are you happy with him?”

I took her hand and kissed it softly. “Yes, he makes me happy, honey, just like you.” We leaned in and shared a soft, romantic kiss.

Have you ever looked back on a relationship and tried to pinpoint the exact moment when you fell in love with someone? For me, the moment was that night at James’s restaurant with Gianna. She was so kind, loving, and nurturing. She could have been furious with me about the club dress that James had made me wear. Instead, she could see how upset I was over it and offered nothing but support and encouragement. I was so apprehensive when James told me we’d be eating dinner at his restaurant that evening because I didn’t want him anywhere near Gianna. However, she helped me get through a very traumatic event, and being with her that evening was exactly what I needed.

Just as we were breaking our soft kiss, James entered the room. When I looked up, I saw him smiling as he witnessed our embrace. Gianna and I held hands as he approached the table and sat back down next to us. “I want to thank you again for your help tonight, Gianna; your input was invaluable in my decision concerning who to hire and I really appreciate it.”

“You’re very welcome, James, she said, blushing slightly, “I’m glad I could help you.”

James looked at both of us thoughtfully. “Ladies, I feel like celebrating. If you’re interested in joining us, Gianna, you two can decide where you’d like to go. Perhaps we could take in a show o r…”

Gianna and I smiled at each other, simultaneously thinking the same thing. “James, we’d love to go clubbing, if that would be okay,” I said excitedly.

His eyes got wide and a slight grin crossed his face. Then he shot us a mock-apprehensive grin. “I’ve never been much of a dancer, but I did say it was ladies’ choice, so clubbing is fine with me.”

It was about a half-hour drive from James’s restaurant in Summerlin to the nightclub, Rain, at the Palms casino. Gianna and I loved to dance and we had been there one other time since we had been seeing each other. I was so excited about getting an unexpected evening out with her that I was very easily able to ignore the hurtful stares, gawking, and sneering from many of the older women as we exited the restaurant.

James was in such a good mood as we drove down Summerlin Parkway towards Paradise, Nevada, a suburb of Las Vegas where the Palms is located. I could tell that he was relieved to hire a new executive chef and I was so happy that Gianna was able to assist him. The mood was light and jovial as Gianna and I gently teased each other about the rather heavy meal we had just consumed. Even though we had only taken a bite or two out of each dish the chefs had prepared, it was still very filling, and we joked that we probably wouldn’t be able to get out of our seats at the club, much less be able to dance.

The three of us were having much fun laughing and joking with each other, but inwardly I was concerned that James might try to orchestrate a threesome like he had the night before. He had given me his word earlier that there wouldn’t be a repeat of the previous night’s activities. But still I couldn’t help feeling apprehensive because I knew how much James had loved having sex with Megyn and me. I started to get a queasy feeling in my stomach, Gianna was so beautiful, and they were getting on so well; this was going to be a real test of whether or not James would keep his word.

I heard the pounding, hypnotic beat of the house music as we approached the entrance to Rain. I was holding Gianna’s hand and I felt James’s arm wrapped securely around my waist. I was with the two people I loved, and my world felt perfect.

We were met at the door by a young man dressed smartly in a very stylish black suit. “How may I help you, Sir?”

James took a few seconds to read over the Club’s amenities list. “I’d like a VIP skybox, and am I correct in assuming you have bottle service?”

“We do have one skybox left, Sir, and we do offer bottle service,” the young man stated. “If you’ll please follow me?”

We followed the young man into the club. The music was thumping loudly and the hundreds of lights were changing color in time to the beat of the music. I felt like I was home. The enormous club could accommodate nearly two thousand people and had two levels. There were booths and tables on the lower level that surrounded the massive dance floor and an upper VIP level with six skyboxes featuring balconies that overlooked the entire club below. I had been to Rain many times, but never to the upper VIP level. It wasn’t uncommon to see celebrities, from actors to hip-hop artists, on the second level.

We climbed the stairs and the host seated us in the skybox. Almost immediately, a pretty server approached the table to take our drink order. James ordered a bottle of Dom Perignon, a bottle of Patron tequila, and three bottles of water.

It was one of the most amazing nights of my life. Gianna and I hit the floor and danced to several songs, bumping and grinding seductively against each other while occasionally making out a bit. When we needed a break, we’d return to the booth and laugh and joke with James. He was in such a great mood after concluding the business of hiring a chef. It was so nice to listen to him laugh and joke with us and see him so relaxed and happy.

After spending fifteen or twenty minutes with James, we’d return to the dance floor again. While I was dancing with Gianna, I’d periodically look up into the skybox and peer into James’s haunting blue eyes as he kept constant surveillance over us as we danced. It’s a difficult feeling to describe, but just having James there with us and watching over us gave me a feeling of contentment.

The more Gianna and I drank, the more risqué our dancing became. Light touching turned into full-on gropes and subtle kisses transmogrified into lingering make-out sessions while we were bumping and grinding on the dance floor. I have to admit that it got me hot seeing and feeling the numerous eyes on us, which outwardly I pretended to be oblivious to, as we put on our little public display.

It was approaching 1 a.m. and I could tell that Gianna was slowing down and starting to get drowsy. We were both pretty buzzed from the alcohol, and I couldn’t blame her for being worn out since she’d worked a full eight-hour shift at the restaurant. After dancing for several songs, Gianna and I returned to James at the table in our skybox.

“Gianna, it looks like you are getting tired,” James said.

“I am, it’s been a long day.”

He smiled sympathetically. “We had better get you home.”

We left the club and drove silently towards my apartment so we could drop Gianna off. I was so proud of James; he didn’t bring up Gianna staying with us and he’d acted like a perfect gentleman the entire night. It was truly one of the best nights of my life. I had spent the evening with the two people that I was crazy about; we had eaten amazing food, then drank and danced in one of the most popular clubs in Las Vegas. The perfect end to my magical evening was when I kissed Gianna outside my apartment building and watched her walk towards the elevator. While James pulled the Escalade away from the curb and we headed back to our suite at the Bellagio, I started to reflect on the only negative incident that occurred. This damn yellow scrunch dress. Why the hell did James make me wear it?

I was reluctant to broach the subject with him, and perhaps it was the alcohol that gave me the courage. Hesitantly, I looked at James. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course you can, Melanie,” James said while keeping his eyes on the road as we headed back to the Bellagio.

“Why did you choose this dress for me to wear tonight?”

“Did you not like it?”

“It’s a beautiful dress, it’s not that, but …”

James cut me off and a slight smile curled on the edge of his lips. “You wore something very similar to it last evening.”

I tried to keep my voice calm and even. “We went to a trendy gastropub and then a strip club when I wore that lace corset dress, James, not an elegant Italian restaurant. What you chose for me to wear this evening was exceptionally inappropriate.”

James took his eyes off the road for the first time since we’d begun this conversation and looked directly at me. “How did you feel when those old women looked at you while we were walking through my restaurant?” 

“I felt mortified.” I looked down, feeling embarrassed from my admission.

“You have a beautiful body, Melanie, you work out and you take care of yourself; why would you feel mortified because of that?” he said teasingly.

I could feel myself start to seethe in anger. His condescending tone spoke volumes; he wasn’t taking me seriously. “It has nothing to do with how much I work out, James. I’m concerned with wearing appropriate clothing for a given situation,” I said, my voice rising slightly in my anger.

He looked at me with a gleam in his eyes; I could tell he was enjoying our little verbal exchange. “The situations I put you in, Melanie and how you dress for those situations, will be left entirely to my discretion; do you understand?”

“Yes, I do,” I said quietly.

“Good,” he said, which ended the conversation.

We drove silently for a few minutes. Dressing inappropriately was going to be something that I’d just have to deal with if I was going to be with him. I mentally added it to the list of things that he obviously needed from me that I just had to be willing to accept.

We continued to drive silently down the Las Vegas strip. Even though it was the middle of the night, thousands of people strolled the sidewalks traveling from casino to casino, and as I played the events of the evening back in my mind one question still lingered. “Why did you ask Gianna to dine with us?”

“I told you earlier, I needed her help in choosing an executive chef,” he said in a playful tone.

He was still toying with me. I knew James owned fourteen Italian restaurants and he had probably hired dozens of Italian chefs throughout the years. He had also told me that he had traveled to Italy several times so he could sample genuine Italian food, so I knew he didn’t need Gianna’s help figuring out what authentic Italian cuisine was. I shot him a disgusted look and turned my head forward. It was obvious that I wasn’t going to get a straight answer from him tonight about anything.

He gently rubbed my thigh, sending shivers throughout my entire body. “I wanted to learn more about the woman you fell for,” he said softly. “Parts of you are an open book, and other parts of you are still a mystery to me.”

I could feel myself blushing. I would have told him anything he wanted to know about Gianna, but that wouldn’t have been enough. He had to meet her and find out what she was like for himself; he had to have that control. It always came back to control.

“I loved watching you interact with Gianna. How you talked with her, how you danced with her. It was nothing like how you acted with Flame, ummm… Megyn. There was a sexual passion with Megyn, but there wasn’t the romantic passion I saw tonight. It gave me more insight into what you are like around the people you love.”

It felt as if my life was a Petri dish that James could put under a microscope for his perusal. He had done so much for me financially; did that give him the right to peer into the intimate details of my life like this? Instead of that negative perspective, I chose to put a positive spin on it: He cared about me, at least on some level, and wanted to know more of what I was like.

– – – – –

To be continued …

Published 10 months ago

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