Meeting Connie Pt 2

"Connie takes Tony further than he'd dared hope"

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Sunday morning was here. And the world was bright and sunlit. Connie Summers was there, in her little car, as promised. Yesterday she had taken my virginity, before offering more. My self-confidence was still not very high. Trying to control my excitement, I pulled open the passenger door.

Leaning inside, there was that bright sunshine smile. “Glad you came,” Connie said, and her half-turn pulled her lemon blouse tight over her breasts, the nipples prominent.

Trembling, I settled down alongside her. Her lavender perfume filled my head, as we pulled away from the kerb. “It’s an old rust-bucket,” she chuckled. “I’ll buy something more modern when I’m settled in Dundee.”

I had forgotten about her proposed move. “You go tomorrow?”

“Only some clearing up to do tonight.”

She slowed the car, as we turned right onto a narrower road.

“Where are we going?”

She glanced at me, with those, oh, delicious green eyes, “The brae. Foothills before the Grampians. So quiet and private.” Then a small frown creased her brow. “Oh, how remiss of me. I forgot.”

Unexpectedly, she veered the car into a passing point, applied the handbrake, and leaned into me, “I meant to start with this,” she murmured, raising her lips to mine. The kiss was short but, for me, electrifying, as our tongues briefly said ‘good morning’ to each other.

Connie turned back to the wheel, and sighed, “Ah yes, that will keep us warm for the rest of the journey.”

“How long?” I asked.

“Oh, about twenty-five minutes. Can’t you wait?” Her voice had a slight chuckle in it.

Trying to maintain the lightness, I said, “It’s going to be hard.”

“Oh, I hope it is,” she giggled

We drove in silence for a while, as I cursed my stupid choice of words. The road rose gently ahead of us. Connie quietly hummed a popular song of the day. Recalling the way she had danced around me as we’d walked on the previous day, I told her how she always seemed relaxed.

Her eyes gave me another brief glance, “I told you I love it when the sun shines. Plus, I am a lady of many moods.” She negotiated a couple of sharp bends.

Leaning back against the door, I enjoyed the breath-catching loveliness of her profile, the look of concentration on her face, the curve of her blouse. Under that blouse were superb breasts that I had touched and licked. Had I really done that?

Suddenly, all the euphoria of the previous afternoon was dissipating into familiar doubts about my physical abilities.

As though detecting my uncertainty, Connie said, “You’ve been looking at me for a while. What’s on your mind?”

“Everything,” I said, and that was close to the truth.

She gave a low laugh, “I hope I’m in there somewhere.”

Was my response just as true? “You dominate.”

She slowed the car, as she said, “Please don’t think of me in that way.”

“How then?”

Eyes fixed firmly on the road ahead, where high trees bordered both sides, she said, “As instructor, as teacher, and if only for today,” And with the car slowed, she looked fully at me, and went on, “as lover.”

My breath caught in my throat as all I could say was, “Oh!”

“We’ve arrived,” she said now, turning the car left to bump up a grassy bank. The car ploughed over a weedy patch and seemed to be heading directly for the trees. I stared worriedly ahead, as Connie drove slowly but carefully to direct the car between the trunks of two tall pines. When I blinked it was like having the world open out into a wonderland of green.

Ahead of us, a rutted dry track ran away to disappear among thick shrubs. To my left, I could see trunks of a hundred trees fading into the gloom of their own branches. On the right the shrubbery was high and looked impenetrable, so unlike the left. Connie pulled the car off the track among the trees on the left.

As she climbed out, she was laughing at the puzzled expression on my face, “Surprised?”

I was dumbfounded at stopping in this location, “I’ve heard of ‘to the woods’ but –“

She laughed again and mimicked, “You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.” She opened the car boot and handed me a small cloth bag before picking up what looked like a picnic basket.

“This way,” she said and walked along the hedge side. I followed, noticing that strands of ivy trailed down thinly over the hedging, but gradually thickened until little of the hedge could be detected. It was good to walk behind Connie just watching the twitching of those buttocks.

She soon stopped, and putting down her basket, she took a key from her skirt pocket. Pulling the curtain of ivy to one side, she nodded her head for me to part it in the other direction. I gasped when I found a wooden door.

 “Full of little surprises, aren’t I?” And she placed the key in a large keyhole, and the door creaked open easily. She waved me to enter, and I saw her carefully rearrange the ivy before closing and locking the door.

We were in a vast open green area with low shrubs to the left, but what really took my eyes was the old stone building, which had clearly been refurbished. A white painted veranda and rail ran along the front and the door too modern for the stone. The whole building was lit up by the warm sunlight.

Connie had set down her basket and came in close to me, “Full story coming up, but kiss me first.”

Surely, the intent of the day couldn’t have slipped my mind. Eagerly I accepted her offered lips and she ground herself against me as our tongues met with the familiarity of old friends. I wondered about the twitch in my groin, but it was less than demanding.

In any case, Connie broke the kiss,  took my hand and led me towards the veranda as she explained, “This was once a woodsman’s cottage which my father managed to purchase, more than twenty years ago. He completely renovated it into a country retreat.  He even had the good sense to plant these tall shrubs, knowing that, in time, they would grow to where they are now. Complete seclusion.”

I helped her open the large fold-back window shields and then we were inside. “He has somebody who keeps the place neat when not in use.”

The interior was basically one room, a curtained corner hid a cosy-looking double bed and to the left was a bench, a sink with a single tap.  “Cold water is the only facility we have. There’s a little cooker with a gas bottle under the sink.”

I was quietly impressed and told her that, and I guess that was when the business started. She came into my arms again, nuzzling along my neck, her fingers working on the buttons of my shirt.

“I would like you to unbutton my blouse,” she said, and those green eyes ate into my brain. “Good practice you are going to need. To unbutton without fumbling.”

I loved her laughter, a gentle tinkle mixed with a hungry growl.

I tried not to fumble as she stood there and watched me. With the blouse removed my fingers traced the outline of her wonderfully firm breasts, and the promise that lay ahead was getting to me already. My cock was like a netted animal and Connie’s sensuous grin told me she knew.

She began unfastening my belt as she said, “I’m going to have to take similar precautions as yesterday.” Connie looked up at my face, saw my worried look and added, “I think you’ll like it better this way. Now push my skirt down.”

As she began pushing at my pants, I began to feel the same worries as the previous day. Surely, I was passed that shyness of her seeing my erect cock. I had moved her skirt down over her hips, and it easily dropped away to reveal the briefest of lacy panties, through which the tawny triangle was scarcely hidden.

“Very fancy,” I commented, meaning the lace.

“Very fancy,” she responded, her fingers stroking along my exposed cock as I stepped away from my pants. Glad to find that my shyness accepted her admiration, I was also pleased that I had resisted any instant spurt at her touch but knew I wouldn’t be able to hang on for long as her fingers closed gently around my shaft.

 “You are quite well endowed, Tony,” Connie said, with a frankness that I had no wish to ignore. “Now just take two steps back and sit on the chair behind you.”

Sit on a chair? Did she want to sit on my knee? On my erection? Mind in a whirl, I edged back to the chair and sat, to be hit by instant action from Connie. Before I could do anything, she had dropped to her knees, pushing my legs apart as her face buried into my groin and the wetness of her tongue on my hard cock, ignited my whole lower body.

My hand on her head tried to waylay the inevitable as I squawked, “No, I’ll come. Connie, it’ll go into your mouth. I’ll come.”

She resisted the half-hearted pressure I applied to her head, snorted as her lips and tongue flickered at the purple head and she mumbled, “That’s the general idea. Easing your tension. Remember?”


“Yesterday we gave it to the grass. Today, you give it to me.”

“Your mouth will be,” I tried to say, but within seconds I was surrendering as Connie completed my sentence for me.

“Will be just the right size.”

With some desperation, I saw my solid cock vanish between her lips, and as she bowed her head forwards, together with a strong suck, it travelled back to her soft palette. There, given the pressure of her wet tongue, the power of her sucking, and the bobbing of her mouth around it, my cock quite simply surrendered its load as I cried out, “Oh, God, Connie, I’m sorry.” But I couldn’t withhold the rapturous, “Oooh,” that followed.

Connie had to feel my cream bursting all over her mouth, but she made a reciprocal “Mmm,” sound as my stuff spurted out of me. Looking down I saw her throat pulsing as though she was swallowing. Swallowing! That’s what she was doing, she was swallowing my cum. How weird was that?

Yet, shocked as I was, ashamed as I was, I could not deny that the sensation of climaxing in a woman’s willing mouth was beyond any words. I was aware of my immediate softening as Connie raised her head, green eyes glowing, and my limpness dripped like a dead snail from between her lips. A thin trail of cum joined us together until her tongue reached out to lap it away.

“The taste?” I asked weakly, still lost in some wonder at what had happened.

She drew me to my feet, and my eyes travelled over the incredible body, those tempting breasts as I rose, and to my question, she responded quietly, “I’m not mad about the taste, but I love the sense of power I get when giving a willing blowjob.”

“Blowjob? Is that what it’s called?”

“Among other things,” Connie said, and went to the tap filled a glass and took a deep mouthful of water. “Just to clear up,” she chuckled. She stood there gazing at me, and I was just a little uncomfortable having this gorgeous naked lady, ogling my naked body. I had to resist moving my hands to cover my groin.

Without saying anything, Connie opened a little cupboard under the bench and withdrew a rolled up blue tartan blanket. “I think we should get some of that wonderful fresh air and sunlight, don’t you?”

She moved to the door and I followed. All the while I was in a kind of dreamland, able to feast my inexperienced eyes on this luscious naked female body. Arms wrapped around each other, we stood at the veranda rail, looking out on the green, shadowed and bright, of the cabin area.

“Another first time for you,” she leaned in close to whisper in my ear.


Her face was aglow with that cheeriness, “First blowjob, and now, have you ever stood starkers out in the open?”

I laughed, “You are right.”

The eyes took on that more lascivious glint as she said, “Before our time is over, I hope to be able to enjoy a few more firsts I want you to experience.”

Her words had me buzzing, but before I could ask what she meant, she grabbed the blanket from the rail, and moving down the steps to the left, she said, “Starting now. Over here.” And she bounced, that’s the only word for her movement, towards an embankment near the high roadside hedge, which was half in sunlight, half in the shade of massive pines.

I had scarcely reached her before she had spread both the blanket and herself on the shaded embankment. Standing over her, gawping at the wonder of her from her flared tawny hair down to her equally tawny bush, slashed by the moist pinkness revealed by her open thighs.

“Like it?” Connie’s voice was a low murmur, and I could only nod dumbly.

“My tits? My pussy?”

I found my voice with difficulty, determined to sound positive, “All of you. Your face, your shape.” As I knelt alongside her, “Oh, hell, every inch of you.”

Her eyes said it all before she even spoke, “All right. Do you think your hands remember what you did with me yesterday?”

Did I? Within seconds, I was leaning over her, rejoicing at the points where our skins met, and we kissed with some passion, while my hand stroked from her hair, down her neck and onto those firm rounded breasts, which were a silken wonder. Connie’s nipples hardened immediately, and she was soon emitting little moans of pleasure.

My hands wanted to be everywhere at once, and Connie broke our kiss to indicate how this was possible. “Your lips, your tongue on my tits, suck my nipples.”

Following that instruction, with my mouth enjoying the wonder of her breasts, and with my ears delighting in her groans of pleasure, I recalled that I could now use my hands lower. Yesterday this had been the land of mystery, now, with what confidence I had, I slipped my fingers directly between her parted thighs, and deeper, so I was into her wetness.

With dubious skill, I found the tiny nub which immediately blossomed into a tiny seedling, her clit, and apparently her delight, as under my lips I sensed her breasts spasm. This was accompanied by a half squeal from her lips. Oh, wasn’t I doing well? And my cock was remaining under control.

I moved my fingers back along the swampy groove aiming to probe her entry. On the previous occasion, I had only had the briefest of pokes, before my cock had threatened eruption. Now, I found the welcoming moistened hole and pushed a firm finger into her. Again, her response was stimulating, as I sensed the movement of her head and the twitching of her body under my lips.

Then came the request that I was just not expecting. “Tony, keep your finger there,” Her voice sounded strained, “But lick your tongue around my clit.”

I jerked my head back from savouring her nipples. Put my mouth down there? Was that even legal? What about the taste? All that moisture. I glanced up at her face. Her lips had been parted, her eyes looked glazed, as she nodded her head, and mouthed a ‘Please’.

My troubled mind was telling me that she had mouthed my cock. Could I make this repayment time? Tentatively I moved my head down to what, less than twenty-four hours earlier, had been the secret place of the female body. Finding what a delight it was to touch, could it be just as pleasant to mouth? I had to doubt it.

Leaning my head over her tawny bush I could view my own hand plunging my finder as far as I could into her. Parting my lips and poking out a reluctant tongue, I licked at the beginning of her crease. “Oh, yes,” came from Connie. “I love being tongued.”

I guess that urged me on as I ploughed my tongue further into the wetness of her, and tasted, what? An unexpected creaminess, and then my tongue was on her clit, and with that and my finger flickering inside her, Connie went off like a rocket. She hissed, sighed growled and heaved under me. I had given her an orgasm, without using my cock.

Briefly, her hands clawed for it, but despite the recent activity, it had only risen to a quarter point. I raised my head and pulled my finger out of her. She gave another heavy sigh, and her green eyes were momentarily empty as she gazed at me.

Uncertainly I said, “Sorry, I couldn’t do anything.”

“Sorry?” she exclaimed, reaching an arm to pull my head towards hers. “You think you let me down? I loved what you did. Not the total call. But I had drained you.”

She applied a little more pressure and our lips came together in a warm friendly kiss. Breaking away Connie gave a chuckle, “Huh, I can taste myself on your lips.”

“It was a good taste,” I told her honestly.

“Pleased you liked it. It will get better.” She glanced at her watch, and again came her lovely chuckle, “You know, we’ve been here just over an hour.”

“A very full hour,” I added.

“Yes, I’ve made you come, and you’ve helped me come,” Her eyes glowed in the sunlight, as she added, “And we haven’t fucked yet. Doesn’t that surprise you?”

I hadn’t thought about it, but now saw how it was all I had been expecting from our time together.

“Let’s have lunch.” Connie said, jumping to her feet, and standing over me, her feet on either side of my face, she added, “See anything you fancy?” Her hips swayed provocatively. So uninhibited

It was a joy to be so relaxed and be able to lie there looking up into her tawny haired pussy. I was delighted to be cool enough to reply, “If that’s all there is, I’ve just eaten.”

Laughing, she darted towards the cabin, “You stay there. We’ll picnic.”

She had laughed so often and so joyously that I hoped that part of her exhilaration was due to my presence. I lay there with my eyes closed wondering what else she had planned for me. Although from what she had just said I was pretty sure the durability of my cock was going to be tested

The sound of the basket dropping open, made me look to see Connie setting out a bottle of wine, with two glasses. She smiled at me as she said, “I thought you were asleep.” Now she was placing a range of neat packages on the blanket.

I couldn’t help commenting on this new first time, a naked picnic. I could have just laid there and watched the way her breasts swayed with each movement she made.

“You could unwrap the food,” she scolded.

Within minutes we were seated, me cross-legged, Connie on one hip with her legs pushed out to one side. Breath-taking, yet less provocative. The food consisted of neat sandwiches, Scotch eggs and crisps. We ate without much conversation. Then, the sudden darkening had us looking skywards, where a dark cloud threatened.

Connie hurriedly began clearing things away. “We’ll keep the rest for later. Best get under cover.”

We deposited the blanket and basket and Connie came immediately into my arms. Kissing me with an urgency that overwhelmed me. Her naked body against mine was intoxicating. Oceans of skin touching was just wonderful, and my cock was immediately erect.

Connie was very aware of that fact as she ground her body against it. Breaking the kiss, she said, huskily, “I’m not far from taking it.” Her eyes took on a serious glint as she added, “This will only be your second time. So, don’t expect too much of yourself.”

I hadn’t been thinking that far ahead, but her words now set me worrying. Could I give her a satisfying session? Connie had moved to the bed, lying back in that delectable way she had, she held out her arms. Once again, our skins were electrifying, as we kissed, and I stroked her breasts. God, touching them was such a gift.

Pulling back from our kiss she hissed, “Quickly, finger me down below. Feel how ready I am.” And her own fingers traced a teasing line along my erection, catching my breath, but not provoking me too much. But, I knew, it wouldn’t take much.

I stroked my fingers into her slit and enjoyed the moistened heat of her. Connie had buried her face in the corner of my neck and shoulder as though wanting to have her mouth free to instruct or advise me. Even as I tickled at her raised clit she hissed, “Oh, yes. Now, poke me.”

I hadn’t heard that expression but knew exactly what she meant. I moved my fingers so that my middle finger slid into her passage and she gasped, “It won’t take much, Tony.”

I ran my finger around her opening. It was exciting and I felt my cock give a warning pulse. Then, Connie raised her head to issue another instruction, “Ooh, two fingers, Tony. Use two fingers.” Her breathing was harsh and panting and she added, “Not your index. I need that.”

I wriggled my middle and third finger inside her and her moans had me thinking she was going to orgasm. Hell, I wasn’t far away from bursting but was pleased to find a measure of control. Then, Connie issued a surprise demand, “Now, Tony, don’t stop but spread your index further back until you feel. Oh, yes.”

Her shock was my shock because my finger was touching the tight little ring of her anus. Connie’s whole body was trembling as she hissed, “Push into it.”

What? Into that hole? I did, but not for long, because with three fingers working at her two orifices, Connie screamed, “Your cock, Tony. Oh, God, into me. Fast. Oh, fuck.”

Her heaving body made it difficult to place my erection, and Connie’s wild excitement was getting to me. There was really little delay before I was sliding easily up into her weeping channel and her muscles were gripping around my cock, while her hips rose to encourage my thrusts.

And I was delightedly high, as I made two, three thrusts before my hips joined in her frenzied motions and my cock began spurting madly into her. And there was our duet of grunts, moans and, in Connie’s case, squeals as we came like crazy.

I lay over her, still lost in the wonder of what had just happened. I was sure I had been stronger, but Connie had been so eager that I wasn’t sure. But as my limp cock slid out of her, and I rolled my weight to one side, Connie confirmed for me, “You, Tony, are going to make some women very happy.”

“Think so?”

Her green eyes were warm as she leaned across to peck a little kiss on my cheek, “Oh, you still have much to learn, and you’ll need practice beyond my time but, yes, you have much to look forward to.” That lascivious smile came to her lips as she added, “Anyway, I haven’t finished with you yet.”

She slid to the side of the bed, “Now, we’ll clean up and then maybe you’d like to see the river.”

I watched this fascinating naked lady fill a kettle, produce a gas-fired hob, and boil some water, while I lay and thought about the Tony Teller of just twenty-four hours earlier. That shy, withdrawn airman seemed to be someone else.

Then Connie approached me, with a dish of warm water, told me to sit on the edge of the bed, and, with much giggling and lewd comment, she bathed my shrunken manhood.

When a ray of sunshine fell across the room, I looked out to see that there had been no rain and the clouds had passed. Connie told me that it was possible to walk through the trees without seeing a soul, but it might be wiser to be at least partly clothed.

Consequently, I pulled on my pants and went bare-chested, and Connie stepped into her skirt while wearing her blouse loose so that any movement when we walked gave tantalising flashes of her breasts.

I was surprised when she led me to a rear corner of the enclosure to reveal another hidden exit, which Connie unlocked. We had to walk single file between the tall trees, along a narrow path. Connie walked ahead of me, gathering in her skirt to avoid it snagging on wayward twigs.

The river was less than half a mile down the sloping path. It was little more than a wide brook, but we saw fish jump as we walked along the bank for a distance. It was pleasing to have Connie take my hand to give the impression of young lovers. In my mind anyway.

I heard Connie’s deep sigh, and when I looked at her, she turned her eyes up to look into mine, “I could never have had this lovely sense of peace with your Sergeant Casper.”

She was referring to the sergeant who had asked me to carry his message to Connie in the first place. “Let’s not talk about him.” Casper had made some unpleasant comments about her which were just not true.

We strolled slowly back to settle side by side on a low rock jutting from the grassy bank. Kingfishers dived, fishes jumped, flying insects swarmed and it was all so natural to touch Connie’s cheek and have her hand skim over my bare chest.

A gentle kiss became a warmer kiss, and as her hand slid to my belly, so mine wandered inside her open blouse to fondle bare breast, and squeeze at rising nipples.

Connie gave a happy grunt. Her hand dropped into my lap and quickly made it clear that my cock was well risen.

“Aha,” she cried, and next second, she gave me a shove which tumbled me off the rock and onto the grassy bank. Then she was on her feet, a teasing smile on her face, as she shrugged out of her blouse, waggled her breasts at me, and, heading for the path called over her shoulder, “If you can catch me, you can fuck me.” And, with a laugh, she disappeared into the trees.

Clambering to my feet, I yelled, “I will catch you and if I do I will,” Short pause, “do whatever you want.” And I was after her.

Immediately, I saw her ahead of me, not travelling that swiftly. Dying to be caught, no doubt, as she turned and provocatively waggled her breasts again. Then she was off again, clutching her skirt close to her.

I saw the edge of the enclosure beyond her. I hoped to catch her before she reached there when she suddenly veered to the left and disappeared. Puzzled, I moved up to the point where I thought she had vanished.

A very narrow path bent into the undergrowth. I hurried to the point of the bend, and stopped, staring open-mouthed at the pose of her. A large fallen ancient tree lay at less than half a right angle. So old that it had become coated in thick moss and lichen.

Connie was lounging back against a growing tree, but her bare buttocks were on the fallen tree, and her skirt was up around her waist. The toe of her bare right leg rested on the earth, while her left leg was bent up high. With her thighs parted she was seduction incarnate.

Moving forward, I could view the pink of her offered cleft. I could also see the devilishly tempting leer on her lovely face as I unzipped and unbuckled my pants. Connie let out a sudden moaning cry, “Help me! Anyone! The wicked monster of the forest is going to have me.”

My erection jutted greedily in front of me as I leaned over her. And snarled, “Yes, I am.”

“Oh, God, he has a massive prong. Oh, no.”

The way she was positioned I was able to push my hard cock easily into her, without even taking my left foot from the ground. In fact, that enabled me to apply added pressure as my cock slid up into the wetness of her.

Again, she cried out, “Oh, it’s too big! Massive.”

I don’t know whether it was the play-acting or a new-born positivity, but I found myself able to thrust and thrust again into her welcoming passage where her own muscles were flexing around my shaft.

Soon, I discovered how it was affecting Connie as she began her pitiful pleading, “Oh, God, he’s fucking me too hard. He’s setting my cunt on fire.” Then came her change, as I was able to apply greater thrust, which her eager loins were responding to. “Oh, you are, Tony. God, you feel so hot.”

A moment of silence other than the splurging sound of my cock in her fluids and then, “Christ, Tony, I’m coming. I’m coming.”

I needed no more impulse than that, and gladly I released into her. Humping and heaving wildly together, our joint cries sent the birds screeching from the trees above us.

Connie was the first to speak. In low, breathless tones, she said, “Tony, you were so strong there.”

I looked into her face and gave her a smile to tell her that my reply wasn’t exactly true, “Yes, I was only acting.”

She gave her chuckle, and said, “But you seemed confident. Have I been good for you?”

My confidence showed in my response to that, “No, I think it’s been a waste of time.”

Her elbow into my ribs made me gasp, as she laughed, “You big liar.”

Back at the cabin, Connie immediately heated water and went through the process of cleaning up both our genital areas. “Poor little thing,” she intoned over me.

“You’ve made him very happy,” I told her, and, smiling, she bent to kiss my flaccid member.

“I wish we had more time,” she said, and my heart leapt at the idea that she really meant it. It immediately sank as I faced the truth of that. Our time would soon be over. “You have so much more to experience. Now let’s eat.”

The sun had moved around, and the veranda was now in shade. Connie showed me where a folding table was stored, and soon we had the table with two chairs set outside. Connie brought out the basket and poured two glasses of wine, and we sat there, naked in the late afternoon, finishing the food.

I commented on something that had occurred to me about that session on the fallen tree. “We had no foreplay.”

 Connie nodded, “Sheer excitement. Playfulness. All powerful incentives.” Her green eyes held mine as she went on, “Besides, I’m never not moist.” She shuffled her chair closer and spread her legs, “Feel.”

Reaching for that central heaven of her, had not long ago, been tentative, now I was able to reach out eagerly and dip my fingers into the warm fluidity of her. “Ah, yes, “ I sighed. “Wonderful.” Touching her with such delicate intimacy was perfection. My fingers wriggled back to her entry, paddling in a pool of delight.

She pushed my hand away, and her words came with a tremble as she said, “Whoa, enough of that. You won’t be ready for a while—”

Connie stopped and was looking down towards my groin, “I don’t know though. Wow.”

A quick look and a recognition of the situation was so satisfying. My cock had risen halfway, and I shuddered with delight as Connie’s fingers closed around it. Immediately, I felt my blood beginning to pulse.

“Just over an hour,” Connie said. “Given what you’ve done that’s good recovery.” And bowing her head forward she closed her lips around the purple head of my cock. Was I not a lucky airman, as I felt it rise to fill her mouth?

She drew back her head but held on to my hardness. “Like to try something different?”

“Like what?”

“Like fucking me from behind.” She had reached into the basket and brought something out which I couldn’t see as she placed it on the table.

“Will that be all right?” My first doubt for a while.

“Some people like it better that way.” And she leaned her elbows on the veranda rail, before bending forward to present her buttocks invitingly. “Press your cock against me.”

I did that, enjoying the sensation of my cock pressing into her crevice, “That nice.”


“Not all women will want it this way, but I like it. Inside me, now.”

Her legs were spread wide and finding her wet entrance was not difficult as I guided my cock-head to it  Immediately Connie lunged back and my hardness cruised easily as I tested my self with a couple of good thrusts. Second time inside two hours, yes, I was going to be strong enough.

“Reach around and finger my clit, with one hand, and my tit with the other.”

God, I was soon winding her up at three points, and her moans told me she was loving it. Her clit felt large, her nipples were hard, and I was able to pound my cock along very active muscles.

So, it was quite a shock when Connie suddenly said, “Pull out of me, Tony.”

My three points of contact froze. Had I done something wrong? Had I hurt her?

Connie flexed forward to free herself, “Another first, Tony. You’ll be doing me a favour. But only if you want to.”

Intrigued by her words, I withdrew my cock, dripping with her juices. “Good lubrication.” I moved both hands to stroke her delightfully rounded buttocks. “Now, on the table, you’ll see a small tube.”

She was looking back over her shoulder and nodding towards the table. I saw the tube and as I picked it up, her next words stunned yet excited me. “It’s lube. For my little hole.” My whole experience with Connie had been new, but this was way beyond the possible, surely.

“You mean?”

“Only if you want to.” she murmured. Now, where had I heard that before? My hands worked feverishly to open the tube, as though, without my conscious intent, eagerness and curiosity prevailed.

“You okay with this?” she asked.

As a reply, I pressed my hard cock along her buttock gap, and even that produced a little “Mmm,” from her, before she said, “Don’t be nervous about using your fingers there.”

I didn’t remind her that I had earlier, fingered her anus, and I recalled how she had reacted then. Loading my index finger with the lube, I cautiously smeared it around the tiny rim, before adding more I pushed my finger deeper. She lurched and heaved back into me, as a gurgling noise escaped her lips.

Panting she hissed, “Just a little around your tip to help you.” She grunted, before adding, “Then, come in through my private door.” And she gave a rather strangled chuckle.   

I did as she asked, and with just a little uncertainty I moved my cock to that tiny orifice, which would never take it. “If I hurt you.”

“You won’t. You won’t. Do it.” The urgency in her voice, had me holding my hard shaft to press at that tiny hole. I could lean back and see my cock-head seem to distort under the pressure.

God, so tight. I knew it wouldn’t. Then as Connie pushed back, it was like bursting through a hard curtain.  Tightness wasn’t gone, but this tightness was as if Connie was snuggling around my cock, and it was fantastic.

She heaved back again, and her voice was almost a scream she yelped, “Oh, yes, fuck hard, Tony. Do it, hard.”

That had been against all my intentions, but her pleasure seemed so great, and there was no doubt I was heading for a massive burst. I thrust deeply up inside her, and with every thrust, Connie emitted a cry of delight. I leaned over her, my chest along her lovely smooth back, as I buried my face in the base of her neck, and my hands fingered her breasts.

But, of course, such rapture could not go on without an explosion. My cock was on fire, and Connie’s pounding rectum was providing the fuel. My balls, having slapped against her pussy were so ready to burst.

But it was Connie who went off first. I could tell her orgasm was massive, as she swayed rocked and heaved, and I feared her legs might give way. Then I was coming. I wasn’t sure how much cum I had left but the spasms that joined alongside those of Connie were amazing. Once again, only louder our joyous cries of ecstasy were a glorious duet.

I held onto her glorious breasts as I lay over her back, nibbling at her earlobe, mouthing her neck and her cheeks. Wanting so much to kiss her, as my dead cock slid out of her, and I stood back to allow her to turn.

When she did, I saw her face was a vivid red, as she brought her open mouth to mine. We kissed ourselves into a cosy quietude. Breaking the kiss, at last, Connie whispered, “Tony, that was so good for me. I wasn’t sure whether I’d dare tell you that I just love to be taken like that.” Seeing the surprise on my face she added, “And you need to know that Joe Casper never received that treat from me.”

I could hardly express what a thrill it was to hear her say that, and when she added, “And I’m thinking that your Casanova award is almost guaranteed,” I wanted time to stop.

But it wouldn’t. The sun had vanished behind the tall trees, but the air was still warm. Connie said, “Should we clean up, and then take the weight off our tired legs?”

So, we were soon naked, washed, and lying side by side on the bed, and in my weak adolescent way, I tried to find the right words to express my gratitude for all she had done for me. Connie placed a silencing finger over my mouth and told me, “Surprisingly, unexpectedly, the pleasure was all mine.”

We must have dozed because my watch showed 7.40 when I woke up, and Connie was leaning over me. “We’ve actually, really slept together.” And there came that delightful giggle.

And for one last time, we had slow, indolent, delicate sex.

In the car on the way back to reality, I was keen to review all the firsts I had experienced in her company. Feeling desperately grateful, yet coldly sad, I said, “I’ll never forget you, Connie, for all the gifts you’ve given me.”

Connie glanced, smiled and took one hand off the wheel to squeeze my knee, “And I have one more, little gift for you,” she said.

“What is it?” I asked, unable to see a way she could bestow any more on me now.

“You’ll find out,” she said cryptically.

As we approached the camp gates, I saw the busy movement of airmen on a typical evening’s meandering. I expected Connie to stop the car near where she’d picked me up, but she drove on, to pull up exactly opposite the gates. I saw a number of airmen, looking across and as I leaned across to give her a farewell kiss, I was hoping they would see.

I got out of the car, but as I moved around to the driver’s side, Connie flung open the door, jumped out and flung her arms around my neck. There were hoots and catcalls from the crew at the gate, as she kissed me avidly all over my face, before saying, much louder than necessary, “Oh, Tony, thank you for a marvellous time. You were wonderful.”

A voice from the gate called, “Your lucky Sergeant Casper’s been posted to Leuchars.”

Those lovely green eyes held mine as she whispered, “Good. All’s well that ends well. Have a good life, Tony.” Then she was back in the car and driving away, and inside I knew that a brief yet major part of my life was ended.

And I headed across the road to face the new reputation Connie had just gifted me. 



Published 6 years ago

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