Meg really can’t remember how she ended up like this. One minute, she and Danny were on the couch talking about dinner with his parents, and the next minute her wrists are tied together and she is splayed out on her dark purple comforter with Danny’s head between her legs. His fingers slowly thrust in and out of her pussy as his mouth sucks, nips, and licks at her thigh. What spawned this change, she wasn’t sure, but she is sure that she likes it. She moans and purrs as Danny’s hand continues its slow torture of her slick pussy, and Meg squirms as his mouth continues doing whatever it is doing on her leg. She looks briefly at the clock and curses.
“Danny, love, we only have an hour to get ready,” Meg murmurs before he cocks his hand just right and she goes arching off the mattress. Danny chuckles and licks her clit lightly.
“I’ll be done soon, and so will you,” Danny retorts before latching his mouth back to her leg. She scoffs.
“I don’t even want to know wh—ah!” she cries out as he moves his lips from her thigh to her pussy and nips her clit. His fingers go from a slow leisurely pace to vigorous and aggressive, and she instantly soars over the edge, her juices dripping on his hand and into his mouth. She blushes as he laughs darkly, licking her pussy and his fingers clean.
“Told you,” he whispers as he unties her wrists and kisses her deeply.
“I need to shower…” Meg mumbles and Danny laughs.
“Can I—?“
“No, you may not join me,” Meg interrupts, “Or we will never get ready in time,” she adds. He sighs and lays back on the bed, yet seconds later he hears her exasperated squeal and grins. Good! She saw the masterpiece he made on her thigh.
“Danny!” she cries as she wanders back into the bedroom, “Why the hell did you do that?!” she points angrily at her inner thigh where he marked a ‘D’ in large, lingering, hickey.
“Because you’re mine, and my brothers can’t try to take you now,” he retorts with a grin that has her fury melting. She goes to the bed and kisses him.
“I’m always yours, you big goof,” she mutters before stripping off her sweater and panties and tossing them at him, “You didn’t need to put hickeys on my leg to prove it,” she adds as she saunters naked to the bathroom.
His cock grows painfully hard against his pants as he hears the shower turn on, yet she is right. They will never leave and make it to his family’s home if he follows her into the shower. So instead, he goes and gets himself changed into a nice button up shirt and jeans. He wears ‘converse’ just to piss his parents off, for he knows this is probably a formal affair. He doesn’t give a shit. He wouldn’t be going to his parents if they didn’t insist on meeting his girlfriend of two years. He goes and plops down on Meg’s couch before turning on the TV. She always takes long showers, and if he sees her naked again, he may say ‘fuck it’ to his family and keep Meg to himself tonight.
As he watches the game, Meg finishes up her shower. She can’t believe Danny literally marked her thigh, though it was a sweet gesture. Or so she hopes. She’s never met Danny’s family, so she doesn’t know how the brothers will act, and if his concern is valid or not. She hops out of the shower and wanders to her wardrobe in a towel. She needs a dress that is going to be appropriate enough for a family gathering, but sexy enough to torture Danny after he marked her. Her eyes immediately land on the white halter dress she wore the night he introduced her to Stella.
‘That’ll be perfect payback’, she thinks as she slips into a lacy bra and thong, the white dress, and a short, but still cute, and a pair of black heels. She curls her hair before braiding the front locks and tying them to the back of her head. Add a bit of makeup, and she thinks she’s done a good job of creating a classy appearance for the parents, but of sexy torment for Danny. She pulls on a black cardigan for warmth before stepping into the living room.
“What do you think?” Meg asks Danny as he looks up from the screen to her. His mouth falls open when he sees the tantalizing white dress, and instantly he remembers the last thing she did in that dress.
“I think I fucking hate you right now, and we should blow off my parents,” he retorts as he stands and strides over to her suddenly. He pins her against the wall, and she squeals with surprise.
“Danny…Danny, we only have twenty-five minutes to get over there. We’re going to be late,” she murmurs as he runs his hand up her thigh before lifting her dress up, and flashing him her thong. Which happens to be his favorite red lacy thong.
“Fuck…Meg please can we skip?” he replies as he slips his hand over her panties. She giggles and steps away from him.
“Unfortunately, no. You made a promise, and this is a huge deal for them,” she says before kissing him, “Later…” she whispers as she finds her purse in the mess on her desk. Danny grabs her waist and pulls her back against him, his hard cock pressing into her ass. She moans lightly and sways her hips, which only gets him harder.
“You’ll fuck me after this. No matter what happens,” Danny demands and she blushes before he kisses her deeply.
“Mmm, yes sir,” she purrs as she steps towards the door, “Now let’s go before you screw up my makeup,” she adds when he kisses her again.
“That’s not the only thing I’m going to screw up later,” Danny growls as he gropes her breasts, causing a soft moan to slip from her lips.
“Danny…” she pleads, and he grins wickedly before straightening up and stepping away from her.
“Shall we go?” he asks, flashing an innocent smirk her way.
“God, I hate you,” she grumbles as the two of them walk from her apartment to his car.
“This is your fault. You wore that damn dress,” he whispers in her ear, and she blushes.
“Thought you’d remember it,” she says with a wink and he laughs.
“Honey, I’ll never forget how you looked in that dress with Stella fucking you,” he retorts as he opens the passenger door for her. Chivalry is always good, especially when it means Danny can slap her ass as she slips into the car. She gasps and gawks at him as he shuts the door. Meg may have taken her sexy torture a little too far because now she is wet, and Danny looks as if he is about ready to jump her. As he starts to drive, Meg turns to face him.
“You will be serious later, right? You’re not going to keep groping me in front of your family…?” she asks and he smiles.
“I’m not going to grope you in front of them. This is just so I can get it out of my system,” he chuckles and she grins.
“Okay good…” she mumbles before turning to face the window. Suddenly, Danny’s hand is crawling up her thigh and she moans, “Danny…” she looks over at him and he flashes her a wicked grin.
“Like I said, I need to get it out of my system,” he purrs as he pushes her lacy thong to the side, and thrusts his fingers into her pussy. She is happy that it is dark, and no one can see into their car from the street. She spreads her legs wider, and Danny grins, “You don’t seem to mind it as much as you say you do,” he adds, tweaking her clit and causing her to jump off the seat. In revenge, Meg reaches over to his lap and rubs his very hard cock through his jeans.
“You do seem to mind it,” she teases, and he gives her the hottest stare she’s ever seen. Her pussy is slick with her pleasure, and that look only makes her wetter. He turns his hand so his fingers are arching up into her and she moans weakly.
“Don’t start anything you won’t finish,” Danny growls as he thrusts into her harder. She is careening closer and closer to the edge, and he knows how to make her cum so easily.
“I…I’m going to cum,” Meg whimpers and Danny laughs lowly.
“I know, babe,” he rasps as he rubs his thumb vigorously over her clit. That does it. Meg cries out his name and arches into his hand as her orgasm rips through her and leaves her trembling on the seat. Danny takes his fingers from her pussy and licks them clean, “You always have the cutest face when you climax,” Danny teases as the two of them pull up to his parent’s house.
“I fucking hate you,” she gasps as she slips her now drenched thong back into place, and looks out the window, “Oh…my…god…” His parents don’t live in a house; they live in a fucking mansion. Meg suddenly feels very underdressed for the occasion, “Fuck, I should have worn a different dress. Or some jewelry or something,” Meg grumbles and Danny shrugs.
“I think you look just fine,” he says with a wicked gleam in his eye.
“I know you like it, but I feel a little…I don’t know. Definitely not high society.”
“Fuck high society,” Danny says before kissing her again, “It’ll be fine. You look amazing, and they will love you,” he adds and she blushes at the compliment.
“Okay…anything I need to know going in?”
“Don’t drink whatever my dad offers—he makes it way too strong—my mother will blab on and on about her modeling days—just nod and compliment her—and swearing will make both of their heads explode, so watch the fucks. Greyson is the eldest, and a total tool—watch out for his hands—Landyn is the youngest, and he is spoiled rotten…I think that’s it,” Danny says as he gets out of the car. He goes around and opens Meg’s door for her.
“Bloody, fucking, shit, damn, fuck, great,” she snips as she takes his arm. He gives her a warning look, and she laughs, “I’m just getting it out of my system now,” she adds and he laughs.
“I fucking love you,” he mutters as they walk up the long driveway and ring the doorbell. A maid opens the door and lets the two of them in.
“I love you too,” Meg whispers. Danny smiles down at her, following the maid to the parlor where his parents often host guests. When they walk into the room, Meg fights to keep a charming smile on her face as horror seeps in. Danny’s family is all fucking gorgeous. His brothers are both tall with chiseled features, and his mother is a beautiful thin woman with vibrant blue eyes and not a single wrinkle on her porcelain skin. She looks Meg over, and Meg realizes she is seriously underdressed. The conversation instantly dies down as soon as the two of them enter, and Meg feels like cursing as all eyes fall on her. Danny holds Meg’s hand as he walks over to where his parents lounge on the couch.
“Mother, Father. I’d like for you to meet Meg,” Danny says and Meg instantly extends her hand for a handshake.
“It is a pleasure to finally meet you,” Meg replies as she shakes his father’s hand first, and then his mother’s. Mrs. O’Brian takes hold of her hand and studies it with a frown.
“You have quite a lot of callouses for a young woman, and you don’t paint your nails?” Mrs. O’Brian questions and Meg just smiles even though her heart flutters anxiously.
“No, I find I am not very good with the upkeep, and the callouses are from my job,” Meg replies calmly. Mrs. O’Brian stands, her body moving gracefully in her long dark blue sheath gown. She circles Meg, inspecting her from head to toe.
“Your hair is naturally red?” she asks, and Meg nods, “Good. You do not want to damage your hair with such chemicals,” the woman adds, “Though your skin is very dry, dear,” Meg blushes brightly, and Danny inwardly curses. This isn’t going to be a good night for either of them if THIS is how his mother starts the evening.
“Your skin, on the other hand, looks wonderful. Is your hair naturally blonde?” Meg retorts though it is obvious that in Mrs. O’Brian’s age, her hair should be gray. It was a dye job and a really nice one at that. Danny chokes on a laugh, Meg smiles sweetly, and Mrs. O’Brian just glares at her before sinking back onto the couch.
“I thought we were leaving the interrogation until after dinner, Marge,” Danny’s father sternly says to his wife, and the woman just humphs and turns away from Meg, “Can I treat you to a drink, Meg?” Mr. O’Brian says, and Danny squeezes her hand in warning.
“Thank you, but I am quite fine right now,” Meg mutters.
“How bout I get us some champagne?” Danny suggests and Meg nods with a thankful smile. She perches in a chair across from his parents, and she tries to remember her manners.
“So Danny never did tell us how you two met,” Greyson states with a lecherous gleam in his eye. His gaze travels from Meg’s heels, up her legs, to the hem of her skirt. Meg clamps her legs tightly together, hoping no one can tell that she just came moments before entering the house.
“Boys, no interrogation until after dinner,” Mr. O’Brian demands.
“We’re just curious, Dad. No harm, no foul,” Landyn says and Mr. O’Brian sighs before taking a sip of his drink. Danny was right when he said it was strong; Meg can smell the liquor from across the sitting area.
“We met at a party on New Year’s Eve,” Danny replies as he comes and perches on the arm of Meg’s chair, handing her a flute of champagne. His mother takes one look at his attire and scowls.
“Really, Danny, jeans, and sneakers? I thought we raised you better than that,” she hisses.
“That auto shop must have done some damage to his brain,” Greyson teases, and Danny just stops himself from telling him to fuck off.
“Why do you insist on working in such a place when you could have a full-time position in my firm?” Mr. O’Brian questions with obvious disdain in his voice.
“Dad, I told you, I don’t want to be a lawyer, and I’ve been making wonderful progress on my project while working in the auto shop,” Danny says through clenched teeth. Meg rests a hand lightly against his leg and he calms down. He has to remind himself that his family doesn’t know any better.
“Is that still the engine project?” Landyn asks with genuine curiosity in his gaze. Danny nods and goes into a long spiel about the progress he and a team of engineers made in energy efficient engines. The science behind it baffles Meg, but she listens anyways because she loves watching Danny light up with passion like he is now.
“Sorry about the geek talk. Landyn is a Physics major, so these things fascinate him,” Greyson says in a lowered voice.
“I don’t mind at all. I take it you are not a ‘geek’,” Meg asks, and he laughs quietly.
“No, I am a lawyer like my dad,” he replies, and Meg swore he puffed up at that.
“Ah,” is her only response. This crowd is so NOT going to approve when they find out what she does for a living. Luckily, a butler enters and announces that dinner is ready. Mr. and Mrs. O’Brian escort the whole party to the dining room where they sit at the head of the table with Greyson and Landyn on the Dad’s left, and Danny and Meg to the dad’s right. She squeezes Danny’s hand under the table before letting go.
“So, Meg, you said you got those horrendous callouses from work. What is it you do?” Marge O’Brian questions and Meg almost chokes on her sip of champagne. She may need something stronger if the night continues as it is.
“Don’t ‘Mother’ her, she has a right to her question,” Mr. O’Brian interrupts as everyone turns and stares at her. Meg forces herself not to fidget, or to cower under their stares, so she defiantly lifts her chin.
“I’m a writer,” she replies, and his dad scoffs.
“What do you do for a day job, sweetheart, is what we were asking,” Mr. O’Brian counters and Meg’s cheeks turn a fiery red.
“That is my day job, and I make a pretty penny from it too,” Meg snaps, and Danny grabs her thigh under the table. He casts a look that says ‘cool it’ and she bites her tongue to not curse at them all. No wonder Danny didn’t want her to meet his family. They are all pompous arrogant assholes.
“I think that is quite fascinating. How much does one make as a writer?” his mother asks, though her tone is very chastising, and the look she gives Danny is no better.
“I make enough to pay rent, all my utility bills, and have a hefty savings account for retirement. Tell me how much does one make as a retired model?” Meg asks with a face of pure innocence. Danny takes a bite of food to hide the smirk forming on his face. Meg is a spitfire that is for damn sure.
“So, your books. Are they nonfiction, fiction…?” Greyson quickly questions to keep Marge from blowing up on Meg. Though Danny finds it funny, the brothers surely do not.
“Fantasy,” Meg briefly answers as she takes a small bite of food. Marge is watching her, her bright eyes glaring at her. Danny strokes Meg’s thigh under the table, and she gives him a relieved smile. The comfort is wonderful at a time like this.
“Danny, what’s it like to date a writer? I heard they can be pretty crazy,” Mr. O’Brian mumbles with a look at Meg that says she is one of those crazies.
“It is one of the best experiences of my life, thanks for asking, Dad. I think the question should be if I love her and I do,” Danny retorts with a look that says he crossed a line. All of them, all night, have been crossing boundaries with their rude, abrasive, demeanor.
“I find that hard to believe,” Marge snaps, and Meg instantly sets her glass down with a cold, furious, gleam in her eye.
“I’m sorry, but what did I do to deserve this? You don’t even know me, and yet you started judging me the second I walked through that door. I don’t smoke, I barely drink, I have a successful business, I pay for my own apartment, I ask for nothing from Danny except love and support, and I love and support him. So why are you being so cruel?!” Meg cries, and everyone’s jaw goes slack. Including Danny. No one has ever confronted his mother, and he has never seen his mother turn such a putrid shade of purple before.
“Because you are clearly not one of us! You met Danny at some party, not at a social event, and we barely know you or your parents. We come from a high society where women like you are always preying on men like my son—“
“Mother,” Danny interrupts, yet the woman holds up a perfectly manicured finger to silence him.
“You come into my home, and pretend to be all sweet and innocent, but I know you for the greedy slut that you are!” Mrs. O’Brian finishes and everyone in the room is silent. Meg’s body is rigid as she pushes her chair out and stands, her fingers digging into her dress.
“Look, I moved here a while ago, which is why you never met my parents. Danny has never once given me money, and I have never once asked him for it. Before tonight, I didn’t know he came from a rich family, and after tonight I will never think of that fact again. Because the fact is I love him, and if he can deal with this ‘crazy writer’ then that is his choice. Not yours. Now if you will excuse me,” Meg quietly murmurs as she turns and strides out of the dining room. Danny looks at his mother with disgust on his face.
“Why the fuck did you have to accuse her of being a slut? Really, Mother!” Danny spits and his father and mother both turn bright red at his language. Danny shoves his chair back and takes off after Meg, catching her in the hallway. She paces back and forth as if she is lost, and honestly, she is. The house is a fucking maze of doors, “Meg, I’m so sorry,” he mutters as he finally grasps her arm. She turns around and shoves at him with tears in her eyes.
“Why the fuck didn’t you warn me it was going to be that bad? Or that they were expecting some prim and proper bitch, because you know that isn’t me dammit!” he pulls her against him, planting soft kisses into her hair.
“I know, I know, and I am so sorry. I swear I’ve never seen her this bad in my entire life. How can I make it up to you?” he whispers as she wraps her arms around his broad body. Damn his family, and damn him for making her love him so much.
“I don’t know…I just need comfort…” Meg mumbles into his chest. Her proximity has his cock hardening, which is probably not the response she is looking for. Meg looks down and he grins sheepishly.
“I know…I’m sorry…bad timing,” Danny grumbles as he steps away from Meg. He really can’t control himself around her. Suddenly a seductive smirk crawls along Meg’s lips.
“Danny…will you show me your old room?” she asks and Danny instantly flashes her a wicked grin.
“It is the least I can do,” Danny purrs as he wraps an arm around Meg’s waist and leads her up the large stairwell, “Just make sure you don’t scream too loudly,” Danny whispers in her ear before nipping at her earlobe. Meg whimpers and heat pours through her body.
“Yes, sir,” Meg mutters and Danny squeezes her ass. He hasn’t been in his old room for years, yet as he cracks open the door, he can tell that everything is the exact same as when he left. Besides the fact that the maids obviously kept it dusted and cleaned. He shuts the door and instantly pushes Meg up against the wall. His lips crash into hers as they both seek comfort in each other’s lips and body. Meg wraps her arms around Danny’s neck and he grabs her ass, kneading it gently under the white dress she wears.
Finally, he steps away with that wicked gleam in his eye that Meg loves so much. He twirls his fingers around her halter tie, and yanks it free. The top of her dress falls, exposing her red lacy bra that matches her panties. He shoves it all the way off her body before he steps back and admires her. He’s so god damn lucky that he gets to date such a beautiful, talented, woman who loves him just as much as he loves her. He sits on the bed and gives her a grin.
“Come over here, baby,” he orders, and Meg instantly saunters across the room in her lingerie. She stands in front of him, and he runs his hands over her body, lingering on her breasts. Meg loves the soft, gentle, caresses, especially after such a hellish day. Danny unclasps her bra and drops it to the ground so that he can suck and nip at her breasts. Meg throws her head back and moans as Danny flicks his tongue over her hardening nipples. His hands run over her body, groping at her ass before working their way towards her pussy. He slips two fingers in, and she cries out, grabbing onto him as he brings her back to climax.
As soon as she comes down from her orgasm, Danny shoves her to her knees. Meg smiles, instantly undoing his jeans and pulling his cock out. Danny leans back on his hands as Meg gets to work, her tongue twirling around his cock before she slams her mouth down and around it. She slides all of it in before bobbing her head up and down.
Danny growls and grabs the back of her head, holding her down so she’s forced to deep throat his large cock. Meg taps his leg and he lets go so she can come up for air. She gasps and licks at his shaft before he grabs her by the waist and lifts her off the floor. He lays her down on the bed and instantly slides his cock into her wet pussy, both sighing happily as he slowly thrusts into her. Who cares if they seek comfort in each other’s bodies? At least it causes them happiness that no crazy parent could understand.
Danny picks up the pace, his mouth ravishing her lips, her breasts, and her neck. He pinches and nips at her nipples, causing Meg’s moans and cries to get louder. With one particular pinch she cries out and Danny covers her mouth with his hand.
“Quiet, love, we don’t want to get caught,” Danny says as he continues to thrust into her. She cocks an eyebrow at him as if questioning that assumption and Danny inwardly growls. As much as he loves submissive Meg, he also loves the feisty, challenging, Meg, “No…we don’t want to get caught. I will keep my hand on your mouth if I have to,” Danny adds and she nips his palm. To that, he reaches between them with his right hand and roughly rubs her clit. Her gasp is muffled by his palm and he grins wickedly.
“Don’t bite me, Meg,” he says before flipping her over so she’s on her knees with his hand still on her mouth. He thrusts into her aggressively, the rough treatment causing both of them to soar closer and closer to their climax. Danny’s fingers caress her clit, circling the sensitive body as he shoves himself deeper and deeper into her pussy.
Meg screams into his calloused palm as he strokes her clit, nibbling at her shoulder as she gets closer and closer to orgasm. He can feel it in the way her pussy tightens around his cock, and seconds later she comes, her whole body trembling as her inner walls coax an orgasm out of him as well. Danny pulls her into his lap as he sits on the bed, wrapping his arms around her.
“Thank you,” Meg purrs as she nuzzles into his neck. He kisses her forehead before planting one on her lips as well.
“No thank you…you really shouldn’t have had to put up with that behavior,” Danny mumbles with a sigh.
“Your mother was right about one thing,” Meg mutters, and Danny looks at her curiously, “I really am a slut,” Danny laughs before hugging her tighter.
“You’re my little slut,” he purrs, kissing her again. Meg kisses him back, pressing her body against his as his hands wander over her soft supple skin.
“So…how are we supposed to get out of here?”