It was nearing the end of my workday when my cell phone buzzed. I was puzzled by the display.
Meet me under the mistletoe at six.
Unknown caller.
I rolled my eyes—some idiot with a wrong number, most likely.
Sitting in my office, I looked out the window at the dreaded snow. Sure, it was pretty, but since my ex took off with my best friend, shoveling all that white crap has become my responsibility.
My eyes stung a little with the mist of misplaced tears. Three months ago, I thought my long-time live-in boyfriend, Davey, was going to propose to me. Instead, he destroyed my world by telling me he was in love with my best friend, Marcie. Apparently, they’d been fucking for at least six months, and she was pregnant with his baby. What the fuck! They didn’t mean for it to happen, but their love couldn’t be denied.
Now they were making wedding plans, and I was sitting here, contemplating having two weeks off for the holidays alone.
It hurt so much! We’d been together for five years, for fuck’s sake! I planned a life with him, envisioned having his babies, and looked forward to growing old with him. Then, just like that, I was single and heartbroken, wondering what I could have done differently.
What pissed me off the most was that Marcie had been my ride-or-die bestie since middle school. We were like sisters, and now I’d lost her too.
How could I have missed all the signs? Was I stupid or just naïve? Perhaps too involved with my work? I always thought it was cool how great Davey and Marcie got along and how he never minded when she’d hang out with us. I felt like an idiot for being so blind to what was happening right under my nose.
The whole time Davey was making a fuss over me being his sexy girlfriend with my long red hair and big blue eyes, he was banging a leggy brunette with eyes the color of rich milk chocolate.
My heart hurt, and so did my ego. They’d made a fool of me and left my world bleak and gray. Fuck them, and fuck Christmas! At least the house was in my name only, so I wasn’t homeless as well.
A knock on my door brought me back to the moment.
“Come in,” I called out.
“Hey, Vivian, are you coming to the Christmas party?” my admin asked.
“Yeah, sure. I’ll be there in a few minutes, Deb.”
I dreaded trying to put on a happy face, but I didn’t want to disappoint my employees. They look forward to me slipping on a Santa hat every year and passing out gift cards with little handwritten messages about how much I appreciate their work.
I stared out the window and was startled by the buzz of my phone again. I looked at my screen and frowned. It was another message from the unknown caller.
You need some holiday cheer. Meet me under the mistletoe at six.
While I was sure it was a mistaken text, it did nudge me out of my office and down to where the eggnog was flowing, and the Christmas tunes inspired people to dance.
I felt the corner of my mouth threaten to smile as I watched the merriment unfold. God, I loved this great group of people. I was really fortunate to be their boss. I took a deep breath and decided it was time to join the party.
I looked around the room, wondering if any faces I saw were responsible for the intriguing texts I’d received. I shook it off, grabbed a Christmas cookie shaped like a reindeer, and nibbled on his antlers.
Rob from accounting greeted me enthusiastically. “Hey, boss! Glad to see you finally made it!”
Could he be my mysterious texter? No, I thought, sadly, remembering that I had his number programmed into my phone. A text from him would have shown his name. That was too bad because Rob was actually kind of cute.
Besides, while he was standing right in front of me, another text popped up.
It’s good to see a smile on your face. Meet me under the mistletoe at six.
I scanned the room to see if anyone was holding a phone but saw nothing but a room full of holiday cheer with Brenda Lee’s Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree helping everyone’s Christmas spirit ring.
Daniel, our IT guy, saw me from across the room, raised his glass, and nodded.
Maybe it was him?
I nodded back and proceeded to bump into Deb, who was holding the box with the gift cards. She smelled of the vodka she had likely added to her eggnog.
“Time to get started, Viv,” she said just a little too loudly. I’d be calling an Uber for her tonight.
As I called out the names and read the little message for each of my employees, I paid close attention to any facial expressions or body language that might identify someone as my mystery mistletoe date.
But no one seemed to stare too long or do anything out of the ordinary.
When the gift card distribution was done, everyone cheered and thanked me for another year of being a great boss. I did my best to keep my game face on and be genuinely grateful for such a fantastic staff.
As my watch approached the six o’clock hour, I didn’t see anyone near the mistletoe handing in the break area. I meandered to the conference room to refill my eggnog and noticed mistletoe in there as well. A quick glance around the office had me discovering that the festive little plant was actually hung in multiple places. And, while a few couples enjoyed some cheeky kisses under several of them, others were abandoned with no would-be lovers in sight.
I sighed. Chances were the texts were meant for someone else anyway.
“I’m heading out, Deb,” I said, deciding to cut out early. If my heart wasn’t in it, I surely didn’t want to stick around and drag anyone else’s mood down with mine. “Make sure someone drives you home, okay?”
“Okay, boss. Merry Christmas!”
“Same to you,” was all I could muster. I felt hot tears welling in my eyes, threatening to spill. My throat felt constricted, and my breathing hitched. I needed to escape before I made a fucking fool of myself by blubbering like a baby in front of my employees.
Grabbing my purse, I quickly exited my office and headed to the elevator.
More mistletoe; nobody there.
Not willing to be caught sobbing while I waited for the lift to come, I set my sights on the stairwell.
I slipped my heels off so I wouldn’t fall and break my neck. As depressed as I was, I didn’t relish spending the holidays dead.
Tears rolled down my face while I hurried down to the garage level. I threw open the door and saw someone leaning against my car.
Tilting my head in confusion, I saw a man grinning at me. He looked at his watch and lifted his arm over his head.
Seeing this incredibly sexy man standing there holding mistletoe made me smile.
“You’re late,” he said.
Did this guy with the sexy voice work for me? I didn’t recall seeing him around the office. Or had I failed to notice him because I was too wrapped up in what I thought was a long-term relationship with Davey, followed by wallowing in rejection and sorrow?
I stood silent for a moment while war waged in my head. Should I let this extremely handsome man kiss me and enjoy a one-night stand? Or should I ask him to move away from my car and call it a night?
He interrupted my thoughts when he said, “Before I kiss you, you should know that I’ve wanted you from the first moment I saw you. It was pure torture knowing that someone else was lucky enough to have swept you up before I’d ever had the chance.”
I frowned. What department was this guy in? Maybe he worked on special projects?
He continued, “When that asshole broke your heart, it was so tempting to rush in and be your knight in shining armor. But I didn’t want to be your rebound guy.”
I was at a loss for words, so I stood there and said nothing.
He looked a little forlorn at my silence, but he took my hand in his and gazed into my eyes.
“But I can’t stand the thought of you being alone and miserable for Christmas. So, if all I am is a way to help you feel vibrant and sexy again, it will be worth it.”
He moved the mistletoe back over his head and said, “Kiss me and let me make this a night to remember.”
My brain was screaming that this was not a wise idea; he’s an employee, for fuck’s sake! I vaguely remembered something about needing to go home and shovel my snow but fuck it. I was tired of being alone, and this gorgeous man was offering me a night of relief from the doom and despair I’d been living with for the past three months.
I moved toward him and had to stand on my tiptoes a little to kiss him since I’d ditched the heels.
His lips brushed against mine, and my body tingled with a desire that had gone dormant for some time. Our tongues danced – slowly at first. Then need took over, and this sweet, lingering embrace became a full-on passionate kiss.
I let him kiss me for several moments before I broke away and took a step back. I felt deliciously woozy, and he caught me in his arms to steady me. His delighted grin bowled me over, and all sense of practicality flew out the window.
“Take me home,” I whispered hoarsely.
I might regret it later, but I needed this man’s hands on my body.
“No, let’s go to your place. You’ll feel more comfortable in your own surroundings and, if it doesn’t feel right, you can ask me to leave. I promise I won’t overstay my welcome.”
A nagging voice inside my head had me wondering if this was a clever ruse to get into my house and rob me. But it’s not like I had much worth stealing. Besides, my body was humming with need, and I’d passed the point of being smart about anything.
“Okay,” I managed to say and gave him my address. “You can follow me there.”
My heart raced the entire way home; I hoped I wasn’t making a huge mistake. I pulled into the driveway, puzzled that the snow had already been plowed. Some thoughtful neighbors had been kind; I’d have to find out who had helped me and bake them some cookies.
As the sensual stranger followed me up the walkway to my front door, I fumbled with my keys.
“If you’re uncomfortable with me coming in, I can go,” he said softly.
I looked into his eyes and saw no sign of anything malevolent. So, I shook my head and nodded for him to enter. I set my purse and keys on the counter and asked if he wanted something to drink.
He stared for a few seconds as if trying to choose his answer carefully. Pulling me into him, his mouth hovered by my left ear and said, “Your sweet nectar.”
I felt my knees get weak as he nuzzled my neck. It occurred to me that I didn’t know his name. But if I asked at this point, it would be painfully obvious that I didn’t remember hiring him and was about to fuck a virtual stranger.
I leaned against him and inhaled his scent. It was intoxicating. But in a moment of clarity, I said, “This isn’t a good idea since you work for me.”
He looked at me and shrugged. “Technically, you’re not my boss. So, I don’t see a problem there.”
His answer was cryptic, but I played along as though I wasn’t confused. “True,” I murmured as I motioned for the couch. If this were going to be hot, quick sex, I’d just as soon do the deed out here in the living room. Somehow the bedroom seemed too intimate.
We sat and continued to kiss, our hands exploring each other. I had pegged this guy totally wrong. He wasn’t looking for a quick score; he was all about slow, sweet seduction.
Twenty minutes passed while he made part of me hum, simply with his erotic touching and nuzzling. Though not a stitch of clothing had been removed, I was rounding the corner to my first orgasm of the evening.
Sensing I was about to cum, my mystery man stopped and said, “Let me take you to the bedroom.”
I hesitated but relented; the bed would be much more comfortable. Plus, I had lube and toys in my nightstand drawer. I wasn’t sure if I’d need those, but having them in handy reach wasn’t a bad idea.
He followed me to my room. Before I could turn around, he was unzipping my dress.
“I want to make sure this is what you want, Vivian. If you would rather I leave, say so now.”
“No, I want you to stay,” I replied. “I want your hands on me, and I want to feel you inside me.”
“There’s nothing I’d like better than to oblige you.”
He helped me step out of my dress and grinned at my choice of festive undergarments.
“You’re like a delicious Mrs. Claus,” he teased. “The question is, am I on the nice or naughty list?”
I felt a shiver run up my spine. I couldn’t tell if he was kidding or if he was a little bit dangerous.
But I’d come this far, and my libido was screaming at me to let this man do whatever he wanted.
I sat on the edge of the bed while he took off his clothes. First, the shirt came off, which exposed his muscular arms and sexy chest. Then his trousers and boxers, which let his magnificent manhood spring free. I’d never been with anyone that well-endowed before, and I was starting to wonder if someone had read the letter to Santa that I’d written in my diary.
He smiled at me and pulled me into his arms. The feeling of his body pressed against mine, the searing heat of the skin-to-skin contact, made me feel like I would spontaneously combust at any moment.
Lifting my chin, he kissed me again, sending ripples of arousal through my entire being. I wanted to jump him here and now, but I sensed my need for instant gratification would acquiesce to his intention to draw out the evening’s pleasure.
As if reading my mind, he said, “It would be so easy to throw you down on the bed, spread your legs, and take you hard. But you’re like fine wine, meant to be savored. I promise you won’t regret my need to take my time with you.”
I was well past the point of coherent speech. I simply nodded my approval. His moves were slow, deliberate, and exhilarating. Every inch of my body vibrated with intense pleasure as his fingers danced along my skin and his lips planted soft, wet kisses everywhere.
When he finally took a nipple in his eager mouth, I thought I would die of need. He sucked and nibbled until my hips started to rock. Sensing my desire for urgency, he laughed softly.
“You’re not the patient type, are you, Vivian?”
I made some unintelligible noise which he interpreted as agreement. He had enough patience for both of us, apparently. But he gave in to my desperation and slid two fingers between my slick, swollen labia.
I moaned and felt my eyes roll back in my head as my first orgasm shot through my body like lightning. Pleased with how easily I responded to his touch, he sent me over again quickly as his thumb tormented my throbbing clit.
I was like putty in his hands, I realized. He could take me and use me, and I’d be defenseless against his whims.
But he wasn’t in any hurry to take me yet; he seemed content to play with my body. His fingers, teeth, and tongue found every erogenous zone, every nerve ending, and every pleasure spot. I was experiencing sensory overload and whimpered pitifully.
“Ah, does my sweet redhead need to feel me inside her?” he finally asked.
“Yes!” I cried.
“You need only to ask, darling.”
“Please, I need you inside me; I need you to fill me up.”
Without hesitation, he was on top of me, holding my wrists captive while his rigid shaft parted the drenched, pink folds as he entered me.
I held my breath for a moment as he opened me up. A delicious mix of pleasure and pain as his girth stretched my walls to new bounds. He took his time and let me get used to his size before moving slowly in and out.
He nuzzled my neck as he drove into me deeply, his strokes still excruciatingly slow and sweet. My body quivered as a hot, wet tongue invaded my ear and his sexy voice, breathy and masculine, said, “I’m going to take you hard and fast now. Nod if that’s okay.”
I nodded vigorously and was rewarded by the most exquisite pounding of my entire life. His virile thrusts as he pumped into me had me cumming in waves. The crescendo was more intense than anything I’d ever encountered, and I sensed his climax was drawing near. As he hammered into me like a man who’d been abandoned on a deserted island, he cried out, “I’m going to cum, baby. Can I cum inside you?”
“Yes! God, yes! Cum inside me! Oh, fuck, yes!” I screamed as my orgasm ripped through my body, and I enjoyed the decadent flood of his seed in my pussy.
He rolled on his back, taking me with him, and kissed me while his hands roamed over my back and rested on my ass. It was a delightfully casual yet achingly intimate act. I wanted to stay like this forever.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said, finally breaking the silence.
“Thank you,” I answered, finding my voice after a moment. “You’re certainly easy on the eyes.”
He laughed, and the rich sound warmed my soul. Maybe this didn’t have to be a one-night stand. But if that’s all this was, it certainly had broken me out of my funk.
“Thank you,” he said softly as he held me with my head on his chest, contently listening to his heartbeat as it returned to normal.
“I should be the one thanking you,” I said. “That was incredible.”
“It was indeed. So, I’m scheduled to be somewhere else after the holidays.”
I felt my heart climb into my throat. Was he leaving?
“Oh,” I said, feeling like my world was crumbling a little.
“Yes, but if you’d hire me as an employee, I could stay on.”
“I’m confused. Don’t you already work for me?”
He laughed. “I’m a temp, remember? My time is up, and another firm has requested me.”
I went from disappointed to annoyed in an instant.
“Did you sleep with me to get hired?” I asked, trying hard not to jump to that hurtful conclusion but doing so anyway.
He sat up suddenly, irritation shrouding his face. “If that’s what you think, I should go. It’s been a pleasure, Vivian. But I don’t think you and I are on the same page here.”
“Wait!” I felt panicky and wished I could rewind the tape to the moment before I asked my stupid question.
“Do you even know my name?” he asked.
I shook my head, feeling mortified that I’d just had sex with a virtual stranger. But it had been more than sex.
“No, but I’d like to,” I said quietly.
“No, you wouldn’t. I was misguided in coming here tonight. I should have realized I would just be a way for you to scratch that itch of need and loneliness. I’m sorry, but I wanted way more than that.”
Dumbfounded, I wanted to beg him not to go. But he gathered his things and was gone before I could blink. I sat there feeling like a tornado had just blown through my world, and I was royally pissed at myself for making a mess out of things. I spent the next hour crying until no tears were left, and exhaustion finally claimed me.
When I woke, my head was on my desk, and Deb was gently shaking me.
“Vivian, you poor thing. You’ve been working so hard lately; you must have drifted off to sleep. Come on now, sleepy head, it’s time to go to the party.”
I stared at her, confused. “The party?”
“Wow, you really are out of it—the Christmas party. Come on; it’s nearly time for you to play Mrs. Claus and pass out the gifts,” Deb said.
“Oh, gosh! I fell asleep! I had the weirdest dream. Give me a minute to freshen up.”
“Well, don’t take too long. That sexy-as-fuck temp stayed for the party. Today’s his last day. You know, you should hire him. Besides being easy to look at, he has done a great job filling in. We could use him full-time.”
“I’d like to use him full-time,” I blurted out accidentally.
But fortunately, Deb was already gone.
I joined the party, where the music was blaring, and people were enjoying themselves. I looked around the room, still reeling from my dream, and bumped smack dab into the tall, dark, incredibly handsome temp.
He grinned at me and looked up. When I followed his gaze, I noticed we were standing under some mistletoe. The clock on the wall said six o’clock.
“Do you believe in kismet?” I asked.
“I’m sorry,” he said with mischief dancing in his eyes, “the music’s rather loud. Did you say kiss me?”
I looked up at the mistletoe and said, “Sure, why not?”
His lips brushed against mine as déjà vu had my head swirling.
“I’m sorry. That was probably unprofessional, but since it’s my last day, I hope that was okay,” he said, not looking at all sorry.
I just grinned. “Oh, it’s not your last day.”
He raised his eyebrows and smiled. “Oh?”
“Indeed, I’d be foolish to let you get away. What’s your name, by the way,” I asked, wanting to kiss him again.
“Nick Claus.”
I shook my head. I damn well better not still be dreaming!