My newest neighbor and friend, James, was married to a fun and beautiful woman named Clarissa. From the very beginning, I made them feel welcome in their home and helped them get settled in. Over the next few years, we became very close and were often at each other’s homes. James felt like a brother to me from almost the beginning. We shared common views on nearly everything that life offered.
I ran a small business and worked crazy hours while Clarissa was a nine-to-five secretary. James was a traveling salesman of sorts and was away from home for a few days at a time. As he climbed the corporate ladder, those stretches seemed to increase, leaving Clarissa and me to spend more time together without him. Feeling about James like a brother brought on the natural feeling about Clarissa as a sister-in-law, but there was more.
As their absences from each other grew in length, so did their time alone with each other when James finally returned. James being gone more left Clarissa and me to help each other with meals and chores. Helping her out more meant spending less time trying to find a woman for myself. Not that I minded since my luck with dating had become futile at best lately. I honestly wasn’t all that interested in other women and realized I was falling for her.
When James was around and available, we began talking a lot about sex. I wasn’t getting any, and with his time away, neither was he, that is until he got home. One Saturday night, while Clarissa was on a rare night out with girlfriends, James and I got drunk, and he admitted something unbelievable to me. He said that the last several times that he’d been home, he wasn’t able to make love to Clarissa. It seemed that the stress of his job was beginning to affect his libido. On top of the job pressure, he placed increasing pressure on himself to satisfy her due to his absences.
“She says that she understands, and I do please her orally but can’t seem to get hard enough to penetrate her.”
“Have you tried any of the medications?”
“I can’t due to my high blood pressure meds. And the high blood pressure is a result of my work, of course.”
“It sounds like the job needs to go. Life’s too short to do this kind of damage to your body and your relationship.”
“I only need a few more months to close this big deal, and I’m a lock for the Marketing VP job that is being vacated by Stan. He’s retiring and has already named me as his choice to replace him. That means no more traveling if I get the job, which is why I need this big contract to seal the deal. There may still be some late nights, but I’ll come home to my wife every night. So, I have a favor to ask, Sam.”
“Of course, buddy. What wouldn’t I do for you?”
“Don’t say that so quickly. You may regret being so flexible.”
“What could it possibly be? It’s not like you’d ask me to…”
As Sam’s eyes lit up in recognition, I cut him off with, “I’m not telling you to do it. I’m saying that I’d rather it be you than some complete stranger.”
“Do you think that she needs it that bad?” I questioned.
“Unfortunately, I do. So that is why I’m saying that if she comes on to you, I give you my permission to take care of her. It’s you or some Casanova that ends up giving her a venereal disease.”
“Okay, let’s play this out for argument’s sake. We’re having dinner, and it happens. Is she going to feel tremendous guilt and not talk to me again? Will I lose my best friends over this because if so, I’m out!”
“I’ll talk to her and let her know that you are an option if she wants to go there. And, I’ll tell her that she’s got a free pass as long as I’m unable to take care of her. I don’t want to see it happening or hear about it either. I have absolutely no interest in being a cuckold or in a threesome with another man. That shit aside, I know that you care about both of us, and I’ve seen you stealing glances. Just don’t get too comfortable or fall in love. Once I get this job, she’ll be all mine again, understood?”
“Certainly. But I hope that it never happens.”
“I know. That’s why I picked you.”
“So, I’m just supposed to be a sex toy for a while. Is that it?” I offered with a growing smirk.
“Is that such a bad thing?”
“I just think that it will be harder to get back to normal if something happens between us. I foresee hard feelings between us when she leaves you for me, that’s all.” I said, beginning to chuckle towards the end.
“If she leaves me for you, then so be it, but I’ll tell you upfront that she’s an expensive one to have around. Why do you think I’m working so hard to get this promotion? Between the commissions, I’ll get on this deal and the increased salary for the promotion, I’ll be able to pay off the house. Then a whole lot of pressure will drop off of my shoulders.”
“Okay, this is getting way too serious. If something happens, we’ll deal with it, but I’m not losing friends over sex. So, can we talk about something else now?”
“Sure, buddy, but you’ll take care of her if she’s desperate, won’t you?”
“I can’t imagine that it would be that bad, but I’ll try. Can’t you just get her a dildo or something?”
“Sure, I’ll do that. Now, let’s watch the game and have some more beer.”
“Sounds excellent!”
The evening wore on as we ate pizza and got drunk while rooting for our team. We both woke to Clarissa coming home and turning off the television. As she got James off the couch and headed for the bedroom, I waved bye and walked home.
The following morning was Sunday, so I slept in a little. Waiting on the coffee to brew, I looked out my kitchen window to see James hopping into an airport taxi. Flashes of the evening crossed my mind as my head begged for that first shot of caffeine. Sitting at the kitchen table, I checked my personal email while finishing my first cup. Amongst the ads and sales, there was an email from James. He reminded me of our deal and let me know that he had discussed it all with Clarissa.
As thoughts like, ‘what have I got myself into,’ passed through my head, I hoped that nothing would come of it. But, I didn’t want to avoid Clarissa either, so I set off on my morning ritual of visiting her for Sunday brunch. We’d been doing this for some time now because she hated to be alone right after James left for another week. It was usually just pancakes and eggs before we tackled the two lawns. Clarissa would do the weed-whacking while I mowed.
Walking into the kitchen, I smelled the bacon as she started the pancakes. “Morning, neighbor!” I bellowed as I entered through the kitchen door.
Clarissa turned to me and smiled as I sat at her kitchen table. “I’m happy to see that you came for breakfast this morning. With that talk that you two had last night, I was afraid that you might be scared off.”
“Listen, we’re adults, and if something does happen between us, then we’ll handle it as adults. I just don’t want anything to come between our friendship.”
“Worst case scenario, we do it, and I fall madly in love with you. We get married and then move to Rio, where you leave me for your transvestite lover,” Clarissa said with a straight face.
Busting out laughing, I fell off my chair and continued to laugh hysterically. Moments after, I started laughing, so did Clarissa. For the next half hour, even as we ate, one or the other of us would just begin chuckling at the thought.
With breakfast finished, I headed back to my house to get the mower while Clarissa got her battery-powered weed-whacker. We did our thing on both of the yards, only stopping briefly for some water. But, every time that I passed her, I began to snicker again, as did she. After finishing the lawns, we headed to my backyard and had a cocktail by the pool. Again, this was part of our ritual. We’d found that doing these things together eased Clarissa into being alone and both of us back into the workweek.
It probably helped me as much as her since I’d had so much trouble dating lately. I was getting to that age where I’d like to settle down again but still didn’t have the time to commit. My first marriage was when both of us were very young, and it just didn’t stick. Fortunately, we didn’t have any kids, and it was a mostly amicable split. But now, fifteen years later, I was beginning to need someone again, and I think that’s why I enjoyed my time with Clarissa so much. We were like an old married couple that spent time together without any real intimacy. There was no pressure. It was all about spending time together and nothing else.
It was Thursday night during a bad storm that Clarissa asked me over for dinner. I knew that thunderstorms made her anxious, but lately, she seemed even more scared. She’d made some flounder in the broiler and had some fresh veggies and a salad to go along. Just as she pulled the fish from the oven, lightning spread across the sky, and the thunder came like an explosion immediately. A second or two later, the lights went out and stayed out.
“Fuck! I hate this shit!” Clarissa screamed.
I found my phone and turned the flashlight in her direction. Not seeing her at first, I calmly asked, “Where are you, Clarissa?” Then, seeing her hand raised above the counter, I scrambled in her direction. I helped her to her feet, and she held me firmly, like a whimpering child. I held her too as I soothingly if she had any matches and candles. It took her a few minutes to quit shaking, and until then, she didn’t speak.
Finally finding her voice, Clarissa croaked, “This way.” She eased her grip and pulled me toward the pantry. I handed her my phone, and she located some jar candles and a pack of matches. We carried the back out and placed them on the counter, lighting them all. Clarissa stayed close by as we placed them all about the kitchen. Now there was enough light to serve and eat dinner. Even while eating, she sat right next to me, unlike our usual across the table dining.
After the meal, we cleaned up and headed to the living room with many lit candles. Sitting on the couch like we were going to watch tv, we both laughed as she picked up the remote.
“Okay, how about this?” I offered as I brought up the Netflix app on my phone.
As I perused the categories, Clarissa whispered, “Nothing scary.”
“No problem,” I replied as we settled on a drama of some sort. At some point during the movie, I dozed off and awoke to the storm acting up again. I’d no sooner figured out that I was still on her couch when Clarissa came pounding down the stairs to clutch me much like an octopus might. I held her back as the lightning and thunder passed. Once she lightened up a little, we heard another boom in the background.
Clutching me firmly again, she begged, “Stay with me tonight, please.”
Looking into her eyes, I saw genuine fear. I hesitantly agreed, “O… Okay.”
Clarissa immediately began to rise while attempting to pull me with her. Unwilling or unable to release me, even for a second, she quickly plopped back down on top of me. With a grin on my face, I said, “Really? You think that you’re strong enough to pull me up?” She smiled too and released a few nervous giggles before we stood up together. Heading for the steps, her grip started to loosen as her fear ebbed.
Reaching the top step, we saw another bright flash before the slow crack of thunder. Clarissa jumped into me with her arms around my shoulders and her legs clinging to my waist. Fortunately, her jump into me pushed me against the wall and not down the steps. With no other choice, I carried her to her bedroom. With her still firmly affixed to me, I slipped off my shoes and lowered us onto the bed, side by side.
Clarissa’s face was buried between my neck and shoulders, and there it stayed. Then, as she gradually calmed down, Clarissa relaxed her grip and fell asleep in my arms.
I woke to her alarm beeping with her still in my grip and me in hers. As I began to move, Clarissa whispered, “Not yet, Sam. Hold still while I hit the snooze. I need a couple more minutes of snuggle time, please.”
She rolled away and back seamlessly like it was a daily occurrence. Pulling me in even closer, Clarissa again buried her face into the crook of my neck. Enjoying the closeness but also fearing it, I felt my little head making its own decision. My hope that Clarissa hadn’t felt it as it grew was spoiled by her comment, “Mmm, that feels nice.” With my rise out in the open, she pressed in closer.
As she languidly ground her pelvis against my palpitating member, Clarissa began planting soft kisses on my neck. Concerned about her move, I began planning ways to escape politely when her alarm saved the day. “Damnit!” she cried before rolling away and turning it off for good.
I took that as my opportunity to sit up and excuse myself with, “Gotta pee,” while scampering to the bathroom.
Upon my return, she came up and hugged me softly while saying, “Thanks for saving me last night. I hope I wasn’t too much to handle.”
“You are very welcome, and I had fun hanging out. And no, you were just fine,” I clumsily replied as I hugged her back.
“Dinner tonight,” she queried while still holding my wrists delicately.
“Sure. What time is James getting home tonight?”
“Oh… I, ah, don’t know yet,” she whimpered as her hands slipped away.
“Well, it doesn’t matter, I’ll be here. What time?”
Perking back up, Clarissa bubbled, “How about seven? Is that too early for you?”
“Nope. I’ll be here at seven,” I offered before turning away and heading home. Waking back to my house, I knew that I’d just staved off something big. Clarissa was very vulnerable between me ‘saving her’ and sleeping in bed with her. I knew now that James was right about how much she needed to be with someone. I was just glad to know that he was coming back home tonight and could spend some time with her.
I was seriously worried about sleeping with Clarissa because of her pining for intimacy. I’d only been joking with James about her falling in love with me, but the way she acted this morning made me believe it was possible. However, I’m sure that James would straighten her out this weekend.
That was my last thought about the subject before I got ready for work. It was a busy day, and I was hard-pressed to get out of there in time for dinner. Pulling into my driveway at one minute past seven, I looked forward to seeing James and a good meal. Walking into the kitchen door, I excitedly offered, “Howdy, neighbors!”
A startled but happy Clarissa yelled back, “Well, hello to you too!”
“Where is James hiding?”
“He’s still in Texas. Apparently, they made a few changes to the order, and he’s going to be another day getting things straight. With an all-nighter, he should be on his way tomorrow morning. At least that’s the plan.”
“Oh, sorry to hear that. I’m sure that you miss him much more than I do, but I guess we’ll have to take care of each other, as usual. So, what can I help you with?”
“Nothing really, everything is done. I was just waiting on you to get here. So we can begin right away.”
I grabbed a couple of plates, and we went about serving ourselves from the stove and counter. Clarissa had slow-cooked a pork loin in her secret combination of spices. She also steamed some broccoli and garlic bread. With our plates loaded up, we went to the table and took our usual seats across from one another. The meal was excellent, and we talked about our workdays just like an old married couple would.
After cleaning up and putting away the leftovers, we headed to the couch to watch some television and veg out. We sat on the sofa together about a foot apart and watched a stupid comedy. We were back in sync like two friends again. After the movie ended, so did our time together, and with a quick hug, I was walking home.
Waking in the morning, I went to work for a few hours to get caught up again. Leaving around three, I grabbed a case of beer on the way home. I parked in the driveway, and walking up to the front door, I heard some splashing noises coming from my backyard. I went into the front and put the beer in the fridge, assuming that it was James and Clarissa enjoying a swim. I glanced outside and saw Clarissa in the pool, but no sign of James.
Dashing upstairs, I quickly disrobed and slipped on a bathing suit and t-shirt. Back downstairs, I grabbed a few beers and headed to the pool. Clarissa was on an oversized intertube floating in the deep end with her eyes closed. James was still nowhere in sight, so I set down the beers and ran across the patio. Reaching the deep end of the pool, I did a cannonball right next to Clarissa. Besides scaring the hell out of her, I flooded her with a wave of water.
“Sam, you dirty dog!” she yelled. “I’m going to get you for that!”
Laughing as I swam toward the shallow end, I suddenly felt a tug on my t-shirt. Spinning around, I drug Clarissa in a circle before ducking and allowing my shirt to slip over my head.
Tossing my shirt out of the pool in a huff, she yelled, “Oh, it’s on now,” and dove underwater in my direction. A battle ensued as I dodged her while she continually tried to grab at me. When she finally grabbed me, I lifted her in the air and tossed her a few feet into the pool. In the process, Clarissa lost her top but didn’t care one bit. Again she dove under and got a hand on my suit. Figuring that she’d quit if she lost her bottoms, I untied the strings holding it on. Then, in one quick jerking motion, I pulled them off and tossed them into the grass.
Clarissa was startled and came up for air before looking more determined than before as she dove under again. I pushed off backward, trying to escape her clutches, but she’s already gripped my suit, and it slipped right off of my hips and down my legs. Popping up with her prize in her hands, Clarissa wailed, “Haha, I got you, Sam!” while twirling them around her head. Then, in a final show of dominance, she balled them up and tossed them toward the fence. They didn’t make it over but dropped behind a bush and disappeared.
She was still hooting and hollering as I felt the stirrings begin down below from viewing her nude form. Standing in the middle of the pool, only my chest was above water. But, Clarissa had worked her way into the shallow end and jumping up and down as she exposed all of her goodies. As she finally settled down, she noticed how I was gawking. A quick glance at her own body brought around her understanding. Slowly, like the predator that she was, Clarissa began stalking me. But, to be fair, I was more than ready to take her.
Clarissa smiled softly as she glided in my direction. “Are you getting hungry?” she asked, trying to distract me from her goal.
“A little,” I answered, playing along.
Only a few feet away, she continued, “Would you like me to make us some dinner?”
“Well…” I stammered as both of her hands gripped my hardened shaft. “How about takeout,” I softly replied as her hands fondled my shaft like it was the first one she’d ever felt.
“Exactly what I had in mind,” she whispered back while slowly pulling toward the shallow end of the pool. After a quick glance behind her to see where the grass began, she turned back to me. Then, returning her eyes to mine, she kept up her gentle manipulation of my pulsing penis while pulling me toward the steps. Half under her spell and half wanting to fulfill my longheld desires for her, there was no stopping now. As her feet felt the grass, Clarissa moved fluidly onto her back while spreading her legs. Pulling me along, she placed the tip of my cock into her dampened slit. Then, with encouragement from her heels pressing into my ass, I slowly pushed inside her.
Clarissa groaned softly and held me tightly inside for a moment before pulling my face to hers. I was hoping that we’d do this as an enjoyable fuck, but she had other plans. Clarissa wanted the whole making love experience and let me know that from the beginning. She held my cock firmly inside her as our kissing slowly escalated. When I gave in to her entirely, Clarissa loosened her legs so that I could begin to move inside her.
Both hands had been on her breasts up to this point, but one moved behind her neck as we got going. Pulling our mouths even closer, I felt the full power of her hunger. Clarissa was a masterful kisser, and that alone would’ve kept me hard. But, the control that she had over her vaginal muscles was nothing short of incredible. Clarissa was no virgin, not that I’d know since I’d never had one. However, her vagina was so restrictive at times that I was barely able to move.
Knowing that I was was far too close to orgasm, I moved my other hand to her clit. Starting off slowly, I stroked her with two fingers. I moved them up and down through her slick labia and brushed her nub from both sides. It had the desired effect as both of her hands were on the back of my head now. Clarissa was smashing our faces even closer together if that was even possible.
Whispering haltingly in my ear, Clarissa said, “I’m… I’m gonna… cummm, arrrggghhh.” Tensing up like she was doing a crunch, I thought she would break my back. But as her pussy convulsed, my climax began. It seemed to be a battle of two wrestlers trying to keep a hold on each other. The strains and contractions went on for a couple of minutes before they slowly eased. I don’t recall ever being so exhausted after sex, but it was the best kind of tired.
Feeling my energy flagging, I rolled Clarissa on top of me. My second thought was that she could leave easily if she wanted without worry about how to escape. But go, she didn’t. In fact, she held me even closer and continued her formidable kissing. My half-softened penis started to grow inside her, and this time, she was in complete control. Still lying on top of me, Clarissa moved up until just the tip of my penis was inside her labia. As we kissed sensually, she moved her hips just enough to irritate my glans. It was one of those overly sensitive feelings that won’t bring you to orgasm but drives you crazy nevertheless.
My hands caressed her back, and one drifted to the nape of her neck while the other went south. As I stroked her firm buttocks, I let my fingers drift into her crease. She seemed to enjoy the attention, especially when I let a finger drift across her pucker. At first, it was a few quiet moans, but as I began rimming her continuously, it became, “Yes, please yes.”
I slipped my middle finger into her damp hole alongside my cock-head before pushing in inside her little star up to the first knuckle. The response came faster and more vulgar, “Fuck yes, finger my dirty hole!” I moved my finger in and out in rhythm to her use of my johnson. As she picked up speed, I matched it while moving deeper each time. After another minute, I was making full strokes in her rectum. Then, quite suddenly, she shoved down hard, impaling herself on the entire length of my cock and finger. Cumming violently again, she bit my chest as she wailed.
Resting for only a minute, Clarissa sat up on my cock. She rode me aggressively until I came inside her again. As quickly as she sat up, Clarissa then collapsed onto me, breathing hard and holding me tight.
We lay there for some time before she looked me in the eyes and said, “Those were the most intense orgasms that I’ve had in a very long time. I’m going to want more of them, and I hope you won’t worry about giving them to me. I know that it will be difficult at times, But I can assure you that I’ll share your bed whenever you want me, whether he is home or not. I’m in love with you and have been for some time. You are a far better companion than James ever was or will be, so I won’t feel shame or remorse for being with you.”
“If you truly feel that way, then I won’t regret one moment of making love to a married woman. However, we need to always talk about our feelings and concerns, no hiding anything. I will always share my emotions and hope that you will do the same.”
“I promise that I will,” Clarissa responded before we started kissing again. In between kisses, she added, “James called this morning and said that he won’t be home again until next Friday. So I expect you to use this married pussy often and enthusiastically!”
“So, this was all a trap to get me in the sack?” I suggested slyly.
“Very much so,” Clarissa answered with a grin and a kiss.
“I love this kind of trap,” I replied before rolling back on top of her and standing up with her bound to my torso. Walking into the house, I made my way to the bedroom, where I took her again.