‘I’m going to put a baby in your girlfriend,’ Max declared as his fingers deftly worked yet another piece of rope into place.
Gina groaned exuberantly.
I gulped and felt my legs turn to jelly.
‘You guys are both so hot, your kids are gonna be beautiful!’ Sara shrieked, handing Max another length of rope as he bent down beside the bed and roughly slapped my girlfriend’s tits.
‘Do it Maxi,’ Gina insisted, her eyes sparkling excitedly, ‘Put your seed in me!’
‘You’d like that wouldn’t you kitten – having your own little Maxi boy running around.’ He laughed and checked the final knot on a series of rope bindings he’d wrapped around Gina’s thighs.
‘Who says it’ll be a boy? Could be a girl,’ Gina pouted playfully.
‘Oh, no kitten. It’ll be a boy. Mine always are,’ Max grunted, reaching down and cupping her breasts provocatively, ‘And just imagine these full of fucking milk – I’ll be here every night just for a go on them!’
Sara giggled.
‘You’re outrageous Max.’
‘You both love it,’ He replied and slapped Sara’s bare buttocks.
‘Whatever the sex, it will be an honour to carry your baby for you,’ Gina gushed.
My stomach churned.
What shocked me most was how dotingly receptive my girlfriend was to Max’s commands – first stripping naked and then climbing onto my bed and lying back with her legs spread for him.
Sara was the same. She’d stripped off shortly before Max and Gina had arrived back at my flat – so she could answer the door ‘appropriately’. Apparently he insisted all his girls did that for him.
‘He has lots of girls?’ I asked.
‘Of course,’ Sara explained, ‘You can’t be the jealous type if you want to be with Max. He can have any girl he wants, and he does.’
We had a drink when they arrived. I’d had several beforehand, for dutch courage. Everything was a blur of nerves. Gina had returned home in a different dress to the one she’d gone out in, and even that nearly passed me by. Max had bought it for her, apparently.
‘Should’ve seen it,’ he regaled passionately as Sara poured him some wine, ‘She just stood up and took the other dress off in front of the whole fucking pub! They were loving it, the lot of them, cheering her on as she stood there in her bra and knickers. Then she took her bra off, tossed it to the barman, and put on the dress I’d bought her without it! I didn’t buy another drink all night!’
The dress he’d given my girlfriend was an extremely short, little black number with a fishnet effect across the bust. It would have left little to the imagination even if Gina had chosen not to provide the barman with her bra as a memento, but without one on it allowed considerable appraisal of her ample charms to whomever might wish to look.
‘Never been more proud of her!’ Max grinned, and necked his entire glass of wine in one.
The small talk proceeded about as normally as might be expected with that as the opening barometer. I was briefly acknowledged and introduced as I stood nervously beside the breakfast bar nursing my wine glass.
‘Nice flat.’
‘Thank you. It’s a genuine pleasure to meet you,’ I offered with all the subservience of a school boy meeting a new headmaster for the first time.
‘Likewise, particularly as Gina said we can rely on you to be a good lad about things. The poor girl’s desperate for a proper fuck and I haven’t laid her in weeks. We’ll use your bed. Get your clothes off and show us to it, eh lad?’
I led them down the hallway, stark naked, and a million miles out of my comfort zone – which, oddly, felt very exciting.
‘So this is where all the action doesn’t happen!’ Max declared, thumping my bed with his fist.
The girls laughed. Gina kissed Max on the cheek and whispered in his ear playfully. I couldn’t make out what she’d said to him, but he laughed and called her a dirty slut.
‘And get that fucking dress off that you’ve been teasing my mates in all night.’
Gina did as he’d instructed and then lay back on my bed with her legs spread.
‘They think it’s tops that I’m bringing her back here and fucking her in your bed, d’you know that lad?’
‘Who do?’ I asked tentatively.
‘My mates. Like rub his fucking nose in it why don’t you, that’s what they all said. We had a right fucking laugh about it.’
‘Awwh, he understands. He’s my good boy,’ Gina purred, flashing me the first glance of reassurance I’d had since she got back, ‘Isn’t that right sweetie?’
‘I try.’ I nodded, my head spinning.
I’d expected that to be that, so to speak – with Max disrobing out of his pristine suit before taking Sara and my girl for a tumble in my bed.
But no.
Sara had arrived earlier, under the premise of having ‘our little chat’. She’d brought a green patchwork quilt bag with her, and asked to leave it in my room. I’d thought nothing of it at the time.
‘It’s me tools,’ Max explained, digging inside it and pulling out various lengths of rope.
He then proceeded to tie my girlfriend up, utilising a series of ornate, exquisitely beautiful knots and rope-work that left her firmly trussed to the mattress with her legs spread. He’d stop occasionally and finger her as he sat on the edge of the bed.
‘Who’s my good girl?’
‘I am Maxi.’
‘Who’s not going to cum until I say she can?’
‘Me,’ she gasped, gritting her teeth as he mercilessly edged her.
‘That’s right,’ he replied, easing his three fingers out of her wet sex, before standing up and pushing them into Sara’s mouth.
‘What a Rubenesque beauty you are,’ he grunted, watching her intently as she suckled voraciously.
And then just as quickly he turned his attentions back to Gina on my bed. He took her slender wrists, stretched them up over her head and tied them to the steel rungs of my headboard. He finished off with a powerful tie across her bust that had her large, full breasts swelling under the ropes keen restriction.
‘Fucking perfection,’ he mumbled to himself, rubbing his designer stubble conscientiously as he perused his handiwork, ‘Must document.’
He pulled his phone from his trouser pocket.
‘Smile for me mates, there’s a good girl Kitten.’
And she did, luridly greeting the camera’s gaze as she lay completely naked, exposed and tied down. I hadn’t even been allowed a topless shot of her when we went to Spain on holiday.
‘What do you think?’ Max asked, turning around and taking a couple of shots of me, despite my pleas for him to refrain.
‘To the baby idea?’ I asked tentatively, flinching with each click of the phone’s camera. It still felt a bit odd to be standing naked in the bedroom corner with Gina’s panties on my head, but he’d insisted, and the girls had got a laugh out of it – now it appeared his mates would too.
‘Well yeah, of course to the baby idea, but also to the rope-work!’ he exclaimed, gesturing theatrically to where Gina lay spread and tied to my mattress.
I’d already absorbed every last part of what was staring back at me a thousand times as I’d watched the artisan in full flow. I felt sure it would be etched into my mind forever, with an accompanying title like;
This is a reminder of how you can’t satisfy your girlfriend because you’re too submissive to find it within yourself.
It was Gina’s cunt that my eyes kept straying back to. She was so wet, like glistening, desperate for a fuck wet. Her labia had morphed from her more familiar little flower buds to protrusions of thick, engorged cunt meat that flared expectantly in pouting, emboldened shades of glaringly flushed red. I’d never even come close to getting her into such a state. Max had already, and he’d barely begun.
‘It’s amazing, the rope work I mean. Gina looks fabulous.’ I nodded, peering through the panties covering my face.
‘It’s chemistry mate. There’s got to be a spark. Me and Gina have always had that. Same with Sara, that’s why they’ll always be my girls.’ He explained turning his attentions to Sara’s gargantuan breasts.
It stung to admit it, but I could understand why both women were so enamoured with him. He was every boyfriend’s nightmare – self assured, impeccably dressed, tall, and ruggedly handsome in that roughhouse sort of way that women always fall hard for. And effortlessly dominant. I’d tried to gauge his age and plumped for somewhere in his mid to late thirties, which, with the three of us all being in our early twenties, gave him seniority and maturity over all of us too.
‘So how about it lad? You going to help Gina raise my kid?’ He asked with the same abrasive tone that his hands were adopting to wrapping rope around Sara’s tits, ‘I expect you to do the right thing and stand by her for me. You’re lucky to have her.’
I felt feint. But something about the all-encompassing inadequacy that had begun to consume me was quickly becoming utterly compelling. I looked at my girlfriend, so beautifully trussed to my bed, and to Sara, with her huge breasts bound so tight that her milk-white flesh had begun to turn purple, and then to the orchestrator as he began removing his shirt – and my inferiority suddenly felt deliciously beautiful. The pain, the anguish, the hurt, the submission – it felt so right.
‘I’d be honoured to stand by her,’ I blurted nervously, ‘And I don’t know anyone more deserving of getting my girlfriend pregnant than you.’
Max swung around to face me, a bristling grin stretching across his face.
‘There it is!’ He grunted, tossing his shirt to my bedroom floor, ‘The boy’s learning!’
‘Told you he would,’ Gina exclaimed triumphantly.
‘Pure cuck, that one,’ Sara agreed.
I felt almost proud of myself.
I couldn’t help glancing at Max’s broad, muscular shoulders and the rippled shades of his toned abdomen. I worked out relentlessly and could never have got to his size. Then he slid out of his suit trousers and dropped his boxers.
‘Some men are just more dominant,’ I offered, my mouth suddenly dry.
‘That they are.’ He nodded, turning briefly to Sara and clicking his fingers, ‘Get your beautiful fat arse sat on Kitten’s face, there’s a good girl.’
Sara leapt to her task, clambering onto the bed in an ovation of majestic wobbling. It gave me the briefest opportunity to stare uninhibitedly at Max’s beautiful, thick, veiny cock. He was huge, the sort that has no qualms about strutting naked around the gym changing room, because he’s packing a thick six inches even when he’s soft. It felt peculiar to adore that about him, but I immediately did.
‘I’m actually starting to feel quite pleased you’re here,’ I muttered, barely managing to get my words out.
‘It’s a transition, is what it is, eh lad. We all have our role to play.’ He replied and then turned back to the girls.
I realised why he’d stood in front of me as he’d undressed. He’d wanted me to see his cock, and that body. He’d wanted me to understand every aspect of his total superiority.
I watched him as he bent down and dipped into his tool bag. Even his balls were enormous, swaying between his thighs like a sack filled with two giant cow bells proudly announcing their best in class credentials.
He pulled out a whip, the sort that has multiple tails splaying off from the handle – and stood beside my bed surveying the scene.
Sara was at the top, clutching the headboard and grinding her huge buttocks back and forth on Gina’s face. Both girls were groaning loudly, one unhindered, the other in a series of muffled exclamations.
The whip fizzed through the air and lashed Sara straight across her back.
I flinched.
She screamed.
Max laughed.
A series of blotchy red lines started to radiate across the buxom girl’s milk-white skin.
The whip hissed through the air a second time. Max’s aim was lower and caught Sara’s rippling buttocks with precision like accuracy.
‘If I’d missed that arse I’d have packed up my shit and left,’ he muttered, laughing to himself.
‘Bastard.’ Sara rebuked, her huge, wobbling ass glowing with red streaks.
‘You love me really,’ Max retorted.
‘Always,’ she replied giddily.
He worked the whip again – this time it scythed through the air and cut straight across my girlfriend’s trussed up tits. He followed it just as swiftly with a second clean strike, almost drowning out Gina’s pained, muffled shrieks.
‘This is fun!’ Max exclaimed, his eyes fizzing with pleasure, ‘I’m having a good time!’
Again the whip danced through the air, only this time it whirred viciously across Gina’s breasts, only for him to pull back and in a single motion he then dragged it heavily over Sara’s bare back with a clever flick of his wrist.
Both girls seemed to be revelling in his sadistic endeavours. I marvelled at his capacity for dominance, and the wonderful way women respond to men who are capable of it.
‘You’re alright you are, d’ya know that Lad?’ Max offered, catching his breath and wiping his brow after unleashing a prolonged series of cutting whiplashed efforts on both howling women.
‘Thank you,’ I replied, looking on with anguished delight as he leant forward and spanked my girlfriend’s glistening wet cunt with his open palm.
‘I’m serious. You’re proving to be an excellent host. I won’t forget that. I look after all my bitches. And you are a bitch. I’m pretty sure Sara’s clit’s bigger than that little maggot you’ve got between your legs.’
Sara sniggered.
‘I know that I’m fortunate just to be in the room,’ I mumbled.
‘Course you do. Now, if you’ll kindly stand in the corner quietly, I’m going to play with my toys for a little while longer, and then I’m going to fuck your girlfriend until I’ve put a baby in her. Understood?’
I nodded respectfully and peeked down at myself through Gina’s knickers. My little cock was swelling – all four inches of it.