Massage Therapy – Part 2 – My First Client

"Darlene, a college athelete seeks my special services"

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So I had just opened up my clinic with my coworker Krysten. Her work ethic and sensual personality were perfect to have in a partner. She was over ten years older than me and with kids, so not exactly someone I wanted a relationship with. But just what I needed to help me run this new company. As I said before, we had managed to make this place run a profit within just a few short months. Buoyed by our clients from the old job, they swiftly told their friends about us which helped tremendously.

But you’re not reading my story because of your interest in entrepreneurial tactics and business acumen. You’re here to read more about Darlene.

She was a fiery personality to be sure, leading her college volleyball team. She was only a few years younger than me, which I think helped her feel comfortable. She had started coming to the old place because of some painful muscle cramps and injuries from hitting the floor too hard one too many times. She wasn’t unattractive with her bleach-blonde hair, porcelain skin, and trim figure. I enjoyed working on her from the get-go, as she was extraordinarily flirtatious. She was essentially the one who made me think to start Therapy with Tre. Our story commences with her first visit to the clinic’s practice room.

The space was a little larger than the typical working area in our little midwestern therapy office. It had enough space to contain the massage table, a specialized chair, the relevant supplies, and an extra desk in which my trainer could sit and observe as I worked on patients. On the day Darlene came to see me, my teacher was seated at her desk taking notes on the session I had just finished. Leticia was a middle-aged black woman who had put on some weight but carried it well. Her hands were strong and talented at releasing pain from a person’s body. She had taught me much in my couple of months in school.

“Well, baby, I think you’ve got this figured out. You only have one more client today and then you can head on home. I’m gonna stay and observe this one, cause she’s a young woman. Remember, one of the most important things to do is make sure our patients feel safe, comfortable, and relaxed. Healing won’t take place if they’re on edge. You being, well… barely older than her, you’ll have to make sure professional boundaries are firm. You got that?”

“Yes ma’am. Any notes for me from the previous session?” I asked while changing the sheet on the table.

“Hmm… only to remember to have good posture and save your back. You’re young, but if you keep up in this business you’re gonna regret any mistreatment of that. Oh, here she is.” A knock at the door interrupted Leticia’s flow.

“Come on in,” I responded. The door opened and a well-put-together young woman walked in. I say walked, though she just was gingerly stepping, obviously in a great deal of pain. “Hi, my name is Tre and I will be taking care of you today. Can you tell me your full name and date of birth?”

“Darlene Colmson, 5/24/01.”

“Okay, perfect. We are glad to have you with us today. What seems to be the problem?”

“I fucked up my back pretty bad at practice today. My coach told me to come here to get it fixed.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. That must hurt a lot! Let me help you up on the table and ask you a few more questions about the source of the injury. Would you say it’s the lower, mid, or upper back that hurts the most?”

“My lower back, around my tailbone. Also along my spine, like, on the left side.”

“Okay, I’m going to gently touch your back now. Here and here you said?” As I carefully passed my hands over the spots she had mentioned.

“Um, yes on the spinal area, but lower on my back.”

“Okay, that seems like you messed up your body. Let’s see what we can do to help. Ms. Leticia and I will be stepping out of the room so you can undress to your level of comfort and you can get underneath the sheet on the table. Shout out if you need any help, and let us know when you’re ready for us to come back in. Oh, Ms. Leticia is my observer today as I am finishing my training up. Is that alright with you or would you prefer a fully licensed therapist today? We can accommodate you however you’d like.”

“Uh, you’re fine.” She said as she looked at me closer. The faintest hint of a smirk appeared on her face but was quickly overshadowed by the pain she was feeling. “I… I don’t think I can get my clothes off. When I try to move my arms above my head it hurts like a bitch, and I can’t bend over right now.”

“Okay, that’s alright. I can work over your clothes just fine, or Ms. Leticia can assist you if you’d prefer. Which would you prefer, ma’am?”

“I guess I can keep my clothes on if you think you can still fix me.”

“Of course, Darlene. Let me help you up on the table.” I moved the sheet aside and helped her lie down on the cot. Covering her with the sheet, I put on the quiet music that is typical at massage appointments and lowered the lights. I started work on her back through her jersey but found it hard to maintain the right pressure. The material kept slipping and at one point I heard Darlene gasp in pain as my hand slipped. I looked to Leticia for help, because I hadn’t encountered this problem before. She nodded in understanding and spoke up.

“Miss Darlene, would it be alright if Tre here raised your shirt so he could have an easier time relaxing your muscles? I think the material is a little tricky to work with.”

“Oh, of course. I would have taken it off, but…”

“No need to explain, honey,” Leticia responded. She smiled encouragingly at me and motioned for me to continue.

I rolled the jersey up so that it was out of my way and I recommenced my work. Adding a bit of heated massage oil made all the difference in the world. I kept pretty quiet except for quiet questions about pressure and location. You could see her relaxing from the pain leaving her body.

“How does that feel? It seems like the tightness has completely disappeared from alongside your spine.”

“So much better. God your hands are amazing…” she moaned into the headrest. I smiled because my work was making an impact on her.

“May I roll your shorts down just a bit so I can access the other painful area?”

“Fuck yeah. Just keep doing whatever it is you’re doing.”

Leticia put a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing. This Darlene girl was expressive. And I’ll admit her body was entrancing for me. Her butt was shapely and lovely. The girl did squats all day and night. Her skin was smooth and soft, a delight to work on. I gently rolled the elastic waistband down and tucked it into her underwear. I couldn’t tell for certain but it looked like a thong. Considering the lack of imprint on her shorts, I assumed I was right. I kept working on her and could see the motion return to her muscles. It seemed like Darlene was almost asleep, but now and then a soft moan would escape from her mouth.

“How are you doing? Is there any other area that you feel needs worked on still?”

“Feeling like the shit now. Can I pay you to work longer? This is the best my body has felt all year.”

“Well…” I looked at Leticia. She shrugged at me and motioned that she couldn’t stay. “Let me confer with my trainer and see what the rules are, is that alright Darlene? Ms. Leticia won’t be able to stay, so bear that in mind. Here, why don’t you sit up and have a cup of water and test out how you’re feeling.”

I walked out of the room with Leticia and said, “I mean, I could use the extra cash if you’re okay with me staying behind. I can lock up if you’d like.”

“Sure thing. Though you won’t need to lock up. I know Candice is in the office and will be here for at least another hour. Just give her a shout if you need anything. Good work today. I know that was an… interesting client.”

“Yeah, that was weird not being able to help her more. What should I do in the future with something like that?”

“Eventually you will have more regular clients who might feel comfortable with you helping them undress. Mr. Sandrin is one of those for me. Eighty-nine years old and comes in like a cripple, walks out like… a slightly more mobile old man. But the man cannot take his pants or socks off, so I help him out. But with new clients or ones you feel uncomfortable helping, stick ’em in the chair or do what you did today. Anyways, have a good night! See you tomorrow, Tre.”

“Have a good night!” I said as I turned back to the room. I knocked on the door quietly and asked if I could come in.

“Yeah, come in.” Her voice sounded… different. I walked in and noticed her lying down and fully covered by the sheet. I looked and saw a pile of her clothes on the end table designated for that and keys and the like. They seemed to have been tossed on their in a hurry, but I noticed a black thong lying on top of the pile. My eyes grew wide seeing this, and I wasn’t subtle because Darlene’s eyes were locked onto me and she smiled at my reaction.

“That massage was so good, I just wanted to have the… full experience if you were willing.” She said. Her voice greeted my ear like a caress.

“Oh, of course. I’m… happy to provide our typical massage session.” You have no idea how much I wished I could ravage this young woman. I had no doubt she would have been amenable. Her smirk contained an unnatural level of sex.

I got to work with a traditional massage. I revealed one part of her body at a time so I could massage it with the heated therapeutic oil. Her body tensed and relaxed underneath my ministrations. Her pale skin was soft and warm to the touch. I enjoyed the feel of her well-defined calves and thighs… She worked out quite a bit.

She started chatting me up, asking personal questions about where I was from, what I did for fun in the area if I had a girlfriend, and questions like that. I smiled every time she spoke because my kneading hands would make her interrupt herself with a moan or groan. The best moment was when my fingers were digging into her upper thighs. She let out a sound I can only describe as a stuttering moan. Almost goat-like in its affectation. I managed to stop myself from laughing, but only just. Her muscles which had started so tense ended up melting in my capable hands.

I moved up her body, carefully draping her with the sheet as I went. I kept myself within the boundaries of professionalism as I very much wanted to keep my job. But throughout the session, she kept hinting at her willingness for a more intimate touch. Despite my best efforts, she managed to flash me her chest as she turned over. Her tits were on the smaller side, but her nipples were pink and rock hard. Quite eager to be sucked on, in my opinion.

I wrapped up the session and did my habit of tracing my hands from the bottom of her feet to the crest of her head. I did this over her fully covered body, avoiding the tempting places I had touched all those years ago with Emmi. I sensed her disappointment when I finally said those words “our time has come to an end.” Her doe eyes looked up at me. I was intrigued, to say the least. She sat up, still holding the sheet to her chest, and thanked me for the extra time.

When she met me outside the room, she went up on her toes to kiss me on the cheek. “Thanks for the good time. I’ll see you around, sexy.” Her well-defined ass grabbed my attention as she walked out. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. She had captivated me. After getting home, I furiously masturbated in the shower. I couldn’t wait for her next session, though I wasn’t sure how I was going to keep my job and my sanity intact.

Flash forward to the beginning of my business. As I said before, I had brought many of my clients along with me, but none of them were necessarily interested in my special services (or at least were not in my category of interest personally). But one of them certainly was. I received an email notification that a client had gone through the online intake form and had selected the option for the free extras. Lo and behold it was Darlene. She had selected the “max relaxation” option while being fully nude. What a shock. She had added a little note in the comments or questions box that would be addressed by the therapist before the session. It read “I want to have a climactic experience ;)” I felt my dick twinge in anticipation of what was doubtless going to be a wonderful show.

The day of her appointment came and I couldn’t have been more excited. I had seen this girl for months, always restraining myself from ogling her fit form. Keeping my hands from wandering. Always trying to be respectful and considerate of her privacy. Not today. Today I was going to stare at her naked body. Today I was going to spread her legs wide. Today I was going to make her cum harder than any boyfriend had ever thought possible. Today was going to be a good day.

I walked in the door and greeted our receptionist, a sweet and sensuous girl named Maribel. Her curly hair adorably framed her rounded face. But that was where her cuteness ended and her sexiness began. I always enjoyed seeing Maribel because her outfit choices were suggestive to the max… for a business setting of course. Lower cut tops, skirts revealing shapely legs, hoop earrings, red lipstick. A beautiful woman with an incredible complexion. We paid her minimum wage, but her perks were off the charts. 1 free massage a week, some PTO, and a small budget for her work outfits. She was a terrible flirt and constantly was trying to get in Krysten’s pants. Sadly for Maribel, Krysten was very straight and Maribel was very much not.

“Good morning, mi amor. How’s the schedule look today?”

“Buenos, Papi. Pretty full. But you’ll have a two-hour lunch break at least.”

“Wonderful. Maybe I can convince Krysten to work some kinks out in my hands before this afternoon.”

“Ah, yes, you’ll need it. You have a client who double-booked you today.”

I was confused. “Huh? How did that happen? Do we need to reschedule someone?”

“No, as in someone booked you for a double session.”

“Who?” I asked.

“Darlene Clemson. She booked you for two signature sessions in a row. Three hours total. You should fix the website so that people can’t do that. You’re gonna lose out on money if you do.” Maribel had a knack for getting our business on the right track. She was an incredible find. If only she would switch sides for a night…

“Oh, shit? I knew she had booked for today, but not that!” I was admittedly a little nervous. I had never worked for 3 hours straight without a break. And I had yet to do a signature session, so I wasn’t sure how much energy it would require from me.

“Well, we could ask if Krysten could take the second half if you’d like.”

I thought about it for a minute. “No, Darlene is one of my old clients. I’ll just talk with her and explain the mistake. See if we can reschedule her for a later day. Or hell, I might just tough it out and see if I can do it. Maybe we could add it as a special, but then charge a fuck-ton for it.”

Maribel smiled. “I like that idea. See if Krysten wants to do that. Maybe I’ll actually pay for my massage with her then.”

I laughed and went back into my room. I prepped for the day, did my hand and body stretches, and was ready for my patients. I got through the 3 sessions in the morning just fine. Nothing special, just two older patients and a middle-aged woman with lingering effects from a car accident she had been in. I warmed up my lunch and ducked into the small lounge area we had designated for therapists to chill in during off moments. It was a cozy room perfect for a nap or other relaxing activities. I sat quietly for over an hour, just watching YouTube videos when Krysten walked in. Her full lips graced me with a smile, evoking one in return. She came and sat next to me on the couch pausing only momentarily before she laid her head on my lap.

“How’s your day going, honey?”

I chuckled and said, “oh, just fine dear. And yours?” This was a ritual of ours. We knew a relationship would never work between us, but we certainly enjoyed each other’s company. We frequently said that we were each other’s work spouses. She certainly sucked my dick enough to qualify for the position.

I explained to her the position I was about to find myself in. She had already done several signature sessions with clients. Men who hadn’t been unreasonably unattractive walked out with beautiful smiles. I asked her for advice.

“Just… do what you normally do, but include her tits and pussy. Watch her reactions, do the job. You’ve made me cum enough, I know you’ll do just fine.”

“Oh, I’m not worried about that. I’m saying I’ve never done a fuckin’ three-hour massage before. I’m worried my hands are going to give out.”

She guffawed and grabbed my face. She whispered an encouraging thought and kissed me. I was starting to get worked up but she, unfortunately, drew back. “Nuh-uh,” she murmured. “You need to save that energy for little Miss Volleyball Cunt. And after you’ve pleased her so much that she brings her teammates, I’ll make sure to take care of you.” With that, she drew my hand and swiftly pushed it up her loose shorts. My fingertips discovered a lack of panties and a soaking wet and shaved pussy. She guided my finger to her clit and threw her head back as I started circling it with the pad of my middle finger.

I throbbed in anticipation of her promise. If her mouth was a place of magic, then her pussy was where miracles were formed. I kept going until her breathing quickened and it seemed like she was about to cum. But she stopped me with a shuddering breath.

“Now take that energy and use it to blow this girl’s mind. And be the selfish prick you can be and make your fun. That’s how you get through the three hours of hard work. You keep in mind what you’re coming back to.” She kissed me once more and got up to leave. I let my breathing return to normal and went to the bathroom. I was tempted to masturbate but knew that she was right. Plus the promise of goddess-level pussy was powerful enough to still my hand.

I freshened up, tucked my still-hard dick into my waistband, and went back to my room. Ten minutes till Darlene’s appointment. Eight minutes. Two minutes. Then the door opened. There she was, barely over five feet tall, wearing a practically see-through tank top without a bra, booty shorts, and sandals. Her hair was pulled back in a simple ponytail, with just a faint touch of concealer on her face.

She smiled and walked in with confidence. “Hi, Tre. It’s good to see you again.” 

“Hello, Darlene. I’m so happy to have you back.” I couldn’t stop from grinning. “Come on in. You can have a seat. I have a little spiel to go through if that’s okay.” 

“Sure thing.”

“So you selected our signature massage. For legal purposes, I need to remind you that while this massage will contain techniques that a typical massage wouldn’t, there is no extra charge. Our goal in providing this special service is to offer our clients the most relaxing experience possible. You will have complete control throughout the session, so if you ever feel uncomfortable, all you have to do is say stop, hold on, wait, or anything like that. Is this making sense?”

“Hell yeah. I’m just excited as hell.” She was almost vibrating with energy.

“I’m glad. Me too. But I don’t know if you meant to do this, but you booked two ninety-minute sessions today for a total of 3 hours. To be honest, I’m not sure if my body will be able to work for that long, but I’m going to try. And if I find that I’m unable to complete today’s sessions, then I will just reschedule a makeup one for you. Is that alright?”

“Sounds like a plan, Tre. See, I wanted you all to myself this afternoon…” She licked her lips in anticipation.

“Well, hold on.” I looked back at my notes. “Today’s session will include a touch of the most intimate areas of your body, however, this is not intended to be a sexual experience. I am here to provide you with peak relaxation and pleasure, but I am not going to engage in any activity that exceeds that of a professional.”

“Oh.” She was crestfallen, it seemed like she lost all of her confidence with her monosyllabic response. “Did… I misunder…”

I cut her off. “That doesn’t mean you might not experience intense physical sensations, up to and including orgasm, but the intended purpose of this massage is to help you relax and have your worries fall away. If there are certain actions or techniques that you find particularly enjoyable or helpful, you are more than welcome to vocalize your preferences. Are you comfortable and feel knowledgeable about today’s experience? Do you consent to a signature massage today?” I was growing more and more excited with every word. This was it. My first time touching, feeling, and truly seeing Darlene. I’d been dreaming of this moment for months. I needed to do this. 

“Well fuck yeah. Let’s go.”

“Excellent. Would you like me to step out so you can undress and get underneath the…”

She beat me to the punch as she pulled her tank top off in one swift motion. Her nipples first caught my eyes, pink and hard. I took in the rest of the image as she stood up to turn around. With a wiggle, she scooted her cloth shorts down her thighs. She did this most explicitly as she bent over at the waist revealing a full and tight ass and a shaved pussy. I grew hard almost instantly. I quickly adjusted myself as she kicked her sandals and shorts into a pile in the corner. She turned around and smirked at me, her mouth pouty and sultry. I tried to speak, but it took a second.

“Um, why don’t you lie down on the table and I’ll put the music on. Also, I’ll turn the temperature up. Let me know if you get too warm or chilly.” I matched my words with action and also grabbed my therapeutic oil which had been in the warmer at my supply station. I turned back around and let my eyes soak in the vision before me. Her buttcheeks were full and round, just begging to be spanked. But today was not for such activities. 

I got right to work, starting at her neck and shoulders just like any other massage. Yep. Just like any other massage, I told myself, except for the fact that my client is fully nude and inviting me to fuck her. But I couldn’t. Not today. So I got to work on her tensed muscle groups as I had countless times before. But I also let my hands drift underneath her chest so that my fingers were also touching her breasts occasionally. I worked my way down and started on her back. While amid a particularly troublesome knot, I felt her hand and forearm move and grab at my leg. I paused, knowing what would happen if I let her keep touching me. A man only has so much self-control. 

So I leaned down and took her arm and placed it above her head. I didn’t say a word, but I think she understood that I was going to be a good boy today. I used the opportunity to press my hand up her side and ended up in her armpit. Now, you might be wondering why that’s important. You see, everyone feels sensitive there and typically resists any touch. But an expert therapist will be able to use those very same nerve endings and be able to release so much tension in a person’s body. I used my best techniques and swiftly felt Darlene’s lovely form melt into the table. It was like she truly relaxed for the first time since stepping into my room. 

I used this window to finish up the rest of my more… typical work on her shoulders and back. Now it was time to switch gears. Now for the legs. I knew that I would get to stare at her, look at her treasure, and watch her body react to me. I was so excited I was almost shaking. 

Trailing a hand down to maintain contact, I got to touch her ass without any barrier for the first time. Exhilarating. I worked my way up her legs with my typical push-and-pull technique that prevented my clients from feeling ticklish. But once I reached her mid-thigh I switched what I was doing. I began kneading and pressing her muscles. Her voice shifted from the typical sounds you hear in massage to a more intimate version. My fingers began the climb upwards until finally my hands were wrapped around her upper thigh, my left hand touching the outer edge of her vulva. Her breathing was increasing in pace in the most entrancing way. I kept my left hand there, maintaining a firm but gentle pressure. I swept my right hand up and started pulling and pushing at her glutes with the heel of my palm. 

To be honest, I wasn’t sure whether the wetness I was feeling was her, the oil, or a mixture. I was too focused to figure that particular question out. But being the well-trained therapist and proficient lover that I am, I knew that I needed to switch gears to build her threshold for pleasure. I wanted Darlene to cover my table with her cum. And to do that, I needed to make her shake with desperation.

So I switched to her other leg and worked my way up her left side. I repeated all the same techniques and stopped myself just as my right hand was touching the edge of her intimate area. Now when I stopped what I was doing and removed my hands for a second, she made a sound of complaint. Darlene was getting quite worked up. 

45 minutes had passed in our session already. Fuck, there was so much more time to go. I was going to have to be creative to make her last for the full three hours. Hell, so that I could last all three hours! 

But just as it seemed like Darlene was going to start demanding my dick inside her, I grabbed at her ass cheeks with both hands and started spreading them apart. Essentially I started using her own body to provide friction to her erogenous zones. Her moans of relief said everything I needed to hear. She was ready for more. But not yet desperate… hmm… I kept up my motion for a minute longer before I paused, hands still planted on her beautiful rear. 

“Are you ready for a more intimate portion of the massage?” I asked her with obvious lust in my voice. 

“Fuck yes.” She said into the table. I went and grabbed a small towel and rolled it up. 

“Can you lift your hips for me? I’m going to place this towel underneath you.” 

She obediently lifted her body for me and I placed it so that her butt was pushed into the air. Her beautiful pussy lips were wildly on display for me. I spread her legs slightly giving me even more unfettered access. I added more oil to my already well-lubricated hands and started spreading her cheeks wide. If only I could have a photo of this, I’d never look at porn again. But alas I could only take a mental picture of this incredible young woman splayed before me. 

I rocked my hands closer and closer to her soaking-wet sex. I could see now that her body was highly aroused. But instead of following my initial instinct to stick my tongue inside her, I grabbed at her lips. I took each vulva lip in one hand and started gently massaging it. I carefully squeezed and pulled at them. I wasn’t yet trying to get her to orgasm, rather I wanted to create new and unique sensations for her. Her tonal change indicated I was succeeding. After a couple of minutes of this, I switched tactics. I started pressing at her lovely taint and skin surrounding her asshole. I kept rimming her like this with the pads of my thumbs and her breathing indicated that she was on the slope toward an orgasm. I let my pointer fingers replace what my thumbs had been doing and started pressing and making small circular movements around her vaginal opening. 

“I’m now going to do an interior vaginal wall massage. Do you want me to do this?” The words might have sounded clinical coming off my tongue, but my heart was pounding in my chest. While I wasn’t going to specifically finger her as if we were having sex, the casual observer would think I was. 

“Fuck yes.” Her dirty mouth responded. 

I squirted more oil into my hands and rubbed them together to equally spread the moisture around. I then carefully began probing her hole with one finger. I slipped it in and heard a powerful gasp come from her mouth. 

“Ugh, more please.” She whimpered. 

I licked my lips and added a second finger.

“Oh god, yes.” She exhaled those words like they had been stuck inside her.

I started circling my fingers, having inserted them just past the first knuckle. I then spread them in a soft V shape and slowly raised and lowered them. I let her adjust to the motion and size for what seemed like an eternity but was only a few seconds. I then brought my fingers together and started going deeper and deeper until they were fully buried inside her. Darlene started bucking her hips against my hand. I put my other on top of her ass and pressed it firmly back onto the towel.

“Be a good girl and let me do my work,” I said. She immediately stilled while her moans increased in volume. Thank God we had the foresight to soundproof these rooms. I pulled my fingers out of her soaking wet snatch and replaced them with my thumbs. I started stretching and pressing the inside walls of her canal. The thicker digits made her almost cum. I could feel her start to quiver against me. I debated whether I should let her have an orgasm this quickly. We had only just passed an hour and five minutes into our three-hour session. 

Feeling mischievous, I pulled my thumbs back out and let her body start to cool down. She made a sound that will stick in my mind forever as the definition of a petulant. I’m quite certain I gave her the equivalent of blue balls. And that was fine with me. 

“It’s now time to roll over onto your back,” I said as I removed the soaking-wet towel. I couldn’t help but give it a smell. The mint of the oil mixed interestingly with the tangy sweet scent of her pussy. Darlene turned slowly on the table; her movements were shaky. I saw her face and chest were flushed and a bit sweaty. I had made her overwhelmed with feeling, so it seemed. 

I wiped my hands with a couple of baby wipes as she moved. I didn’t know how she would feel about getting her juices all over her face and body. I rejuvenated my hands with the therapeutic oil and started working on her face. Darlene’s body which had grown tense and shaky with the finger fucking I had… hadn’t given her… started to relax again as I resumed my more typical massage. She practically melted into my hands as I worked her pectoral muscles and arms. It seemed like might have been asleep, what with her steady and slow breathing pattern. But I noticed that she bit her lip when I started squeezing her breasts. I didn’t spend much time there, as I wasn’t doing this for my pleasure. I gently massaged her belly and stopped with her pelvis. 

I moved down to her feet and the tops of her legs. I paid particular attention to her IT bands (outermost sides of your thighs and hips) but made sure not to cause too much pain. I didn’t want to put her out of her euphoric state. But once again, I wrapped up my PG-rated efforts and moved on to the more entertaining ones. Of course, throughout this, I was taking in her taught and well-formed body. Her body type wasn’t necessarily to my taste, but it’s hard to not find a college athlete at least somewhat attractive. 

Her breasts were petite but still evident, not like some cross-country runners or supermodels who barely looked like women. Her stomach was toned from many a workout. But the site I was drawn to were her curvy hips, defined pubic region, and prominent pussy lips. I found myself staring as I brought my hands to the inside of her legs and spread them apart. Her wetness was evident, and I could see a dribble of creaminess having just come out of her hole. Her face brightened with a smile as she opened herself to me. 

I needed to pop out the sections from underneath the table so she could rest her legs at the angle I was hoping for. Normally when I do this, I move to each side of the table, pull the massage equivalent of a stirrup out, and it clicks into place. I would then move to the other side and repeat the maneuver. But I recognized that I could do something more salacious… something more fun for myself. Krysten’s words rang in my ears as encouragement, “make my fun.” So instead of the professional thing, I got up on the end of the table near her feet, planted my hand right in front of her snatch, and leaned down so that I could grab the cushioned attachment. This effort let me put my face a mere inch away from her glorious pussy. I took a deep breath and enjoyed her smell. But I did manage to resist eating her out. I am a professional after all.

With the attachments in place, I leaned her legs out so that they rested comfortably. This gave me a completely unimpeded view of her wetness. It was quite an erotic image, this fine woman completely open before me. Her clit was engorged, her juices flowing… she was ready for the time of her life. I glanced at the clock. I had a full hour to do it all. 

I traced my hands back up her legs and squeezed at different points. I looked up at Darlene and saw her looking down at me with a hungry expression. She brought her hands up and started playing with her nipples. Fuck that was hot. 

I placed one hand on top of her vagina, fully covering it. I started making gentle circles, trying to make sure every part of her was covered by my hand. Her moans kicked back into gear, especially once I dragged my hand down and actively rubbed her clit for the first time today. 

“More please,” she gasped.

I grinned and repeated the motion. I kept it up until it seemed like she was about to orgasm. When I stopped, she let out a guttural groan of frustration. But that was replaced by a gasp as I repeated my vaginal massage from before. The different angle seemed to affect her more. Soon she was trying to fuck my fingers from her displayed position. This time I didn’t stop her. 

But when I pulled my thumbs out, I didn’t hesitate to replace them with my middle and ring fingers. I couldn’t stop myself and just started finger fucking her. I curled them upwards at first and started rubbing her g-spot. Her gasping moans quickly turned into full-blown screaming. I changed the angle though, as I still wasn’t quite ready for her to cum. I held my hand still and put my other hand on her stomach. I pushed her back in an obvious effort to still her. 

“Are you ready for more of a stretch?” I asked. 

She couldn’t speak but nodded furiously. So I grinned and slowly wiggled my pointer finger inside. I slowly built up a rhythm, but slower than before. She seemed to appreciate it. So a few minutes later I spoke up again.

“Ready for more?” I whispered. Her eyes shot open with a look of alarm.

“We don’t have to. Whatever you are comfortable with. But I think you’re ready, Darlene.” 

“Uh, okay. You can try. It feels real… ugh, oh god. It feels so good, Tre.” Her words kept breaking off as I fucked her with my three fingers. Her juices were leaking out of her forming quite a puddle beneath her. The room smelled strongly of her already. 

But now instead of adding my thumb or pinky, I took my other hand and laid it on top of the three fingers that were pumping in and out of her. I inched my pointer finger and middle finger forward until they were both into the first knuckle. I then held very still as her body adjusted to the feeling. I knew that the difference between one and two fingers at this point was negligible. I didn’t want to scare her when I knew her body was ready for this. Within a minute she reached down with her hand and grabbed at my wrists. She dictated the pace of my hands, but soon she found the tempo that worked for her evidently as she leaned back and enjoyed my fingers going into her. 

I knew it was time to make her cum. Too much more teasing and her body was going to start shutting down from overstimulation. So I did one of my final two tricks. I pushed the three fingers of my right hand fully into her and had them stay there. Then I started driving the two fingers of my left hand into her. I built up speed and started to feel her pussy contract. I pulled my left hand out and placed those two well-lubricated fingers right above her clit and started lightly but swiftly rubbing while my other hand started pounding her. Six or seven pumps later and it happened. Her pussy contracted hard, clamping down on my hand. While she had been panting and screaming, she went suddenly silent as she squirted all over my arms, chest, and face. 

Her contractions continued over and over, but I didn’t want to cause any pain to ruin her orgasm. So I withdrew one finger and started pounding with just my middle finger and ring finger, making a spiderman handshape. Her pussy clenched and squirted again. Three more streams shot out of her, covering my already dripping forearms. Holy shit. 

I slowly withdrew my fingers from her still-clenching muscles. Her body, which had grown tense with the overwhelming orgasms, collapsed back into the table. She was quite exhausted and worn out. She kept twitching and having small sensory shivers as she calmed down. I turned to my supply station to start cleaning up. With my back turned, I took a small lick of her cum. It was almost sour, but still pleasant to me. I would happily spend some time between her legs if the opportunity arose. 

I grabbed a hand towel, wiped my face and arms, and blotted up my shirt as much as possible. I gave up when I realized just how soaked it was from Darlene’s juices and my sweat, so I just took it off and threw it in the small laundry basket in the corner. I had on my black tank top underneath, so it was fine. I caught a whiff of myself and was shocked to discover just how much I smelled like Darlene’s pussy. I needed a shower before I went back in public. 

I turned back to her. She was now sitting up with her legs dangling over the edge of the table. Quite the sight to behold. I stepped over to her and put my hands around her neck and shoulders. With a slight squeezing, I tried to loosen her up briefly while I looked into her eyes to see how she was feeling.

“Well, Darlene, how was that? Do you think you’ll come back for another visit sometime soon?” I asked her.

“Tre… that was… incredible. Oh my god…” She took a deep breath and leaned in to kiss me. I considered stopping her, but she needed the connection point. Her lips were slightly chapped, but it was nonetheless a sweet kiss. Pulling back, I could see the gratitude in her eyes. 

“The best thing I can say is that I wish I could afford to have you all to myself.”

“That’s very sweet. Thank you.” I murmured. “May I ask you a question?”

“You can ask for whatever you’d like. It’s not like I’m going to refuse the man who made me cum harder than ever. I mean, fuck, you made me squirt for the first time.”

My eyebrows shot up. “Then maybe you wouldn’t be opposed to giving me a step-by-step review so I can improve?”

“Right now? I think I’ve already used up my capacity to talk.”

“I was thinking Friday night,” I said.

“It’s a date.”

Published 2 years ago

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