Mary Felix Observes Georgina Spanking A Mature Woman

"London 1900, Mary sits behind a two-way mirror and watches her mistress dominate a Dutch woman."

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Prior to entering Georgina’s employment, Mary has been invited to observe her new mistress at work in defence of the realm…

So it was that at four o’clock the following day, Jimmy and I entered a cupboard on the landing and slipped down a passage to the window that looked out into Georgina’s boudoir. From her side the window was a mirror and, as she had explained, it was through this that the photographs were taken.

It was a lovely room, smaller than the salon and richly decorated in autumnal colours, with a fine carpet and velvet curtains pulled shut to keep out the gathering darkness and winter chill. A large, soft, and very comfortable-looking settee was placed some twelve feet away, half facing a fine marble hearth in which a bright fire burned.

We sat down on wooden chairs and Jimmy picked up the Box Brownie camera. He held a finger over his lips to indicate the need for silence as voices sounded on the stairs. He was wise to remind me, as the sense of being present in the room rather than watching from outside it was profound. Shortly afterwards, the door opened and Georgina entered, looking absolutely divine in a sea-green silk dress, her blonde hair arranged in loose cascading curls.

She was followed by another woman. I fixed my eyes on her, intrigued and excited to see her completely unaware of her observers. Georgina had simply told me her name was Mrs Elena de Haan and she was the wife of a senior diplomat in the Dutch embassy. I gathered that the objective was to reach him through her. Their voices came clearly through a concealed grille in the wall above the mirror.

‘I’ve told my man that he can have the evening off, so we won’t be disturbed, my dear,’ Georgina was saying. ‘Do sit down and I’ll get you a drink. Gin? It’s Dutch, I believe,’ she added and gave a little laugh at this.

‘That would be nice,’ replied Mrs de Haan, smiling in return, her English fluent. I think she was aged around fifty, a tall, full-breasted woman with dark brown hair piled high. Her eyes were also dark and quite distinctive in her unlined and very pale face. I think she was wearing some powder, as her cheeks showed a lovely pink blush which matched her red lips. Altogether, she was a distinctly attractive woman, and the dark blue dress she wore was well chosen.

When they were both settled on the settee and started to talk, it became clear that this was not her first visit to the house, but it was her first time upstairs in the boudoir. They chatted about the room and this and that for some minutes before Georgina, to my surprise, mentioned me.

‘I have just employed a new maid, Elena, a quite beautiful girl named Mary Felix. It is a pity she is not here tonight, or I could have introduced you. After all, with your maid and all, well …’ She tailed off and raised her eyebrows with that amused intimacy which she did so well.

Mrs de Haan looked discomfited. ‘Georgina, I told you that in great confidence. It is not for further discussion.’

‘But it’s just the two of us here, Elena, and this room is ideal for sharing intimacies. And secretly watching your maid bathing is unusual, you must admit. Although I have heard some women do have such feelings,’ she added casually.

Mrs de Haan shook her head violently. ‘No, Georgina, they do not. It was a most unpleasant and sinful thing to do. I really don’t know why I did it.’

‘But you did enjoy seeing her naked?’ Georgina asked, her tone a little harder. The Dutch woman dropped her eyes to the floor and clasped her hands across her lap. She nodded slowly, then answered the question, her voice low.

‘I wanted to walk away, but something held me there. I am deeply distressed that such an urge came over me, Georgina. My husband and I are God-fearing people who live by the Bible’s laws. He pays me little attention with the demands of his work, and sadly none in the bedroom, but nevertheless, to find myself subject to such feelings … I am truly ashamed.’ She shook her head again, and I could see her eyes were filled with tears.

Georgina moved closer to her on the settee and took her hand. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jimmy pick up the camera. A quiet click followed as he took the first photograph of the evening.

‘I fear you are right to be, Elena. Such feelings must surely be a perversion in God’s eyes and a great burden upon your shoulders. Will you accept my assistance? Perhaps we could work together to help you control these unnatural urges.’

She nodded and replied tearfully. ‘Yes, please. I would do anything to ease my conscience.’

Georgina stood and walked a little way towards the mirror before turning to address her again. ‘Anything, Elena? Are you sure? Because I believe there is a way, but it will require endurance and fortitude on your part.’

‘Is there? What is it?’ She stood up and crossed over to Georgina. ‘Is it a cure?’ She dabbed her eyes with her handkerchief.

Georgina reached out and put her hand on the older woman’s cheek, then gently stroked it as their eyes met. So often she looked as though she was sharing a delightful joke with you. Not now. Her eyes were radiating a power that was intoxicating from where I was sitting. Heavens alone knew what it was doing to Mrs de Haan.

I watched and listened in fascination as she guided her along a path she clearly already had in her mind.

‘It is a treatment, certainly, but it is also a punishment, my dear. For I am sure you understand that to sin in God’s eyes requires a penance. A cure may only be sought after that.’ She nodded firmly as she finished saying this, and sure enough, Mrs de Haan, still locked into that devastating gaze, nodded back.

‘I do deserve punishment. A forfeit must be paid. I see that.’

Georgina crossed to a mahogany chest and slid open the top drawer. She reached in and picked some things up before turning and walking back, holding her hands behind her back. ‘Elena, you caused God great pain when you betrayed his grace with your perverted behaviour, therefore it is only right that you receive some pain yourself. It is the first step to repentance and redemption.’

As she finished speaking, she held up her right hand. It contained a tawse, a foot-long leather strap about two inches wide with a polished wooden handle. I know now that it came from a case of beautifully crafted tools and devices for the application of pain and pleasure that was in Georgina’s possession. I also know now that she was an expert in their use.

Jimmy took another photograph of the two women as Mrs de Haan looked at it and exhaled audibly in the silence that followed.

Georgina’s voice was commanding. ‘Firm strokes on the buttocks. That is what is needed. You will be naked and must submit with joy to the redemption the tawse offers you. As I am applying the punishment, I want you to think about your maid bathing and let your imagination run free. That will ensure the most effective remedy for your unnatural urges. And to ensure you are fully contrite, I will affix these to your nipples before we start.’

She held out her left hand and dangled two delicate brass clamps, each with a short chain attached, below which a shiny weight the size of a small marble hung. She fixed the older woman with another devastating look, part dominance, part sympathy, then reached out again and stroked her neck. When she spoke again, her voice was much softer, almost caressing. ‘You do trust me, don’t you?’

Mrs de Haan seemed not to have heard. For some moments she stared at the tawse, and when she looked at Georgina again, her attractive face was wreathed in indecision. ‘But fully naked in front of you? It is shaming.’

‘What you did is shaming,’ came the uncompromising reply. Georgina seemed to pause and think before continuing in a low voice. ‘Very well. If the nudity is an embarrassment, then I will strip naked as well. Then we will be equals. In fact, I will lead the way.’ With one of her trademark shocked grins, she turned her back and said, ‘My buttons, if you please.’

As the Dutchwoman still hesitated, she looked over her shoulder and spoke again, her voice back to its dominating timbre. ‘Elena, are you serious about redemption or not? Come on!’

I could see how she was smoothly switching between sympathy and judgement, and the poor woman, upset and confused as she was by her feelings about the maid, was kept constantly off balance. It was a lesson I was to learn well.

Mrs de Haan obediently unbuttoned the back of the sleek green dress and helped Georgina out of it. She looked utterly delicious in no doubt carefully chosen undergarments of red silk. She told me later they were from Paris, and indeed I had not seen anything like them in England, and certainly not in rural Devon. The top was a lacy camisole with narrow shoulder straps. As she moved, her nipples stood beautifully proud, two high points in the silky material. Below, her loose lace-trimmed drawers were short, finishing half-way up her thighs.

The Dutchwoman gasped and said, ‘You look wonderful.’

‘Given the circumstances, I’m not sure that’s the right expression,’ was the dry reply from Georgina as she moved behind her and quickly unbuttoned her dress. The undergarments revealed were of a more conventional design, and without further ado, and still working from behind, she lifted the camisole up and over Mrs de Haan’s head.

They were facing the mirror at this point – no accident, I am sure – and as her heavy, dark-nippled breasts swung into view, Jimmy stood and clicked again with the camera. The drawers followed quickly, then her shoes and stockings, so that within a minute she stood naked and embarrassed in front of the mirror. She still had an excellent figure to match her fine face, and I felt my own interest stir as I looked at her smooth white skin and the dark thatch at her groin.

‘I think Mr de Haan is rather foolish,’ murmured Georgina. ‘You are a woman who deserves considerable attention in the bedroom, not none at all.’ I saw her slowly stroke her finger down her back. Mrs de Haan shivered and looked confused but stayed silent.

‘And now …’ She picked up the clamps. ‘Your nipples need to be erect when I put these on,’ she continued and lifted the right breast and sucked it into her mouth. I saw the older woman’s shocked expression, but then her head bent back slightly and her mouth widened as Georgina sucked and licked her. It seemed to me she took rather longer than needed before moving onto the other one. Then, moving quickly, she clamped each nipple and gently let the weights hang.

The older woman gasped in pain, instinctively moving her hands upwards, but Georgina grasped them both and looked her in the eyes.

‘Remember, some pain is necessary for contrition and redemption,’ she said firmly, pushing them back to her sides. She held up the tawse. Jimmy clicked.

Mrs de Haan eyed it. ‘What do you want me to do? Shall I stand here?’

‘Yes, in front of the mirror so you can watch yourself receiving due punishment for the pain you have caused Our Father with your perversions. Put your hands behind your head. And remember, you deserve this.’

Mrs de Haan did as instructed, and I watched her breasts lift and part as she raised her arms, the weights moving gently. Georgina positioned herself to her left, holding the tawse in her right hand, and looked at the other woman, who was breathing audibly as she asked another question.

‘What about you? You said you’d be naked too.’

‘All in good time.’

She raised the tawse and brought it down with a sharp slap on the Dutchwoman’s buttocks, smiling briefly as she heard the resulting cry of shock. ‘I think it best if you thank me for each stroke. That way we ensure a penitent attitude is maintained. Please call me Mrs Beaufort whilst I am administering the punishment, and on no account move from this spot until I say you may.’ She swung again, and Mrs de Haan gasped as the tawse met her soft flesh before exclaiming.

‘Thank you, Mrs Beaufort.’

‘Good. Twenty strokes, I think.’

She swung again and then again, settling down into a steady rhythm as Jimmy stood and took a number of photographs. I noticed that Georgina would sometimes pause at the top of her backswing for two or three seconds, and this was often when I heard the quiet click of the shutter.

Mrs de Haan watched Georgina in the mirror. Her breasts moved gently as she reacted to each blow, and the weights swung from side to side. After a number of strokes, I noticed that the gasps of pain receded and her tongue appeared between her lips. Her nipples were fully erect, cruelly squeezed by the clamps and darkly aroused against the pale red flush that was spreading across her neck and upper chest.

It seemed that repentance was not the only emotion being generated by the tawse.

After twenty strokes, Georgina stopped. ‘How do you feel?’ she said. ‘Were you thinking about the maid as I asked?’ The other woman nodded, seemingly unable to speak for the moment. ‘Turn around. You may watch me remove my undergarments, but you must take no pleasure from it.’

As she turned, Jimmy and I were treated to a fine view of her buttocks. They were bright pink across both cheeks, with an occasional fine red line where the edge of the tawse had marked the flesh. I noticed her hand discreetly stroking them to try to assuage the stinging, which must have been profound.

In two swift movements, Georgina pulled her camisole over her head and wriggled out of her drawers. Both garments were thrown onto the floor. I heard a gasp of surprise and barely suppressed one myself as she turned and I saw her fully nude from the front.

Georgina had a beautifully proportioned body. Her shapely, pert breasts were crowned with delightful pink upturned nipples, and her belly, hips, and thighs seem to flow seamlessly from one to another. But there were two further and most striking things about her unclothed appearance. One was a large tattoo of a glorious red and green Chinese dragon, which occupied the left side of her ribs and belly. It was the size of a dinner plate and curved away out of sight around her side.

As if that was not enough, I realised with a shock that her cunny was hairless. Even from my hiding place some twelve feet away, I could clearly see the delightful plump lips and cleft of her most intimate parts. She posed briefly in front of Mrs de Haan before smiling and picking up the tawse again. Jimmy took another photograph.

‘It’s rude to stare. Even if you enjoy it.’ She said this in a girlish flirty tone and grinned wickedly, then reached out, gently stroking the leather strap across the older woman’s belly before flicking it upwards onto the weights, which swung under the impact. There was a gasp of pain as she continued speaking. ‘On your hands and knees, bottom in the air and facing the mirror. Quickly now, if you please.’

‘Mrs Beaufort. Georgina, I …’ But the Dutchwoman’s attempt to speak was quickly cut off.

‘I saw you looking at me just then, Elena, and it is clear that more contrition is needed. I promised you repentance and a cure, and that is what I am going to give you. Now, get down onto all fours.’

With a muted whimper of surrender, Mrs de Haan obeyed, kneeling on the thick Turkey rug and then bending forward so her breasts hung down, the weights swinging from side to side as she got into position.

Georgina placed a cushion below her head. ‘Rest your face on that and part your knees.’

From our position behind the mirror, we were treated to a glorious view of the older woman’s rounded white-and-red buttocks raised into the air as she positioned herself according to Georgina’s instructions. Her cunny lips were visible in the dark hair between her legs, and I was conscious of a strong desire to pleasure myself as I watched the next stages of the treatment. I wondered if Jimmy was hard. It was difficult to imagine him not being so when presented with the extraordinary tableau on the other side of the mirror.

‘Another twenty strokes, I think, and remember to keep thinking about your naked maid,’ said Georgina, and without further ado, she bent over and swung the tawse, which connected with a flat slap across both cheeks.

‘Thank you, Mrs Beaufort,’ she cooed, as the only sound from Mrs de Haan was a moan.

‘Thank you, Mrs Beaufort,’ came the echo, muted a little by the cushion her face was buried in.

The punishment continued until, on the eighteenth stroke, Georgina stopped. The poor woman’s bum was now bright crimson and streaked with lines, and I could see the cushion was wet from her tears.

‘Elena, are you becoming aroused?’

Georgina put the tawse down and gently stroked a hand over her buttocks. It drifted to the top of the crack that led to her exposed pink bum hole and thick hair below. I watched, willing her on, as she slowly traced her finger downwards until it slid into the thatch. She moved it gently around, and Mrs de Haan shuddered and gasped.

‘No, please, Mrs Beaufort. You mustn’t do that. It’s sinful,’ she whispered in despair.

‘But you are so wet, Elena. See how easily my finger slides into you. Do you feel no shame or remorse at all? Why, anyone might think that you secretly enjoy being beaten by another naked woman. Are you not ashamed?’

‘I am sorry, Mrs Beaufort.’

The muffled sob was barely audible as Georgina continued speaking in the same vein, her hand movements becoming more and more pronounced until she was steadily masturbating the older woman, who moaned and moved her hips, the combination of pain and pleasure produced by her stinging buttocks and stimulated clitty clearly driving her to distraction.

‘Poor Elena. So confused. I think you need reminding of the simple realities of life,’ said Georgina, picking up the tawse again. I thought she would resume the beating, but instead, she grasped the leather strap and held up the handle. As she showed it to Elena, Jimmy took another photograph. ‘A hard fucking is what you need, and fortunately for you, I have a fine implement here.’

Elena looked at the long, thick ebony shaft and moaned again, although whether with desire or despair was unclear. What was clear, however, was that Georgina had established complete control over the woman. Moving back to her rear, she knelt beside her and gently rubbed the end of the handle up and down her slit. ‘Take your punishment, Elena. Take it like the penitent woman you are.’

Then she drove the tawse handle into her with one long deep thrust.

The older woman screamed and raised her head, but as a joyously grinning Georgina began to vigorously move her hand backwards and forwards, the cries turned to gasps and finally moans of submission. Her head fell back onto the cushion. I watched, deeply aroused and frankly rather envious of the treatment she was receiving.

She climaxed quickly, crying out in Dutch, but Georgina did not falter. In fact, if anything, she increased the rate and vigour of her movements. As Elena’s second spend approached, she slid her thumb deep into her bum hole, which was enough to send her over the edge again. This time her deep passion produced not cries of pleasure but guttural animal grunts as she hungrily thrust backwards onto the glistening shaft, sucking it deeper and deeper as the muscles in the backs of her thighs flexed and worked.

Riveted to the scene before me, I realised that Georgina’s skilful treatment had peeled away every layer of civility and decorum from the older woman, leaving only the base desire that nestles in the heart of all of us.

At last she withdrew the handle and Elena collapsed into a heap on the rug, her hair awry, eyes vacant, and expression wild, as though she was barely present in the room. Georgina gently removed the nipple clamps and then lay over her and kissed her long and hard. I could see her mouth was open as she worked her tongue around the Dutchwoman’s mouth. She murmured some things in her ear that I did not catch, but clearly it was a further instruction of some kind.

Elena, completely subservient now, lay flat on her back. Georgina straddled her face, her knees level with the woman’s shoulders.

‘My turn, my darling,’ she whispered, settling lower. ‘Pleasure me with your mouth.’

Jimmy took two photographs in quick succession as the older woman obeyed without demur. Cupping Georgina’s lovely bum, she raised her mouth and her tongue went to work. Georgina gasped and her head went forward as she looked down, and her hips started to move and quiver.

‘That’s it, my darling. Pleasure your mistress. I am going to spend on your face. You know that’s what you want, isn’t it?’

Georgina was pulling on her nipples as she muttered this seemingly to herself, but as her spend built, she became yet more dominant. Reaching down with both hands, she grasped Elena’s head and began to forcefully slide her cunny backwards and forwards over her mouth, riding her mercilessly.

Jimmy clicked the final two photographs as she did this. The very last, as I subsequently saw, showed Georgina, her head back and spine arched in ecstasy as she ground herself into Elena’s face, hips pumping involuntarily as her spend engulfed her.

Published 4 years ago

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