After my wife died I took up training in MMA to have something to do and get back into shape. I would recommend this for anyone wanting to get into better physical condition. AS you know it involves both standup and ground fighting. Anyway I have a female friend I’ll call her Mic for this story who studies Brazilian -Jujitsu. Mic is 3 years younger than me and very well put together. I would guess she measures about 42-28- 36. We used to work together and always joked that if we ever became single at the same time we would have to go out with each other. Well after the first of this year she sent me an e-mail saying her and her husband were getting divorced.
Skipping ahead she called a few days ago saying her gym was having open mats and asked if I wanted to roll with her. I jumped at the chance mostly because she is a higher belt than I am but just being so close to this woman could be enjoyable. Classes don’t let men and women roll together for oblivious reasons, but this was open mats. Once we got on the mats and started feeling each other out , it didn’t take her long to take the first shot. I sprawled and locked on a tight guiteone choke and quickly tapped her out. The next time I shot on her took her to the mat and after some scrambling I finally took the top and was caught in a butterfly guard(this put us almost crotch to crotch). I caught her smile and tighten up her guard, I was glad I was wearing a cup so she couldn’t feel my erection growing. I went for another submission but somehow she managed to catch me in a triangle choke and really started to crank on it. This choke had my face close enough to her pussy that I was getting a good whiff . It was so nice I almost forgot to tap. We went like this awhile longer back and forth and all of a sudden Mic caught me with a beautiful arm bar. When she locked it in the back of my arm could feel the moist heat coming from her cunt . On our last roll I managed to take her back(basically doggie position or a spoon) and took a little longer that I should have to lock in a rear naked choke. After we finished we walked to our cars and Mic asked if I wanted to come by her place for a while and just catch up on what had going on in our lives .
When we got to her place it didn’t take long for us to wind up in the bed .
We just lay together for quite a while talking cuddling and kissing. I told her she was well worth the wait and she surprised me by telling me I could have fucked her three years ago when we ran into each other Christmas shopping for our spouses. We agreed we needed to get together more often and I hope there is more to tell.