Ye Ole Ice Cream Shoppe had everything a nostalgia buff would die for. The menu was on a blackboard with white chalk—the heart-shaped iron chair back with the red and white seat covers. The employees were dressed like the old soda jerks, cap and all.
Pam was perusing the offerings. I had to chuckle; I could almost see her mentally licking her lips and drooling. My world was locked in a double-dipped chocolate sundae with nuts. I waited for Pam’s decision – A Banana Split. Where in hell is my girl going to house a banana split? It’s bigger than her.
“What’ll ya have,” asked the bright, happy young girl behind the counter.
“We would like to have a banana split.” I paused.
“And what would your girlfriend like?” She smiled.
“I would like a double-dipped chocolate sundae with nuts. The banana split is for my girl.” I just smiled. The young girl just stared at me for a moment.
“Okay, I’ll get your order together. Here is number thirteen, I will bring your order to you,” she said with a smile. We found a table outside.
Our server brought our ice cream. Her expression changed when she found out the banana split was for Pam. I had to laugh to myself. Pam looked at her ice cream with glee in her eyes.
We sat in the afternoon sunshine, enjoying our treats. Now and then I heard Pam hum a happy little hum as the ice cream headed for Pam’s tummy. I had a mouthful of ice cream when I heard our names.
“Mark? Pam? God, it’s so good to see you two.” It was Allison and Andrew. What a wonderful surprise.
“Hey, it’s great to see you. How have you been? Sit down and join us.” I was very happy to see them, Pam smiled and said hello when a slice of banana allowed her.
“We’re all doing great,” Andrew said. “I might as well get shot now just as soon as later, but seeing you two together is so wonderful.”
Allison spoke up, “You two should have been together years ago. The only ones that didn’t know you two were in love was Sissy and Charlie. How long have you been back in town?”
“I’ve been back four months. I heard that Jack and Cynthia had twins. I got to see them just before Cynthia was discharged. The babies are beautiful. They always were a good-looking couple.” I added.
“So are you two going to rejoin the group? We still meet on the second and fourth Saturday night. We meet a little earlier than we used to since Cynthia and Stacy have added to the group.” Allison was very excited.
“A, well, I don’t know,” Pam said. “I would feel a little awkward. I mean, we are divorced and-” Andrew stepped in.
“Pam, listen. We considered you two as being together back then. Sissy and Charlie were the outcasts.” Andrew stated his case.
“Yeah,” Allison broke in, “having you two back would make the group like it should be. All of us together, having fun. Please, Mark. Talk to Pam, we want you two back.” Allison was almost begging.
“You could sell ice cubes to an Eskimo,” Pam said to Allison.
“Okay, let me say this. Pam and I will try to be at the meeting on the fourth Saturday. We are just getting settled in; I have some business to tend to, but we will be there.” I looked at Pam for approval. She was smiling.
Andrew and Allison went on their way. Pam and I finished our treats. Pam was excited to get back to the artist. We cleaned up our ice cream napkins and all and headed back to the artist.
The artist saw us coming and started to smile from ear to ear. He ushered us into his shop. Sitting on the counter was our portrait. You would think that we could walk out of the canvas. The wooden frame he used made the entire composition a masterpiece.
Pam broke into tears, her hands were up to her face. She leaned against me for support. She kept looking up at me and then at the portrait. She looked at the artist and nodded, he returned a gentle look and a soft smile.
He wrapped the portrait for us and we headed to the car. I opened the car door for Pam, she looked up at me through tear-swollen eyes.
“Mark, he actually painted the love we have. You can see it in our eyes, you can see it in the way you hold me on your lap.” Pam whimpered.
“Yes, he did, my love. I will always remember today as the day we became on in body and soul.” She held my hands and nodded. He COULD see us.”
“But Mark, he made my boobies so, so my cleavage is so deep.” Pam was smiling. “He made me beautiful.” Pam’s voice quivered.
“You are beautiful, Pamela, and you are all woman.” I embraced her and looked deep into her eyes. “Why did you call me Pamela?” she gave me an anxious look.
“Because that is your name. It’s a beautiful name and it belongs to a beautiful woman. My woman.” I squeezed her closer.
“That’s because YOU make me a woman, a complete woman.” She was stroking my face and kissing my lips.
“Mark, can we take the picture home and go out? Maybe to the Kopper Kettle. We had some history there when we first started dating. Then maybe a walk by the lake in the park.” I thought Pam was going to start jumping up and down.
“I feel so happy, so alive today. You have made my day just wonderful. My goodness, the flowers, ice cream, and our portrait. I shouldn’t ask, you have spent enough money today and besides.” I put my finger on her soft lips.
“Pam, my Pamela. I want this to be a beginning. The beginning we should have had years ago. If I get the position at Platt and Dorrest it will be great for us. I am going to ask them to let me hire you as my assistant. I want what we deprived ourselves of, trying to be good people.” I held her close to me and we kissed.
We made a quick stop at the house, then headed for the Kopper Kettle. Pam was as giddy as a schoolgirl. She seemed to have something up her sleeve all day. Especially after we sat for the artist.
George, the owner, met us at the front door. He escorted us to a table in a quiet corner.
“My two lovebirds. I feel like my place was the start of your romance, but let me have my fantasy.” George smiled and handed us the menu.
“But George, this was our first real date, so yes, you and Emily are very much a part of our romance. By the way, where is Emily,” Pam asked.
“Aw, she’s in back working for a change,” George laughed. Emily came up behind him.
“Did someone mention my name.” She looked at George with her hands on her hips.
“Um, oh, yeah, I gave Pam and Mark the menu for today and said you would be right over. Oh, I better check the lasagna in the oven. Pardon me.” And George left in a hurry. We all had a good laugh.
Emily didn’t ask for our drink order, she had it memorized. Pam was intent on getting the appetizer sampler, which was fine with me. Emily went to place our order, Pam reached across the table.
“Honey, Charlie called me Pamela when he was mad at me. When you said it, I felt a warmth around me. I felt loved, protected. Feelings a woman wants and needs. I loved the sound of your voice when you called me “Pamela”. Pam’s expression was soft and filled with love.
“You’re my girl. Pam or Pamela, you belong to me. No one will ever take you away and I will never treat you mean.” My tone was stern but loving.
Emily brought our sampler and another round of drinks. She smiled at us and then left. I have the feeling we have a special place in Emily’s heart. She’s a wonderful lady.
We ate our apps and talked about my meeting tomorrow. Pam was worried that I would get tied down working for someone instead of on my own. I told her that she had a very good point, but the money would be always coming in, more than we need. She squeezed my hand as a sign she would back me completely.
The appetizer platter was let to crumbs and our drinks were almost finished. Emily came over and asked if we wanted another round. I think she knew we were off to find a little more romance before we went home. We settled up with Emily and thanked her generously as always. We waved to George as we walked to the door.
Governor’s Park was a beautiful relaxing place. The large pond had a fountain spraying in the middle. Sometimes ducks would visit, and the late afternoon sun was dotting the water with sparkles of sunlight. The trees that have stood guard over the park created cool shade for the warm afternoon.
Pam spied a bench under a full maple tree. Pam giggled as she pulled me by the hand to the bench. I sat down, and she promptly sat on my lap, grabbed my face, and pressed her soft, moist lips against mine. She sighed a happy sigh, whispering, My man.
I was holding Pam in my arms, keeping her captive to me. She cooed and we kissed again.
“Mark you like my sundress, don’t you?” Her little plot was going to be uncovered. “I bought it hoping you would bring me to Main Street before it got too hot.” Those blue eyes were flashing “mischief” loud and clear.
“I love your dress, you look beautiful in it and it is very sensual.” I rubbed her back.
“Baby, do you know why I love a sundress?” Pam giggled. “I don’t have any undies on and my boobies are braless.” Pam’s voice was soft and sultry.
“You girls do things just to make it hard for guys.” I gave her a sly grin.
“Um-hum, we do, but I do it just to make it hard for one guy, my guy.” Pam pulled the neck of her dress down, exposing her right tit.
I bent down and kissed her tit.
“Oh, my man can do much better than that. All we need to do is go to the other side of these bushes. Just be careful of my flowers.” She pressed her lips to mine and slid her tongue into my mouth.
As our tongues played tag, my cock was getting harder. Pam took my hand and put it up her dress. Nothing covered her soft blonde pussy hairs and she opened her legs just enough for me to feel her wet pussy lips.
Our lips parted and we both inhaled deeply. “If we get caught, I’ll tell them I forced you,” she purred.
I sucked her tit for a moment, then kissed her lips. “So, force me; I’ll help you,” I whispered to her.
Pam stood up, I had to make an adjustment before I stood up. We looked up and down the path to ensure no one could see us disappear. We escaped the world and embraced, our lips locked together.
Pam pulled my shorts down and lifted her dress. Her hand guided my cock between her legs her wet lips made it easy for me to slide between them. I reached under her dress and cupped her cute ass cheeks in my hands.
“You love my little ass cheeks, don’t you?” she cooed. I squeezed them harder. “Do you want to hold them?” Her soft voice went straight to my cock.
Pam gently pulled her neckline and ran a finger over each nipple. “They’re lonesome. They want their man to suck them,” she whispered.
I put my arm under one leg and then the other. Pam wrapped her arms around my neck as I lifted her. I lowered her until I felt her warm wet pussy lips, then I lowered her onto my throbbing cock.
Pam sighed, “He feels so good in me.” Her face was buried in my neck and shoulder. Her warm breath circled my neck.
Pam used my arms for leverage as she rode up and down on my cock. Her soft, sensual sounds made me desire her even more. I kissed her cheek and nibbled her neck. She pushed away from me just enough so I could suck her tits. Pam whimpered as my teeth nipped on her hard nipples. When my tongue circled her nipple, Pam pushed down hard on my cock. She then rubbed her stiff clit against me and groaned with wanting. She was making my cock harder than it had ever been.
“Harder, Baby, do me harder,” Pam purred. Her need was turning to desire. Just when my cock was demanding release, Pam’s warm cum squirted us, trying to lessen the fire. She inhaled and sighed a long low moan, saying, More, I want all of your cum, then she squirted our bodies again.
My cock was blasting her pussy walls with thick hot cum. Pam moaned joyfully as she felt each stream run down her inner walls. Her body strained as she shot her last stream of cum, but my cock had more cum left. Pam pushed against my cock, demanding any cum left in me.
“Baby, please, let me down, but hold me,” Pam panted. “I’m too weak, you gave me good loving. Good, hard-loving, a man demanding his woman type of love.” She was still breathing heavily.
I let Pam down gingerly and adjusted her top. I tucked her warm tits into her dress, her nipples pushed through wanting more attention. I was very attentive to her corsage. It was the first thing she checked when she was standing on the ground. She looked up and gave me a knowing smile.
“My man knows how to care for my flowers, even my little flower. He sure makes her happy.” Pam snuggled in my arms.
We straightened our clothes and Pam checked her corsage once more before we left our hiding place. When we got onto the path heading back to the car, she looked back and giggled.
“You’re a bad boy. A very bad boy, and DAMN, do I love it.” Pam squeezed my arm.
Slowly we walked back to the car arm-in-arm. The sun was setting behind the trees on the other side of the park. The sparkles on the lake were disappearing the night critters in the park were waking up. Dusk had turned dark as we got to the car.
We kissed and I opened the door for her. As she got in, she made sure I knew she did not wear her undies, and her smile said the night was not over.