Mark And Pam – Chapter 27 – Finished IN Cloverton

"Work is done - time to play"

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“Good morning, my Lover,” Pam’s delicate voice floated into my ears.  “I’ve made our morning corrosive caffeine.  Are you ready?” 

“You deserve better than this, Pam.”  I was crawling from under the covers.

“I have better, I have you.”  She turned and shook her bare butt at me.

“Mark, I checked the emails, and there is nothing from Mrs. Worth.  What’s our next move?” She handed the cups to me.

Pan made herself comfortable, and then I handed her the coffee.

“I’d like to try to get some information from either the realtor or if there is a land office.  At least we could say we tried for more information.”  I sipped my coffee.  Yuck!

“Good idea.  I’d like to look through their Main Street, please,”  Pam giggled and tried to hide behind her coffee cup.

“Sounds like fun.  Then we can take a leisurely drive home tomorrow.”  I forced another sip of liquid crap.

We dressed and walked down to Clem’s Diner.  Clyde and Emma bought it years ago and decided to put their names together; hence Clem.

The little bell announced our arrival, and Emma turned to us.  We waved and she returned the greeting with her big smile.  “Sit anywhere.  Coffee?”  she asked.  We nodded yes.

“You two are up kind of early.  Moore surveying?”  Emma poured our coffee.

“No, we’re stuck.  Two of the markers are in a storage shed and it’s locked.”  I moaned.

“Hmm, must be old man Jackson’s shed.  He’s been gone for years.  He used to keep his farm equipment in there.  It may still be in there for all I know.  Sausage, bacon or ham?”

Pam and I asked for the sausage and Emma left.  We knew the two eggs hash browns, and toast would arrive without asking.  We weren’t talking much, mostly about Main Street.  Pam loves her little shops and I find some of them interesting.

Emma brought our platter of food.  She smiled when Pam’s eyes went wide and filled our coffee.  Now we got down to business about the shed and Main Street, we were not in a hurry.  Emma would come by to check on us and keep our coffee hot.

Pam and I decided to linger over another cup of coffee.  Emma stopped by to collect our plates and offer more to the mystery.

“Ya know, I think the property the shed is on is the old Radermacker land.  There was a feud of some sort between him and Earl Jackson.  There were two Jackson boys. Thomas was an even-mannered fellow, but Earl.  He was cantankerous and meaner than a cat in a burlap bag. It was Earl and Wilhelm Radermaker that got into a bad fight.  That’s all Clyde and I can remember.  I hope it helps.”  Emma smiled and handed us our check.

“Hey, y’all come back for dinner tonight.  Clyde is making open-face roast beef, pork chops, and his award-winning,” Pam interrupted Emma.

“Award-winning what?” Pam sounded concerned.

“Oh, his country fried steak.  Mmmm, mashed tater brown grave, the works.  Why?”  Emma gave Pam an odd look.

“I thought you were going to say liver and onions,”  Pam sighed.

“OH, that is Clyde’s specialty.  He makes the best liver in the state,”  Emma said proudly.

Pam sighed heavily put her hand to her forehead and lowered her head.

“Emma, the onions make Mark,”  Emma stopped her.

“Honey, them onions do it to every man.  It’s good for their system.  When Clyde has onions, I tuck the sheet under him and sleep on it and just use the top sheet.  Of course when he has chili,  Oh Lord!  I put up the pedestal fan, aim it over me, and push the air away from me and the bed.”  Emma just smiled, and Pam and I were rolling with laughter.

“Y’all have a good.  Gotta go,”  Emma went to service another table.

We went straight to the land office, I was sure that would be our best chance.  There we could get information that Pam could sent to P and D that was reliable.  The land office was in an old building, and so was the land officer.

“G’morning.  My name is Jeff Underwood, how can I help you?” He was a kindly old fellow.

I told him about our business in Cloverton. I added that we didn’t know what they wanted the property for, he listens intently.  When I had finished, he walked over to the wall of large land plots and pulled one out.  He set it on the counter opened then turned a few pages.  There was our plot without the shed.

“This it, Mark?”  he asked.

“Bingo.  Yes, it is.  Can you give me any information?” Pam and I were shocked.

“Sure, and would you want a copy of the original plot?” Jeff asked.

“You bet.  What’s the story?” Pam took out her phone to record the story.

“Some thirty-odd years ago, old man Radermaker swore that Earl Jackson was seeing his wife on the side.  Well, words turned to fists and threats.  One day Earl walked out of his house and Wilhelm shot him, damn near killed him.

While Earl was in the hospital, Radermaker left for several days.  When he returned, Earl had put the pre-fabricated shed on his property and burned Wilhelm’s house to the ground.  Wilhelm shot Earl again, but this time he killed him.  Radermaker left never to be seen again.  A cashier’s check for the taxes and other things is sent from a postal box.  That’s the whole story.”  Jeff was quite pleased with himself, as he should be.

“Jeff, you have made my life so much easier.  At least I can tell my bosses why I couldn’t finish the survey.”  We shook hands, and he gently held Pam’s, a true gentleman.

“Job done?” Pam asked.

“Main Street, here we come.” I gave her a quick kiss and patted her butt.

Pam was in her glory, shop after shop of enticing things you don’t need but can’t live without.  One shop was all dolls old and new, one boasted of the finest blown glass in the state, the options were limitless.

We stumbled upon an ice cream shop.  It was complete with red and white seat covers heart-shaped chair back.  Even the workers had white outfits with folding white hats.  This is right up my alley.

Another little bell announced our arrival.  A middle-aged lady and a young man greeted us with a jovial ‘Hello’.  We sat at a table and perused the vast offerings of caloric delights listed above the counter. 

Pam decided on a strawberry sundae with a topping of chocolate and real strawberries, I had my eye on the rocky road with chocolate topping and a cookie on the side.  Walter, the young man according to his name tag, filled out orders while we drooled.

When he sat the creations in front of us, they were huge!  I brought them to our table and placed Pam’s in front of her.  Her wide eyes and happy grin awaited her treat.  She was poised and ready with her spoon.  I have to admit, after the breakfast we had, where was Pam going to hide this mountain of ice cream?

After loading up on the scrumptious delight, we knew we had to walk some of it off.  Much to Pam’s delight there were more stores on the other side of the street.  We strolled by most of them, but the one that caught our eye was “Santa’s Work Shoppe”.   Pam looked at me with a Christmas grin. 

Pam came to a dead stop.  She picked an ornament from the display and held it gently.  I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder, she looked up at me with a gleam in her eye.

“Mark, we are going to have a tree, won’t we?” Her blue eyes begged.

“Oh gosh, yes Baby.  We have to have a tree, especially for our first year.  Do you want a real tree?” I put my arm around her waist.

“Yes, please.  At least for our first.  This ornament would look beautiful on it.  Near the top by the star.”  Pam’s voice was mellow.

The ornament was a couple kissing in front of a Christmas tree with a star.  Pam turned to look at me, her face was like a little Christmas elf.  There was no way I could say ‘no’.

“We can hang it by one of the small lights.  It will look beautiful, Pam.” Then she turned it over.  There was a place for the year under the words, “Our First Christmas”. Pam teared up.

“Oh, Mark.” She put her head on my chest and hugged me.  My girl was happy.

Pam took her ornament to the sales lady.  She handed the ornament to her, she lady smiled at us.  She knew.

“First Christmas?  Let me engrave it for you.  I will only be a minute.” And she moved to a small workstation.  Within a minute or two she returned.

She handed the ornament to Pam.  Pam looked at it, then showed it to me.  She was so happy and proud.  “Mark, this is the first thing we have bought together for our home.  I’m so excited.”  Pam hugged me.

The sales lady wrapped it in bubble wrap and then Christmas wrap.  She added a sticker to remind us of where we purchased the ornament.  Pam would never forget that I’ll lay my life on.

A few more shops needed investigating.  Some were starting to close, it must be close to five.  Pam said she was finished browsing, I said a quiet ‘thank you’ to myself.  We crossed the street and walked to the car.  There was a piece of paper on it.  I thought it was a parking ticket.  It was flyer saying, “Thank you for visiting Cloverton’s Main Street”.  I breathed a sigh of relief.

I opened the door for Pam and the warm air wanted out.  She waited until I started the car and turned on the a/c.  I got out and waited with her.  After a couple of minutes, Pam got in and nodded.  I got behind the wheel. 

I drove a couple of blocks looking for a place to turn around.  Instead, we came upon an old tavern.  We looked at each other and grinned.  I pulled around the back of the place and we walked to the front.

When we walked in the front door a sign greeted us, “Welcome to the Pointers and Setters Bar”.   For a moment, Pam gave me an odd look, then the light went on.  She giggled and blushed a little.

I opened the interior door, Pam walked in and I followed.  The seven old men sitting at the bar turned and looked then went back to their beer.  We walked to a table, the wooden floor creaked and groaned under our footsteps.  Welcome to an old fart bar. 

I went to the bar and ordered two beers, the old codger behind the bar slid the cans down to me.  “Three bucks.”  Nice talking to you, too.  I left it on the bar.

I sat our beers on the table, opened them, and handed one to Pam.  She looked at me with a silly grin.  “Nice stemware,” she said sarcastically.

We clinked our beers together and took a sip.  The beer was so cold it hurt your teeth.  A classic sign we were in the mid-west.  Pam was recalling all of the ornaments in the Christmas shop.  She suggested going back after Thanksgiving to get more for our tree.

Pam played with her ring as she admired it.  “I still can’t believe it Mark,” she purred.

“We are so good together.  I regret all of the time we lost before,”  I admitted.

“I know, but we were trying to be good.  I think the group would have not been as kind if they found out we were having an affair.”  Pam sipped her beer.

“I agree.  I think we did it the right way, the long way, but the right way.  Shall we stay for one more?”  Pam nodded her head.

I went back to the bar and put up two fingers for Smiley.  I thought he would understand, and he did.  He slid two beers down the bar to me.  Before he had the chance, I said, “Three bucks.”

Since we were not in a hurry, we enjoyed the beer and discussed the survey a bit more.  Pam thought we had more than enough information for corporate.  The rest would be up to the legal beagles, or we may have surveyed for no reason, but our paycheck.

“Pam, are you hungry or do you want to stop for a six-pack and go to the hotel?” I couldn’t wait to hear her answer.

“Baby, I’m not hungry.  She is,” Pam cooed and reached under the table for my cock.

She squeezed it and played with it for a little while, he got the idea quickly.  Pam inhaled then sighed.  “He feels so good in his playmate,” she purred.

I got up, adjusted my shorts to hide my anticipation, and pulled Pam’s chair out.  I replaced her chair and waved at Chuckles behind the bar, but there was no response. 

We walked behind the bar, there was only one car now.  I slid my hand down Pam’s shorts and squeezed her butt, she unzipped her shorts so I could slide a finger into her.  When I did, she stopped.  She unzipped my shorts and pulled out my cock.  Pam had a mischievous grin as she bent over and licked my cock head.

“Mmmm, I love your taste, Baby.” She went back to sucking me.

 Pam let her shorts fall to the ground.  I removed my finger from her wet pussy then Pam knelt in front of me.  She pulled on my shorts, they fell to the ground.  Pam wrapped her moist lips around my cock and let her tongue massage the length of my cock.

Pam moaned sensually as she licked and sucked my cock.  She squeezed my ass cheeks and groaned her approval.  He held my cock as she released my cock.  Pam looked up at me and with a seductive tone said, “I love those hard ass cheeks.”  My cock disappeared into her mouth again.

Pam reached for my arm and stood up turned around and bent over. 

“Fill me.  I want to feel that long hard cock filling me,” Pam purred.

It was like my cock had a mind of its own, it slid right into Pam.  I gently pushed it into her, Pam moaned with delight.  I began to hump her with long strong strokes.  Pam responded by pushing her ass against my loins with each stroke. 

I reached under her top and bra to squeeze her tits.  Her hard nipples poked the palm of my hand.  Pam was panting and groaning my hands caressed her tits while my cock slid in and out of her.

Pam’s moaning became louder her body began to strain.  I pulled my cock almost out of her pussy then shoved it into her.  Pam yelped and the cum squirted from her pussy, soaking my loins and my balls.

I shoved my cock into her again as my balls shot a load of hot thick cum deep into her pussy.  Pam whimpered as her pussy squirted another stream of cum on me, now my balls were dripping with her cum.

I cock unloaded my balls into Pam’s hot wet pussy.  I humped her hard and fast as our orgasms covered each other.  Pam collapsed on the back of our car, I laid my head on her back.  We were panting trying to regain our senses from our sex.

After a few moments, we had recovered enough to dress.  I walked Pam to her side of the car and opened her door.  She slowly got in and looked at me with a satisfied smile.

“You take me apart and put me back together every time, Mr. Lover,” she purred.

I drove back to the hotel.


Departed Soul


Published 4 weeks ago

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