I had always loved the Spanish language and had lived in Spain for a few months three years ago but had to return home after a failed relationship with a wonderful girl who had been visiting Sevilla from Melbourne. It had been a holiday romance and one that unfortunately ended up going nowhere as she eventually had to return to Australia after her visa had expired. Shortly afterwards, I decided to leave Sevilla and come home to London, feeling quite depressed, missing the sun, great food and nightlife, and my romance of course. Undeterred, I vowed to myself that I would learn to speak Spanish fluently for the next time I would return to Andalucía and try to meet and settle down with a beautiful Spanish woman.
Once home, it wasn’t long before I started searching for local Spanish lessons and soon enrolled in a three-month course to develop my conversational skills. One of the activities we were encouraged to take part in was called “Intercambio,” which was an informal meet-up in a local pub nearby where Spanish and English people gathered to have a few drinks one evening a week and take turns chatting with each other’s languages and learn from each other.
I will always remember that first Intercambio meeting and feeling a little awkward as we congregated at a table at the back of the bar, nervously introducing ourselves and fumbling through our bad grammar and half-baked accents. But after a couple of drinks, the conversations began to flow more freely and once the ice was broken, these meetings became much more relaxed, and for some, friendships slowly began to blossom.
I had spotted a very pretty but shy-looking Spanish girl with beautiful sallow skin and dark brown eyes who often found herself on her own with nobody to talk to. She dressed quite conservatively, almost like a librarian I thought, with her glasses and formal office clothes, making little eye contact with those around her.
Something you should know: I consider myself somewhat shy at the beginning of any relationship or friendship, yet couldn’t seem to keep my eyes off her and by the third week of these informal meetings, I couldn’t help but sneak glances at her as she shifted about in her seat and played with the beermat under her glass of red wine, waiting for someone to approach her to help her with her English.
“Hola!” I said a little nervously after plucking up the courage from drinking two glasses of Rioja. “What’s your name? I’m Peter, I am crazy about your country and language, would you like to chat?”
She looked a little surprised but happy that someone had finally approached her, and replied, “I’m Mariana, thanks for coming over, I thought I’d never get to learn any English at these meetings!”
“Where are you from in Spain?” I asked.
“Cordoba,” she replied.
“Oh, that’s not too far from where I stayed in Spain. I was in Sevilla,” I answered.
“Beautiful place, did you enjoy it, staying there?”
“I did,” I replied, “but had to come home after my relationship fell apart.”
“Oh no,” she replied, “I’m sorry to hear that… was she Spanish?”
“No, Australian,” I said,” we met while I was working there”
“Ah, you should have dated a Spanish girl, I’m sure that you would still be there, married and in love!” she said laughing.
“Ha ha! You know, you’re probably right, I had originally gone over to see if I could find a beautiful Spanish woman, but things turned out different, unfortunately.”
“Well, there are lots of Spanish ladies here in London you know, but you will need to know the language better, your accent is dreadful,” she said giggling.
“Hmmm… Do you know anyone that could help me then?” I asked coyly.
“Well, if you buy me another glass of rioja, perhaps, I could help you with that dreadful accent to start with?”
Cheeky girl, I thought, but secretly loved her brazenness. Maybe she wasn’t as shy, conservative and introverted as I had originally thought…
“Deal!” I replied and went to the bar to get another round of drinks.
We talked for two hours that night and shared our life stories, her telling me that she came to London to not only learn English but to eventually settle down with a good man if she could. She was alone in the city and had been here for five months and barely knew anybody and it was starting to take a toll on her happiness.
“Are you also working here, Mariana?” I asked, trying to get to know a little bit more about her.
“I’m studying to become a masseuse, but looking for a job too,” she answered, “and the best college to study is in London, although the fees are higher here than in Spain unfortunately. Although, I don’t know if I can continue to pay them unless I can find some work and soon,” she added. “What do you do for a living?” she asked.
“I’m a landscape gardener, tough work but rewarding!” I said.
“That’s great, do you enjoy it?” she asked.
“Oh yeah, although, it leaves me tired and sore at the end of the day sometimes,” I laughed, and then without thinking I added, “Sometimes, I think I could do with a good massage afterwards, though!”
Mariana smiled and nodded. “Yes, I can imagine it can be tough work alright. You have to look after your body,” she added, chancing a glance at my broad chest and flat tummy.
“How are your Spanish classes going in college?” she then asked.
“Honestly, they’re ok, but sometimes the teacher speaks a bit too fast for me and I end up getting a little lost. I’m hoping to find someone here that speaks slower and has more patience!” I laughed. “I don’t suppose you’d be interested in giving me some private classes? I’ll pay of course, and it might help with your fees a little, at least until you find a proper job?”
“Why not?” she replied with a smile, so we exchanged phone numbers and made a date for the following Monday when she would come to my house for the first lesson.
I will never forget that day. I couldn’t stop thinking about her since we had met, there was something about her that was mysterious, but I couldn’t yet put my finger on it. She arrived at my apartment on that first Monday afternoon and we settled down to study. Her putting me through verb conjugations and vocabulary drills, me fumbling through the grammar awkwardly. She would always arrive in a happy mood, ready to teach and over the first couple of weeks, we found it easier to communicate and learn more about each other’s lives.
After another month of lessons, we became even more relaxed in each other’s company and during that time I noticed how she had begun to dress differently. Gone were the office clothes and instead she had started to wear sneakers, tee shirts and tight yoga pants that revealed a slim and perfectly formed bottom and slim legs, her tight tee shirt pressed against her small but pert breasts. She also wore a peach perfume that intoxicated me whenever she sat beside me to read over my shoulder as I recited Spanish phrases, her giggling as I stumbled over the words with my terrible pronunciation.
Whenever she sat close to me, I couldn’t help but feel my heartbeat quicken, especially when she turned a page as I read and her hand brushed off mine, or when she leaned in to read with me and that perfume would arouse me, causing a bulge to start in my jeans.
“Are you ok, Peter?” she asked one afternoon as I shifted uncomfortably during a lesson as she sat beside me, her thighs touching mine, putting her hand on my shoulder, that beautiful intoxicating perfume taking over my senses…
“Yes, it’s just that…” I fumbled to explain but couldn’t tell the truth that I was falling both in love and in lust with her. “I’m just so sore from my landscaping work recently and my back is hurting me so much that I can’t seem to concentrate today… I’m so sorry, Mariana,” I lied.
“Oh no,” she replied. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”
“I didn’t want to add to your troubles, you’ve enough on your plate,” I said.
“Not at all, Peter, I’m going to bring my massage and aromatherapy oils with me to our next lesson and afterwards, I’m going to make you as right as rain.”
“That would be great, Mariana, I won’t lie, this pain is so bad I don’t know what else to do about it.”
Three days later, Mariana arrived at my doorstep as promised, smiling and clutching a large bag filled with oils, towels and candles. There seemed to be a heightened sense of awareness between us during our lesson that day as I think we both were realising the attraction and sexual tension that had been building up over the previous month or so. I was both excited and terrified in equal shares to go ahead with the massage, but luckily, Mariana took the lead, perhaps sensing my slight nervousness and apprehension.
“Ok, let’s get you to your room, then you can get ready by undressing and lying on your front on the bed. You can use this towel to cover your bottom if you’re shy,” she teased, smiling at me. “I’ll just be outside the door, so let me know when you’re ready and I’ll come in and we can get started, ok?
She left the room, and I gladly did as I was told although a bit nervously. I was already trembling a little at the thought of her seeing my naked body and I could feel a stirring in my groin, that perfume had taken a hold of me again, as had the shape of her perfectly formed body and that sexy Spanish voice.
“I’m ready!” I said nervously through the half-closed bedroom door.
“Good, now just close your eyes and try to relax,” she replied as I heard her come into the room and close the door.
Next, Mariana took out her iPhone and searched YouTube for some suitable relaxing background music, eventually settling for some gentle Indian sounds of Sitar and Tabla drums that helped to relax me a little before she started to light aromatherapy candles and placed them around the room to create a warm atmosphere. She then dimmed the light above and knelt beside me as I further relaxed and felt my body sink deeper into the mattress, waiting for her touch.
“You keep yourself fit, don’t you?” she said as she examined my muscular legs and strong back, my body toned after years of physical gardening work.
“Well, I try my best!” I replied, “although I’m feeling my age these days, so I’ve got to keep myself presentable for when I meet that certain Spanish lady,” I joked.
“Oh, I don’t think you’ll have a problem in that department, Peter,” she replied in a positive and slightly mischievous way.
Oiled and warmed up, her hands glided up and down my back and shoulders, pressing deeply as she released the lactic acids in my muscles. Groaning, I couldn’t help but enjoy that bittersweet pain that only comes from a firm deep tissue massage. At the same time, I had an insatiable desire to feel her body against mine as she worked on me.
As if reading my mind, she asked “Do you mind if I sit on you as I do the small of your back?”
“Of course, no problem,” I replied, secretly aching to feel her body against mine.
As she sat on my legs, I could feel her skin against mine. Had she stripped her clothes off before coming into the room? The sensation of her bottom sitting on my legs caused my erection to swell and grow underneath and as she poured more oil on my back and legs, her hands pushed, slipping and sliding between my toes, over my ankles, thighs and back, I couldn’t help but stretch my arms straight behind me and gently let my hands touch her legs as she pushed her oily hands back and forth along my spine and shoulders. Next were my arms and hands, her oily fingers entwining with mine in an erotic way that couples do when making love. Finally, she worked my neck and the crown of my head and my scalp, digging her fingers in, releasing the tension built up over my hard week’s work.
“Oooh, that’s so good,” I murmured.
“Glad you’re enjoying it,” she replied laughing gently. “I suppose you’d like me to massage your bum too?” she asked, hearing her smile as she spoke.
“Oh yes, please,” I answered, laughing a little nervously, anticipating her hands on my buttocks and thighs. “Maybe I could return the favour afterwards?” I asked cheekily.
“Hmmm, we’ll see,” she said giggling a little. Mariana then dripped a little more oil into the palms of her hands and began rubbing them together so that they would be warm to the touch on my trembling skin.
Digging into my buttocks now with her thumbs, I could feel that same bittersweet pain releasing toxins and, in their place, a sensual feeling that only served to send even more blood rushing to my hardening cock hidden underneath, pressing against my belly, aching to be freed and relieved of its tension.
“How does that feel now?” she asked softly.
“Superb, although I think I could nearly fall asleep,” I lied, knowing that my beast of an erection would never allow that to happen until later when I would have some private time to stroke myself into ecstasy and empty my full balls.
“That’s good,” she said, “it means the massage is working properly. Now turn over on your back and we’ll see if we can work on your chest and tummy.”
By now, my erection had grown sizeably, and I wasn’t sure how she might react when she’d see it! What was I going to do? Refuse? In fact, I secretly wanted her to see it and watch her reaction.
“Ok, but don’t be alarmed,” I said nervously.
“Why’s that?” she said and as I turned over on my back, my stiff cock sprang up, giving her a proud salute.
“Oh my God, what’s happening here?” she exclaimed, hardly able to take her eyes off it.
It was then I noticed she had stripped down to her skimpy panties and a tight tee shirt. Her pert nipples were already hard and more visible as she stared at my erect hard cock.
“Sorry,” I replied. “Sometimes it just happens, and the way that you were sitting on me and massaging, well, I just couldn’t help it. If you feel uncomfortable, we can stop the massage now if you wish?”
“Oh no,” she replied, “It’s a natural thing, if I just massage around it, maybe it’ll go away?” she asked.
“Well, I’m not sure but we could give it a try,” I said, not convinced.
Taking more oil in her hands, Mariana started to massage my shoulders, arms, and hands. Leaning into me, her face close to mine, I could feel her warm and quickening breath against my neck. As she pushed down with her palms and fingers into the tight muscles of my pecks and sixpack, her pretty pert bottom and dampening panties made gentle contact with the backs of my legs and thighs as she worked. Stealing a glance or two at my still stiff cock, I noticed her very discretely licking her lips and then looking away, glancing at my face to see if I had caught her looking.
“Hmmm…” she said. “Perhaps it’s not going away as I thought it might.”
“Maybe not,” I chuckled, “But you’ve really helped my back pain though. Why don’t I try to give you a back massage and you can tell me if I’m doing it right?” I cheekily asked.
“Sure,” she said. “Why not, my arms are also a little tired after all that kneading,” she added.
We then swapped places, Mariana lying on her tummy where I had been on the bed and me straddled behind her, sitting on her lower legs. At this stage, my cock had become uncontrollably hard and ached when I looked down to see her perfect pert bottom raised, covered only by a scant pair of panties that had managed to secrete themselves firmly between her wonderful bum cheeks, exposing small goosebumps which had begun to appear on her delicious buttocks. Also, from this perspective, I nearly drooled as I could make out the mound of her vagina and pussy lips which had already created a damp patch on her cotton underwear. Taking some oil and rubbing it into my hands I worked on Mariana’s shoulders. With firm strokes, I leaned into her, getting more aroused as I could smell her recently shampooed chestnut brown hair. The aroma of the apple shampoo combined with the peach perfume around the nape of her slender neck intensified the bulge of my purple knob as it rubbed gently off her buttocks. Mariana, saying nothing, either ignored it or was silently enjoying it as I teased my cock gently against her wonderful bottom, my palms pressing firmly on her skin while they slid up and down her spine and towards the small of her back.
“I’m going to need more oil I’m afraid,” I said, “although I don’t want to get it all over your underwear?”
Mariana just groaned in pleasure softly and said nothing, so I peeled down the top of her panties, exposing the crack of her wonderful, tanned bottom. Working my oily thumbs into the base of her back and spine, she raised her bottom slowly and let out another soft groan.
“How is that feeling? Good?” I said, whispering in her ear.
“Oh yes, it’s wonderful, carry on please!” she answered.
My cock was now pressing firmly against the exposed crack of her bottom, and I could sense the start of a little pre-cum beginning to emerge and blend with the oil already on her skin. Pulling her panties down even further now past her buttocks, her full pert bottom and shaved pink wet pussy exposed fully, my cock pressing against her pussy lips. Without saying anything, Mariana reached behind her to find my stiff aching cock with her still oily hand, squeezing the shaft as if to check out where the extra pressure on her delicious ass was coming from.
“Hmm, still hard, eh?” She joked. “I think we’ll have to do something about this.”
Firmly, she rubbed my shaft and glistening purple knob against her ass cheeks, driving me wild as she raised her bottom even higher and used my stiff member as a dildo to wank us both off. My shaft and knob slid delightfully between her ass cheeks, along her pussy lips and tight puckering asshole which winked at me as she enjoyed the naughty pleasure that we were giving each other.
“Peter, I can’t wait anymore, put it in me please, I need to feel you inside me,” she groaned.
“I can’t wait either, Mariana, you’re driving me wild!”
Taking my wet, erect shaft in her hand, Mariana guided the top of my pulsating knob gently but firmly into the opening of her warm, wet throbbing pussy hole. Pushing my pelvis forward to help penetrate her with just the tip of my cock at first, she pushed her bottom backwards towards me so that the full length of my proud, aching cock filled her delicious pink pussy walls. Thrusting deeply now into her inviting horny cunt, my cock glided into her easily with a mixture of pussy juice, pre cum and massage oil. Although wet, her cunt was still tight around my cock as she squeezed my aching member each time I pushed further inside her. Lying on top of her from behind, my lips kissed the back of her neck, nibbled her earlobes and then tongue-fucked her ear, driving her into ecstasy as I pumped my hard cock furiously in and out of her wonderful pink pussy lips.
“Mmmm, finger my bum while you fuck me,” she demanded.
I reached down to oil my hand and then fed the tip of my index finger into her puckering asshole. Before long, she started to shudder as I managed to slide two fingers into her asshole, feeling my shaft as it thrust faster and harder into her pussy. We stayed like this for a few minutes, revelling in the glorious ecstasy of our sexual pleasure, not wanting it to stop, not wanting to cum too soon.
“I want to sit on you, Peter, turn me around and let me sit on your cock.”
Lifting Mariana and swinging her around, I sat up as she straddled me and took my hard cock yet again in her hand, but this time guiding the entire length of it into her puckering asshole. Genuinely surprised at this new move, I smiled and then laughed with joy as she pushed her ass down the length of my super hard erection, filling her warm, wet asshole as we kissed deeply and passionately. Her doing the work now as she pushed me on my back and rode my cock intensely, grinding her pussy hard against my groin. Her small pert breasts were now in front of my face, her nipples upturned and hard as bullets. I couldn’t resist licking them as my tongue circled and stimulated her areolae at first, then as I licked and tried to fill my mouth with as much of her small breast as I could fit in my mouth.
“Oh Peter, estoy a punto, estoy a punto, I’m ready to cum, I’m nearly there!” she cried as I tried to hold back from cumming.
Suddenly, her back arched and I knew she was about to cum. At that very same moment, I let loose of my hot, creamy load, deep into her ass, pumping, pumping, pumping for the longest time ever, until I was sure that I had emptied myself entirely inside her. Mariana, still in wild delights of orgasm, spraying the base of my cock and belly with her warm pussy juice until she eventually slipped her ass slowly off me. Positioning herself in a sixty-nine pose, she licked both our juices off my shaft and balls. Returning the favour, I fed off her soaking cunt and asshole which was now firmly pressed against my face. Finally, we both collapsed, exhausted but smiling, holding each other and gently kissing as we drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.
Mariana and I stayed together for a few months after that, but unfortunately, she had to go back to Spain to look after her elderly mother. The invitation to visit her is always there she assures me, and someday, I might just do that. But in the meantime, I’ve discovered that maybe Spanish isn’t my language, although I’ve recently come back from Paris and think maybe it’s time to learn French instead.