Marguerite’s Comeuppance

"The office beauty learns never to judge a book by its cover."

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“Friday at 8. Sounds perfect. See you then, Rob.”

Marguerite tilted her head and smiled, a move she knew men ate up. She gave a little wave as Rob Martin, the new hire in Marketing, grinned and winked as he walked away.

She’d set her sights on him on his first day when they’d been introduced. It didn’t take much effort on her part before he was hanging around her office and asking her out to lunch. Now she’d secured a date outside of work.

She decided she’d order those strappy black heels she’d seen online. She was feeling good.

And then…

“Hey, Marguerite. How’s it going?” Tim Matthews from IT stood before her, nerdy as ever in his chinos and polo shirt, a bright smile on his face.

Marguerite was used to attention from men, both wanted and unwanted. She was tall and lithe, with long dark hair and hooded green eyes that were the subject of many compliments. She carried herself with confidence and grace and a little bit of smugness. She’d never been cruel, though, even when an admirer didn’t know when to take ‘no’ for an answer. She knew how to extricate herself from an awkward conversation and still leave a man his pride.

This, however, was another story. Tim had started in the IT department six months ago. He was obviously interested in her. She’d been kind, wishing him luck in his new position and smiling just enough to be friendly but not give him hope for more. To no avail, though; he went out of his way to pass by her office, say hello, make small talk. He even occasionally bought her a coffee.

He was a typical IT geek; not her type at all. She’d rolled her eyes one afternoon as she passed the break room, where he and a few others from IT were excitedly discussing the latest superhero film. On several occasions, she’d seen him poring over comic books while he ate his lunch. He was reasonably attractive: dark hair and beard, somewhat stocky build. Marguerite, though, swooned over tall, lanky men. She didn’t date short men. Or men who read comic books or were geeks in general. Didn’t Tim know he didn’t have a chance with a woman like her?

Lately, he’d ramped up his efforts and had actually asked her out. Two weeks earlier, he’d offered to take her out for lunch. She’d politely refused, pointing to the piles of paperwork on her desk. He’d come around a couple days later and asked again. Marguerite had been mildly annoyed. Her smile was forced as she politely rebuffed him. When he appeared in her doorway again at the end of the week, she decided the time to be nice had passed.

“Thanks for asking, again, but I’m very busy and frankly, Tim, I’m just not interested in going out to lunch with you.”

His smile remained in place. “Okay, then, dinner it is.”

Marguerite’s eyes narrowed as she stood. She crossed her arms. “Look. I said I’m not interested. Save yourself some embarrassment and stop asking—it’s not going to happen.”

The smile fell from Tim’s face. “Give a guy a break. I know I’m not one of those douches in suits from Marketing, but—”

Struck dumb by his continued bravado, Marguerite could only stare. “No, you’re not. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to get back to work.”

His reply was clipped. “Of course.” As the door closed behind him, Marguerite wondered where someone so average got off being quite so cocky.

Several weeks went by. She’d been seeing Rob regularly, and thankfully saw little of Tim. She barely saw anyone, really; she spent most days in her office with the door closed, working on a presentation whose due date was fast approaching.

It required all her concentration, so it was unfortunate that two nights before she was to present it, while working late one night, she stumbled across Rob and some little slut intern in the copy room.

He’d jumped off the little whore and quickly buttoned his fly as Marguerite gawked at them in stunned outrage. He followed as she turned to stalk away, trembling with anger and shame. As he began reeling off excuses, Marguerite wheeled on him. “Don’t say another word, Rob. You’re a lying piece of shit. Stay away from me.”

As she turned the corner to go back to her office, her humiliation was complete. Tim stood there, smirking, obviously having heard everything.

“What the fuck are you gawking at?” she snapped.

“Pretty boy turned out to be a real asshole, huh?” He leaned against the wall, smug, reveling in her downfall, she imagined.

“That’s none of your business.” She entered her office and was about to close the door, but with a strength that surprised her, Tim pushed it open, stepping inside before closing it. She dropped into her chair, in no mood to put up with him.

“Get out.” Her voice was pure ice.

“Why not stop wasting your time on the empty-headed pricks around here and try a real man?”

Marguerite stared her expression a mixture of disgust and derision. “Who, you? Head nerd in IT, still reads comic books? You probably live in your parents’ basement! Are you fucking kidding me?”

Tim kept a neutral face, although the color in his cheeks told her she’d touched a nerve. “You shouldn’t judge people based on such shallow criteria, Marguerite. Give me a shot. See what you’ve been missing.”

Through the blinds that partially obscured her glass-fronted office, she could see Rob walk by, trailed by the giggling intern. Anger boiled up again.

“Why do you want me, anyway? I’ve shot you down every time you’ve asked me out. I’ve told you I have zero interest in you. Why try so hard?”

The corners of Tim’s mouth pulled up in the barest hint of a smile. “Maybe I just want to prove you wrong. Maybe I want to teach you a lesson.”

The arrogant little prick, she thought. We’ll see who’s getting a lesson tonight.

Still, this was a different side of Tim. She’d never seen him like this. Dominant, self-assured…somehow it was more appealing than his usual polite, low-key demeanor. Or maybe she was just pissed at Rob and feeling reckless.

“And if I were to give you a chance, what are you going to do that’s so special?” She was weary—of Tim, of Rob, of men in general. She cocked an eyebrow, expecting that he would be cowed and slink away with his tail between his legs.

But again, he surprised her. “I’m going to treat you the way you want and deserve to be treated.”

In a split second, she made up her mind. She stood abruptly and grabbed her purse.

“Fine. You’ve got your chance. Let’s go.” She could always leave once it became embarrassingly clear that Tim was in over his head. Then that problem would be solved.

Tim paused a moment, then smiled. “That’s a good girl. You won’t be sorry, Marguerite.”

She rolled her eyes but hearing him call her a good girl sent a little jolt through her. Maybe this would be a night to remember, after all.

Tim ushered Marguerite into his apartment and closed the door behind him.

“Well, we both know why we’re here. No point in music and candles…bedroom’s over there, get undressed and wait for me on the bed.”

Marguerite blinked in disbelief. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Tim walked up to her, and though he was several inches shorter, Marguerite shrank back.

“I am not. I told you I would treat you the way you wanted and deserved to be treated, and I think that you are tired of being coddled and wined and dined. I think you want to be used and treated like a slut.

I’m not one of those pussies from Marketing. I won’t get you a little tipsy on expensive wine, then jackhammer my way to an orgasm while you lie there like a cadaver. I told you, Marguerite—you won’t be sorry you came home with me. In fact, by the end of the night, you’ll be begging for it and offering me anything I want. But you will do as you’re told. If you have a problem with that, get out now.”

Marguerite remained frozen in shock, trying to reconcile the polite geek who’d been so taken with her with the demanding, take-charge Tim who was impatiently waiting for her answer.

“Well?” He raised one eyebrow, obviously not impressed with her indecision.

Maybe it’s time I shook things up a little, she thought. And anyway, it’s just for tonight. “I don’t have a problem with it.”

Tim’s expression relaxed. He smiled. “Good. Then get the fuck in the bedroom and get undressed. Now.”

Wordlessly, Marguerite turned and did as she’d been told.

Five minutes later, Tim walked in. He nodded approvingly at Marguerite,who was sitting up against the headboard with the sheet pulled up, just covering her breasts.

“I didn’t tell you to cover yourself.” He whipped the sheet down.

Marguerite had a lovely body, slim and toned. Tim reached out to cup one of her small breasts, giving it a rough squeeze before trailing his hand down to the juncture of her thighs.

“Open for me.”

His hand slid between, rubbing her lips, dipping briefly inside, eliciting a quiet moan from her.

“Like that, hmm? Nice and smooth for me. Good girl.”

Everything about this night was surreal. How had she ended up here? Tim was nothing like the men she was typically attracted to but she had to admit, seeing this dominant side of him was a huge—and wholly unexpected—turn-on. He’d been right on the mark about most of the men she’d dated. They were handsome and charming, to be sure, but full of themselves and fairly unimaginative in bed.

She wasn’t really submissive—was she? Her pussy certainly was wet from following Tim’s orders. And when he called her a good girl…mmm. She’d tried to read those shitty but immensely popular books all her friends were crazy about but found them not at all arousing and horribly written.

This, though…this was intoxicating. This was real.

“Take my pants off.” Tim’s voice pulled her back from her musings. He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it onto a chair beside the bed.

She moved to the side of the bed and glanced up at him as she popped the button on his jeans, then slid the zipper down. He was hard beneath the soft black cotton of his boxer briefs.

“Suck me.” It wasn’t something Marguerite generally enjoyed doing, but now she eagerly pushed his pants and underwear down, freeing his cock. She leaned in, nuzzling into his thick pubic hair, breathing in his scent, before grasping the base of his cock and licking slowly up the shaft.

“Ungh.” He groaned, placing his hands on Marguerite’s head. She circled the tip of his cock with her tongue, making little mewling noises as she closed her lips over it.

Fuck.” Tim wound her hair around his fist, holding her head in place. She gagged as he pushed down.

“That’s it, slut, take it all. Choke on it.” He held her head down, her mouth filled with his cock. “You like sucking that cock, don’t you?”

She looked up at him through watery eyes and nodded. He yanked her off his cock and she took a gasping breath.

“Tell me. Tell me how much you like it.”

Still out of breath, she stammered, “I—I like it. I love having your cock in my mouth.”

“Good girl.” He held her by the hair as he stroked himself, his cock inches from her face.

With a low groan, he came, thick spurts of cum hitting Marguerite’s face and chest. She gasped in surprise as the warm semen splattered her skin.

He finished and drew the head of his cock across her lips. “You’re a good cocksucker, Marguerite.”

She flushed in embarrassment at the crude term being applied to her. Tim slapped her cheek, making her gasp.

“Show some respect, slut. Thank me for allowing you to suck my cock.”

She didn’t balk. “Thank you for letting me suck your cock.”

“That’s better. Now get in the middle of the bed. On your elbows and knees, ass up, legs apart.”

As seemed to be the way tonight, Marguerite complied.

She felt fingers part her slick pussy lips. She pushed back, whimpering. That earned her a hard slap on her ass.

“You love being used like the horny slut you are, don’t you, Marguerite? All the time you wasted on rich pussies who gave you a quick, polite missionary fuck, when what you really wanted was to be taken and used like a whore.”

No man had ever spoken to her like that during sex. To her surprise, the crude words awakened something deep in her. She groaned, then whispered. “Please.”

“Mm, that’s what I like to hear….a slut begging to be used. Do you know how I like to fuck sluts, Marguerite?”


He laughed; it made her skin prickle with goosebumps. “I bet you don’t. There’s nothing I like more than hearing a slut beg for my cock…right…here.”

As he spoke, he dragged his fingers up and back until he was circling her anus. She whimpered.

“You’ve never been fucked in the ass, have you?”

She shook her head slowly. “No, please—ˮ

“Good. Then I’ll be your first.”

Marguerite tried to rise, but Tim’s hand closed around the back of her neck. “Is there a problem?”

“Please, no. I’ve never done that. I— ”

Tim released her and stood. “Oh, okay. Get dressed and leave. Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

Stunned, Marguerite stared at him. “But— ”

Tim regarded her coolly. “I don’t force women to do anything, Marguerite. I don’t have to. If you want it, get back on the bed and get ready to take my cock in your ass. If not, get out. It’s that simple.”

He waited a beat. “And I’m not feeling particularly patient.”

Her heart was thudding; she was caught between wanting to run and a fierce desire to give Tim free rein over her body. Excitement, arousal, and fear sizzled through her. She crawled into the center of the bed and resumed her position without a word.

She felt the bed dip behind her, felt Tim’s hands on her thighs and buttocks. “Good girl…very good girl.”

His fingers dug into the flesh of her ass. She felt his breath and a moment later, the wet warmth of his tongue circling her anus. She made a small noise of surprise that turned into a moan as he licked her tight hole, flicking and poking until he pushed slightly inside.

“Oh, fuck. Yes…” She panted and sighed as he lavished attention on her asshole.

A moment later Tim got off the bed. She heard a drawer open, the sound of a cap being popped open, then felt something cool and sticky drizzled between her cheeks. She wasn’t surprised to feel a thick finger pushing against her hole.

“Mm, you’re so fucking tight.”

She moaned as he slowly worked his finger into her asshole until she had taken it all. He pumped in and out, working her open. She shivered, imagining his cock pushing in, stretching her.

Gradually he added a second finger, then a third, each time slowly fucking her as she moaned and cursed.

“You’re turning out to be a real anal whore.”

No man had ever spoken to her or treated her like this, but it only turned her on more. She’d never felt more desperately aroused. She pushed back on his fingers, greedy and unashamed.

Tim abruptly withdrew his fingers, landing a stinging smack on her right buttock.

“Ready to take my cock up your ass, Marguerite?”

She nodded frantically, but he wasn’t letting her off that easily.

“Say it then. Say, ‘I am a horny bitch, and I want your cock up my ass.’ ˮ

“Fuck…I’m a horny bitch. I want your cock up my ass—please!”

“Very nice. I like an ass slut with manners.”

Every muscle in her body was taut as she waited. She could hear the sound of the lube being opened again; imagined Tim stroking himself with it in preparation of fucking her.

He slid his left hand along her side, over her hip. The tip of his cock nudged at her hole, and she whimpered, a little afraid and very, very turned on. She bit her lip anxiously.

“Bear down.”

She did, feeling intense pressure. Her hands curled into fists; she took a deep breath.

“Fuck.” Tim’s fingers curled around her hip as he waited a beat, then slowly but insistently pushed inside.

“Oh…” Marguerite moaned at the unfamiliar feeling of fullness. A few guys had tentatively touched her here. One or two had tried to convince her to try anal, but she had been afraid it would hurt. She’d never expected to enjoy it, but she’d loved every dirty thing Tim had done to her, up to and including sticking his cock in her ass.

“Mmm…Good girl. I knew you’d love getting fucked in the ass.” Tim reached forward and grabbed her hair, yanking her head back and forcing her to arch her back, giving him better access and a perfect view of his cock disappearing deep inside Marguerite.

“Let me hear you—don’t hold back. Moan for me like the dirty asswhore you are.”

He punctuated his words with a sharp thrust, making Marguerite cry out. His coarse pubic hair tickled her skin as he drove into her again and again. Soon, Marguerite was panting and pushing back on Tim’s cock. There was an intensity about being fucked this way that made her forget her inhibitions and think only about how incredible it felt.

Maybe she’d been wrong all this time. She’d been through a lot of guys with designer suits and expensive cars, but her sex life had been decidedly lackluster. Here she was getting the best fucking of her life from the comic book-loving nerd in IT. Being used and treated like a slut—and she loved it and wanted more.

Tim moved faster, breathing heavily as he pounded into her. He changed position slightly, hitting a spot that drew a long moan from Marguerite.

“Come for me. You can come from my cock in your ass, can’t you, Marguerite?”

“I think so. Oh God—yes.” She groaned, feeling the familiar tensing in her belly. No man had ever made her squirt before, but she did now, her wetness running down her thighs and soaking the bed beneath her.

“Fuck yes.” With a last deep thrust, Tim grunted as he started to come. Marguerite enjoyed the sensation of his cock spasming as his warm load filled her.

Another first, she thought. Tonight had been full of them, and eye-opening indeed.

After a moment, he withdrew. She rolled onto her back, sated and not caring that she was sticky with perspiration, Tim’s cum and her own ejaculate.

Tim lay facing her, his head propped up on his hand. With the other hand, he idly fondled Marguerite’s breast. He regarded her in silence for a few minutes while his breathing returned to normal.

“I enjoyed that very much, Marguerite. I think it’s safe to say you did as well?”

She flushed. “Sure. It was okay.”

He laughed, then grew serious. “Don’t hedge, Marguerite. Tell me how much you liked being my slut and getting fucked in the ass for the first time. Tell me you want more. Show me how much you want it.”

His words melted any resistance she had left. She did want more, and she was determined to have it. No man had ever refused her, but this time, it was she who would do the begging.

Without a word, she placed a hand on Tim’s chest and pushed until he lay on his back. She positioned herself between his legs and tossed her hair over her shoulder. Holding his gaze as she lowered her head, she whispered, “I want this. I want to be taken, used, fucked hard, wherever and whenever you want. I want it, and I want you to give it to me, Tim.”

To attest to her desire, she took him in her mouth and began sucking him back to hardness. He reached for her hair, his eyes closing in pleasure as he spoke her two new favorite words.

“ Good girl.”

Published 9 years ago

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