Mama’s Girl: The Girls Next Door

"The ultimate fantasy lives right next door."

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Another Sunday afternoon and I had nothing to do. The house was clean, my studies were finished and most of my friends were away for the weekend. I had never been so bored in my life. I even tried rearranging the clothes in my wardrobe, only to notice that I had arranged them in a way they had already been in. Yup, Sundays made me want to rip my hair out.

My mother decided to introduce herself to the new owners of the house next door. They were a woman and her daughter and they had moved in around a week ago. Mother said that it would be best to give them some time to settle in before going round.

She went around with a bottle of wine and I didn’t see her again for a few hours. They must have had quite a bit in common. She told me the mother’s name was Sandra and her daughter was Molly. I just knew she would try and get me to become friends with Molly, and I was right.

Being eighteen meant I could do whatever I wanted. I didn’t have to be told what to do or when to do it. The problem is, in such a small town, there isn’t very much to actually do. So I decided that maybe adding one more friend to my list wouldn’t be such a bad idea.

Friday afternoon rolled around and I had just finished writing my report for history class. Students at my school were given the week off to catch up on their studies before the big exams. I really wanted to pass them and get the hell out of this town. But since getting to know the neighbours, I feel a little differently now. Maybe staying for a while longer wouldn’t be such a bad idea.

Mom shouted up, “Debbie, could you come down, honey?”

I was half asleep, but I sat up and prepared to send on my way to the neighbour’s house. I just knew that’s what it was going to be about. I walked down the stairs to find my mother standing at the bottom with her arms rested on the bannister. She was smiling at me in a way that made me think she was up to something devious. “What’s up?” I asked.

“Have you been round yet?” she replied.

I sighed. “No, not yet. But I will do. I just don’t see why I should be in a hurry to meet them.”

“Oh, sweetie, they’re lovely. I told you their names, right?”

“Yes. Sandra and Molly, you told me.”

“Oh, Molly is such a wonderful and beautiful girl. I’d really love for the both of you to become friends.”

“I have friends, mother.”

“Not like this you haven’t.”

What did she even mean by that? Was Molly some extra special type of human being? Did she have special abilities? Could she fly or something? She looked at me as though I would enjoy being around a girl like Molly, and she seemed so sure we would get along. “Is there something you aren’t telling me?”

She shook her head and said nothing. It didn’t exactly answer my question as I still suspected she was hiding something from me. What the hell was it?

I went back upstairs and changed my clothes. It was hot out so I figured hot pants and a small cotton t-shirt would have been fine. I slipped my sneakers on over my white ankle socks. After fixing my hair a little I was good to go.

The sunlight hit me as soon as I opened the door. I know I was only going next door, but I had to slip my sunglasses on over my eyes, otherwise the bright, white light was going to blind me.

The house next door was beautiful, it always had been. A large driveway with nice cobblestones leading up to the front door, a swimming pool in the back yard and the grass was so beautiful and green. Yellow and pink flowers decorated the side of the house all the way around.

I walked up to the front door and gave the bell a ring. There was an expensive car in the drive so I knew they were in, or at least one of them was. There wasn’t an answer, so I knocked a few times.

I was becoming a little impatient, to be honest. I knew someone was home but it seemed like they were just ignoring me. I had better things to do, like sitting in my room, bored and alone.

I knocked again and decided to take a quick look through the small window on the door. There was just an empty hallway. I saw that the interior was also beautifully decorated.

I sighed and noticed that the living room curtains were open a little. I knew it was cheeky, but my mother would only send me round again if I went back home.

I climbed over the little half wall, making sure not to tread on the yellow and pink flowers. I peaked in through the window ever so slightly to make sure my entire head wasn’t on display to anyone inside. It was a little dark, but I made out two figures on the sofa. I squinted my eyes and moved my head closer to the glass. My breath was now beginning to fog up the glass, but I was able to see in now. And when I saw inside, I almost got the shock of my life. My knees went weak from embarrassment as I saw that the two people on the sofa were having sex.

I gasped and stood frozen on the spot. I wanted to run away, but my legs just wouldn’t move. The two women on the sofa were locked in a tight embrace, groping and squeezing each other’s breasts, kissing and biting. Their legs and arms intertwined with one another and their bodies heaving and grinding in a mutual motion.

Holy shit! I thought. This couldn’t be right. There was no way they were mother and daughter. Mothers and daughters didn’t do things like that with one another, ever! I didn’t know what to think, but mother and daughter or not, it wasn’t right for me to be looking at them both having sex.

I could tell who the mother was. She looked around forty, had a slim build, long, black hair and yes, I could admit she had quite a full and ample chest.

The daughter, who was now digging two fingers into her supposed mother’s pussy, was about my age, had dark hair like her mother’s and had a petite, athletic body. She still had some way to go to beat her mother in the breast department, but it seemed like the mother loved her daughter’s breasts all the same.

When I finally got the power of my legs back, I stepped back over the half walk and made my way swiftly down the drive and walked back over to my house. When I got inside, I stood motionless with my back against the door. “Back so soon?” asked my mother.

“Um, there was no answer. I’ll try again later – maybe,” I replied.

There was no way I was going back round there. I couldn’t believe what I saw. It was too much for my mind to process that the mother and daughter next door were cultivating a secret sex life. Did people actually do that kind of thing? Yeah, maybe if they were sick in the head. How did their having sex come about in the first place? One thing was for sure, I didn’t want to hang out with Molly.

A few hours went past. I lay on my bed, still with the image of Sandra and her daughter touching each other on their sofa. Every time I thought about it, all I could think was you’re mother and daughter. Why are you having sex? I didn’t want to think about it, but I’d never witnessed anything like it before.

I sat up on my bed. I realised that I could have been thinking about this all wrong. I didn’t know that the young girl was in fact Molly. She could have been Sandra’s girlfriend. Sandra could have just had a thing for teenage girls. Maybe she was one of Molly’s friends and she was sleeping with her without Molly knowing. That would have been a little fucked up, but not as much as sleeping with your daughter.

I decided to ask mom a few questions. I got up and walked downstairs. “Mom, can I talk to you?” I shouted downstairs.

“I’m in the living room, sweetie,” she replied.

I walked into the living room and saw mom sitting on the sofa reading one of her fine cuisine magazines. She still had her heels on, which was weird. “Are you heading out, mom?”

“No,” she replied, “why do you ask?”

“You still have your heels on.”

“I like to keep them on. Sandra next door wears her’s around the house. She looks so amazing in them. She has some really beautiful shoes.”

I remember thinking yeah, I saw them on her daughter’s shoulders. Why was she trying to emulate Sandra? “Look, I need to talk to you about something. How well do you know Sandra and Molly?”

She looked up from her magazine and said “As well as someone who only spent a few hours with them could. Why do you ask?” she replied.

Was I really going to tell her what I saw? I figured I would try a different tactic in order to find out what was going on. “No reason, really. Do you know what Molly looks like? I mean, if I see her when I’m out I can introduce myself to her.”

“Well, she’s about the same age as you with beautiful, long, dark hair. Then again, that describes a lot of girls your age. I think it would be best if you just went back round later on, sweetie.”

“Right, well I’ll do that then,” I replied and then ran upstairs to my room, all the while trying not to shout she’s fucking her daughter!

I slammed the door behind me and sat on my bed. I didn’t want to think about it anymore. The idea of the mother and daughter next door having sex was just too bizarre to comprehend. You only ever hear things like that from stereotypes regarding people from a certain region, or creepy families that have bodies buried in the back yards. You certainly didn’t think the rather normal-looking mother and daughter next door were doing it.

For the next few hours, I tried to take my mind off it by revising some of my old studies whilst chatting to some friends online. I had a juicy bit of news, but there was no way it was remotely my place to expose the two next door. Despite my cringing at what they were doing, it wouldn’t have been right for me to blab about it. It was essentially their business. I decided it was best to ignore it and never bring it up if I ever did meet them both. And of course, I did end up meeting them.


The next day I was ushered back over to the neighbours by my mother. She said she knew they were in and I wasn’t to come back home until I’d spent some time with them. Reluctantly, I accepted and made my way over. With each step I took, I thought about how terrifying it would be if I saw them both having sex again.

I knocked on the door and this time heard some scuffling around in the hallway. A moment went by and the door opened and I caught my first proper glimpse of Sandra, fully clothed of course.

She smiled at me, “Can I help you?” she asked.

“Hi, I live next door with my mom and she said I should come and say hello to you and your daughter. I’m Debbie,” I replied.

“Oh, you’re Debbie. I was wondering when we were going to meet you. Your mother spoke very highly about you the other day.”

She invited me inside and took me to the living room. I hadn’t noticed yesterday, but their living room was very beautiful. There were photographs of both of them on the walls and in frames sitting on almost every surface in the room. It was as though they had been stalking one another.

We sat side by side on the sofa and she said “So, here you are and you are just as beautiful as your mother said you were.”

I don’t mind saying that what she said was flattering and it made me blush. “Thank you, Mrs … sorry my mother never told me your surname.”

“It’s Reid, love, but you can call me Sandra. Also, it’s just Ms since Molly’s father decided to leave.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. That must have been hard for both of you.” I wondered if her ex-husband was aware of what Sandra and Molly were doing. That might have been his reason for leaving. To be honest, it would have been a legitimate reason in my opinion.

“Don’t worry about it, love. We got over it a long time ago and have enjoyed our own company since then.”

Yeah, I bet you have, I thought. It almost seemed to me like she was glad for her husband to leave, giving her time to sink her teeth into her daughter.

I asked if I could use the restroom to freshen up a little. Like the perfect hostess she seemed to be portraying she gladly permitted me and pointed it out to me from down the hall. When I walked towards it, I noticed she quickly walked back into the living room.

I opened the door to the bathroom and when I saw inside I got the fright of my life. Molly stood before me, fixing her eye shadow in the mirror wearing nothing but a pink thong. She turned to me and smiled.

I straight away became flustered and tried to find the door handle again. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” I yelled, “I didn’t know anyone was in here.”

She didn’t seem bothered. In fact, she giggled and opened the door wider. As she leaned over to get the door I got an eyeful of her very naked breasts, perky and full. “It’s okay, do you need to use the bathroom?” she asked.

“Um … yes, I just wanted to wash my face and hands. It’s okay, though, I’ll wait,” I replied, still focused on the fact she was naked and fine with me seeing her that way.

“Don’t be silly, if you want to wash up, just go ahead. I won’t be long.”

Seriously, she wanted me to use the bathroom with her whilst she was naked? We didn’t even know each other!

It didn’t matter though. As odd as I found this situation, I stood next to her as she fixed her make-up, turned the taps on and started washing my hands.

She applied her lipstick and puckered her lips in the mirror to check them out. “I guess you must be Debbie then?”

“That’s right,” I replied, trying not to look in her direction, “my mom was round the other day and she said that I should come round and say hi.”

“Aw, that’s sweet. So far the people around here have been super friendly to us. Mainly the guys, you know?” she laughed.

“Oh, they’ve been hitting on you both?”

“Kind of, mainly with my mom, though. Not surprising, really, she’s hot.”

Did she just say her own mother was hot? She said it without any hesitation. Yes, it was fine for a girl to say how attractive her mother was, but it was just the way she said it that made it seem she was getting wet thinking about it. “Are you sure you’re okay with me being in here whilst you’re naked, Molly?”

“Sure, why not? We’re both girls. We both have the same things. Besides … you’ve seen me naked.”

Suddenly all I could hear was the water running down the drain. I was lost for words and could only convey my confusion by locking eyes with her in the mirror.

She was still smiling and putting the finishing touches on her mascara. “You know, from yesterday, remember?” she said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Don’t be shy. I saw you looking in the window yesterday. Do you do that often?” she asked coyly, almost as though she said it as a joke.

“Oh my god. Look I was just trying to see if anyone was in and …”

“You saw me and mommy, didn’t you?”

I had no idea where I was. I felt like I’d slipped into a black hole to a dimension I didn’t belong in. I didn’t know how this situation was going to play out, but I figured honesty was my best route. “So it’s true? I saw both of you having sex?”

She nodded. She didn’t seem embarrassed or in any way troubled by my knowing their dirty little secret. “You’ll have to forgive me if I seem a little rude but …” I started.

“I understand, don’t worry, we’re not a couple of weirdo freaks. Although, I’m sure you probably thought that about us, right?” She turned to me with one hand on her hip, showing me every inch of her slim, naked body, other than what was hidden beneath her skimpy thong.

I couldn’t help notice how smooth and shiny her skin was under the bathroom light. She really took care of herself. I guess it was what turned mommy on. “Look, I’m not judging or anything. It’s just that … it’s a little weird to me,” I said.

“Of course it is. It’s not a normal thing to do. But we ended up in a situation where we just looked at each other differently and it began from there,” she replied.

“I don’t get it, though. How can a mother and daughter end up having sex?”

“It wasn’t easy. At first I had a lot of conflicting thoughts, as am sure my mother did too. Eventually, we grew closer. The way lovers do.”

Molly put the lid back on her mascara….

Published 3 years ago

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