‘Another day in paradise,’ Dakota thought using the familiar meme. She wasn’t complaining as this gig was easy compared to being an actual sheriff’s deputy. She’d done that for five years and seen more than she’d ever expected when that occupation had seemed exciting, but the sheer amount of crime and audacity of the criminals started weighing on her from the outset. The final straw was seeing a colleague killed in the line of duty.
Working in private security was viewed by her deputy friends as something to look down on, and she took a while to accept that attitude. Still, it was a relatively safe job that now paid nearly as much, given the shortage of qualified applicants. Her real friends came around as well, recognizing it was better for her if not for them.
Not just an untrained citizen walking the mall in a pseudo-official uniform, they’d appreciated her training and experience and made her a sort-of undercover ‘security agent.’ Her ‘uniform’ consisted of a few plain suits with no outward markings but a badge and a gun in a shoulder holster under her blazer. As malls and shopping centers had started to become sites for mass shootings, the company had seen fit to arm qualified agents, and Dakota was more than qualified. Thankfully, she hadn’t had occasion to draw her gun in the year she’d been on the job.
Noticing out-of-the-ordinary behavior was one of her strengths as a deputy, which also served her in this job. A male lingering in the female lingerie department or someone wandering with a shopping bag and some product in hand would get her attention and usually ended with some kind of interaction. However, as long as nothing illegal had been done, the store preferred a warning and escorting the person off-site.
The week had been rather dull by the time Thursday rolled around so she was on the lookout for something, anything to add some flavor to the day. Midday brought stay-at-home moms out for lunches and window shopping with friends as the boring school week wore on and makeup counters were always busy, especially if one of the major brands offered a ‘gift with purchase’ deal.
Dakota went into one of the two large department stores noting a line at the Estee Lauder counter as she rode the escalator upstairs for a quick survey. Returning to the ground floor, one of those unusual situations presented itself from a higher viewpoint coming down the escalator.
A young man, probably in his late teens or early twenties, was standing on the line at the makeup counter. He stood rather close to the woman in front of him, but he was absorbed by something on his phone, as all the younger generation always seemed to be. She found a spot on an adjacent aisle to reconnoiter but was barely in position when the young man suddenly looked up as though not realizing where he was. He left the line and headed out of the store. She followed him down the mall, but when he went into an athletic shoe store and started browsing, she lost interest and went on her way.
‘Oh well,’ she thought, resigned to another boring day of walking the length of the mall and back.
“Too bad,” she said aloud, thinking he was a good-looking young man. He had a slender build, a shock of thick, dark brown hair, dressed nicely, and most of all, a cute round butt. She didn’t see much of his face except for a mustache that told her he was probably only a year or two out of high school.
She glanced into the department store as she turned around and saw him in the same line again, though it was a little shorter, with only a couple of women in front of him. She went in looking nonchalantly and found a rack of clothes to stand behind. That he was again looking down at his phone wasn’t surprising, but she became suspicious when he repeated the previous behavior, looking up suddenly and then leaving the line.
This time, he didn’t walk out but walked further into the store and joined a short line for a cashier. It was curious behavior, especially since he had nothing to buy in his hands. Was he hoping to dispel suspicion for something he’d already shoplifted? She watched for a minute or so as he repeated his pattern yet again and followed him at a distance when he left the store.
He walked at a normal pace as though he had nothing to hide, so walking just a bit faster, she caught up and kept up with him though keeping a distance between them. She repeatedly glanced over as unobtrusively as possible to try to catch something that would explain his behavior.
He was walking along the storefronts while she was near the center of the mall. As they passed a store with bright quartz floodlights illuminating their windows, she caught a flash of the shining light that seemed to come from the boy’s foot. Perplexed, she fell back to walk behind him on the other side and saw what had created the reflection: a small square mirror, about three inches on each side, strapped to his shoe.
‘Oh my God!’ she said to herself, putting all the pieces together. The little perv is taking pictures up the skirts of unsuspecting women standing in lines. With phone cameras having resolutions rivaling professional cameras, even the little three-by-three picture could be cropped and enlarged to show extraordinary detail.
She reluctantly marveled at his clever idea, recalling boys in high school who stood next to school stairways trying to get a glimpse of the girls’ panties as they climbed the stairs. Still, she couldn’t let him continue despite her respect for his ingenuity. She continued following him, falling back at times to look in a window to avoid raising his suspicions. She had seen enough to confront him but preferred to catch him in the act.
When he walked into the other anchor department store at the other end of the mall, she closed the gap, let him find another line to stand on, and then got on the line behind him, having grabbed a blouse off the rack, presumably to purchase on the cashier’s line.
She hadn’t noticed the pattern before that all the women he targeted wore skirts, as that was the only kind of crotch shot he’d be interested in. She stood back a few feet to give him enough space to feel safe and watched as he positioned his foot forward, not quite between the woman’s legs, but close. She moved a bit to see his screen and watched as he touched the button, getting the picture of his foot. He used his fingers to zoom into the resulting picture where even Dakota could see a strip of pink panties disappearing between the woman’s thighs.
He returned to the camera and repositioned his foot when the woman shifted her weight, her legs separating, and he took another picture. This time, a clear band of pink, creased by female anatomy, appeared when he enlarged the photo.
Dakota stood back expecting him to follow previous behavior and suddenly leave the line. She discarded her prop blouse and followed him out of the store, waiting till he turned the corner before grabbing his upper arm and stopping him.
“Get enough panty in that last one?” she asked, flashing her badge. “Come with me!” she added, firmly gripping his arm as she led him to the hallway with restrooms and mall administration offices. Glancing periodically at his face, she could see the worry there. Clearly, he’d never considered that he might get caught.
She passed a keycard over a sensor, opened the door to the security office, and dragged him inside, sitting him on a bench against the wall.
The office was small, with just enough room for a full-size desk, a filing cabinet, two chairs, and the bench now occupied by the pervert. The walls had several posters warning of the consequences for shoplifting, certainly the most common crime dealt with in this office.
“What’s your name?” she asked as she turned one of the chairs to face him on the bench.
“Con … Connor,” he said nervously.
“Got some ID?” she demanded and took the driver’s license he fumbled in his wallet for. “Connor Bradford, nineteen, almost twenty years old,” she read off the plastic card. “Do you want to explain what you were doing?”
He barely shook his head, knowing he had no explanation that would satisfy her. She reached down to pull the mirror off his shoe, held in place by an elastic strip.
“Not something you’d ordinarily see someone wearing … on only one shoe?” she questioned, again getting no response. He looked at the floor, afraid to make eye contact with Dakota. She tossed the mirror in the wastebasket.
“Let me see your phone!” she said, taking it from his outstretched hand. “Unlock it!” she said, handing it back to him. He put his thumb on the screen and handed it back unlocked.
The camera app was still active, so she closed it and went to the pictures. She was dumbstruck at the sheer number of them that appeared on the screen, and as she scrolled down, many more were revealed, with only a few regular pictures interspersed. Checking the dates, she could see those taken today were still unedited, but those from prior days had been cropped, enlarged, and enhanced, showing an amazing amount of detail.
“So. You like to look up women’s skirts?” she asked, trying to get a rise out of him. No response. “I must admit it’s an ingenious way to feed your fetish, though still illegal!”
He finally looked up at her with fear in his eyes. He hadn’t considered the possibility that he might get arrested.
“What do you think about when you look at these pictures?” she asked waiting only a second for a reply she knew he wouldn’t offer. “Hm? Do you imagine these woman wanting to show you their panties? Their crotches? Their pussies!?”
He looked at her now with shock, that she should be so vulgar in her description.
“Do you imagine them wanting you to touch them? Finger them, maybe? Ooo, I bet this one really gets you going,” she said, selecting one of a woman without panties, sporting a clean-shaven pussy between legs a bit further apart than the others. “This is your favorite, isn’t it? I bet you picture her sitting on your face, stuffing her smooth wet pussy in your mouth?”
That got him agitated, and he squirmed on the bench, bringing his legs together and breathing unevenly. He glanced up at her furtively, and she knew she’d uncovered his secret desire but didn’t see any benefit in tormenting him any further.
“Connor, your address. That’s a wealthy area. What would your parents think of your fetish and how you feed it?”
“Please don’t,” he said quietly, hoping to appeal to Dakota’s sympathies.
“You realize I could have you arrested for a form of assault?” she said, seeing his discomfort ratcheting up even further. She swiped her fingers through pages of the pictures on his phone, selecting them, and touched the trash icon, deleting them all. “But you’re lucky I’m not going to do that,” she added, noting a measure of relief in his face. “The mall owners try to avoid anything like a scandal, so I’m going to let you go with a promise to do much more if I ever catch you in my mall again! Understood!?”
“Yes, ma’am!” he said, adding, “Thank you!”
“Don’t thank me. I’d be handing you over to the deputies right now if it were up to me! Let’s go,” she said, getting up and opening the door for him.
She followed him to his car and warned him again about a repeat offense before watching him get in his car and drive off the property.
She filed her report on the incident, prompting a call from the top administrator, with her boss conferenced in. They agreed that she’d handled the situation correctly but suggested the ‘promise’ of a more severe reaction next time should be limited to notifying his parents. They didn’t want women to be afraid to shop in their mall because of a voyeur. She accepted that decision, though she thought it unlikely to impact his future behavior.
The weeks wore on, and the holiday shopping season was starting despite the early November date. She didn’t mind the decorations and increasing crowds of customers, but having no one special to share the season with, it didn’t lift her spirits much. In fact, it put her on higher alert as the crowds included more of those who didn’t like paying for what they wanted. She expanded her ‘patrols’ to include areas that, during normal times, didn’t see many five-finger discounts, but when gift shopping started, so did the sleight of hand.
Walking the mall, she saw a familiar face. He stopped briefly when he saw her but then continued, greeting her warmly.
“Merry Christmas, ma’am!” he said jovially.
She couldn’t help but look down at his shoes and smiled when she saw no mirror.
“Merry Christmas, Connor,” she replied guardedly.
“I’m just Christmas shopping!” he defended, sensing her suspicious nature.
“Good! Keep it that way!”
She went on her way, almost disappointed that he seemed to be behaving himself. It revived memories of the week after her first encounter with him when his upskirt voyeurism had her thinking of the last time anyone looked up her skirt, let alone touched her there. That day, she’d chased him away; she’d gone home to find her panties unexpectedly damp. A few days later, she had a strange dream where multiple ‘Connors’ roamed the mall, each getting pictures up her skirt. The punishment for each was having to lick her increasingly wetter pussy until she climaxed.
She tried, largely unsuccessfully, to put those memories aside and concentrate on her job. It was a busy Sunday afternoon that demanded her attention, and she was grateful that admin had seen fit to hire some seasonal help.
She tried to visit all the larger stores on a regular basis as they didn’t have the staff to keep an eye on their larger shopfloors and product selection. Walking into a store specializing in home décor and housewares, she stopped short when she saw Connor in the line at the cashier. She moved close enough to confirm there was still no mirror on his shoe, but he was exhibiting the same behavior: standing behind a woman in a skirt and looking down at his phone.
Knowing the mall’s policies were even more forgiving during the vital holiday season, she didn’t confront him in the store; instead, she kept an eye on him as she walked out into the mall. She was just outside when he left the line with a smile on his face, heading for the door.
“Hello again, Connor!” she said as he practically ran into her with his phone still getting his attention. He looked guilty as hell when he looked up at her. “Not up to your old tricks, are you?” she asked.
“There’s no mirror, ma’am! See?” he cried, holding his foot up for inspection.
“Give me your phone,” she said and saw his face fall immediately. She took the phone from him, the camera app still active and showing a view of the ceiling above them, the two of them just visible on the edges of the frame. Confused, she looked at his shoes again, this time seeing a tiny circular dot between the laces that turned out to be a lens.
“Come with me!” she ordered, taking his arm again and leading him the short distance to the security office, where she saw a dozen or so upskirt photos on his phone. Standing over his foot with the camera app active, she could see up her skirt to the black satin panties she wore. She felt a twinge in her crotch when she snapped a picture.
“It’s a Bluetooth spy camera,” he finally admitted, picking the tiny disc off his shoe and showing it to her.
Limited by her managers, she sought a solution to the problem of Connor. Hoping to scare him without being able to actually do anything, she took a similar approach as last time.
“You just can’t stop, can you, Connor? Maybe you think during the ‘giving’ season, one of these women will want to give themselves to you?” No reaction.
“Or maybe you’re just hoping they’ll want to feel your hand in their panties?” He looked down and wet his lips.
“Hm? Maybe they’d like this handsome young man to take them to a discrete corner of the store and finger them to orgasm?” Still looking down, his breathing quickened.
“After you’ve made them cum once, they’d have you stick your head up their skirt, pull their panties aside, and have you lick them till they cum in your face?” Only now did she realize her strategy was backfiring, and while making him decidedly more uncomfortable, it was also getting her wet and horny.
Not thinking straight anymore, she convinced herself that pushing this ‘boy’ to an extreme form of his fetish would cure him of it. The angel on her shoulder tried to warn her, but the devil on the other shoulder spoke louder.
“Here!” she said, handing his phone back. “Look at the last picture!” He did and looked up, confused, knowing he hadn’t taken that pic. “Maybe this will help you figure it out!” she said as she reached up under her skirt, pulled her panties off, and stuffed them in his face. “Is that what you want? You want to smell a woman’s sex?”
He took the proffered pungent panties and held them close to his nose, inhaling the scent several times. Seeing her unhinged as she was, he didn’t know what to do or think other than just going with the flow.
“Get up!” she suddenly demanded, and when he stood, she pulled the plain narrow bench away from the wall. “Lay down! Face up!” she commanded, throwing the deadbolt on the door.
Connor obeyed, thinking there could be only one reason for his position, but at the same time, he couldn’t conceive of it actually happening. He lay motionless, his arms at his side and his face turning to follow Dakota around the room.
She was at war with herself. The angel wouldn’t shut up, and she knew she shouldn’t do it, but it had been so long since anyone had touched her pussy, let alone licked it. The devil won again, and she lifted a leg over to straddle Connor’s prone body.
“Is this what you want, Connor? Hm? A nice, wet cunt!” she cried as she pulled her skirt up to reveal the swollen lips of her neglected pussy.
He stared in awe, never imagining such a fantasy coming to reality, his anxiety growing with each small step she took forward, stopping only inches from his quivering mouth. He looked up past her puss to her wild eyes. He worried what would happen if he didn’t do it right; didn’t make her cum as he’d never licked a girl before and certainly never had a vagina stuffed in his face.
“Come on, Connor! Show me what you can do!” she said as she took that final step forward and sat square on his face, her lips splayed on his chin.
He extended his tongue and licked tenuously, but she didn’t want gentle. Just having his face in her slit was satisfying at this point, but fearing his inexperience, she rocked her hips fore and aft, his mouth and nose sawing into her grateful gash.
Looking into his frightened eyes, she grabbed his head with both hands, pounding her pussy with his face. His tongue flailed around, unable to accomplish anything except being something else for her to wipe her pussy on.
“Oh God! Oh! Ungh! Ungh!” she grunted and gasped as the first real orgasm she’d had in months crashed over her, coating his face in her flowing juice.
Still squirming on his face while she calmed down, Connor still had no idea what to do. He gasped when she finally lifted enough to let him breathe, and he moved to get up, thinking they were done.
“Oh no, I’m not done with you yet!” she cried, looking down at his alarmed face. “Is this what you were secretly hoping for, Connor?” she asked, getting a quick nod in response but he was confused when she lifted her leg over him.
Turning around, she straddled him again, this time giving him her ass to look at, and moved into position, holding her pussy just above his mouth.
“Let’s see what you can do with that tongue!” she said, giving him a chance to perform.
Licking her again, his tongue was quickly covered with her cum still flowing from her needy pussy. He tried to bring his hands into the act but was scolded, telling him to use only his tongue. He’d seen videos of pussy licking but never paid much attention to the nuances, only seeing a tongue licking a pussy, so he licked. Up and down her slit and even poking inside once or twice.
Impatient with his inexpert attempts, Dakota retook control, her hips rocking such that his nose, mouth, and chin were pressed against everything from her clit to her anus. Still sensitive from her first climax, she ground his head into the hard bench, demanding another, and before long, she got it, her thighs shaking and her ass smothering him as she sat hard for stability.
Again, he gasped for breath when she finally lifted off his face, and despite the abuse, was loving every minute of it, the bulge in his pants a testament to his arousal. Squirming on the bench to get his dick out of an uncomfortable position called her attention to it.
“One more time, Connor? Hm? I can tell you’re enjoying it!” she said, rubbing her palm on the pronounced lump. “Come on! Make me cum again, and maybe you will too!” she said as he groaned at the stimulus she was providing.
Filling his mouth with her dripping-wet pussy, she silenced him while continuing to rub his dick through his pants. Moving her hips side to side this time, she painted his face with her juice, his pleasured gasps heard intermittently when his mouth wasn’t covered.
She was just getting going again when his cries became more plaintive, not realizing why until she saw a wet stain bleeding into the fabric of his light-colored slacks. She laughed at his predicament and continued using his face as her sex toy.
“Put your fingers in my pussy!” she said, having to help him find the hole. “Now fuck me with your fingers! Yeah! That’s it!” she cried as she rubbed her clit against his lips. “Yeah! Yeah! Oh! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” she screamed as her hands fell to the bench to support her.
Her body stiffened, and she lifted off his face just in time for several streams of clear fluid to splash into Connor’s face and hair. Still straddling him, with her hands on either side of his hips, she was gradually able to breathe normally, and she got up to sit in one of the chairs again.
“Wow! It’s been years since I’ve had a squirting orgasm!” she said, smiling at the distasteful look on his face as he sniffed suspiciously.
“Was that …?” he started, but she interrupted laughing.
“No, it’s not pee! Just think, Connor! You can say you made a woman squirt!” she laughed, seeing his wet face, shirt, and hair, as well as the cum stain in his pants.
She reached for her panties and pulled them on while reaching for the lock on the door.
“Now, get out of here! And if I see you in my mall again, I’ll …” she started and decided she couldn’t finish that sentence.
I never met a mall cop like Dakota in my shoplifting days! Remember to ‘Like’ and/or ‘Favorite’ my story if you liked it and Thanks For Reading!