Making Her Big Screen Debut–The Redemption of Carol Valarina

"Story of a late bloomer coming of age."

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Unless I want to get stuck taking a different exit, I better start moving over before I sail right past mine. My heart starts pounding fiercely as I signal my blinker to merge out of the express lane. So fierce in fact, that by the time I’m two lanes over it feels like my heart is going to beat right out of my barely covered breast. This is a feeling I’m well acquainted with, a feeling that has always stopped me dead in my tracks and backpedaling in the direction from which I had been coming.

I ain’t going to allow that to happen to me this time though. Not without a fight at least. If I don’t battle through it, my anxiety will always end up getting the best of me. I take a few deep breaths and continue changing lanes. As I exit the freeway my heart is still pounding but I feel more exhilarated than I do scared. By the time I begin slowing down for the stoplight at the end of the exit, my excitement feels almost uncontainable.

Once I come to a complete stop, I remember how godawful long this light is and quickly regret not missing my exit. A car pulls up to the light behind me and its headlights fill my Caddy with a soft LED glow. I decide to take advantage of the flattering ambiance to refresh my makeup.

I quickly dig my lipstick out from my travel compact and lift open the cover to my visor’s vanity mirror. After applying a fresh coat of fire-engine-red to my lips, I add a thin layer of my favorite cherry-flavored lip gloss to help give them a shine. My eyeshadow looks good but I could definitely use a smidge bit more eyeliner. I don’t know what it is, but something about black eyeliner has always made me feel sexy as hell. As I give myself one last look over, I can’t help but notice that no matter how often I still feel like a little girl on the inside, the reflection I see in the mirror is now telling a different story.

“I know you’re still in there somewhere Sweetheart,” I say searching my eyes for a glimmering trace of that little girl to reappear. “I’m sorry for all of the times that I have let us down. I know I haven’t always been the best at following through, but it’s not going to be like that anymore. We’ve got this.”

This, at the present moment, is a fantasy I have had for my entire life; well, maybe not my entire life, but definitely most of my adult life. Until recently though I always thought it would never exist outside of my own head. Now that I am divorced, single and without any vows to uphold for the very first time since, well since high school if you can believe that, I can’t find any reason not to bring this thing to life.

God only knows I’ve done all of the mental preparations a girl could possibly do. Plus, I’ve already purchased enough condoms to cover an entire Navy ship’s worth of horny sailors just getting back from a long tour at sea. I know that’s probably only wishful thinking on my part, but last I checked a girl can still dream, right?

After what feels like an eternity, the light finally turns green. As I make the left turn I feel exuberant and radiant. Not only has my make-up been refreshed but even more importantly, my confidence feels restored as well. I tell you, there isn’t much a girl can’t do with just the right touch of makeup and a healthy self pep talk.

While I’m driving I try to imagine all of the different types of men who might be attending the theater tonight. I tried staking the place out a few times but had no real way of coming up with an accurate number. I saw many people coming and going from the building that housed the theater but to as how many of them were actually visiting the theater, that I couldn’t tell you. I was just relieved that none of them looked like creepy old perverts. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m sure they were a little bit creepy, and if I’m lucky, perverted too. But hey, how many of us really aren’t, right?

What I was relieved about was that none of them looked like they were old enough to of been my father or grandfather. Most of them appeared to be middle-aged just like myself. But there were a few here and there that looked a little wet behind the ears. Most likely just out of high school. Ohh wouldn’t that be nice! I haven’t been with a high school-aged chap since I was still in high school myself.

Now in case you’re wondering what led up to me becoming an adult bookstore/theater stalker, let me tell you. First, I prefer to look at myself more as a connoisseur. Stalker just makes me sound straight-ass crazy. So the very first time I ventured into the place was the Friday that my divorce had officially become finalized. I had just finished signing all of the paperwork and wasn’t in too much of a hurry to get home to my empty and lonely house.

So I was just driving around kind of mindlessly when I saw the huge neon banner sign jump out at me. It was advertising a temporary lingerie sale at 75% off. Wonderful I thought. I have to stop. What a perfect time for me to restock my lingerie collection. The lingerie I had sitting at home was doing nothing more than collecting dust at this point, lingerie that I thought would make him want to touch me again. Drawers-full of it that I had bought when I was still hoping our marriage could be saved: Lingerie that had been worn but never noticed, lingerie that could only conjure up bad memories for me now, lingerie that I just now decided would be finding its way into my trash bin the second I get home.

I must’ve still been in somewhat of a daydream when I first walked into the place because I failed to notice it wasn’t strictly an adult boutique. Before I knew it I was in an aisle full of adult movies containing every type of fetish and kink you could ever imagine. The next aisle over I was almost swallowed by a sea of personal lubricants. By the time I found myself surrounded by medieval BDSM gear, anal plugs, and dildos.

I figured I must’ve walked into the wrong place. It wasn’t until I was on my way out that I noticed the sign reading, “LINGERIE LOCATED UPSTAIRS” in big, bold letters, as well as an arrow pointing to the stairwell. How could I have missed that on my way in, then quickly noticed it was set up that way for a reason. I followed the arrows up to the second floor and was greeted by the biggest collection of lingerie I have ever seen.

An old feisty woman welcomed me with a well-rehearsed, all of our lingerie is 75% off, please don’t hesitate to ask me if you have any questions.” I assured her I wouldn’t and wandered off into the giant maze of lingerie that seemed to be beckoning me.

After maybe forty-five minutes of steady shopping, I began to feel like I was being watched. I surveyed my surroundings and quickly confirmed what my intuition was trying to tell me. Across the other side of the store stood two young men with thier eyes glued on me. Before I knew what I was doing I locked eyes with them and began running my tongue over my lips as seductively as any out-of-practice woman possibly can. This is kind of fun I thought. Perhaps flirting isn’t all that much different from riding a bike. Once you know how to do it, you just always know how to do it.

I made my way back to the front of the store and laid the lingerie I had chosen onto the counter. The saleswoman made sure to point out how much she hated the new computerized POS system they had just recently installed and that I would have to bear with her. Ugh, I thought to myself and quickly got an idea. My eyes shift their attention back to where my two admirers were a few moments earlier. I was pleasantly pleased to see that only one of them was standing there now.

I slowly began sliding the back of my short dress up a little bit so he could have a view of my barely covered ass. I have to admit, there was something about being watched while shopping for intimate wear inside of an adult bookstore that was turning me on. I haven’t felt this sexually liberated since, well probably since never. I decided to take advantage of my newfound sexual courage and asked the saleswoman if they had a bathroom nearby. She lifted her head up long enough to point me in the right direction then went right back to trying to figure out the store’s POS system. I excused myself to the restroom and she promised she’d have my sales rang up by the time I got back.

I passed the gentleman on my way and let my hand discreetly brush up against his crotch. I instantly felt his erection jump inside of his jeans. I signaled for him to follow me into the men’s room, and after seeing that the old lady was focused on my sales he entered the bathroom behind me.

Without saying a word I unbuckled his pants and slid them all the way down to his ankles. He was pretty well hung and for a moment I remember thinking there’s no way I’m going to be able to fit all of him into my mouth. Well, there was only one way I’m going to find out. I dropped to my knees, slid my hands down the base of his shaft, and began circling the head of his throbbing member with my tongue. After teasing him this way for about a minute, I slid both of my hands around his waist and pulled him into my eagerly awaiting mouth. It only took a few thrusts before I began to taste the first droplets of precum inside of my throat.

“Don’t you dare cum before fucking me!” I warned him while getting to my feet.

He quickly spins me around and lifts the back of my dress up over my waist.

“Pull your panties off now!” He barks into my ear while firmly holding my dress up over my hips with both of his hands.

I slide my panties down to my ankles and stepped out of them. Just feeling his hard erection pressing up against my bare ass almost causes me to climax. While still clutching me tightly around my waist, he bends me over the sink and forces the length of his entire cock deep inside of my hot and soaking wet cunt with one hard thrust.

“Oh my God!” I say as my pussy starts to tighten and constrict around his manhood. “You’re about to make me cum!”

“No, not yet I’m not,” He says right before pulling himself completely out of my dripping snatch and reentering himself deep into my tight virgin ass, “but I bet I will be now!”

“Oh my God, yes! Please don’t stop!” I found myself telling him. I had never been fucked up my ass before, and to tell you the truth, I was liking it. I was liking it a lot.

As I start to cum for what felt like at least the second time, he pressed me down hard onto the countertop and shoots his load deep into my ass.

The moment he was done with me, he pulled up his pants, washed his hands, and walked out–leaving me there trembling in orgasmic bliss, holding onto the countertop to keep myself from falling onto the floor. I grabbed my composure, pulled my panties back up and quickly began washing my hands. Who am I, I ask myself while looking into the mirror straightening my dress. I don’t know, but I think I like her, I answer right back.

The old woman had my sales rang up for me when I got back just as she promised. While she ran my credit card she informed me that since my purchase total was over a hundred dollars I could use my receipt for a free eight-hour complimentary pass in their adult theater. I thanked her, and since I have never been in one told her I just might do that. “Oh you should dear,” she said, “it’s an experience every mature, red-blooded woman should have at least once during their lifetime.” That first trip is what had me going back again the next two following Fridays.

The first Friday I went back, I never left the comfort of my car. Instead, I decided to do some surveillance. From a darker corner of the parking lot, I sat in my vehicle and watched as the many different patrons entered and exited the adult establishment. I paid extra attention to the ones who left without any of the stores black plastic bags. I figured these would be the ones who I would most likely be encountering in the theater. After two hours of spying and seeing nothing more than what looked like your typical run-of-the-mill type people, I decided I’d seen enough, and drove home to get some rest.

The following Friday, at the ripe old age of forty, I decided to finally purchase my very first battery-powered device. Now believe me, it wasn’t my lack of curiosity that prevented me from experimenting with toys before. If there’s one thing I am, it’s curious. The reason I’ve never owned one before now is that they posed a threat to my insecure ex’s fragile manhood.

The one time I tried mentioning them to him as a way to spice things up in the bedroom, he quickly forbid me from ever owning one. Not only did he forbid me, but he also made me feel as though there was something wrong with me for merely bringing the subject up. I can’t even put into words how mortified it made me feel when he started praying for me right there on the spot asking God to rid me of my impure thoughts. What started out as an evening full of hope and wonder–wanting nothing more than to increase our communication and intimacy–ended up with us praying to Jesus to come and cleanse me from my sick and twisted mind. Let me tell you, it’s a funny thing the way prayers get, or in my case, don’t get answered sometimes. Oh well. From now on the only one who’ll be missing out on my sick and twisted mind will be him.

Well, that about brings us up to speed. As I pull into the theater parking lot I can’t remember if there was ever a time that I wanted something–anything–as bad as I wanted this. Nothing’s going to stop me now. Then, as though almost on cue, the all too familiar voice in my head shows up:

I don’t know what you’re getting all excited about, Carol. We both know that this current high and mighty wave you’re riding is a completely bogus charade. Nothing but a sham. You know it and everyone else knows it too. You can pretend to be confident and strong all you want, but at the end of the day, we both know you’re nothing but a sorry, pathetic loser!

“Fuck you!” I say to the voice in my head while opening my car door and placing my six-inch white stilettoed heel onto the asphalt. When I feel the summer evening’s warm breeze blow its breath against my fully exposed, pantyless pussy, I almost climax. At this rate, I’m going to be having orgasm after god damn orgasm regardless if there’s even another soul in the theater tonight. But I have no doubt in my mind that this will not be a strictly solo performance.

As I walk from my car to the Adult Bookstore’s front door I find the sound of my heels clicking on the pavement to be quite erotic and highly arousing to my ears. Almost soothing. I take an immediate right the second I enter the place and proceed to the stairs. As I climb the stairs I feel a wet friction forming between my legs as my pussy lips begin sliding against one another. It feels so amazing that it takes everything I’ve got not to stop to start fingering myself right there in the stairwell.

I press on and by the time I have taken the last step onto the second floor, my pussy has gotten so wet that I can feel my juices running down the entire length of both my legs. I quickly take my lingerie receipt out from my purse and wonder what I need to do to redeem it. I see that the old hare who was working the first time I came in is on tonight, so I gladly allow the clicks of my heels to escort me over to her counter.

“All of our lingerie is currently 75% off, please don’t hesitate…”, she began before I interrupt her by completing the rest of her greeting, which, from the look on her face, I quickly regretted doing.

“I’m sorry ma’am. I didn’t mean any disrespect. I was in here a few weeks ago and I’m not sure where to go to redeem this,” I said holding up the receipt. “I’m sorry if I threw you off”

“Sweetheart, rudeness seldom throws me off. That is, not anywhere near as close to how a beautiful woman needing directions does!” She says while giving me a wink and a playful smile.

Oh my god is this happening? Am I really getting reprimanded and hit on all at the same time? What am I supposed to say? Come on, Carol, think!

After what feels like an eternity standing there in awkward silence like a complete idiot, the old lady decides to let me off the hook.

“Relax dear.” She says. “I’m not gay for you. I’m not even gay at all. I just like giving people a hard time. Now please, what exactly is your question?”

As the blood begins to run back into my face, I nervously hand her my receipt for redemption.

“Ah yes! I thought you looked familiar. You couldn’t have picked a better night for spreading those pretty little wings of yours.”

“Wings?” I reply trying to keep the mood playful, “I was thinking more along the lines of my legs. But hey, you never know.”

“I knew there was something I liked about you,” she says while tapping her finger to the side of her temple. “Great minds you know!”

“If by great you mean sick, then yeah, I know all too well what you‘re talking about.”

She pointed me in the right direction, and I-with the soothing sound of my heels-make my way over to the theater door. I pause for only a moment to take a deep breath then pull open the door and slip inside. Not allowing my eyes enough time to adjust I let the sound of the pornography playing in the distance guide me down the corridor and directly into the auditorium.

There were five rows with what looked like maybe four to five seats in each of them. There was also a queen-sized bed against the far wall between the movie screen and the first row. I made my way to the fourth row and purposely plopped myself down into a seat right next to another moviegoer. He instantly shifts in his seat and tries to hide the fact that he is jerking off.

“You know it’s going to be awfully hard for me to stroke that for you if you put it away,” I say while pretending to be focused on the movie playing in front of us.

“Sorry what was that?” the stranger ask a moment later.

“I said, I hope you don’t mind if I stroke your cock for you.”

With my eyes still glued on the screen in front of us, I started stroking his cock with one hand while rubbing my clit with the other. Once my fingers had gotten nice and wet with my scent, I placed them on his lips directly under his nose. After a good long sniff, he opened his mouth and runs his tongue up and down my fingers, savoring all of my juices with his mouth. I stopped stroking his cock just long enough for me to place his hand between my thighs. At first, he only teased me, running the tips of his fingers up and down my wet and silky slit. I teased him just the same, barely allowing my hand to touch his cock as I slid it up and down his shaft. I then tightly gripped the base of his cock with one hand while running my fingers lightly across the head with my other. Then, as he began to fingerbang me like crazy, I start dry stroking the holy hell out of his cock.

“Jesus lady”, he said. “If you don’t stop you’re going to make me cum!”

“I ain’t no fucking Jesus Lady,” I assured him, “and if you’re gonna cum, it better damn well be down my throat! Let’s go down there where we’ll have more room so I can finish you off with my mouth.”

I stood up with his cock still firmly gripped in my hand and led him by it down to the bed at center stage. I crawl up onto it and get on all fours. I lower my head, put my mouth tightly around his throbbing erection and stick my bare ass up as high as I can into the air and shake it into the direction of the patrons still in their seats.

Under the lights from the movie playing on the big screen, the guy from row four begins to face-fuck me right there in front of everyone. I reach up between my legs and use my fingers to spread my pussy lips wide apart. I knew this would be too tempting for any heterosexual American male to resist, especially the ones horny enough to be jerking off inside of an adult theater. Seconds later, as I began fingering myself, I felt a warm tongue begin licking the entire length of my ass crack. It felt amazing and I couldn’t stop myself from moaning in pleasure once he began pushing his tongue in and out my tight little asshole.

“Oh my god,” I shouted in ecstasy with Row Four still crammed deep in my throat. “I want you to fuck me in the ass!”

He spits on my asshole, and after making sure I’m good and lubed up, slowly slides the head of his cock in and out of me just as he was doing with his tongue. He repeated that a few more times to loosen me up, adding to my already heightened state of arousal. Just as I’m thinking I can’t handle the teasing any longer, he gave one good, hard thrust and started pounding away at my asshole. It felt so good that I quickly started thrusting my ass backwards to meet each one of his own. That was when I got my first taste of Row Four’s sweet and salty cream as little drops of precum started setting my taste buds on fire. Seconds later he grabbed hold of my head and painted the back of my throat with his warm and savory jizz.

“Oh my god Row Four,” I said with half of his load still sitting in my throat, “you taste so fucking good!”

Hearing that is all it took for the guy banging me from behind to announce he was about to cum.

“Yeah?” I asked. “Shoot it on my face!”

He pulls out as I roll onto my back allowing him to be positioned right above my face.

“I want to feel your cum all over my face so bad,” I begged, hoping my words will help finish him off. “Please, sir. Give me your cum. I need your cum!”

I closed my eyes and open my mouth just in time for him to cover my entire face with his cum.

I lay there with my eyes closed for the next few minutes scooping the cum off my face and licking every last drop of it off my fingers.

When I opened my eyes I noticed that the four remaining men had now gathered around me and were jerking their cocks to the sight they are witnessing. My eyes set in on a black man welding the biggest cock I had ever seen, I couldn’t resist and signaled for him to come and join me on the bed. He lay down on his back and told me to straddle him. As I began to crawl on top of him he lifted me up like I couldn’t weigh more than a feather and set me down about halfway onto his throbbing meat. With his hands still suspending me in mid-air, he began to thrust up and down only penetrating me with half of his ginormous member.

“I want to take it all,” I tell him while removing his hands from my hips and pushing myself down fully onto his cock. I moaned loudly in pleasure as his cock filled my pussy like it had never been filled before. I slowly lifted myself up until only the head of his throbbing member remains inside of me, then quickly sit back down, allowing him to completely fill me once again. After repeating this motion a few more times I began to feel an incredible pressure building throughout my lower extremities as I started to bounce up and down on his shaft like a crazy woman. Before I even know what’s happening I began to squirt for the first time in my entire life. I completely soaked, not only his big, black cock, but his chest and face as well. At first, I felt very embarrassed, but the moment I saw the glowing smile on the face looking back at me the feeling quickly dispersed.

It didn’t take long before the others joined in. While still sitting on Big Black’s cock, one of them came up and mounted me from behind to ram his cock deep inside of my ass. As the remaining two men made their way over to my face it didn’t take long for me to realize that–here I am–inside of an Adult Theater with two cocks shoved deep into my mouth, one in my ass and another pounding my pussy, that I’m actually doing it. I’m living out what I always believed would be nothing more than a dream. Over the next few hours, the seven of us continued to fuck in every position imaginable. Up until that point, probably even a few that had yet to be imagined.

The end

Copyright © 2021 Rocco Zuardo

Published 3 years ago

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