Making a Scene — Part One

"Two couples have a sex filled evening creating a special birthday celebration"

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The dinner at the restaurant with Nick and Melissa was planned to be a fun celebration of Jake’s 54th birthday. It was not a surprise, but Sara kept hinting all week that it was going to be an evening of fun with friends. She was purposely evasive when he probed her for more information.

“I promise we’re going to have an awesome celebration,” said Sara with an impish grin. “We have lots of plans.”

Sara was hoping that Jake would go with the flow, since the plans for the evening may be a little out of his comfort zone. In recent years, she had given up on giving him presents for his birthday. It was too hard to find something he needed, or even wanted. Her surprises shifted toward experiences that they could have together. She’s a planner, and birthdays were just another event to wrap fun activities around. Jake enjoyed the change and looked forward to these adventures, which seemed to get better every year.

The evening started off early. Nick and Melissa picked up Jake and Sara at 5 PM so they could get ahead of the Saturday night crowd. Jake’s actual birthday was the next day, but it was more convenient to hit the town on a Saturday and make a night of it.

The two couples had met while attending a beginner rock climbing class three years earlier. The climbing gym had just opened in town, and they were hosting introductory sessions to get people interested in making climbing part of their fitness routine. It was a fun way to meet people, but neither Sara nor Jake found rock climbing to be interesting. However, the two couples had a lot of similar interests, so the friendship developed, and continued long after the gym memberships ended.

Jake and Sara were adventurous, so weekends were often filled with outdoor events like hiking and mountain biking. Nick and Melissa were not nearly as experienced in the outdoor activities, but they were willing to try new experiences, and always enjoyed the time with friends.

There was a shared sense of freedom amongst the four of them. They had raised their kids and done family duties for more than 25 years. Their kids were off to various careers and colleges, leaving their parents to spend the much-needed time together doing the activities they enjoyed. All four of them were physically fit and able to get up and go whenever they wanted to. This freedom also extended to their sexuality. Both couples were open about how sex was much more relaxing and fun in their 50’s. The pressure was off and there was no longer any pretense about what it was supposed to be. Consequently, the sex was better than ever.

Melissa was very open about what she liked about having sex. She sometimes got quite graphic about Nick’s love making after having some drinks. The couples had multiple humorous discussions about fucking, and Melissa seemed to enjoy expressing her sexuality.

“I totally scream sometimes when I cum,” Melissa confessed during a relaxed evening of drinking. “It’s great having kids off at college. I can yell ‘fuck me’ whenever I want.”

Sara put her hand over her mouth in embarrassment but could not contain her laughter. She was used to Melissa’s raunchy comments. For Sara, it was liberating to have friends that weren’t uptight and felt comfortable talking about their experiences. She was not nearly as open as Melissa, but her mind had plenty of fantasies that she was willing to explore in the future.

Later that evening, Jake was making love to Sara after the couple had returned home. Suddenly, Sara started saying ‘fuck me’ to mimic Melissa. Jake just rolled off her while laughing, his wet dick standing tall and proud. Sara took the opportunity to grab his cock and stick it in her mouth still mumbling ‘fuck me’.

But tonight, it was all about the birthday celebration. Both Sara and Melissa had dressed appropriately for the occasion. Tight jeans and sexy tops, nothing too fancy, but certainly showcasing their parts nicely. Sara had bought some new heels that raised we ass nicely and accentuated her legs. They were in their 50’s, but the guys still took notice as they walked across the restaurant to our table. The couples had cocktails and a nice dinner together, small talking about recent activities and joking about fun things we had done together.

The ladies were especially giddy during dinner and kept making sexy innuendos about each other. There was a little bit of whispering between the two, which Jake dismissed as plans for the evening. It was apparent that both Jake and Nick were in the dark, but they allowed the girls to have their secret and just go with it.

The obligatory piece of cake with a candle was served up by the restaurant with four forks. Jake acted surprised and blew out the candle as the table sang happy birthday. The dinner had been fun, but it was barely 7:30 at that point. On a Saturday, they usually didn’t even head out until that time. Now they were headed to the car. Jake knew there was something more, and he was anxious to find out what they had in store.

Nick was driving so he turned to Melissa and asked, “Where to?”

Melissa just smiled and turned to Sara saying, “You tell them the plans.”

Nick was sensing a long explanation, so he put the car back into park and turned around to listen to Sara.

“Well, I hope you guys are up for doing something a little wild,” Sara said in a coy way. “Melissa and I have been talking about a night we can all remember.”

“Okay,” said Jake suspiciously.

Sara opened her purse and pulled out a glossy brochure and handed it to Jake.

He quickly looked at it with a nervous smile. The title line was “Intimate Moments Studios”. The text below provided an additional description.

‘Capture the passion and excitement of your love. Intimate videos featuring Boudoir Scenes and Love Making. Release your inner exhibitionist.’ The brochure had multiple soft images of beautiful couples in various stages of intimacy.

Jake just stared at the brochure trying to get a sense of what Sara was implying.

“What is it?” Nick asked impatiently.

“I’m not completely sure, but it involves fucking,” answered Jake in a lighthearted tone.

“Fucking?” Nick said as his eyebrows raised.

“Now you have his attention,” Melissa said with a smile.

“Well, let me explain a little more about what we have arranged,” said Sara taking the brochure from Jake and giving it to Nick.

Sara explained that she and Melissa had been talking for a couple of months about having new experiences sexually. Both ladies had shared a touch of boredom with the current bedroom activities. Melissa suggested that the couples should try to experiment a little and be open with one another about ways to challenge each other to be more sexual. After that, Sara started doing some research about ways to spice up their sex when she came across this website. Intimate Moments is a video crew that will capture everything from a tame boudoir seen in wearing lingerie, to a hard-core sex video. They mostly work with amateur couples who want to see themselves on a screen.

“I hope you guys aren’t too shocked by this,” said Sara shyly. “We set up a video shoot for both couples to make videos tonight at the studio.”

“Wow,” was all Jake could say. After pausing for a second and looking at Nick, Jake smiled and said, “Sounds like quite a birthday present.”

“You mean we’re going to fuck, and they are going to video us?” asked Nick.

“Well, it is more like they are going to capture our intimate moments,” said Melissa.

“I think that’s the same thing,” indicated Nick with a smile.

“Maybe, we’ll have to see,” admitted Melissa.

“You guys seem a little hesitant,” asked Sara nervously.

“Not at all,” responded Jake quickly. “I’m just trying to get my head around it.”

“Need to hear more about what you have in mind,” said Nick as he read through the brochure.

Melissa took the lead on the explanation and laid out the plan to them. It involved heading over to the studio where they did the video. Sara and Melissa had already checked it out and indicated it was very legitimate. There were three sets that they used for filming and each set could be configured to create the right ambience the couple decided on.

“So, how will this work?” Nick asked inquisitively.

“Well, we decided that each couple would have a video session which would last about an hour,” explained Melissa. “I volunteered us to go first.”

“Oh, I see.” said Nick looking a little nervous.

“Who’s in the room during the video shoot?” asked Jake.

Sara explained that there will be two cameramen and one additional person to help with the lighting and directing. “The whole setup is very professional, and they are experienced videographers. They’ve done this hundreds of times,” said Sara. “We were also thinking that the other couple would also watch during the filming.”

Nick cleared his throat and looked at Melissa. “Are you okay with that?”

“Of course,” she replied quickly. “Nothing to hide here babe.”

“We don’t want it to be awkward, but showing off for the other couple is part of the fun,” said Sara.

“So, if we are all okay to check this out, we need to get moving,” said Melissa. “We are supposed to be there at 8PM.”

“Show me the way,” said Nick as he put the car in drive.

Jake smiled at Sara as they held hands in the back seat of the car. “You always have great surprises for my birthday,” said Jake as he looked into her eyes. “I could not have dreamed up this one in a million years.”

Sara smiled and pulled him close to her. “We’ll have some fun with it.” Sara was feeling relieved that the initial reveal of the plan had gone well. She knew that Jake would go for it, but surprising him was always risky.

The restaurant was selected because it was only a ten-minute drive from the studio. They were pulling up to the building before they had any more time to talk about what was about to go down.

“Are we ready to be exhibitionists?” Melissa asked the group.

Nick laughed at the question and added, “I’m just hoping there’s no performance anxiety. I don’t have any Viagra.”

“I think you’re going to rise to the occasion,” Melissa responded with a smile.

The group piled out of the car and Sara led the way into the building with an air of confidence.

The studio was in a single-story office building with lettering on the door that said U-Star Productions. The front door went into a small lobby that was less than 10 feet square and only had a couple of chairs in it. The was a buzzer by the other door that Sara immediately pressed after the group entered. Within fifteen seconds, the door opened, and they were greeted by a Man and a woman who were probably around forty years old.

“Hey, you made it,” said the man looking at Sara and smiling.

“Hi Marcus,” responded Sara with familiarity. “Yup, we’re here for the big night.”

“Well, we’re excited you’re here,” he said warmly. “C’mon in.”

As the group entered the main studio, he introduced himself to Nick and Jake and introduced them to his wife Sam. They explained that they started this business about eight years ago, and they have shot more than 350 videos with couples and individuals. For confidentiality, they maintain a low profile on the outside of the building and try not to tell people much about the type of productions they do.

“Let’s show you around the studio,” Marcus said with a friendly gesture. “It won’t take long.”

From the main area, you could see all three sets that they used for the video scene. The sets were small rooms with three walls and an open front. Exactly what you might expect at a studio where they film a sitcom. Two of the sets were furnished with bedroom furniture and one was set up like a living room.

“We’ve tried to make these rooms comfortable, but also very flexible for filming,” said Sam. “The lighting took a while to get dialed in, but we can create a lot of different moods to suit the requirements.”

They were very proud of what they had created and seemed to be dedicated to producing high quality videos and not amateur porn.

“Over here we have the green room, so to speak,” said Marcus as he opened a door to a comfortable lounge area. “We have the couple change in here and get themselves ready prior to the shoot.”

“I’ll bet those walls have some stories to tell,” said Nick humorously.

“Indeed, we can share some stories some other time,” said Marcus with a chuckle.

“So, Chuck will also be joining us in a few minutes, to help out with the shoot,” said Sam. “He worked for years as a cameraman on television news crews. He is not only great with the camera, but he’s also a wiz with the gear. He’s our fix-it guy.”

Sara and Melissa had not met Chuck previously, and had not given much thought to the third participant. It didn’t make a lot of difference to them, but he was a bit of an unknown factor, and he would be filming them shortly. Sara’s face showed the slightest bit of uncertainty at the description of Chuck. Sam was quick to reassure her that she would love him.

Both Nick and Jake were rather quiet during the tour and the explanation.

“I know this was a bit of a surprise to you guys,” Sam asked addressing them both. “What questions do you have?”

“How long does the video taping last?” asked Jake.

Marcus explained that the video time would take one hour and that they would film from five or six different positions. This involved moving the couple around and probably changing some lighting. He indicated that guys often lose their erection during the resetting of the positions, but they usually come back quickly once the filming starts again. He stressed several times that the goal is to make the scene look relaxed, natural, and very sensual. He assured them there was nothing to be nervous about.

“So, there is some preliminary information we need to decide on before we get started,” said Sam. “Let’s have a seat at the table and talk through the logistics.”

She explained that they try to work with the couple to choreograph the story they want to tell. Sam was the art director and maintained the flow of the story. They had a list of questions that they wanted to answer to help them stay on track during the filming process.

Sam started to arrange some papers on the table and organize herself. As she did this, Nick was looking around the studio taking it all in.

“I like the wall posters from various video projects. You guys do nice work. I assume you ask permission before printing these up,” asked Nick.

“Well, yes and no,” said Sam. “We would certainly get permission for any image that we print, but we didn’t need to get permission for these because they are all pictures of the two of us.”

That comment got everyone looking more closely at the wall art. Jake stood up and moved close to one image that was particularly graphic. It was a very large poster of a couple on a bed, him on his back and the female straddled over him, clearly riding his cock. The bodies were beautifully illuminated, and the background was slightly blurred to accentuate the people. Learning this was Sam and Marcus made the image even more intriguing.

“Don’t stare dear,” said Sara. “That’s going to be me later this evening.”

Sam laughed at her comment and said, “Oh. We plan to be lot more graphic than that with you guys. That’s just an image that was suitable to showcase the artistry we are trying to achieve. We can give you a link to the entire video if you’re interested.”

Jake turned from the poster and muttered, “We want that link.”

“So, let’s work through the questions for the story board,” Sam said officially.

She indicated that they usually just work with one couple at a time, but they could story board both sessions if that was okay with the group.

Question One: Do you want to film yourselves performing oral on each other?

Both couples indicated yes.

Question two: Do you usually start your love making with oral sex?

Both couples again said yes.

Which positions are you most interested in filming?

This took a bit more thought. Melissa and Nick decided they wanted face to face, doggie and cowgirl. Jake and Sara had a similar list of positions, but with some prompting from Sam, they decided to include position where they would lie on their side and Jake would enter her from behind with Sara’s legs spread open. This is one of the most revealing poses for the camera, as well as a very erotic position that comes across well in the final production.

Sara blushed a little at the thought of spreading wide, but she was up for the challenge. After she agreed to do this, Melissa said it sounded hot and that she wanted to do something similar.

“Don’t worry,” said Sam. “If you’re up for some hard-core positions, we can work them into the flow.”

Question three: Do you want to include an anal scene?

Both couples said no, but Melissa said she would save that for next time and the group laughed.

Question four: Do you want a cum shot?

Sam explained that some couples just want to climax in the traditional way, which is beautiful and natural, others want a more explicit cum shot to give it a more porno vibe.

She looked at Melissa for an answer.

“Let’s go with an explicit cum shot,” she said smiling.

“Face, stomach or ass?” Sam asked matter-of-factly.

“What does face mean?” asked Melissa.

Sam explained that usually this was shot with a final blow-job scene where Nick will cum on your face and mouth.

“Hmm, that sounds hot,” said Melissa. “Let’s go with that.”

Sara looked a little surprised at Melissa’s response. “I want to see how they do with it and then decide. Is that okay?”

“Sure, we can figure that out once we get started,” said Sam as she wrote down the responses.

While the question-and-answer sessions were proceeding, Chuck arrived and started to busy himself with the camera and lighting set ups. He stopped by the table to introduce himself.

“I don’t want to interrupt, but let me introduce myself,” Chuck said with confidence. “I’m Chuck and I will be assisting with the camera work tonight.”.

He was a tall man in his 60’s with graying hair and a warm smile. He was fit and had a weathered tan that indicated he had spent a lot of time outdoors. Both Sara and Melissa got a sparkle in their eyes when he shook their hands.

“Sam, which set will we be using first?” Chuck asked politely.

“I think we decided that Nick and Melissa will be using the living room set,” said Sara as she looked at them and nodded.

“That’s what I was thinking,” responded Melissa. “What do you think dear.”

Nick gave a bit of a nervous laugh and indicated that worked fine for him.

“Okay, we’ll have that ready in about ten minutes,” said Chuck with a smile.

“I think we are just about set here,” said Sam. “You guys are both going to create some magic tonight.”

Sam pointed to the green room and indicated Melissa and Nick could get changed there. In the initial meeting, Sam and Marcus suggested that the couples wear sexy clothes that were easily removed during the shoot. Undressing was part of the allure of the video.

“Did you guys decide if the non-participating couples will stay on the set during the shoot?” asked Sam.

Sara spoke up to answer her question, “Melissa and I talked about it and decided that it would be okay if the other couple watched the filming. Is that okay with you guys?”

“Sure, we usually work with just one couple, but we’ve done shoots with a room full of friends watching, believe it or not,” said Sam. “To our surprise, lots of younger people have no worries about screwing in front of their friends.”

“Well, this will be a first for us,” said Sara.

“And she’s making us go first,” laughed Melissa.

“I think you volunteered,” said Sara smiling. “Something about setting the bar high.”

“Yea, maybe that was the case,” indicated Melissa as she looked at Nick. “Okay love, let’s go get ready to fuck on camera.”

“Now you’re talking,” said Nick with a smile.

Both Melissa and Sara had brought a small bag with some sexy clothes, makeup, and bathrobes for them to wear if they needed a quick cover up. They had also brought robes for the men. It was decided that Melissa and Nick would get changed together in the green room first. They headed off with their bag to get ready.

“I have to say, I have a bit of a nervous stomach,” Sara whispered to Jake.

“Probably need a little liquid courage,” replied Jake.

Sara nodded and said, “A shot or two would absolutely do the trick.”

Jake volunteered to run down to the street and grab a small bottle of bourbon for everyone to hit off. He was off in a flash.

Sara busied herself looking around and watching the team set up. She was impressed by the level of professionalism and organization. This group was set up to make a high-quality video and they went out of their way to make sure the production was successful. She also walked around looking at the various posters on the wall of Marcus and Sam. They were embracing their work to the fullest and the images were lovely. It didn’t hurt that they were both younger and very fit. As she reviewed the posters in detail, Sara could feel a little stirring in her pussy, a clear sign she was aroused.

Melissa and Nick emerged from the green room looking dressed for the show. In this case, it was a little more like undressed for the show.

Melissa was wearing a white button-up shirt that was somewhat sheer and lace panties. It was somewhat obvious that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her hair was nicely pulled back on the sides, and she had put on light makeup.

Nick was wearing a pair of black silk boxers and nothing else. It looked like he may have received a little makeup from Melissa on his face and forehead.

“You both look fucking amazing,” Sara exclaimed as she watched them walk towards the set. “This is going to be one hot video.”

Sam echoed the acknowledgement. “Agreed, the camera is going to love you guys.”

Melissa spun around to show the back side. The thong panties and the high heels made her ass look great and she was feeling very confident as she became the center of attraction.

“What did I miss?”, said Jake as he entered the studio with a brown paper bag with an obvious bottle in it. He looked up and down at Melissa and said, “Oh, my god!”

“Doesn’t she look fucking great?” said Sara.

“Fucking great is the right description for tonight,” said Nick as he jumped into the conversation.

“Totally amazing,” added Jake. “Who needs a shot to take the edge off?”

He opened the bottle and handed it to Melissa. She downed a healthy swig and handed it to Nick who did the same. After the shot, Sara gave Melissa a big hug and encouraged her to have fun. Sara also hugged Nick and kissed him on the cheek.

“Go get’em tiger,” was her encouragement to Nick, then she gave him a pat on the butt.

Sam took Melissa’s hand and led her to the living room set. The lights were on, but it was not too bright. Sam asked them to get into a comfortable position on the couch that would be a good starting place. There was some soft “new age” music playing in the background which set a nice tone. Sam explained that the camera crew were wearing headsets and occasionally she would be giving them some instructions by whispering into her mic.

“Don’t pay any attention if you hear me whispering,” said Sam. “If I want your attention, I will speak to you in a normal voice.”

“Got it,” said Nick. “What’s the safe word?”

Everyone laughed at his humor, and it broke the tension.

“So, I’m going to step off the set in a second and we will start the video,” said Sam. “Just be natural and have fun with each other.”

Sam called the cameras to be ready and then announced that the video had started.

The couple was seated on a large couch in the middle of the living room set. The furniture was a little sparse, but it looked and felt like a room in a well decorated house. The couch was quite close to the two cameramen who were set up less than ten feet from the couch. One camera was on a tripod and one camera was handheld.

Sara and Jake were sitting on some chairs that were just behind the Sam and the cameramen, so they had a somewhat obstructed view from their seats, but Sam indicated they could get up and move to a better location for a better view.

The lights on the set were not blinding, but the rest of the studio was dark, so it was difficult for the couple that were being filmed to see others off-set. Sam had explained that this would create a sense of intimacy for the couple.

As Nick leaned in to kiss her, Melissa whispered something to him that was too quiet for anyone else to hear. He kissed her softly and then raised his hand to her neck to pull her in close. As their lips connected, Marcus quietly moved with the camera to improve the film angle. He was completely silent in his movements.

As the couple started to kiss more passionately, Sam looked over at Jake and smiled. He noticed her gaze and smiled back. The two had shared several private conversations about Melissa and Nick’s bedroom activities since they had known them. They were about to get a close-up view of the entire event, and it would be special.

Sara was also feeling a building anticipation about making love in front of the camera. She was certain it was going to be one of the most erotic things they had ever done. She was pleased that Melissa suggested to be first because the buildup was intensifying in her pussy. By the time it was their turn, she would be anxious to get at it after watching their best friends fuck in such a deep and sensual way.

Published 5 months ago

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