Make My Life Happy – Chapter 3 – Love Vs Hate

"Claudia deals with a rich bitch and her mom, Paul rewards her efforts"

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After being drug through the mud by Mother, the rough part of the day was over.  Paul and I went over the order form for Tuesday’s delivery.  A few customers perused the shop, and I did make a couple of sales.  All in all, a good day.  We were closing for the day and just wanted to shower and have a cold beer.

When we got to the apartment, as always, Paul the gentleman said I should have first dibs on the shower.  He said he would be the culinary expert tonight and reheat the Italian order from the other night.  Microwave Magic.  Good enough for me.

“Claudia, I am happier than I’ve ever been.  Today was rough on you.  One of these days, your Mom is going to find out about us.  I hate that you have to go through that.  You have been nothing but nice to her.”

“How bored do you want to be tonight?  I have told you, Mother and I got along as long as it took to cut the umbilical cord.  I don’t know why.  Even Daddy has told me, he doesn’t understand.  You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, Paul.”

“I feel the same way about you.  But how can we calm your Momma down?  If she is going to act like this, I can’t call her Mother.  She acts like a mother, but not a mom.  I just don’t like it.  She needs to see how wonderful her daughter has become.  Don’t tell me she wanted a boy.”

“Paul, I don’t think she ever wanted children.  Maybe Daddy got her drunk one night and got her knocked up.  I don’t know.  She makes me feel like shit.”

“You ARE NOT shit, Claudia.  You are a loving and caring woman.  I’ve seen you put an arrangement on sale, for someone who didn’t have the money.  And don’t say you haven’t, because you’re blushing.  And if you are going to try to lie, I will have to spank you.  Hmmm, what an intriguing thought.”

“I digress, YOU are a very good person, your Dad sees it, I see it, I know I’m in love with you, and the lady you gave the sale to knows it.  The important people in this goofy world know you are a good person. “

“Thank you, Paul.  You are the best thing that ever happened to me.”

The next few weeks went by without any negative incidents.  I had very good sales from the webpage and Paul got a nice freelance job for web design.  Tuesday was a coffee break day, and all was well.   The health inspector came by and gave us a 98.  Life was good.  Daddy stopped by and gave me more encouragement.  We were having a good conversation.  Then I asked the question.

“Daddy, do you know Paul did the website while we were falling in love?  And do you know, we are living together.  And I can’t help that I fell in love with him.  He treats me wonderfully, helps in the shop, has a web designer job on the side, and damn it, Daddy, I love him and he treats me good, Daddy.”  Claudia starts to sob.

“Come here, Miss Claudia Thomas.  You always were headstrong and wanted to make it on your own.  Your Mother doesn’t understand that.  Why?  Because she is selfish.  You two rub against each other because you’re not like that.  But I am grateful, you have some of me in you.  That’s why Claudia’s is successful.  You have met a man who is by your side.  I didn’t like George at all.  He was a panty waste.  Useful as tits on a bullfrog.  Can I make one other observation that your Mother missed?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Please tell Paul for me, he is one hell of an actor.  More important than that.  He came to the aid of my daughter.  Paul is a man of strong will and character.  But please don’t tell him, he’s a lousy actor.”   

“It’s okay Claudia, I heard him,” Paul yelled from the back room.

Paul came to the front counter.  “Mr. Thomas, there is nothing I would not do for Claudia.  I would take a bullet for her.  I will do everything to protect her.  I love Claudia very much.”

“Paul, I knew that when came popping in the front door the other day.  Only a real man would go up against his lady’s parents and protect her good nature the way you did.  I will say this, and I am not pushing a thing, if you ever come to my door asking for her hand, you will not be turned away.  I know you will take the same vows seriously if that day ever comes.  You are a good man, Paull Jacobs.  I know my only daughter is in good hands.”

“You honor me, Sir.  I will never let you or Claudia down.”  Paul and Daddy shook hands.  They both knew that was their solemn bond.

Daddy was walking out the door and was holding it for a lady.  When she passed him, Daddy curled his lip.  He didn’t like her.  She walked into the shop and meandered about.  She had the haughty air of a Mrs. Smythe – Smythe.  A real stuffed shirt.  Paul went to greet her.

“Good afternoon, Madam, how can we be of service?”

“Get away from me.  I want to see the proprietor.  Not the help.”

“Yes, Madam, I will get Miss Thomas for you.”

“Claudia” Paul warned, “this woman is a plant.  Whatever you do, do not overextend yourself. I am here no matter what we have to do.  Don’t be bullied.”

“Good afternoon, Madam, I am Miss Thomas.  With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?”

“My name is Mrs. Worthington – Summers, Mrs. Thomas Worthington – Summers.  I require floral arrangements for a garden party.  Only the most influential will be in attendance.   I have done customs with other businesses, only to be disappointed.  What makes your establishment any different than other small shops?”  

“I will deliver what you want.  Mrs. Worthington -Summers, I am not like other shops you have dealt with.  I am not A shop.  I am THE shop.  I don’t shy away from your elite class.  I enhance it.  I do that from a different perspective.  If I decide to do business with you, you will not be disappointed.  Mind you, my craft is not cheap.  I expect you to meet my expectations.”

“For a young business, you are quite an upstart.”

“On the contrary, I am a professional florist.  You have a choice, you can deal with your custom here, with a professional florist, or take a chance down the road with a flower shop.  The choice is yours, Madam.”

“I will allow you the chance to service my gathering.”

“I have not said I am willing to render my services.  You have not met my expectations.”

“Well, what are your expectations?”

“I need to know the reason for the gathering.  I need to know how many will be in attendance, not how many say they will attend.  I need to know the time of day, and I demand seventy-two hours if you decide to change your mind.  I will write the contract now and you can sign it.”

“I will have my lawyer view it before signing.”

“Then good day Madam.  I do not do business with legal beagles.  My contract is simple.  If you approve of my service, you will pay the price.  You pay nothing if you do not approve, and the disapproval is valid.  Now.  Good Day.”

I left Mrs. Worthington – Summers to swallow that bullshit.  I’m calling Daddy.

“Hey Daddy, how are you?”

“I’ve been expecting your call.  The answer is – yes, she did.  I am considering divorce. Seriously.”

“What should I do, Daddy?  Mrs. WS is a big-time elite.  She can ruin me.”

“Baby, no she can’t.  Only you can ruin yourself.  Have you talked to Paul?  Get his input and then kick ass like only a Thomas can kick ass.”


“Yes, Baby I heard.  I heard you and Mrs. Stuffed Shirt and I heard you and your Daddy.”

I sat Claudia down on a stool. “Baby, this is your time.  Don’t kiss her ass, Kick it.  That goes for Mrs. Worthing-Summers and your Mother. You are a professional florist.  You’re not the local grocer’s flower shop.  You ARE Claudia’s Cards and Candles.  Let’s kick some snub-nosed ass.”

The day of the event finally arrived.  My backup Paul and Dave were right there with me.   The event was to begin at eleven, we were there at nine forty-five.  We started with the tables.  We wanted to leave the head table for last.  Each arrangement was set four feet from the other starting at the middle of the table.  It is now ten thirty.

Paul and I unrolled the linen cloth onto the main table.  When it was perfectly centered and pulled tight. Paul and Dave brought the arrangements.  We started with the main arrangement in the center of the table and spaced the rest accordingly.  Everything looked perfect.  Dave had to leave, so I kissed him on the cheek and Paul gave him a handshake that would last forever.

The bell of the Church tower struck the first of eleven strikes.  We took a photo of each table and arrangement.  We left nothing to chance that Mrs. Stuffed–Shirt would pull a fast one and not pay.  The elite began their grand entrance.  Paul and I left.

It was Wednesday before the verdict came in.  Mrs. Worthington – Summers followed by her kiss-ass plebeian, my Mother.   They approached the counter somewhat apprehensively.  Paul can be such a smart-ass with a smile of a Cherub.

“Good afternoon, dear Ladies, how can I be of service?”

My Mother spoke, “We want to see my daughter.”

“Yes, Ma’am.  I will see if the owner is available.”  Paul responded in a sarcastic tone.

Paul came to the back room and told me they were there.

“I know I heard you.  You are such a shithead, no wonder I love you so much.”

I walked to the front counter and addressed the two women.

“Good afternoon, Madam, and Mother.  I hope our hard work was met with approval from your lady friends.”

Mother spewed, “I thought the arrangements were sparse.  No imagination.  Lackluster.”

Mrs. WS interrupted Mommy’s snide comments. “On the contrary.  The ladies were very pleased with the simplicity of your arrangements.  Unlike other florists, no insult intended, the flowers did not droop or dry out during the event.  Some of the ladies took them home.  Your hard work made for a wonderful afternoon.

“As agreed, here is my check for your services, and please accept a second check for outstanding service.  The ladies voted on this almost unanimously.”  Mrs. WS gave a stern look toward Mother. 

“Madam, I am at your service whenever it is needed.  Please accept my gratitude from me and my humble staff.  And if you would be so kind, accept this small arrangement to show my gratitude.”

I handed Mrs. WS a nice arrangement of lilies.  Paul carried the flowers out for her.

When Paul came back in, he turned the sign on the door to CLOSED.  I’m thinking what the hell?  As he walked by me, he grabbed my arm and gently dragged me to the back room. 

“Take your clothes off.  Don’t ask questions, just take your clothes off.”

I did as I was instructed.  I stood there naked in front of Paul.  He was enjoying the sight of my naked body.

He lifted me onto the table, lifted my legs onto his broad shoulders, and pulled me to the end of the table.  

“To the Lady whom the elites pay tribute.  I, your humble servant give you praise.”

With that, Paul eased his face into my pussy.  He was slowly licking my lips and priming me for my climax.  Slowly, and gently Paul licked my clit and lips.  He was making sure I would not climax until he allowed it to happen.  He was the master of my vagina.  Paul knew every part of me and how to arouse each part.

His licking and sucking had my heart pounding and my breath, rapid.   I knew I was close to my climax, but Paul knew it as well.  He brought me to the edge and then eased off.  He did this several times.  He knew I belonged to him. 

He caged my clit with his mouth and grabbed my hard nipples.  He yanked my nipples and beat my clit with his tongue.  I was losing my mind.  Paul began to flog my clit and pinched my nipples.  I just exploded.  My sex juice ran down his lips, and I could feel him lick every drop from my pussy.  I grabbed his head and refused to let it go until my orgasm subsided.

Panting I asked Paul, “What was that for?”

“For standing up to the elite, being yourself, and putting your Mother in her place.  Second place.   And just the fact that I think you are the sexiest woman on Earth.  When we get to our apartment, I going to find some bone meal and sprinkle it on my cock and fertilize your sweet flower pot.”

Claudia was laughing.  “It’s no wonder I love you so much.”

“Let’s go home and take a nap.  It’s been a stressful day.”

When we got to the apartment, I told Claudia to take a nice long shower.  She has been stressed out with the arrangements for the high society prunes.  I made her a sandwich and poured a hot cup of tea.  She came into the kitchen wearing her robe and constant smile.

“Shower feel good?  You look a bit refreshed.”

“Yes, Babe, it did help. Thanks for the blue plate special.  You just know, don’t you?”

“Yes, Claudia, the same way you know me.”

There was a quiet knock at the door.  We looked at each other wondering who was knocking.  I told Claudia to go to the bedroom and change into something comfortable for company.  The knock came again, but a bit louder as Claudia left the room.  I went to answer the knocking and was a bit shocked.  It was her dad.  He had never stopped by before.

“Mr. Thomas, what a pleasant surprise.  Please come in, make yourself at home.  Claudia was just in the shower and changing.  She’ll be out in a minute.”

“Good.  Paul, I want to have a serious talk with both of you.  Understand, I have not changed my feelings about you and my daughter.  She made a good choice with you.”

Claudia came out all smiles and chipper.  She went over and kissed her dad on the cheek.

“Hi, Daddy.  Welcome to our castle.  How are you?”

“Claudia, I am troubled.  I found out that your mother coerced Mrs. Stiff Shit to try to dump on you.  But when I found out it was too late to tell you.  The warning wasn’t needed.  I heard all about you being completely insulting to Mrs. Stiff Shit.  I don’t like her either.   Your mother thinks that I have the position of VP at the Savings and Loan her shit doesn’t stink.  I’ve tried to talk to her – no good.  She’s deaf when it comes to common sense.”

“I want you and Paul to know I am divorcing your mother.  I can’t take it anymore, and this last shenanigan was the end.  At the bank gatherings, she is rude and disruptive.  I hope you can understand.  For as much support Paul gives you, your mother gives me in grief.

“Mr. Thomas, I am very sorry for your situation.  I wish there was a way we could make it better.  I feel helpless.  You have been so good to us.”

“Paul, you can help by calling me Dad.  That would make me very happy.”

Claudia burst into tears and ran to her father. “Oh, Daddy!”  Claudia wrapped her arms around her father so tightly, I thought she would become part of him.  She buried her head in his broad shoulder and sobbed.  “Oh, Daddy.” Claudia continued to sob, clutching her father as though she was going to be taken from him forever.

“Claudia, Paul let’s sit down.  You know your mother, and Paul, you have seen her in action.  I have no idea why she is so against my baby girl.  As time passes, my wife becomes more arrogant and difficult.  You remember our cabin in the country.  I am going to move there but spend the week in town on business.  I will give her half of the material things, but there are provisions for you.  She can’t touch them. 

“I intend to keep you out of this mess.  I can’t say the same for her.  If she accosts you, and I know she will, please act surprised.  Tell her you know nothing about divorce.  I don’t want her badgering you.  You know her as well as I do.”

The conversation went on for a while, then her dad said he was leaving.  Dad shook my hand and gave his daughter a mighty hug.  As he was walking through the doorway, he turned and told Claudia he loved her.

Claudia turned to me.  Her face and eyes were swollen from crying.  When she looked at me, I saw a scared little girl.  A look I had never seen from her.  I walked over to her and held her in my arms.  She was still sobbing and shaking.  I felt helpless. 

The following day was Saturday.  I asked Claudia if she wanted to stay home.  I would handle the shop.  But being the trooper she is, she said she would open her shop.  She realized what she said, and changed it to our shop, but she knew I understood.

By Thursday of the next week, Claudia was feeling more herself.  I asked her if she wanted an Italian sausage sandwich from Angus’ and she agreed.  We’re making progress.  I asked her if it would be all right to ask my folks and her dad to join us.  She agreed, but only eighty-five percent of her was behind it.  I called for reservations for five of us at seven, and the girl on the phone set the appointment.

Fate played Her hand and we all arrived at the front door at the same time.  A good sign.  We were shown to our table in the back corner and drinks were ordered.  The conversation was light and jokes flew all over.  The atmosphere was one of pure happiness.  Everyone was having a wonderful time.

I summoned our server and asked if he would bring our drinks.  Since not everyone had the same beverage, they looked at me questioning.  One server brought the glasses, and another brought a bottle of champagne.

“Mr. Thomas.  You were kind enough to tell me that you would not turn me away if I ever came to your door asking for Claudia’s hand.  This may not be that door, but Mr. Thomas, I am asking you for Claudia’s hand in marriage, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.”

You could have heard a pin drop on the carpet.  My mom and dad were smiling.  Mr. Thomas was smiling.  Claudia, well Claudia’s eyes were the size of a ten-inch dinner plate. She looked at her dad and started panting. 

“Mr. Jacobs,” Claudia’s dad started, “You have asked for my only daughter’s hand in marriage.  My baby that I held the moment she drew her first breath.  I hold you responsible for her health and safety.  Through the good times and the bad.  Mr. Jacobs, it is with great pride that I accept your request.  You have my blessings to marry Claudia.”

With that said, I got down on my knee and proposed to Claudia.  She sat there for a minute or two, somewhat in a daze.  Did this happen?  I opened the box and exposed her engagement ring.  She looked at me, then my mom and dad, then at her dad again.

Claudia finally looked at me, started crying, and threw her arms around me shouting Yes, Yes, Yes for all the world to hear.   I don’t think she saw the ring until I put it on her finger.

My dad stood up.  “If I may propose the first toast to the future, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jacobs, May God send you many Blessings.”

A round of “Hear, Hear” resounded throughout the restaurant.  Then, we all realized that the patrons had all witnessed my proposal and her acceptance. What was even crazier, no one knows who started the collection as our first wedding gift.  Even the champagne was on the house.

We ate and drank and talked some more.  Mom and dad got to know her dad better and all was going well.  The party was breaking up and people were giving their congratulations to all of us. 

When we were parting in the parking lot, Mr. Thomas, said, “Well, you can officially call me Dad now.”  We shook hands, a good firm gentleman’s handshake.

When we got back to our apartment, Claudia was still in a state of shock if you will.  She had no idea what I was going to do, and I hadn’t told her dad or my folks.  I didn’t want the cat out of the bag.

Claudia had her arms around me and was looking at her ring over my shoulder.  She was breathing a little heavily.  “Oh Paul, it’s the most beautiful ring in the world.”

I could only smile at the glowing eyes and sweet smile coming from my fiancé. 

“Claudia, would like a nightcap?”

“Yes, Baby, please.”

Claudia said she was going to get ready for bed.  She was getting tired.  I heard her go into the bathroom and close the door.  She was riding an emotional high and I was along for the ride.

I brought the drinks into the bedroom.  Claudia was sitting up in bed.  She had on a light blue teddy, one of my favorites.  I sat next to her on the bed, and we clinked our glasses in a silent toast to us.  We reminisced about the events of the evening.  Claudia was all giddy.

“Baby, lie down next to me,” she said.  “I want you just to hold me close.  I want to feel your body next to mine.  I want to inhale your cologne I want to feel your hand on me.  I want to experience every part of the man I will spend my life with.”

I lay down next to Claudia.  Her perfume was intoxicating as always.  I love it when she puts her head on my shoulder and just snuggles into me.  Feeling her breathing gives me a peace I could never find anywhere.

Claudia fell asleep on my shoulder.   


Published 2 years ago

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