It wasn’t easy to get you to this point
But it was worth it because here we are
So patient was I waiting for the walls to come down
I don’t think you know
Walls were not meant to keep us
Away from what we desire or to protect us
They are there to challenge us to work
Harder for what we want
To fight for what lights the soul
So many nights we spent questioning
Slowly discovering each other
Uncovering what few give away here
Your fears, heartbreaks and regrets
My demons and insecurities
Your childhood and hopes for the future
I often wonder about your thoughts
I wonder if you asked yourself in the deepest
Darkest hours of the night if being
With someone could bring back
That spark and passion you once had
I wonder it, too
All those descriptions of deep passionate kisses
Tender caresses amongst the most intimate places
With such vivid details that leads up to an explosion
Which leaves us breathless and more alive than ever before
Overtaken with goosebumps and chills
The most primal throbbing and aching
Desire running strong with each word
Painting the perfect picture of erotic bliss
Like an afterimage seared through the retina
We can close our eyes and still feel
The brink we raced over without hesitation
The melting core we found through one another
I asked how one person behind a screen
Can bring you to the edge of release
To the threshold of the self
Without ever physically touching?
I fear that I am not the only one
I fear that my words are not gifted enough to bring
The same rapture that you give me and one day,
You will grow bored and move on
Why not?
With so many interesting and enticing lives
So many picures on constant display to choose from,
How can someone like me compete?
So much excitement to be had
Like a child who is unable to choose
From the vast selection of candy
Only being limited by time
And the occasssional poisonous piece
I can only hope you see I am different
I can be all of what you wished for
But never truly believed existed
I can be what you never knew you always wanted
I can say this because its what I want to be
Because I am confident knowing who I am
I am only limited by words,
But if you are patient,
I will quickly learn
Your gift of words exceeds my own
As the novice I am is clearly on display
Trying in vain to keep up while being
Completely spellbound by the path you are leading
My voice will slowly emerge
One that will give you words that
May be imperfect but will blind you
With the ferocity of their want
The frustration lies with the knowledge
Of the passionate and giving lover I truly am
That this will unlikely be able to be
Carried out in the physical world
But I believe this is not all you seek
If that were the case there would be
No further questions of who we are
And that is the true key
You seek knowledge of who I am
This leads me to believe
I can give you so much more
I can be the girl that you seek
If you just believe and let me
** Author’s note: I stumbled upon a ramble I wrote in August from a dream at 2 am when I began my journey with ConBrio. I am ever grateful to Elliotlacey31 for being kind enough to assist me in restructuring and polishing these raw and heartfelt feelings.