Madison and Myles make it up

"Husband and Girlfriend get greedy"

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Sunday morning up before everyone else sitting with the New York Times and a cup of coffee. Such a peaceful way to start the day. I watched my wife Rachel stumble from our bedroom, naked, with the exception of her discreet sterling silver collar, and tattoo marking of my first initial “M” low on her groin. Her blonde shoulder-length hair was standing out in all directions, and her lips swollen. She looked like she’d been ”rode hard and put away wet”…I love that look, and I love that woman.

She came to the counter height chair where I was sitting and straddled my legs. She put her soft swollen lips on mine and held them there for a long while for a slow tender kiss.

She pulled back only fractionally, just enough to allow me to comment, “You taste good, I think that I know that taste.”

Rachel murmured into my mouth, “You definitely know that taste, some of it’s you and some of it’s her.”

“You two had a morning romp did you?” I asked, not moving away from her face.

Rachel pulled back fractionally, “Baby I had my tongue between her legs for forty minutes this morning, finally she couldn’t take anymore, curled up in a ball and rolled on her side. I think she came three maybe four times, not counting the orgasm you gave her last night. Did you taste a little of you on me? I probed her back there with my tongue, and definitely tasted you from last night.”

“I thought I tasted a hint of saltiness, but are you telling me she didn’t reciprocate?” I asked

“She” is Madison, a twenty-eight-year-old grad student that lives down the hall from us in our condo building. Maddy had been living with a boyfriend, but he got a job and moved out of town. It was Maddy’s parents that bought the condo, so she stayed, and ended up having an affair with my wife.

Affair implies something illicit, which this wasn’t. I knew about the girl’s friendship all along, and Rachel had talked to me about being bi-curious, and wanting to be more “sexually fluid.” Rachel had experimented with girls long before she was ever with a man, so when Rachel had asked me if I was ok with her and Maddy experimenting together, my only thought was that I wished I could be there too. But good things come to those that wait. So I spent the odd night alone in our condo before being invited into the liaison.

You would think that first time would have been awkward, but Rachel made sure it wasn’t. She had Madison strip for me, and then told Madison to unbuckle my pants and remove the rest of my clothing. Rachel stripped along with me, and had Maddy take a kneeling position in front of my cock. Essentially Rachel introduced Maddy to my penis, instructing her where to touch and what textures and ripples she could explore with her tongue. I never knew Rachel had amassed such a store of knowledge about the nuances of my sex organ.

Maddy is tall, slim, with long dark hair halfway down her back. She has beautiful size B breasts, with puffy nipples that are very sensitive. It was Rachel that convinced Maddy to remove all her pubic hair. In fact, I believe Rachel gave Maddy her first bare shave.

Rachel isn’t as tall, only five foot four inches, and carries a more developed figure. She is ten years Maddy’s senior and has a well earned softer more rounded sculpture. These two opposites are a delight to see together.

“I’m frustrated, and my tongue is tired, I need a release Myles,” Rachel cooed into my ear, as she reached between the opening of my robe.

Rachel kissed my neck as my penis responded to her stroking.

Another whisper into my ear, “I’m already wet Myles, you could just slip right in. I’m going to get down on all fours and let you decide baby.”

Rachel slithered down the length of my body and then did as promised. She went on her knees, spread them a little wider than shoulder width.  She leaned on her elbows which forced her head down low. Rachel was facing away from me so that I had a perfect view of the arch of her back; her heart-shaped rear end, as well as her wide open glistening bare sex.

She was irresistible and true to her word, very wet. I did slip right in. I could feel her pleasure and need, as she pushed back hard on me. I slapped her ass, “Ride me, Rach.”

She continued to push forward and back as I reached under to stroke the top of her bare folds. She was in total control, gritting her teeth willing the orgasm to come. Another slap to her ass, “Harder Rachel, deeper,” I encouraged.

Rachel dropped her head lower, growling as her nipples pushed against the smooth, warm hardwood floor. Another slap, hard on her ass. Her fingers found mine, and she rubbed hard on her erect bud, as I held open her slit. I felt her shutter, and I shot hot cum deep inside her. It was a fast animalistic fuck. We had both climaxed, but I knew Rachel needed more.

I pushed her over on her side, and she brought her knees to up to her chest. I kissed her lips. “Stay,” I commanded.

I entered the bedroom. Madison was laying face down, she opened her eyes, “My ass is still sore Myles.”

“It’s going to be sorer in a minute Madison, we both left Rachel hanging. You did it this morning and me last night. That’s not right Maddy.” I scolded.

Madison got it, “You’re right Myles, she’s the one that brought us all together.”

“We just fucked, hard and fast, but she needs more,” I told Maddy in no uncertain terms.

I grabbed Rachel’s leash off the hook on the back of the bedroom door and walked back to the kitchen. I saw Rachel watching me, “Come’on sweetie,” I whispered.

Nonsubmisives probably don’t understand, but when a dom “walks” his sub, he’s showing her off. It’s a show of their pride and trust in each other. Rachel understands this and loves it when we “walk.”

We entered the bedroom. “I’m so sorry baby,” Madison apologized to Rachel with real sincerity.

I pulled on Rachel’s lead, “Rachel, straddle Madison’s face please, she wants to taste you.”

Even though she was probably still pretty sensitive, Rachel did as instructed. Her eyes widened as she looked down and my cum dripped out of her swollen bare slit, directly onto Madison’s face.

“Mmm special sauce,” Madison giggled and began licking.

I straddled Madison’s torso, and pulled Rachel back against my chest.

Rachel leaned back, allowing me to play with her full firm breasts, and forcing her pussy to open more fully to Maddy’s mouth. “Is she getting all our cum from your pussy baby?” I whispered into Rachel’s ear.

Rachel merely groaned in response to my dirty talk. I pinched her left nipple, “I asked you a question, Rachel.”

“Yes, she’s going deep, licking…licking…hard, sir” Rachel grunted her reply.

I let Rachel enjoy being eaten and continued to send shivers down to her core by cupping, pinching and generally playing with her tits and soft, smooth tummy. “Don’t touch your clit Rach, let us do all the work, and keep you on edge” I commanded. 

I could see over Rachel’s shoulder that Madison was using her hands to spread Rachel’s ass cheeks. Her tongue was going deep into her back crack. This gave me a rather naughty idea.

Rachel turned her head when she felt me pull her leash taught. I reached forward and looped the leather leash through an opening in the headboard of our king bed, and pulled. Rachel’s head was forced forward and down, causing her to widen her legs and grind her pussy harder onto Maddy’s mouth. It also opened up her bottom, and there was her tight back hole still glistening from Maddy’s tonguing.

I reached back and used my fingers to explore Maddy’s very wet cunt. I then fed my wet fingers, forcing them into Rachel’s mouth. “She’s so wet Rach, remember how she tastes?”

Rachel sucked my fingers in response. “I ‘m going to use her juices to lube you baby girl, and then I am going to fuck you in the ass,” I growled.

Madison opened pulled up her knees and spread her legs to give me more access to her slippery lubricant, while Rachel reached back and placed her hands on her ass cheeks spreading herself open.

I pushed two fingers deep into Madison’s pussy scooping slick glistening juices. I then used the juices to massage and lube Rachel’s back hole. I repeated this several times. My probing of her anus forced Rachel’s cunt harder down on Madison’s mouth. I could feel the pressure of Madison’s tongue through Rachel’s thin vaginal walls.

I pushed two wet fingers deep into Rachel’s anus, and felt Madison’s tongue against my hand. Rachel strained against the leash as she exploded onto her girlfriend’s face, slid lower,  and furiously stroked my hardening cock. “Come on my face too Myles, please,” she pleaded.

Her words and her cum slicked face took me over the edge. I shot ropes of hot white goo onto Rachel’s ass that dripped down onto Madison’s face.

Rachel’s was still panting when she said, “Fuck Myles untie me, I can’t move!”

I quickly did as asked, so Rachel was able to climb off of Madison’s face. Madison sat up giving us a red-faced cum covered smile. Maddy rasped “Double fuck, you two damn drowned me down there.”

I kissed her hard on her left cheek and Rachel kissed her hard on the right. We eventually slid over to meet at her lips, sharing a very sticky, sexy three-way kiss.

“Bath time girls” I said





Published 6 years ago

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