Madelyne Part Three Of Seven

"With intentions of helping Madelyne write an essay, Marcus gets a little more than he bargained for..."

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Since our schedules were kind of hectic and didn’t jibe well the next day, Maddie and I were unable to really hang out other than a quick lunch we shared in the campus cafeteria. It was great to see her for that brief time, but also a bit of a letdown since I knew it wouldn’t last very long.

Later that night, I was sitting in the living room of my place and hanging out with both Justin and J-Bone a bit. The former was actually getting ready to head out since he was going to be spending the night with Deonna, and the latter was busy in his corner at his computer. It probably wasn’t going to be the most productive evening, so since I didn’t have any homework, I thought about reading a book for a while before crashing for the night. I would be driving back to my hometown early in the morning in order to work over the weekend.

Before Justin left, the phone rang and he answered it. After a rushed greeting, he turned to me and said, “Marcus, it’s for you. A girl named Maddie, I think.”

A smile overtook my face as I took the receiver from him and greeted the girl I sorely missed.

“I’m out, guys,” Justin then said as he made his way toward the front door and gave us a wave. “Have a good night.”

“You, too,” I told him.

J-Bone just waved.

Back in the “old days,” we didn’t have all the fancy technology we have now, and being three poor college students, Justin, J-Bone, and myself didn’t have the luxury of a cordless phone. For the time being, I was actually stuck talking to Maddie in the living room with J-Bone sitting in his corner and able to hear the entire conversation…not that he probably cared too much to listen.

Trying to be discreet, I sat on the couch and held the handset closer to my head as I spoke into it by asking, “How are you doing tonight, Maddie?”

“Oh, just struggling through some homework. I have an essay due next week that I really want to get done. I keep telling myself that once it’s over, I’ll have you to myself for a while…or at least that’s my train of thought: Reward myself with something I want by doing something I hate.”

I liked Madelyne’s reward system. I could certainly help her out with that. Inadvertently, I asked a dirty question by saying, “How would I reward you?” After the words escaped my lips, I glanced in J-Bone’s direction and hoped he hadn’t heard me. If he had, he certainly wasn’t reacting.

“Oooh, Marcus! Are you doing what I think you’re doing?”

I wasn’t exactly sure what Maddie was asking. Yes, my words had come out sounding naughty, but was Madelyne implying…

“Are you trying to rile me up with a little phone sex?”

I swallowed a lump in my throat after hearing the playful accusation. The thought hadn’t even crossed my mind…and it was something I had never done before.

“I mean, I am getting a little hot and bothered just thinking about how you could possibly reward me for finishing this essay…like for starters, you could take your shirt off…”

I sat forward so fast on the couch that I nearly pulled the phone base off the nearby end table it sat on. My sudden movement alerted J-Bone, and he glanced back over a shoulder in my direction.

I smiled like a dope and told him I had a cramp. Still holding the receiver in my right hand, I abruptly stood up and picked the base of the phone up with my left hand. I then started carrying it toward my bedroom and prayed to everything I held dear that the cords would reach into my little corner of the world. When I saw that they did, I inwardly cheered and shut my door as I mouthed to J-Bone, “I don’t want to bother you, so I’ll take this in here.”


“Sorry, Maddie,” I said after my door was closed. “I was in the living room and didn’t want J-Bone listening in on our conversation.”

“Do you think he’d even care?” A sly reply came from the other end of the line.

“Probably not,” I answered as I sat down on my bed and set the base down on the mattress. “But I didn’t want to bother him.”

“Oh, Marcus! That’s just one of the things I appreciate about you! You’re so damn courteous! It’s probably why I want to whip that dick of yours out and suck it off like it’s never been sucked before!”

Yup. She definitely wanted to play. I have to admit…I was totally game. “Um…that would be awesome.”

“And what would you want to do to me?”

I was glad no one could see me sitting in that room looking like a total buffoon. My heart raced in my chest as my penis started to harden in my pants. There was plenty I wanted to do to Madelyne…but how did I convey that in words that would come off as exciting? “Um…”

“Would you maybe like to rip my shirt off and pop my tits out of my bra?”


“And then maybe you could take one of my breasts in your masculine hands and give it a good squeeze before placing your lips over my nip and tonguing the nub until it was raw.”

“Would that feel good?” I queried in a quizzical tone.

There was a sigh on the other end of the line. “You don’t sound like you’re really into this.”

“No, no!” I spoke up as my free hand flailed about. I couldn’t think of what to say at first, so I did my best to come up with something on the spot as I offered, “I could stick my hand down your pants and stroke your vagina…”

There was a louder sigh. It was accompanied by, “Marcus, you are a true god in the bedroom, but when it comes to phone sex…”

“You know, I’ve always loved writing and would like to do it for a living someday.”

There was silence on the other end of the line. I could tell that Maddie had no idea why I had told her what I had.

“If you wanted,” my voice then became sly, “I could stop by your dorm and maybe help you write that essay. What’s it about?”

“Historic female generals from the first War of the World,” Madelyne responded. I sensed a slight hint of excitement in her voice as she pondered the possibility of having me over again.

“Well, if you’d like,” I started, “I could go warm my truck up and head over in about five minutes.” I didn’t feel like walking through the bitter, winter weather.

“I thought you had to work tomorrow?”

“I think a little time with you is worth the loss of some sleep. What do you say?”

“I’d say that I hope you’re ready to write about some historic female generals!”

I smiled at the thought of seeing Madelyne naked. “I’ll be over shortly,” I promised.


Maddie’s head greeted me through the crack of her door as she invited me in. She had a huge smile on her beautiful face…and I’m sure the one on mine was just as large.

I entered the room and the door was closed behind me. I looked at Maddie’s bed and noticed that the sheets were a different color than they had been the day before. She had obviously put the others in the wash after what we had done.

I also saw a few books opened and a notebook that looked to have plenty of notes jotted down on the page it was opened to. If I had to guess, it looked as if Madelyne had been hard at work for hours. I decided to ask her how long she had been writing as I turned to face her…

Seeing Madelyne completely for the first time since arriving, I noted that she was still grinning from ear to ear as she unwrapped a silk band that held her white robe closed. After releasing her hold on the thin belt made from the same material as the robe, she let the ravishing attire open…to reveal that she was wearing absolutely nothing underneath.

My body tensed up as I stared at the goddess standing before me and could do nothing but mumble, “Fuuuck meee…”

“If you’re lucky, maybe I will!”

My penis shook its metaphorical fist at me for once again wearing jeans.

Maddie then stepped forward and helped me out of my coat. After folding it in half and placing it on the countertop space next to her television, she then looked me over and saw that I was in a flannel, button-up shirt. She started to unbutton it for me as she asked in a sultry voice, “Is it okay if I get you out of this?”

I nodded as I looked down at her. Her height may have deterred others, but I thought she was positively sexy. I thought about how easy it would be to pick her up and absolutely wreck her…and I mean that in a nonviolent way with a consensual sexual overtone. She was just so tiny that I felt like I could break her in half…and again, I don’t mean that literally by any stretch of the imagination. I would never do anything to hurt the sweet woman undressing me.

Once my flannel had been removed, Maddie reached down and grabbed the bottom of my undershirt in order to tug it upward and pull it off over my head and arms. Unlike the coat and flannel, she didn’t bother folding it and putting it down since she had become distracted by my chest. Instead, she just smiled in that impish way she had about her as she tossed the shirt over her right shoulder before placing her hands on my chest. She felt me up as I watched her body visibly shudder. She was already getting worked up.

“Help yourself,” I playfully told her as her fingers pranced through my chest hair.

“Oh!” she called out while taking a step back. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t think to ask…”

“I’m only giving you a hard time, Maddie!” I tried to reassure her. “I think we’re past having to ask!” I then stepped forward and pushed one side of her robe aside. After revealing her left breast, I groped it while saying, “I want to touch your chest just as much as you want to touch mine!”

The silver-haired fox let out a provocative laugh before gently batting my hand away and covering back up. She then playfully scolded, “You’ll get to play after I’ve had my fun!”

I couldn’t argue with that. I let her take charge once more as she stepped forward and looked me over. Her small hands went back to my abs and followed my “v-cut” down to the top of my trousers. Without asking, she poked her fingernails down beneath them and twiddled them around for a few seconds. I have to admit that it tickled a bit, but I let her continue toying around until she decided to unbutton my jeans. Without giving it a second thought, she pulled my zipper down.

I smiled as she again placed her fingers beneath the top of my pants…and at the same time, she placed them under the elastic band of my boxers. In no more than two seconds, she suddenly dropped down in a squat while bringing all of my lower attire with her. My dick flopped out and thanked Madelyne for freeing it by saluting her.

Upon seeing my rigid cock pointing right at her, Maddie smiled in delight and greeted it by standing back up and then reaching out to shake it as if she had been shaking one of my hands. Addressing my penis and not me, she asked, “And how are you doing this evening, sir?”

The second she released her hold on it, I moved up on my tiptoes real quick in order to make my prick flop upward. I then spoke out of the side of my mouth in a goofy tone as I pretended to be its voice and answered, “I’m doing pretty good, hottie…now that I’m seeing you!”

Maddie obviously enjoyed the humor and clapped her hands together once before turning her gaze toward me and saying, “I have all weekend to do the damn essay…what I really want right now is to do you!”

I can’t say I didn’t approve of the idea. However, I didn’t want to take my friend away from her studies, so I responded by saying, “I’ll help you with it if you want me to. I won’t even put my clothes back on if you’d like to do some naked essay writing!”

“As much as that idea turns me on,” Maddie said as she walked over to her bed and started moving her schoolwork out of the way, “I think having your dick in me sounds infinitely better!”

It was my turn to shudder as I wondered if Madelyne meant what I think she did. Sure, she had put my dick in her mouth the previous day and turned me on in ways I never dreamt imaginable, but did she truly want me in her…in a different way? Her words hinted at more…

After her books were out of the way, Maddie kept her back to me and shimmied out of her robe. She did so in such a way so I could see her beautiful, round ass for the very first time. The crack that split those cheeks was exquisite, and in that moment, I suddenly pictured a hot dog in the form of me sticking my wiener between her buns. I couldn’t help but reach down and give myself a few tugs as I watched her drop the white robe to the floor.

Maddie glanced back over a shoulder and seductively smiled at me. Without turning to face me, she then crawled onto her bed like a lewd little sex kitten and had that peach of a bottom directly in the air for me to admire. She looked my way and asked, “Are you going to join me, big boy?”

Since I had my invite, I waddled over as my aroused manhood bobbed up and down. I wanted to place my hands on those glorious hips and drive my dick into whichever hole it encountered first. I had never had anal sex before, but I couldn’t imagine that it would be any less thrilling. As I studied Madelyne’s incredible backside, I wondered if my prick would even fit into her tight, little starfish.

“What are you waiting for?” Maddie then asked me in a sensual tone. “Aren’t you going to touch me, Marcus?”

I surprised the young woman by suddenly reaching forward and scooping her small frame into my arms. My left arm was under her back and my right was under her knees. As she wrapped her arms around my neck and gazed into my eyes, I rocked her back and forth and lovingly returned her stare.

“Oh, Marcus! This is so…nice!”

I laughed as I corrected her, “Not just nice, but a little naughty as well!”

Madelyne laughed along with me as she brought her head forward and buried it in my chest. I could tell that her emotions were getting the best of her, and I placed my head on hers after giving the top of her cranium a gentle kiss. I think my affectionate side may have overwhelmed her a bit, for she pulled away just enough to fixate her gaze on me again as she told me in a voice just barely above a whisper, “Make love to me, Marcus.”

I smiled down at the silver-haired beauty in my arms and then leaned forward to properly kiss her. After doing so, I gently set her down on the bed and then looked her perfect little body over. The fact that she was allowing me to do something as special as sexual intercourse with her made me feel like I was in the clouds. I know this may sound a little ironic coming from a guy who tells stories about all the wonderful women he’s been with, but I truly love every female who’s played a role in making me the man I’ve become in life. When someone as sublime as Madelyne offers herself up to a guy such as me, I don’t just appreciate it…I prostrate myself before her and vow to do anything for her in return.

As Maddie spread her legs wide for me, I fought back the urge to salivate as I leaned forward and ran a hand over her face. I stared right into those gorgeous, light-green eyes of hers and asked, “Are you sure, Maddie? There’s nothing I want more than to make love to you, but are you truly ready? If this isn’t something you want to do…”

The silver-haired fox reached up and placed her tiny hands on the sides of my face so she could give it a squeeze. She smiled in a saucy fashion as she assured me, “I wouldn’t have said anything if I didn’t want it!”

I couldn’t get over how playful the fantastic female was. Her very aura was something else, and as I inched closer to her while joining her on the bed, I went back to how we had only just met about three days earlier. It seemed incredible that we were already going all the way…

I positioned myself right in front of Maddie’s open legs as she lifted her head ever so slightly so she could watch what I was about to do. She pressed her tits together to get me riled up, and her radiant smile never once left her face.  Her “V” of pubes looked more inviting than ever before.

I felt sweat form on my forehead as I slid ever closer to the promised land. My hard dick dangled right above her peerless pussy, and when I was close enough, I reached down and grabbed myself by the base so I could begin thudding my meat against her pubis. As I did so, I heard the wonderful woman squeal in delight since she was getting worked up. I could tell she didn’t want any foreplay…she wanted to jump right to the action.

The underside of my rigid penis felt the prickly hairs of the beautiful cooch as I passed over it, and then my tip glided over the labia that awaited my arrival. I’ll admit that I may have been stalling a little bit, but it was only because I wanted to be sure that Maddie was indeed ready for what was about to happen. I truly didn’t want her feeling pressured into what we were about to do, and I felt that maybe because I had stood up for her in the class we no longer had, she felt obligated to let me have my way with her. I wanted her to know that she didn’t have to “pay me back” in such a way if she didn’t want to.

“Why are you teasing me, Marcus?” I heard the soft voice ask as she gazed up at me. “Don’t you like what you see?”

“Oh, I absolutely love what I see, Maddie!” I told the beautiful woman as I grabbed her ankles and held her legs up. “I just want to make sure that you’re ready for what we’re about to do. If you are, I believe I certainly am as well!”

Taking a playful approach to answer me instead of a serious one, Madelyne responded, “I most certainly am! Get that marvelous cock in me already!”

We both laughed as I finally nodded and decided it was indeed time. Using my right hand, I grabbed the base of my sturdy bone and guided it right to where both Maddie and I wanted it. When she could see that I was finally going to go through with things, she reached down with one of her small hands and used her fingers to spread herself for me. Her pink beckoned me as I placed the tip against it…

Both of us let out sounds of stimulated delight at the exact same time. I let go of my penis as she pulled her hand away from our naughty bits, and for the longest moment, both of us just sat there as my tip was the only part of me in her. My head dropped back as I went back to gripping both of her ankles, and as my eyes closed tightly, my jaw fell open. Even though I wasn’t seeing it, I felt Maddie suddenly reach down and grab my length…so she could begin cramming more of me inside her.

I prayed that she wasn’t looking at my face as more of me slid into her. I’m sure my countenance had contorted into all sorts of silly expressions as I felt my penis being engulfed by the wondrous insides of the silver-haired fox. I hoped that if she saw me reacting in such a way, she wouldn’t be turned off.

Natural instinct took over as I began slowly moving my hips back and forth. I began to thrust in and out of the moist pussy as I felt my hard-on probe the deepest depths of the lovely woman before me. As I moved, I never pulled all the way out…but due to Madelyne’s shorter stature, that proved to not be too difficult. My manhood truly did seem larger around her.

As I gently mashed the virtuous vagina at a moderate pace, I turned my head and started kissing the smooth legs I tenderly grasped. I hoped Madelyne didn’t find it too weird, but since her limbs were so damn sleek, I couldn’t help but lick them a bit.

“Go…a little faster,” Maddie suddenly spoke up in between moans.

I did as she asked. I didn’t go crazy by any means, but my back-and-forth motions became a little more moderate. I was afraid of hurting the wonderful woman if I went too quickly. I’m certainly not trying to be crass, but as I looked at her small tummy, I wondered how far inside of her I actually was.

After we spent some time in the missionary position, Madelyne started rolling onto her right side and held her left leg high in the air. I was still in her while she rolled, and I started going to work from a new angle as I picked up the pace.

“Could you maybe slow down…just a little bit?”

Upon hearing the request, I nodded my understanding and brought the tempo down a bit. I could tell that Maddie appreciated my response as she grabbed her pillow and hugged it to her body while I gingerly railed her lady parts.

After another few minutes of mellow ramming, I pulled my solid organ out of the small puss and placed it on Maddie’s hip joint right where the top of her left leg met her body. It wasn’t far from her pubic hair, and I began thrusting back and forth in this new area. From our new position, I could feel her incredible, silky skin sending stimulation throughout my penis.

“What are you doing?” Madelyne laughed as she glanced down at my stiff rod.

“Just trying something a little different,” I responded as I smiled at her while holding on to her left leg. My back-and-forth momentum continued as my dick left a trail of wetness across the path it traveled on her tan flesh.

“Well, I’m glad you’re having fun, but I’d like that mighty cock of yours back in me!” It was certainly hard to argue with such a request.

I think Maddie thought I would just return to what we had been doing…but I caught her off guard when I leaned forward and placed my hands under her lower back so I could lift her off the mattress ever so slightly. I repositioned her in a different way on her right side and then popped myself back into her. I wanted to achieve direct clitoral stimulation as I angled her left leg over mine from where I knelt with her right leg on the bed between both of mine. I placed my right hand on her lower back and reached for one of her glorious tits with my left. We looked like a pretzel while making eye contact and speaking without words. I could tell that she approved of my new position.

My cock went spelunking in her moist depths for numerous minutes while I grunted and groaned in contentment. I could hear Madelyne squealing in glee as I went quite deep with each thrust I made. On multiple occasions, I felt her body go taut as I seemingly hit the spot. I hoped she was having as much fun as I was.

From the pretzel we had wrapped ourselves into, Maddie eventually asked if we could try something different…so I let her take control as I pulled away and flopped about. She giggled as she watched my boner wobble about while telling me to lie on my back. I did as I was told and observed her movements as she stood above me before straddling me and squatting down. She then reached down and grabbed hold of my swaying prick so she could guide it to the wet hole between her legs. After impaling herself on it, she dropped onto her knees and felt my entire shaft penetrate her innards. Her mouth dropped open, but no sound came out.

I watched Maddie place her hands in her hair and lean back as she began grinding on me in a cowgirl position. While she did so, I reached up and grasped her knockers that were whipping all over the place. I squeezed them both but did my best to not go overboard. The entire time I made love to Madelyne, I kept her small frame in mind since I didn’t want to be too rough with her.

“Oooh,” I let out a low moan as the silver-haired vixen rocked back and forth on me. My hands eventually left her breasts and traveled down to her hips so I could grip them as she worked me like a pro. I couldn’t believe the thrill coursing through my veins as she went to town.

Slowing down for just a moment, Maddie placed her hands on my chest and leaned closer to me as she asked, “Would you squeeze my ass, Marcus?”

I reached farther down and placed my hands on her cheeks as I gave them a gentle squeeze. As I clutched the buns, she told me to exert even more pressure…so I did so. I could tell I was gripping her to her liking as she went back to wildly riding me.

My cock thumped and pulsed within the confines of the sweet vagina. I could feel Maddie gushing around it as she surged and convulsed. Sweat began to fly between the two of us as we continued to go hot and heavy for numerous minutes.

Keeping the attractive woman pierced on my virile organ, I finally started to sit up as I placed my hands on the small of her back and pulled her close. She gave me a look as if to ask what we were doing next, but I made sure to leave her on my shaft as I placed us in a lotus position. When she realized what we were doing, she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my back. I then used my strength to lift her body up and down as we continued our hot, sexual activity.

“Oooh,” Maddie let out a high-pitched wail as she let her head drop forward into my chest. She continued to make noise as I smiled and held her close. We enjoyed the lotus position for a good two minutes until my silver-haired compeer let out a squeak that she was about to cum.

Gently, I lowered my partner to the bed so she was on her back again. With my dick still inserted in her, I continued drilling away as her body started to spasm and she let out shrieks of rapture. I gripped her small hips and plowed away as she let out her siren screams, and just hearing her delightful pitch drove me to my peak as well…and I knew I was about to explode. I announced that I was going to cum…and in between her whimpers, Maddie ordered me to hose her down.

I slipped my manhood out of the beauteous woman and began beating it harder than I wanted to thrash our Introduction to Creative Writing professor. As Maddie was beginning to come down from her climax, I clobbered my cock while reaching the height of mine. It didn’t take long until I released a creamy barrage of gooey ammunition all over the young woman.

Strings of jism fired throughout the area as I let out grunts and groans much to the delight of my smokin’ hot partner. I watched as the lines of goop covered Maddie and left her a sticky mess. I was achieving great distance and had her squirming in satisfaction below me as wads of cum splattered against her soft flesh. I was plastering her in my thick man-cream.

When I was finally running low on my sticky ammo, I inched forward on my knees and began thumping my still-hard cock on Maddie’s pubis. A few droplets chaotically flew through the air each time my dick made contact with her body, and then I took my penis in my right hand and gave it one final squeeze. A long strand of gooey goodness oozed out and drizzled onto the small frame below.

“Oof!” I called out in delight as I dropped onto my posterior a few inches away from where a cum-covered Madelyne lay. Like her, I decided to fall back into a supine position as I placed an arm over my face. “That had to be one of the greatest moments of my entire life!”

“You’re too sweet!” Maddie responded as she examined the mess of jism coating her body. She let out a feminine laugh as she added, “But, I suppose if I’m being perfectly honest, that was by far one of the greatest moments of my life, too!”

We both lay on the bed for a good two or three minutes before I finally sat up and surveyed the “damage” I had caused. “Geez,” I groaned. “I made more of a mess than I did yesterday! Do you want me to help you clean any of this up?”

“Actually,” Maddie responded as she slightly propped herself up on her left shoulder, “I don’t mean to sound needy after a hot roll in the hay, but would you maybe be willing to…spend the night with me, Marcus? I mean, this being our first time and all…”

I smiled as I leaned forward and kissed the silver-haired beauty on the forehead. I had absolutely no problem blowing off the fact that I was supposed to drive back to my hometown in the morning so I could go to work. I had something far more important right here in front of me.

I told Madelyne it would be an honor to spend the night with her after enjoying our first time together.



Published 2 years ago

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