The winter months slowly started to melt into spring. College life was going without a hitch for the most part, and between my studies and friends taking up a decent amount of my time, I did everything in my power to make sure I had plenty of time for my sweet, sweet Maddie.
I’ll admit that on some days, my very existence in college took a back seat to the fact that all I wanted to do was be with Madelyne. Our sex life had really taken off, and we made sure to get it on at least two days a week, if not more. The more love we made, the more creative we became. We wanted to try all sorts of positions, and if we could think of it, we more often than not tried it. Her smaller stature afforded me many opportunities to try out things I had never imagined possible.
We would of course revel in the basics like doggy style and some various standing positions, but we also experimented with some of the more obscure ones such as the “magic mountain” and “the chairman.” Yeah, we had some creative names for things, and even though some of the positions had been named by others before us, we created some of our own that would make us giggle like kids when we made plans to meet up after classes. I’m sure some of the other students heard us and wondered just what the hell it was that we were laughing about.
Some days, we would start in the missionary position before I would have Madelyne wrap her legs and arms around me. I would then stand up and take laps around her dorm room while she gleefully bounced up and down on my cock. It wasn’t only fun, but it was pretty decent exercise…although Maddie and I had nicknamed it our “sexercise.”
Madelyne was one heck of a flexible girl, so we took advantage of her elasticity on more than one occasion as she let me perform the “piledriver” on her. We would always execute this move on her bed, and she would be positioned on her shoulders as I held her thighs from where I stood above her. Her legs would be spread wide-open so I could drive my cock down into her…and the sweat would fly as she placed her hands on the small of her back to balance herself while I railed away. It was fucking hot.
Speaking of hot, it was a particularly warm day for how early it was in spring when Maddie and I were studying in her dorm room for an upcoming test. It was actually an exam that I would be taking for one of my courses, but she had decided to help me look things over out of the goodness of her heart. I think she knew that by giving me a hand with the work I didn’t want to do, I would give her a little something extra later on…so we both had that to look forward to.
As always, we had probably been studying for no more than twenty minutes when our hormones got the better of us and the clothes began to fly. Our lips were all over each other, and after I tossed the naked woman onto her bed, I mounted her and began ramming her marvelous jugs with my hardened cock. I titty-banged her for a couple of minutes until slowing down enough so she could reach down and wrap her adorable little digits around my solid cock. She jerked on it before inserting it into her mouth…and after giving me head for a minute or two, she finally pulled it out of her oral orifice and gazed up at me with a sly look on her face.
“What is it, pretty lady? You look like you have something on your mind.” I climbed off my lovely partner and took a seat next to her lithe form. I crossed my legs as my cock poked its head up so Maddie wouldn’t forget it was there.
The silver-haired vixen looked a little hesitant at first, but from where she lay on the bed beside my naked body, she finally met my eyes and inquired, “How would you feel about maybe…filming one of our romps?”
Whoa. Back up. I hadn’t been expecting that. While the idea may have turned me on even more than I already was, I must admit that due to my past, I was a little reluctant to do such a thing since I had had a bad experience once. All I could think about was the time that I had been videotaped without knowledge that it had been going on. It wouldn’t have been the biggest deal in the world when it happened…if the girl who had been responsible hadn’t shared the tape with a bunch of her friends without asking me first.
Maddie rolled onto her left side and leaned against her left fist as she just kind of stared at me. She was definitely waiting for an answer…and by the look on her face, I think she assumed I would’ve jumped at the idea at first. Since I wasn’t saying anything, I think she felt like she might’ve offended me.
“Um, I would maybe be for that. I mean, yeah, that would work. I mean, do you have a camcorder?”
Madelyne looked me over and obviously wondered why I had suddenly devolved into a blubbering idiot. She raised an eyebrow as she pointed out, “You don’t sound so sure. I thought you would really like this idea.”
I scratched the back of my head as I decided to come clean with the young woman who had quickly become one of my closest confidants. “Well, if I can be honest with you, Maddie, I had a bad experience once.”
Since she thought I was joking, my spirited friend cracked a devious smile as she bounced on the bed and seated herself directly in front of me. She also crossed her legs and then grabbed on to her thighs as she leaned forward and requested, “Tell me about it!”
It was hard to make eye contact with the stunning woman as I admitted, “I had this girlfriend a little over a year ago who was a member of a band. They were playing a gig one night and I was cheering her on. Afterward, she invited me up to a room in the house we were in so we could…well, let’s just say that her friends had planted a camera in the room so they could capture everything on tape. I didn’t know about their little operation until the tape started making the rounds.”
“And that upset you?” Maddie asked in a quizzical manner.
I thought the answer was obvious, but I didn’t want to come off as a smartass. “Of course. I couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t ask me or even tell me about the tape’s existence before doing such a thing.”
“What if she had been proud of the tape?” Madelyne further queried. “Maybe she just thought that she was so lucky to be with you and wanted to immortalize the moment on film so she’d always have it. And maybe she was showing it to her friends because she wanted to show you off.”
Ironically enough, that had been the exact reason behind everything that had happened. Maybe even more humorous was the fact that Maddie said it in such a way to make it sound like a good thing instead of the betrayal I had originally taken it as.
“Sounds to me like this girl really wanted people to know that she had been with you,” the silver-haired fox went on. “I mean, I’ll be honest with you, Marcus: I want to film us doing it not just because it would be hot, but because I want to have it so when you’re not around, I can pop the tape in and finger the hell out of myself while actually watching myself get fucked silly by you! I think that would be incredibly hot…hell, just thinking about it has me wet!” Maddie gazed down at her vagina and ran a finger through her lower lips.
Hearing Madelyne’s words and seeing her actions were undeniably turning me on…but at the same time, I found myself pondering the past and whether or not I had made a huge mistake.
“So, whatever became of the tape?”
I shrugged. “Couldn’t tell you for sure. I just know that because of certain events on it, the girls ended up finding a name for their band.” Even as I spoke the sentence, I realized I had said too much.
“Oh, yeah? What’d they end up calling themselves? The Satisfied Sirens?”
My voice wasn’t more than a whisper as I mumbled, “The Squirting Pussies.”
Maddie’s jaw dropped as she smiled at the same time. She had started to lift a hand toward her mouth, but she instead leaned forward and struck me in the arm as she teased, “You dog, you!”
I wasn’t exactly sure how to respond. When I finally found my voice again, I told the sexy woman before me, “Maddie, I would be okay with filming us being intimate, but I think we should set a few ground rules.”
My partner in crime was trying to contain her excitement as she responded, “Of course. I feel that’s only fair after what you went through.”
I thanked her as I said, “I’m fine with it, but I just want it to remain between you and me unless we talk about it first, okay?”
“Absolutely,” she said with a nod.
I then went back to a previous question that had gone unanswered. “Do you have a camcorder?”
Maddie shook her head. “No, but I have a friend who does.”
“Oh. Are you going to ask her to borrow it?”
The sultry woman gave me a wry smile before answering, “Actually, if it’s okay with you, I was thinking about having her do the actual filming so we’d have all of our limbs free to do with as we please…”
I had spent the entire night thinking about what Madelyne had proposed. She had been cool with the fact that I didn’t have an answer right away for her, and I was genuinely appreciative that she wasn’t pushing me into anything I didn’t want to do.
Most guys in my position would undoubtedly jump at such a proposal. I’m sure a vast majority of those dudes would probably think they’d have a good shot at a threesome, and even if such an event wasn’t in the cards, it would still be thrilling to have another woman observing while plowing a different chick on film. I couldn’t deny the fact that the very thought was actually pretty hot.
I had to be the only male in college who was having a problem with how to handle the situation. I knew that if I went to any one of my friends and told them about my dilemma, they would more than likely respond with a derogatory comment like calling me a retard and asking what the hell I was waiting for. I’m sure many of them would ask who in his right mind would find the fact that a lovely woman wanted a second woman in the room filming us being intimate to be a vexing situation. I seemed to be more worked up about what Maddie proposed than an upcoming essay I had due in my Sociology class.
I wandered the campus while deep in thought as a few other guys threw a ball around with each other. I was so oblivious to what was going on around me that I didn’t realize that one of them was Justin… and when he saw me, he jogged over and asked if I wanted to join them.
I thanked him for the offer but told him I had some work to do. He obviously knew that my classes were over for the day, but he didn’t press matters. He went back to the others as I continued brooding and walked along.
I followed the sidewalks past a few pine trees and in between two of the buildings as a thought suddenly occurred to me: I had no idea who Maddie’s friend even was. For all I knew, she could’ve been one of the hottest women alive…or one of the ugliest.
I knew I wasn’t being fair and shouldn’t have such adverse thoughts about a person I didn’t even know, but I felt like I was working myself up for nothing. Maybe this girl would be extremely hideous and I wouldn’t be tempted by the fact that there was another woman in the room next to us. But on the flip side of the coin, maybe she would be drop-dead gorgeous, and while railing Maddie, I would be gazing in the camerawoman’s direction…
I shook my head as I realized what kind of pig I was being. The fact that I was thinking about another woman was bad enough, and it never dawned on me before that Madelyne had not actually “invited” her companion to be a part of our sexual escapades. She had only mentioned wanting to have her friend around to film our action…not be a part of it.
What the hell was I thinking? I was in college…a time when people my age tried all sorts of new things not just because they wanted to, but because they were also aware that this could possibly be the last chance they’d ever receive to attempt such things. I had heard plenty of stories from older friends in the past…and some of the things they had done before going off to become respectable husbands/fathers still blew my mind to this day. It was truly unbelievable that I had only decided to attend college in order to gain a little experience for my writings…
Wow. I hadn’t picked up a pencil and jotted down any notes for my stories in over two months. Hell, the more I thought about it, the only time I picked up any kind of writing utensil was when I forced myself to get a little homework done. I hadn’t done a damn thing to bring any of my creative ideas to life…outside of the bedroom, that was. Any downtime I had was consumed by Maddie…
It wasn’t a bad thing. It’s not like I was eighty years old and had a limited amount of time to finish my magnum opus or anything. I was less than four months away from being twenty-two years old. I still had my whole life ahead of me. I could write any time…but I could only bang a beautiful woman like Madelyne in the here and now.
I passed a few girls who smiled in my direction before I noticed a man in a suit sitting on a bench about twenty-five feet away from me. As I walked by him, I couldn’t help but observe how when we made eye contact, he looked away from me as if he was purposely avoiding my spheres. I realized he was too old to be a student, but if he happened to be a professor, I had certainly never seen him before. I forgot about him and focused on my first and foremost dilemma.
I took another lap around the campus as I continued to contemplate what I was going to tell Maddie. I could tell how excited she was at the very prospect of making a smutty movie with me, and bad experiences from the past aside, I couldn’t deny that the thought of burying my dick deep in her pussy while another woman zoomed in and caught my snake wriggling within her was truly exhilarating on a whole new level. This was something I wasn’t used to…and it may have been the only shot I’d ever have at such a thing.
For a guy who at one time wanted to find his one and only and run away with her, I felt like quite the man-whore as I decided to make my way toward Maddie’s dorm room so I could give her the answer she was looking for.
I knocked on the door of room 2D and heard an angelic voice call out, “Just a minute!” When the door finally opened, the expression on the beautiful face before me lit up like a beacon. “Marcus! I wasn’t expecting you!”
“Hi, Maddie. How are you doing?”
“Great! Are you going to come in?”
I nodded and thanked the warmhearted woman for the invite as I stepped into the room I had been spending so much of my time in. We sometimes hung out back at my place, but since we could be alone in her dorm room with no chance of being walked in on, we carried out many of our “extracurriculars” in her quarters.
Madelyne closed the door and then skipped over to me. She latched onto my left arm as I glanced toward her window before turning my eyes to her. Once eye contact was made, she asked, “To what do I owe this honor of a surprise visit?”
I tried not to come off as a silly palooka as I told her, “Well, I was just out having a walk and was doing some thinking.”
“Oh, yeah? What about?”
“Your proposition.”
Madelyne clammed up and decided to let me do the talking. She didn’t want to interrupt as she awaited the conclusion I had come to.
I looked directly at the silver-haired babe as I finally uttered, “Maddie, I’m going to be honest with you when I say that it wasn’t an easy decision to make, but since you’ve assured me that you’re not going to be showing this video to others without my permission and you wholeheartedly trust the camerawoman you’ve chosen, I think it’s something we should maybe consider doing…if you’re still comfortable with the idea, that is.”
“Hell yeah!” Madelyne shouted as she jumped in the air to cheer. Upon landing, I think she noticed the seriousness in my eyes as she reassured me, “If anything we do makes you uncomfortable during the process, Marcus, we can stop at any time, okay?”
I nodded my thanks.
Maddie then walked over to the nightstand by her bed as she glanced down at the phone. “This friend of mine who’s so good at filming…well, she’s attending our university with a major in film history, so it goes without saying that she has a passion for the movie industry. She’s been filming all sorts of homemade videos for years, and while she mainly captures videos of nature or footage of theatrical plays, this will definitely be a new one for her!”
“Have you talked to her about doing this yet?” I queried. I thought that maybe it hadn’t even been brought up…and that meant that there was a good chance that her friend wouldn’t even want to do such a thing.
“A little bit,” Maddie responded. She then turned to face me again as she sternly said, “But there’s something you need to know about this girl, Marcus.”
“What is it?” I asked out of unbridled curiosity.
“Well, she’s something of a wallflower around here. She’s not the most outgoing person in the world, and if I’m being completely honest with you, I’d venture a guess that she’s never been around a guy in ‘that way’ before. Hell, I’d wager good money that she’s never even been kissed!”
I was beginning to have scruples. I couldn’t imagine a woman who was so modest trying to pick up shots of my cock pulverizing Maddie’s pussy from a doggy style position while she screamed for more. I suddenly felt a little awkward.
Madelyne must’ve noticed my apprehension as she stepped forward and said, “But she really wants to do it and said that if anything made her uncomfortable, she would speak up as long as the two of us will listen…and I told her we would since you had a few misgivings to begin with.”
Upon hearing Maddie’s words, I wondered just how much she had told this friend. I wasn’t sure if I should be embarrassed or relieved.
“Oh, and did I mention that she knows you?”
I nearly choked on my saliva upon hearing the declaration. I was about to fire off the most evident question in response, but there was an unexpected knock at the door that caused me to spin around.
“Oh!” Madelyne called out in delight as she jogged past me and to the door. “That’s probably her now! She was coming over so her and I could discuss things in the event that you came to your senses!” After she spoke her last sentence, she laughed since she was obviously kidding around with me.
I froze where I stood as Maddie reached for the doorknob. Time seemed to stand still for a moment as a hundred thoughts raced through my mind since an entirely new angle had been introduced to the situation. The woman who would be filming Maddie and myself being intimate knew me…and I was about to find out if I knew her as well. I wasn’t sure I even wanted my silver-haired compeer opening the door. Fate had other ideas, though.
“Hey!” Madelyne called out as she greeted the woman who was still out of sight from me. “How are you? Hey, I hope this is all right, but Marcus actually just stopped by, so if the two of you want to take a moment to catch up…”
I think the woman who had just stepped into the room was even more surprised than I had been. When we made eye contact in that instant, we were both blasted back to the past since we had been so damn close at one time. I don’t think either one of us were ready for the reunion we were about to have.
I stared into the bright, dazzling blue eyes of Rosalind Demelza.