I always considered myself to be lucky to grow up in a vacation wonderland in New Hampshire, and even luckier to be able to live there as an adult. My father established a lucrative real estate agency in Laconia, and we lived in a beautiful home on Lake Winnipesaukee.
My name is Ellen, and when I was five years old and just going into the first grade, an African-American family bought the home next to us on the lake. The father is a wealthy businessman, and they moved to the lake after he purchased car dealerships in Laconia and Rochester. I later learned that his parents immigrated from South Africa to avoid the discrimination that is still viable in many areas there. I don’t understand all of that, but his family didn’t have many opportunities to succeed there, except maybe as farmers.
I met the black daughter, named Chloe, down by the lake shortly after they moved in, and we became friends almost immediately. She is my age and was also going into the first grade. We were very happy that we were in the same class together. When we started school, I learned first-hand just how mean kids can be. The population in our area is ninety-seven percent white, and many of the locals are biased against any people of color. Chloe is a girl with a flawless, mocha complexion, and I couldn’t understand how they could hold that against her.
The kids taunted and teased her about being black, and I was usually there to come to her defense. That of course caused both of us to become outcasts, so our friendship grew stronger and stronger as we progressed through school and looked to one another for comfort and support.
We spent our summer’s together swimming in the lake and day dreaming on the old wooden dock in front of my home. And in the winter, we participated in all sorts of skating and skiing sports together. By the time we were sixteen years old and going into our junior year of high school, some of the boys were changing their minds about Sara and me.
She is a beautiful girl at five feet and five inches tall and weighing one hundred and twenty pounds at that time. Her face and skin color remind me a lot of the actress Halle Berry. Her hair was long, silky and dark, and her eyes are dark-brown. But the things that really got the boy’s attention are her firm, D-cup breasts and a shapely ass. We were about the same height and weight, and I also have nice D-cup breasts and a nice, tight ass. But my hair is natural-blonde, and I have blue eyes. We were together all the time, and our contrasting hair, skin and eye colors made us quite alluring to the boys.
We usually double-dated and had a lot of fun with the boys. By the beginning of our senior year, we were fucking several of the boys. We were often able to fuck them in one of our parent’s homes when they were out for the evening, and I always enjoyed watching Chloe have sex. We were both in good shape and curvy in the right places, and her body is so gorgeous to me. Both of us had neatly-trimmed pubic hair, and I enjoyed looking at her dark hair, since mine is blonde and the skin on and around her vulva is almost black.
One night Chloe was sleeping over at my house after our dates, and we had both been fucked at my boyfriend’s house earlier. We were laying under the sheet and blanket talking about our dates (Brad was my date and Jimmy was hers), and I got curious about something and said, “Wow, Chloe, from the mess in my panties, it sure feels like Brad filled me with a really big load of cum tonight. How was it with Jimmy?”
Then Chloe replied, “Yeah, the boys must have been extra horny tonight. It feels like Jimmy shot a big load into me too. If you don’t mind, I’d really like to see your mess, and I’ll show you mine too.”
In our twelve years of being best friends, we had never done anything even the least bit sexual together. Nonetheless, her interest in seeing my cum-soaked pussy made me want to see her pussy too. I suddenly felt all tingly inside. I was a little nervous and embarrassed, but I replied, “Okay Chloe, let’s show each other, but we can’t tell anyone else about this.”
I was wearing a t-shirt and panties, so I pushed down the covers and quickly pulled off my panties, as Chloe turned around and moved down to look at me. I spread my legs as she got closer, and she laughed and said, “That’s really cool, Ellen. Your lips and hair are coated with his cum, and some of it is still oozing out of you. He must have had a really big load tonight, and it smells good, but strong. Now look at me.”
Since she had turned around in the bed, we were already head-to-toe, so she pulled off her panties and spread her legs. I was only a foot or so from her pussy, and the aroma of her pussy and the cum were overpowering and arousing. I had sucked my boyfriends off and swallowed cum it a few times, but never had a chance to smell it like that. Jimmy’s cum was thick and white, and showed up visibly on her dark hair and vulva.
My heart was beating faster as I looked at her pussy and then up to see the rising and falling of her big breasts as she breathed. For the first time in my life I desired sexual contact with another girl. I placed my hand on her thigh, only a few inches from her pussy, and said, “Chloe, Jimmy made a big mess too, and you look so delicious to me. Do you mind if I lean down and taste some of his cum?”
She smiled at me and said, “It’s okay to taste me, Ellen, but I get to taste you too.”
I shifted over and gently touched my tongue to her hairy, cum-covered vulva, and pushed it slightly inside. Then Chloe moaned as I opened my mouth and covered her labia with my mouth and started sucking. She followed by tasting and then sucking my labia. So, there we were, in a side-by-side sixty-nine, sucking each other’s pussies. I just loved the taste of her juices and the cum, and I wrapped my arms around her ass to pull her closer to me. She did the same to hold me tight, and we sucked one another for at least fifteen minutes as we made love to one another’s cunts. We both had big orgasms.
As we parted from sucking pussy, I scooted farther down in the bed, still in the sixty-nine position, and pulled up her t-shirt, and sucked her gorgeous, dark nipple and areola into my mouth. Then she pulled up my t-shirt and sucked my nipple, and we continued to hold tightly and suck each other like that, switching from breast to breast for another thirty minutes.
When we finished sucking each other’s breasts, Chloe turned back around in the bed and we held one another and kissed passionately. After we finally calmed down and were lying side by side, she looked over at me and said, “Fuck, Ellen, that was amazing. I never knew I could get such pleasure with another girl.”
I smiled at her and said, “Oh I know, Chloe, I’ve never felt this way before. The boys just want to fuck and shoot, and it was so nice to be caressed. I felt your love for me, and I hope that you felt mine. I don’t think this makes us lesbians or anything, because I still love cock. It sure will be nice to have this to comfort one another when we feel the need. And I just love the contrast of our skin together.”
We continued to date boys in high school, but we still took the opportunity to have sex together during sleepovers. After graduation, we decided to go to Granite State College in Concord, which is only about twenty-seven miles and thirty-eight minutes from Laconia. We both majored in business administration and lived together in the dorm. We were close enough to home that we were able to go home whenever we wanted to. Our shared goal was to go to a college close to home and hopefully meet some boys from our area. We wanted to end up living on the lake for the rest of our lives.
Our lives had been parallel since the first grade, so it was no surprise that we both met our future husbands in our second year of college. By the age of twenty we were married, and both had sons. Our husbands came from well-to-do families in the Laconia area, and our families were wealthy by most standards. So, we had the resources to continue with college living in small homes in Concord. Chloe married a black man, so their son, Ethan, also has a dark-mocha complexion. My so,n Jason, is fair-skinned and has blonde hair like me and his father, Dan.
After graduating from college, we bought homes right next to one another on the lake and not too far from our parent’s homes. Our husbands didn’t object too much when we insisted that we live next door, but our closeness eventually stated to wear on them. Chloe and I did everything together with our boys. They were growing up with the same experiences we had, as being best friends. There was still that ugly racism to deal with when they started school, and that made them even closer.
It was so enjoyable watching our sons grow up together, and they spent a lot of time together on the dock in front of my home. During the summer they turned sixteen years old, just before starting their junior year. They are both handsome and muscular young men who attracted a lot of attention from the girls. They double-dated the girls just like Chloe and I had done with the boys in high school, and they were also very close to Chloe and me.
We fawning mothers sat on the deck for hours watching our boys boating, skiing and playing in the water, and I often wondered if Chloe was lusting after Jason the same way I lusted for Ethan. His dark skin is attractive to me, and although our sons wore loose-fitting bathing suits, I sometimes caught glimpses of Ethan’s rather large cock and balls pressing against the fabric.
Chloe and I turned thirty-six years old during that summer, and we still looked almost as good as we did in high school. That wasn’t good enough for Chloe’s husband, though, and he wanted a divorce so he could run off with a younger white woman that he met at work. Chloe got a good divorce settlement from her husband and went to work at her father’s dealership. I think my husband was still happy with me, but he had an amazing job opportunity in New York City, and wanted to move there to take the position.
I knew that I was being selfish, but I had a hard time accepting the reality of leaving our wonderful life on the lake, and leaving my dear friend, Chloe. We finally decided that Dan would take the job and commute home on weekends for a while, as I continued to struggle with my decision. New York is about three hundred miles and almost six hours by car from Laconia, so I knew that the travel would put a strain on Dan. It was cost prohibitive to travel there by air, and even if he did it took almost as much in total time.
With Chloe divorced and Dan gone during the week, she and I and the boys were spending more and more time together. I always tried to maintain a motherly demeanor around the boys, but I noticed that Jason would sometimes flirt with Chloe, and Ethan would flirt with me. We both flirted back. It was all very subtle, but the boys are so handsome and mature, that I sometimes forgot that we were blurring the lines of morality.
When school started in the fall, the boys were dating their girlfriends again. They would usually take turns sleeping over at either of our homes after they took their dates home. Dan was coming home fewer and fewer of the weekends, and I was in bed alone and not yet asleep one night when the boys came back to my home. I heard them talking in Jason’s room. Since I was getting up to go to the bathroom anyway, and was in a nosy mood, I tiptoed up to their partially-open door to listen.
They were quiet for a few moments and then I heard Jason whisper, “Yeah, no shit, man. Janet wouldn’t give it up to me tonight either. You’d think those pussies were gold or something. She let me suck her big tits and finger her long enough to give me the blue balls, and then said that she didn’t feel like giving me a blowjob or fucking.”
Ethan laughed and replied, “Well, just because those bitches didn’t want to do it, that doesn’t mean that we can’t help each other out like before. Turn around and get under me and let’s do this.”
Then Jason said, “Okay Ethan, you know that I always like you to be on top.”
There was enough light coming into the room from the outside security light that I saw what was going on. It’s hard to describe how I felt when I saw the boys pull off their underwear, as Jason laid on his back on the bed. I saw both boys’ cocks and my pussy immediately got wet. Ethan’s cock is uncircumcised, about seven and a half inches long and very thick, even though it didn’t look to be fully hard. His balls are also big and low-hanging, and his cock and balls are black. Jason’s cock was also about half-hard, and he looked to be about the same size as Daman, except that he is circumcised.
Ethan moved on top of Jason and they took one another’s cocks into their mouths. They sucked each other for a few minutes, and I then saw that their cocks looked to be nearly nine inches long and very thick. Ethan was fucking Jason’s mouth as Jason wrapped his arms around his ass and waist to hold him in place. Ethan was also sucking Jason aggressively. It only took the boys a few minutes of sucking like that until I saw both of their asses clinch and thrust, as they swallowed each other’s cum. I don’t know why Jason preferred the more-submissive bottom position. But the whole thing was so erotic, especially with the contrast in their fair and dark skin colors.
I could hardly believe that I had just witnessed our boys doing the same thing that Chloe and I had done at their age. I knew they liked girls and weren’t gay. They were just experiencing bisexual relief just like Chloe and I had done. I quietly walked back to my room, and masturbated myself to a huge orgasm, just thinking about those boys and their big cocks, and especially Ethan’s black cock and balls.
Chloe came over to my home the next day after the boys left home. I told her all about the boys sucking each other off, and it turned us on so much that we ended up sucking each other to orgasm on my couch. And she was very proud when I told her how much I liked seeing Ethann’s big, black cock and huge balls. She was curious about Jason’s cock too, and she was thrilled when I said that both boys have really big cocks. We were simply proud of our boys. I don’t think either one of us anticipated what would happen in the near future.
Since we were aware of the boy’s bisexual tendencies, Chloe and I both paid more attention when the boys were sleeping over at either of our homes. We observed them doing the same thing about half of the times they were together, usually depending on whether they got any pussy or got sucked off by their dates that night.
Dan was home for two weeks over the Christmas holidays, and our personal situation came to a head. I decided that I would not move from our lake home that I love so much, and that was the beginning of the end of our marriage. He came home less and less after that, and we were divorced by the summer. Jason and I got decent child support and alimony payments from Dan. I also got my real estate license and started to work with my father’s agency. So, we were still comfortable financially and able to stay on the lake.
On a weekend in mid-January the boys had gone out on dates on Friday night. On Saturday night I had Chloe and Ethan over for a little post-holiday get together with us. We let the boys drink wine and beer with us in the privacy of our homes and played various card and board games. We had a great time, with a lot of subtle flirting between Ethan and me, and Jason and Chloe.
We allowed the boys to call us by our first names when no one else was around. That probably helped to make us all seem maybe a little too familiar together. But the boys also called us Mom, depending on the circumstances. By 11:30 pm Chloe and I were a little tipsy from several glasses of wine. Jason was passed out on the couch in the living room, having consumed way too much beer.
Chloe decided to call it a night and went home. Since Ethan was planning on…