The date was June twentieth in the year 2348. I was sitting in the pilot’s seat of the Intrepid III, a cargo ship bound for the lunar mining colony. My job was to deliver the supplies that they needed to keep the place running and producing the mineral deposits that the company had discovered.
It was supposed to be just a routine mission–one I had made at least a dozen times before. The company usually sent one of these resupply ships up every month, and I was one of four pilots the company had on the payroll to do it.
The final countdown had begun, and I checked my seat harness one last time to make sure it was plenty tight. Launching was always a rough ride, and I didn’t want to bounce around too much. Finally, I could feel the vibrations as the big booster rockets ignited, and I drew a deep breath…
It took about three minutes to get out of Earth’s atmosphere when the ride smoothed out. Once I had jettisoned the booster engines things settled and quieted considerably. Another minute and I was officially in space. I was able to put a little slack in the seat harness although I kept it on, just comfortably loose.
After contacting the base and giving them a status update, I settled in my seat for the twelve-hour flight to Lunar Base Apollo, named for the first mission to the moon. We had come a long way in technology since that fateful day in July 1969 when the first humans from Earth landed on the moon.
Back then, it took three days one way to go to the moon using the liquid-fuel technology of the times. But now with nuclear propulsion and better, stronger, and considerably lighter materials in our rockets, we have cut the time down to twelve hours one way.
I would spend another twelve hours on the moon while they unloaded my ship and prepared it for its return trip and then twelve more hours and I would be home again–a thirty-six-hour round trip if everything went smoothly. If.
But this wasn’t going to be a smooth trip. And it would shoot the hell out of that thirty-six-hour timeline.
I had just passed the ring of garbage that surrounded the Earth, the ring of space junk–old satellites that had outlived their usefulness, discarded rocket motors, bits and pieces of broken spacecraft that had accrued from years of launches–and had pointed the nose of my ship toward my target.
However a couple of hours into my flight, a radio call came from base warning me that there had been a pretty good-sized solar flare and that I should expect some “turbulence”, for lack of a better word.
Of course, it isn’t really turbulence because there is no air up in space, but it was going to be bumpy nonetheless. I replied to their broadcast and then cinched my harness down again. I went over my controls and settings quickly while I waited for the flare to hit me.
I had just completed a check of all the settings when I saw it out the window of my ship. Then suddenly I felt a tremendous jolt and everything went black.
When I awoke I found myself laying in a field of the strangest flowers I had ever seen. They were about a foot high with blue sawtooth-edged leaves at the base and a single almost neon green stalk leading to what looked like a small sunflower but with pink fur instead of leaves around the center seedpod!
I looked around and saw my ship–or more to the point what was left of my ship. Which wasn’t much; I must have crash-landed pretty damn hard to reduce my ship to the pile of rubble that I was looking at now.
As I looked at my ship, I suddenly realized that the face shield of my helmet was missing! It had shattered when something struck it (or when I struck something–I really didn’t know which).
But yet I was alive, I was breathing, and without any apparent difficulty. The air smelled a little different than I was used to, but that was partly because of the perfume of the strange flowers I was surrounded by. All in all not unpleasant, just different.
I tried to stand to go back to survey the damage to my ship and salvage what I could, but when I stood I got dizzy and fell back on my ass with a thud.
So I crawled back to my ship, which took a bit of time–I had been thrown about fifty feet or so by the time I came to a stop, and I wasn’t moving very fast at the moment!
When I got back to what was left of my ship, I looked at the twisted and burned metal wires and rubble. There was no way I was going anywhere in this. I was stranded, marooned on an unknown planet with no idea where I was or how far away home was.
Not that it would have mattered–I couldn’t have gotten home if I had known! All I could hope was that somehow they knew where I was and would send a rescue craft for me.
I flipped into survival mode and began looking for supplies I would need to keep myself going if and when that day came. I had a loaded craft that was intended for the moon base but now would serve to keep me going instead–that was fortunate.
The back end of the ship was intact enough to make a decent shelter, although I had no idea what the temperature or climatic extremes I would have to face here on Planet X.
I looked over the controls of the capsule and something very odd caught my eye. The ship’s flight clock read 06/21/2348! I had only been out for a few hours! It was the very next day!
I had to sit down again at this revelation. I had traveled God only knows how far across space to an unknown planet and done it in less time than it takes to go to the moon!
After the shock of my rapid deviation and crash had worn off, I set about taking stock of my supplies and making an inventory of whatever might be of use here. The one thing I hoped to find was something I could use as a weapon.
We weren’t in the habit of carrying weapons–I was strictly a commercial cargo driver. So I was looking for a sharply pointed something-or-other I could use to defend myself against whatever beasts may be found on this planet.
The other problem I had was fire. While I had something I could light a fire with, finding something to burn was going to be difficult. I had cardboard and paper from the boxes and packaging, but I couldn’t find any firewood anywhere. The pallets we used were plastic and there were no trees as far as the eye could see. So fire would be a hard sell. I hoped it didn’t get too cold at night here!
I was busily moving things around and getting myself organized; I didn’t hear anything but my own efforts to move boxes and my voice as I talked to myself. So when I stood up to stretch my back I was completely unprepared for what I saw. Figures… dark, humanoid-looking figures standing in the distance… and they had seen me!
Still, without a weapon, I had no way of defending myself against this group of whatever they were. All I could do was go out to face them and see what would happen next. They might be friendly or fierce, I had no way of knowing. The only thing I did know was that whatever the outcome, it would happen fast–they were already getting closer!
I went out to face my fate and wait for these strange beings. I couldn’t really call them aliens since I was, in fact, the alien here. They approached closer but were still far enough away that I couldn’t make them out very clearly when they suddenly stopped.
A single one of them proceeded to come closer. The creature appeared smaller in stature to me (of little comfort considering the number of them behind it!)
As the creature neared, I saw that it wore something akin to the long hooded overcoats women wore back home years ago. This creature had the hood up and I couldn’t see any features until it got very close.
It stopped a short distance as if caught by surprise. It stood there for a moment like it was trying to grasp what I was. Then it was my turn to gasp in surprise. The creature pulled it’s hood off–it was a woman!
And not just a woman, but a very beautiful woman. I estimated her age at probably twenty or twenty-one Earth years old, around five foot six inches tall, with long beautiful black hair down to her very sexy ass, a set of tits that made my mouth water and the most beautiful ice-blue eyes I’d ever seen.
She had full sensuous lips that begged to be kissed and long, lean wrap-around-your-waist-and-die-happy legs. She was stunning and a match for any Earth woman I’d seen in person or in my dreams!
“Are you… a man?” the woman said. If I hadn’t been so completely bewildered at seeing a woman in front of me, the question would have been hilarious. But as it was I so shocked, I couldn’t even nod my head yes at first!
“Are you a man?” she repeated.
“You can speak English?” I asked her, totally blown away at this turn of events.
“Yes. Now my question,” she said, getting impatient with me.
“Yes. Yes, I am a man. My name is Adam Jennings,” I said.
“I thought so, I have seen pictures of men. I am… L’natria,” she said.
“Pictures of men?” I asked. What a strange way of putting it!
“Yes. Do you not know where you are, Adam of Jennings?” she asked amazed.
“No, I don’t. And it’s just Adam Jennings,” I said.
She looked behind me and saw the wreckage of my ship. She knew I was not from here. “This is the planet Shatabhisha Galli and you are on the Plains of Honnika not too far from the City of Kupolinis where we live. Come, Queen Aurquan will want to see you,” she said.
So with little choice, I left the scene of my crash and everything that I had salvaged and followed L’natria. As we walked towards the rest of the group, L’natria tried to tell me about this strange planet.
“L’natria, you asked me if I was a man. What did you mean?” I asked.
“Shatabhisha Galli is the second home for our race of people. Originally we come from another planet farther away called Shatabhisha. Galli is our word for two or second. Our original home was invaded many centuries ago by the Drakoonians, a race of pirates, thieves and robbers.
“They came to our world and plundered our cities and farmlands. Our men tried to fight them but the Drakoonians systematically killed them all and captured many of our women. Those of us that survived and got away took the few men we had left and came here.
“Now there are only a handful of men here. I understand some other cities have kings, but our city has not seen a man in many many years. You are the first man I have ever seen,” she explained.
“Never?” I asked. This was unbelievable!
“No. Kingdoms aren’t allowed to share their men–that’s one of our laws. So those with kings to rule them have a lot of power. After all, men have the cocks!” she said. “It’s a real honor to have you here, sir, and I’m sure the queen will be most eager to meet you.”
A planet of nothing but beautiful women… it was the stuff of men’s science fiction fantasies!
Then it was my turn to tell my story. As we got closer to the group she had come with, I told L’natria how I was on a routine flight from my home on Earth to the moon base to deliver supplies for the mining operations there.
I told her about the solar flare and how I got knocked unconscious and crash-landed here. She had never heard of Earth or my moon or even my solar system. Which told me that somehow I had been blown a long, long, LONG way off course! There would be no search party or rescue for me. As far as my home world knew I had been killed.
“So you are not a king? I do not understand,” she said. I told her that on my world there were roughly as many men as there were women and she was shocked to hear that. “A man for every woman… those are some very lucky women! That sounds wonderful!” she said, dreamily.
I told her that in my world people often didn’t have much interest or success in sexual relations and that many times people spend their whole lives without a partner. L’natria seemed saddened at this. Then she asked me about my romantic life.
“I don’t really have anyone. In this job going off to space every couple weeks or so, most women can’t handle the stress,” I said.
“You should stay here with us, Adam Jennings,” she suggested. “You could be our king. Believe me, you would really like it. Here men are treated very very well. They don’t go too long without sex. We feel it’s not good for them, and they usually have as much sex as they’d like.”
“What about your queen–Queen Aurquan, is that right? Won’t she object to my being king?” I asked.
L’natria giggled cutely. “No, I think she will most happy to see you and make you our King. You see, even though she is queen and rules over us, it is our way that men are always in charge. She will be very happy that our land finally has a king and you will be welcomed by everyone,” she said.
It was about then that we reached the rest of the scouting party she was with. I got a lot of stares and whispers and shy looks and giggles, but I didn’t mind. I figured that I was the first man any of them had seen and as such, I was a curiosity and quite a novelty. I hadn’t realized the full extent of the situation I was in just yet, but I would soon!
I counted twenty women in this scouting party including L’natria, and there wasn’t a plain one in the bunch! I felt like I had just fallen into the Playboy Grotto and I expected Hef to come out and welcome me at any minute!
But it turns out that I was Hef at this mansion! The girls all gathered around and wanted to get a look at me, touch me, and feel my hair… it really was kind of exciting! I felt like a rock star!
“Okay girls leave Adam Jennings alone!” L’natria said. Then she turned to me. “It is getting late… we will camp here overnight and head back to Kupolinis in the morning.
I sat down on a large rock and watched the women set up the tents and prepare what I assumed passed for food here on this bizarre planet. The tents were made from a material I was unfamiliar with–it looked like a hide of some sort, but it was incredibly thin and lightweight, many times lighter than even the nylon in the best tents I had seen back home.
Rolled up into it’s stuff-sack it weighed about as much as a good pair of socks. Yet this hide (or whatever it was) was virtually rip-proof! If you didn’t have a very sharp knife, you’d never get through it!
As I watched them work, I thought about what I had learned so far. A world almost exclusively of women was different to be sure, and if these women were any example, this truly was paradise! War didn’t seem to be much of a problem since I saw no weapons or what I would consider military accouterments of any sort.
And political rivalries didn’t seem to be present either–those kingdoms that did have a man didn’t share them, plain and simple, so jealousy and power hunger were not issues here.
I quickly found myself excited at the prospect of being a king in this world, with a harem of concubines at my disposal! It had been many years since I’d had sex on a regular basis and while I stumbled into it once in a while, it was only a one-nighter at best. But now I faced an untapped and seemingly limitless source of hot, sexy women just begging for my cock!
It didn’t take long before the tents were up and L’natria came to call me for dinner. “Come, Adam Jennings, you can sit by me while we eat if you like,” she said, offering her small, dainty hand. I took the hand and we went over where the others were sitting in a circle with handmade clay plates in their laps.
As we sat and ate a stew-like meal, sopping up the gravy with dried bread, I looked around at the company I was in. Each time my eyes were met with a woman’s, she would blush and giggle and look away shyly. It was rather cute in a flirty, coquettish sort of way.
The food was good, albeit, unusual in its taste. I didn’t ask what it was–I figured the less said there, the better!
After we had finished our meal and the dishes were scraped, washed, and packed away, we sat around in the same circle and I told the women tales about my world. The girls were filled with all sorts of questions but the majority of them centered around sex.
They wanted to know what things the men in my world liked as far as sex goes–what they liked to do and have done to them. They wanted to know how often they usually had sex and how many girls they had sex with.
They wanted to know what my tastes in sex consisted of as well and I could tell as I talked about these subjects the women were all getting very excited and turned on; more than once I caught a girl with her hand in her crotch or rubbing her legs together “innocently” adjusting her seat.
Sometimes, my words would elicit a group moan or a happy, flirty giggle from the girls. But I enjoyed seeing these girls getting aroused by the conversations we were having.
All too soon for all of us though, it was time to turn in and go to sleep. We had to be heading to the City of Kupolinis tomorrow and I was to meet Queen Aurquan. I didn’t know what lay in store for me there, but if the current company was any indication, it would be a very interesting conversation!
Back home on Earth, I had always found the goodnight kiss to be the most awkward time of the date. Even on blind dates or first dates, the first meeting wasn’t nearly as inept and ungainly as that goodnight kiss… wondering if you should, how you should approach it, what will their reaction be, are you doing it right–there is a lot of pressure if you want another chance with this person!
Now I was faced with the same awkwardness but on a much grander scale. I was facing several women, even more, beautiful and amazing than anything I ever had the pleasure to date on Earth and I was not just facing a goodnight peck here! It was obvious even to someone as thick-headed and slow to catch a hint as myself that these women wanted me.
But I didn’t know what kind of social protocol there may be in place for a situation like this. And I certainly didn’t want to start my new life here by committing some unforgivable breach of etiquette or even worse break a law I didn’t know about! So I decided to just play it cool and see how things developed.
I didn’t have to wait for long. At the first opportunity she had, L’natria took me aside and we walked, hand in hand, a short ways from the camp.
We walked around a small rock outcropping out of sight of the rest of the party. I could tell L’natria wanted to talk to me, but she was too shy and hesitant to speak up. I stood there with my back to the rocks while she fumbled with her fingers, looking down and unable to look me in the eyes.
“What is it L’natria?” I asked trying to get her to open up.
“I-I wanted to talk to you… alone,” she started to say.
“You did? What about?” I asked.
“Well, it’s just that… well, we weren’t expecting to find you… and we don’t have a tent for you. But you need a place to sleep so…” she said in soft fits and starts. I could see where she was trying to go with this and I lifted her face to mine.
“L’natria, are you asking me to sleep with you?” I asked wanting her to get to the heart of the matter.
“Please, sir? Please, just for tonight. We will be back in Kupolinis tomorrow and then I might not get another chance!” she said, her voice quivering a bit.