Lupe The Colombian Guesthouse MILF

"I stay at my uncle's guesthouse in Colombia, and meet his new latina MILF wife, Lupe..."

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I want to tell the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse, on the Pacific coast of Colombia, in South America. But I must give you some background first.

I had graduated from university here in London and had then taken a year out travelling around the world. On my travels across Europe and Asia, I had pursued my passion for photographing the natural world. I had set up a website and posted updates almost every day, and sometimes posted videos to my YouTube channel also.

When I had returned, I had bummed around London for a few months, picking up a few photography jobs when I could. Living back at home with my parents became a bit of a grind, but I certainly couldn’t afford to move out yet. I needed some freedom as I had had on my travels, but all my savings had gone.

I kept searching online for photographic assignments that might take me away from a grimy, cold and wet November in London. Eventually, I saw one that was perfect for me. I went for an interview with the publisher; they had seen my website and YouTube channel and seemed quite impressed with me. I showed them more recent stuff I had done in London too, and they immediately offered me the assignment.

I was to photograph the various flora and fauna along the Pacific coast of Colombia. It was a two-month assignment, as what they wanted was quite extensive, and they knew travel around this remote area was sometimes difficult. In fact, because of their interest in my YouTube channel, they had actually added a video content requirement into the assignment.

The reason I had been so interested in this particular assignment, over the many others that I had seen, was that I had an uncle who had moved out to South America when I was just a boy. He had eventually settled in the same area this assignment required me to photograph. I had seen my Uncle Gerry a few times since his big move when he would pop back to the UK. I had always got along with him, far more than I did with my own father.

After getting the job, I had eventually managed to get a message to him. Uncle Gerry was delighted I was coming out to Colombia and said I could stay with him. I had imagined he meant in his house, but in a subsequent message I discovered he owned a guesthouse, and I could stay there but would have to pay for a room. But as the weekly rent was very cheap, I didn’t mind that at all.

The money the publisher had offered me was pretty good I had thought, especially for a twenty-three-year-old guy, not long out of university. When I told my parents how much I would be making they seemed to think it was a very good offer indeed. They would also pay for all my expenses. As I did not have a lot of savings, or credit cards, they had agreed to send my expenses to me upfront once a week.

Two weeks later I was travelling halfway across the world. It would take one very long flight to Bogota, and then another onto the city of Buenaventura. This was the biggest town actually on the Pacific coast in Colombia. It had the port, but apart from this was a fairly unremarkable town.

I stopped over here for a few nights to get my bearings, staying in the hotel the publisher had set up for me.

The publisher had planned for me to be based out of Buenaventura for the whole two-months. Their plan for me was to then travel along the coast to various small towns each week, find somewhere to stay there, get my photos, and then get back to Buenaventura for the weekend. This was due to the fact there was no internet service in any of these remote areas along the Pacific coast. I would need to return to Buenaventura to send my photos and videos over the available internet service there.

However, my uncle lived in a much smaller town about fifty miles north of Buenaventura. Eventually, the publisher had agreed I could base myself out of my uncle’s town, as long as I travelled to Buenaventura at least once a fortnight to update them over the internet service there with my photos. This seemed a fair compromise.

After my few days in Buenaventura, I took a small ferry boat up the coast to the town where my uncle now lived. The trip took about two hours, and I arrived in the late afternoon sun. When the ferry docked, my uncle was waiting for me on the small pier.

We hugged as I stepped off the boat, a real bear hug from my uncle. We had not seen each other for over five years.

“Jeez. You got big, kid,” Uncle Gerry said, looking me up and down.

He had always called me ‘Kid’. Whether it was now an appropriate nickname for a twenty-three-year-old guy or not I wasn’t sure, but I wasn’t going to argue with him.

Uncle Gerry was a tall, big bear of a man, but perhaps had put on a few pounds since I’d seen him last, I thought. He definitely had a real beer belly on him now. He was also slightly balding, with a few grey whiskers in his stubble. But I guess he was now almost sixty, so the middle-aged spread had begun many years ago.

Uncle Gerry helped me with my bags, and we put them in the back of his little red jeep parked by the side of the quay. As we drove through the town, he told me his wife was waiting back at the guest house to cook us my first Colombian home-cooked meal.

Uncle Gerry had been married once before, to my Aunt Diane. She had gone with him when he initially moved to South America all those years ago. I recall overhearing my parents talking about Uncle Gerry and an affair, and his marriage had ended. Aunt Diane had eventually returned to England.

Around four years ago I had been told Uncle Gerry had married again, to a Colombian woman. However, my parents and I knew nothing about her, not even her name.

After a ten-minute drive, we arrived outside Uncle Gerry’s guesthouse. The sign outside read ‘Casa Madre’. It looked a little run down from the outside, a little dilapidated. I wasn’t sure what kind of accommodations I had agreed to stay at.

The building was in a large ‘U’ shape, with the open end of the ‘U’ at the street side. It was a two-storey construction. Two staircases ran up from the street end to the second floor above, where a wide veranda ran the length of each side, in front of the rooms behind. Downstairs, in between each side of the ‘U’ shaped building, was a fairly wide courtyard area.

There were rooms off the courtyard downstairs on each side, and rooms off the two verandas on each side upstairs. Uncle Gerry lead me through the courtyard to the other end of the building. Peeking through the windows in the rooms downstairs, it didn’t much like the look of them.

“How many rooms to rent do you have here, Uncle?” I asked as I struggled with my bags.

“Twenty-four rooms,” he replied, “But don’t worry, we have fully renovated five of the rooms upstairs so far. You’ll be staying in one of those. It’s much nicer than the ones down here.”

“How long have you had this place, Uncle?” I enquired.

“Oh a few years now, kid. But it’s turned into a bit of a money pit I’m afraid,” he explained, “So I’m not only glad to see you, but I’m also glad of the income.”

Uncle Gerry laughed, slapping me on the back. We had now crossed the length of the courtyard, and I noticed this end of the guesthouse looked different to the rest. No doors were going into individual guest rooms here. There was just one big wooden door in the centre.

My uncle opened the large door and welcomed me in. Now I realised the end of the guesthouse had been converted into a separate nice-sized family home. There was a comfy lounge area, and modern kitchen-diner off to the left. I dropped my bags by the door.

I guessed my uncle was living here in this section with his wife and presumably renting out the rest of the rooms to guests.

“Lupe? Lupe? Come and meet my nephew,” Uncle Gerry called out.

I heard footsteps on the floor above, and then down the stairs appeared one of the most gorgeous women I had ever seen. She wore a white dress, with little red cherries printed on it. The dress was very short, and just about covered her shapely ass. It was also strapless at the top, and the only thing keeping it up seemed to be her huge bust.

She had jet black, shoulder-length hair, and big hoop sparkly earrings. She was an absolutely gorgeous, incredibly sexy woman. I noticed a cute little beauty spot, about an inch to the side of her mouth. She had big full lips too, very enticing.

I guessed she was about 5ft 3in tall, and in her mid-thirties. Certainly, my uncle was punching way, way above himself.

“Lupe, this is the kid,” Uncle Gerry said, “Kid, this is my wife Lupe.”

“I’m very pleased to meet you, ma’am,” I said, extending my hand to shake hers.

“Ma’am? Oh, Yerry, you didn’t tell me your nephew was so polite,” Lupe said smiling, taking my hand, and holding on to it, “Yerry, I do like nice polite English man, why can’t you be like that, huh?”

She laughed, and we all laughed along with her. I instantly loved Lupe’s accent. I noticed when she said my uncle’s name, she pronounced it as ‘Yerry’, not ‘Gerry’. It was cute.

“Well, I can’t call you ‘kid’, can I?” Lupe giggled.

“Ah no, Jack is fine,” I replied.

“Yes, okay. Jack, it is,” Lupe stated.

I nodded, agreeing. I noticed she also pronounced by name as ‘Yack’, not Jack, but I, of course, did not point that out to her.

“Should I call you Aunt Lupe?” I enquired.

“Oh no, that makes me feel old,” Lupe giggled, “But you probably think of Yerry’s first wife as your aunt? Don’t worry about ma’am, you just call me Lupe, okay?”

Lupe held my arm for some time as she asked me about my journey before my uncle suggested we sit in the kitchen. I sat at the table, whilst my uncle opened the fridge.

“You want a beer, kid?” Uncle Gerry asked.

I explained I didn’t drink alcohol, that I would prefer a soft drink.

“Oh, you hear that Yerry?” Lupe said, smiling, “You could take a leaf out of his books, no?”

“Ya don’t drink? Jeez, kid, I don’t know,” my uncle said, shaking his head, sipping on a beer as he handed me a Coke, “I mean, what do you do, kid?”

“Hey, you leave him alone Yerry,” Lupe warned, shaking her finger at her husband, “Now, I hope you like fish, Jack?”

“Yes, of course,” I replied.

Lupe began preparing our meals, as my uncle and I chatted and caught up. He asked about back home in England and his brother. I answered all his questions and caught him up with all the family gossip.

However, I couldn’t really give him my full attention. Whenever my uncle glanced away, I would check out Lupe. She looked so good.

She kept bending over to get something out of the oven or a cupboard, and I would get a nice view of her lovely ass in that tight short dress. Once she had to bend right over to reach something in the back of a low cupboard, and her short dress rode up enough for me to see the bottom of her ass cheeks and the little black thong panties in between her legs. I only got in some very quick glances, as I didn’t want my uncle to see me lusting over his wife.

My uncle asked me all about my plans here, and exactly what my employers expected of me. I explained my assignment, and Lupe would chip in with comments too. She seemed interested in what I was going to be doing.

Lupe then again had to bend over to pick up a fork she had dropped, but this time she was facing me. I thought she was literally going to fall out of the top of her dress, as I got a full view of Lupe’s huge tits hanging down. I could see right down her enormous cleavage.

Just as she began to stand straight again, she looked up in my direction. I began to look away innocently, but she had caught me. As my eyes moved back to look at my uncle, I thought I saw a tiny grin appear on Lupe’s face, but it was right out of the corner of my eye, so I couldn’t be sure. At least my uncle didn’t seem to have noticed, as he was telling me one of his long, rambling, but often quite funny stories.

Soon Lupe was bringing over plates with fish, coconut rice, and patacones, and we all sat around the kitchen table and dug in. It was delicious, and I complimented Lupe on her excellent cooking.

“Ah thank you, Jack, isn’t he sweet?” Lupe smiled at her husband.

“And may I compliment you uncle, on your fabulous wife,” I said cheekily.

“Oh! And a sweet mouth too,” Lupe laughed, jokingly putting her finger on my lips.

Uncle Gerry laughed too, as did I.

“Yep, she’s a real knockout ain’t she, kid?” Uncle Gerry said, sipping on his beer.

Lupe scolded her husband, but jokingly, slapping him on his leg. Uncle Gerry pulled Lupe closer and gave her a big kiss on the lips. Lupe then gave him a peck on the cheek.

“Yes sir,” I agreed.

How could I not agree? This woman was an absolute goddess. I wondered if Uncle Gerry’s affair that my parents had mentioned all those years ago was with Lupe? Perhaps he had left Aunt Diane for Lupe; surely any man would have if they had the opportunity.

“How about you, kid?” Uncle Gerry asked, “You got a girlfriend back home?”

“Ah no, not right now, uncle,” I replied shyly.

“Well, we’re gonna have to change that, right Lupe?” Uncle Gerry said.

“What do you mean, Yerry?” Lupe asked, looking innocently at her husband.

“I mean there’s plenty of girls in town he could hook up with, right?” Uncle Gerry continued, “I’m sure lots of them would want to try out a nice polite English boy, huh?”

“Well, I don’t know, maybe. He is quite handsome,” Lupe said, smiling, and reached out to feel my upper arm, “And fit too. Yes, they will like you, Jack. But how is your Spanish?”

“Un poco,” I told her, stating I knew a little.

“Un poco? Well, that should be enough to get you started. Most of the local girls don’t speak much English, I’m afraid,” Lupe explained.

“But your English is so very good, Lupe,” I told her, as she finally let go of my bicep.

“Ah, thank you, Jack. Yes, I worked for an American company in Bogota during my twenties, so of course, we needed good English there,” Lupe replied.

“Maybe we’ll take the kid along whenever they have the next one of those talent contests in town,” Uncle Gerry suggested, “They always got plenty of young women there.”

Lupe got up from the table and began clearing away the plates. I got another eyeful down her huge cleavage as she bent in front of me to collect my cutlery.

“Well, what kind of girls you like, kid?” Uncle Gerry asked as Lupe moved to clear away his plate.

“Erm, well…” I mumbled, not sure what to say.

“You’re probably like me. You like a pretty girl with big tits and a nice curvy ass,” Uncle Gerry laughed, groping Lupe’s left breast, “It runs in the family, it always has”

“Yerry! Behave,” Lupe scolded her husband again, softly smacking the top of his head, “I’m sorry, Jack. Your uncle has had too many beers, no?”

“Nonsense, woman,” Uncle Gerry laughed.

As Lupe turned to take the plates over to the kitchen counter, Uncle Gerry slapped Lupe firmly on her perfect peach of an ass.

“Okay, enough!” Lupe giggled, “You’re embarrassing Jack, you horny devil.”

Lupe went about cleaning the dishes. I offered to do it for her, but she wouldn’t hear of it.

Talk turned to Uncle Gerry’s various businesses. He told me he had a workshop not far from town, where he overhauled and did general maintenance to vehicles, mainly farm machinery like tractors etc. He also was a sales rep for an American company that sold tractors and tractor parts. This meant he spent most of his weekdays at the workshop, but a couple of times a month would travel up and down the Pacific coast of Colombia to give quotes, take orders, and make deliveries of parts to local farmers.

Sometimes when delivering orders, he would pick up extra private work making repairs and doing maintenance on site. Uncle Gerry had his own boat to do all this travelling and said if his journey was taking him to where I would also be going, I could accompany him. He also said he would fix me up with a local guide to help me once he dropped me off, which would be most helpful.

His other business venture, of course, was the guesthouse. He had bought it thinking it would eventually be a good investment, but it was taking a lot longer than he had imagined. When he had bought it, it needed a lot of renovation work. He had done a lot of it himself, but also with help from time to time from a local tradesman.

Due to his financial situation, Uncle Gerry had sold his house in town, and refurbished the end of the guesthouse into a home for himself and Lupe. So far, he had renovated five of the guest rooms into what he termed a ‘European standard’. I guess he meant that those rooms were up to the expectations of paying European or North American guests. He was currently working on two more rooms, but it was at a very early stage.

Lupe ran the guesthouse, cleaning the rooms and courtyard. Breakfast was included, but Lupe also did additional cooking and laundry for any guests if they required it, for an additional fee. Apparently, there was also a small pool out back, behind the end of the guesthouse where Lupe and Uncle Gerry lived, but guests were welcome to use it too.

Finally, Lupe said I must be tired and would show me to my room.

I collected my bags from where I had dumped them earlier at the front door. I accompanied Lupe out into the courtyard, where it was now dark. She took me up a staircase I had not seen previously, that went up to the second-floor veranda.

Lupe went up first, and I followed her up closely behind, with my eyes fixed directly on her stunning ass that was now just inches from my face. Lupe’s ass was a real nice size, although it certainly wasn’t fat, and reminded me of the traditional Brazilian beach butt I had seen on girls in bikinis a thousand times online.

I wished this staircase went up thirty storeys, so I could stare at her ass wiggling and jiggling right in front of my eyes for a nice long time. Lupe’s wiggle was accentuated by the fact she was wearing fairly high heels. I desperately wanted to grab Lupe by the hips and push my nose right into the crack between her gorgeous firm ass cheeks.

Sadly, we reached the second-floor far too soon, and I had to avert my stare so Lupe didn’t catch me again. The veranda up here was a nice wide one. I noticed on the other veranda, across the courtyard, some other guests had chairs and a small table in front of their rooms. I guessed perhaps they sat out here and enjoyed the cool breeze on a hot day with a drink.

“Okay, Jack. You’re going to be here in room seventeen,” Lupe said as we moved down the veranda a little.

Across the courtyard on the other veranda, an older gentleman appeared out of an unmarked door, wearing a dressing gown. He adjusted his little glasses, and then waved across to Lupe, and nodded to me.

“Hola, Mr Cohen,” Lupe said, “Good shower?”

“Yep, going to bed now, goodnight,” Mr Cohen replied, in what I took to be an American accent, but couldn’t be sure.

“See you tomorrow, Ms Lupe,” Mr Cohen waved again.

I noticed Lupe smiled at this.

“Okay, goodnight Mr Cohen,” she said, still smiling as Mr Cohen disappeared into room twenty-one and closed the door.

Lupe arrived in front of room seventeen. It was away from the street, with just room eighteen between it and Uncle Gerry and Lupe’s family home at the end of this ‘U’ shaped building. Lupe opened the door and I followed her in.

It was a nice surprise, as It was very nicely, but simply, decorated. It had a large comfortable looking queen-sized bed, a large wardrobe, a desk and chair, and a small fridge. There was also a big mirror on one wall. The room had a large window that looked out over the veranda, and a smaller one on the opposite wall that looked out over what I assumed was the next door’s property.

“So, what do you think Jack? It’s okay for you?” Lupe asked, a little hesitantly.

“Oh, it’s great, very nice indeed. You and my uncle have done wonders with this place,” I told her, “Because, I guess, the rooms I saw downstairs on my way in didn’t look quite as inviting.”

“Ah good, I’m glad you like it,” Lupe beamed, obviously happy that I was happy, “Yeah the rooms downstairs all need renovating, we didn’t start on them yet.”

“Ok, I see,” I replied.

“This room seventeen, and a currently empty one, room thirteen at the end up here, next to the road, those are the two best rooms we have. Because they have ensuite bathrooms,” Lupe explained, “You saw across the way there, Mr Cohen’s room has been renovated, but his bathroom is next door, so you have to access it from the veranda.”

“Oh, so I’m a lucky one,” I replied.

“Yes, well we charge slightly more for this one because of that, I hope that’s okay with you?” Lupe asked with a smile, handing me the key to the room.

“Oh, I’m sure it’s fine, thank you,” I told her.

I was very much enjoying being alone with Lupe, just chatting. My god, she was gorgeous and sexy as fuck.

“Come and see the bathroom,” Lupe said and pointed off to the right of the room.

She opened the bathroom door, and we stepped inside. It was very nicely done again, but also fairly simple. It had a toilet, a washbasin with a big mirror on the wall, and then a nice big shower area at the end.

“You like?” Lupe asked, smiling again.

As the entrance to the bathroom was a little cramped for two people, we were stood quite close together. I could now smell her lovely perfume, quite intoxicating. I couldn’t help but steal a quick glance down her huge cleavage again; no man could resist doing that.

“Yes, lovely,” I said, looking her in the eye.

She giggled and motioned for us to move back out into the bedroom. As she stepped forward, just for a split second, her huge bust pushed up against my arm. What a treat, if only for a moment.

Lupe showed me the fridge, and that it was full of soft drinks, beer and water. She explained she would refill it every day and would bill me for my drinks at the end of the week.

Lupe then showed me how to turn on the overhead fan, the TV, and the air-conditioner. Lupe had to get down on all fours to fiddle with the air-conditioning control panel. As she did so, her short dress rode up halfway up her ass cheeks, giving me an even better view of her ass and her little black thong panties than I had briefly seen in the kitchen. She looked back over her shoulder at me as she explained how to use the air-conditioner, seemingly blissful unaware I was getting a great view of most of her stunning ass.

“Can you see?” Lupe asked, pointing to the air-conditioner control panel.

Oh, I could see alright. Lupe’s ass was an absolute masterpiece. Lucky old Uncle Gerry, getting to go to bed with that every night. I told Lupe I didn’t quite get it the first time, and could she explain it again.

Lupe smiled and nodded and went over her explanation again. As she leant forward on her hands and knees to reach the buttons, the bottom of her dress rode up even higher. I could now see almost all of her fantastic ass.

My cock began to stir in my pants at the thought of how much I desperately wanted to rip her panties off and fuck her doggy-style on the floor right now. I was amazed she had not noticed that her ass was now so exposed. Lupe finished her explanation, and I simply nodded.

Lupe then stood back up, and finally readjusted her dress. Whether she now wondered if I had seen her almost fully exposed ass or not, I couldn’t say. If she did, she was hiding it very well.

“So, Jack, the weekly rent is two hundred and twenty-five thousand pesos, your Uncle told you that right?” Lupe asked.

I nodded. It sounded like an awful lot, but actually, £1 was 5000 Colombian pesos. So, the weekly rent was only £45, or $60.

“But if you gonna stay a long time we have a discount for monthly renters, so that’s seven hundred and fifty thousand pesos. Did you want to book per month? I know you will be travelling around a bit, and using this as a base, but it might be nice to have somewhere permanent to leave some of your things? It’s up to you though,” Lupe explained, smiling.

Lupe was a good businesswoman and was trying to get me to pay upfront for a whole month, when in fact at least a couple of days each week I would probably be staying up and down the Pacific coast, and having to pay for individual nights elsewhere. But it did make sense to have somewhere to hang my hat, and not have to check-in and out all the time. Plus, the monthly rent meant I would only be paying around £150, or $200. It was still really cheap, and paying a month upfront meant I was saving a whole week’s rent by my calculations.

“Yeah, monthly is fine,” I told Lupe.

I went to my backpack and pulled out my wallet and gave her the first month’s rent upfront.

“Okay, thank you, Jack, you know your uncle is very pleased to see you here. But we are also very happy to have another paying guest too,” Lupe explained.

“How many other guests are there right now?” I asked her.

“Just two others, it’s been like that for months and months. Mr Cohen you saw, he’s across the way there, in room twenty-one. And then another gentleman a couple of rooms down from Mr Cohen, in room twenty-four. And that’s it,” Lupe shrugged.

“I see,” I replied.

“Oh, I forgot, don’t use the air-conditioner when you’re not here. I should have mentioned before, each room is on a meter, and you have to pay what you used at the end of the month,” Lupe explained, “Don’t worry, as long as you only use it when you’re here, it’s not very much at all. But you will get a big bill if you leave it on all the time.”

“Okay, understood,” I told her, nodding.

“Alright, well, again Jack, we’re very pleased to have you here. I hope you are going to enjoy staying here,” Lupe said, smiling, “And if you need anything, you just tell me. Anything at all, I mean it, okay?”

I nodded, and then Lupe came in for a hug. She put her arms around me. God, she smelt divine. I put my arms around her too, and hugged her back.

I could feel her huge tits pressed right up against my chest. My cock stirred a little more. I couldn’t believe I had this gorgeous sexpot alone and, in my arms, if only for a moment.

But then the moment was over, and Lupe smiled, bid me goodnight, and stepped out of the room and the door closed behind her. I heard the click-clack of her high heels as she made her way back downstairs.

Lupe was incredible, my uncle was such a lucky man. How on earth did he land such a foxy lady? He wasn’t particularly handsome, and he certainly wasn’t rich. But he was a nice guy, and sometimes that’s all it takes.

There was their age gap though. I had figured Lupe was about thirty-five. That meant my uncle was almost twenty-five years older than his gorgeous wife. I wondered if that might be a problem for them when she was forty-five, and he was seventy.

I began unpacking my things and put on the air-con as it was a bit stuffy now. I then took a warm shower. I watched the TV, but it was mostly local TV stations, and with my limited Spanish I gave up after a while. I had brought my iPad with me and had downloaded loads of movies and TV shows onto it to keep me entertained for this long trip, but I didn’t feel like that either.

I decided to take the chair from the desk, put it out on the veranda, and sit there for a while, taking in the evening air. I took a cold Coke from the fridge and sat out there for a half-hour, slowly sipping it. It was nice and quiet here; there wasn’t a lot of street noise, and my room was set way back from the road, making it even quieter.

I was just about to make my way back into my room and head to bed when I did hear something that broke the silence. It was very quiet and rather muffled. But it was some kind of moaning sound. I appeared to be coming from the end of the building, where Uncle Gerry and Lupe’s section of the guesthouse.

I stood up and moved closer. It was definitely coming from inside their home. I looked around to see if anyone could see me. The lights had gone out in room twenty-one where Mr Cohen stayed, so presumably, he was asleep. Further down at room twenty-four, the lights were out too, so I assumed the other guest Lupe had mentioned was either out for the evening or sleeping.

I moved down the veranda, much closer to Lupe and my uncle’s home section of the building. Their section was a two-storey self-contained home, with the kitchen and living room that I had already seen downstairs, and presumably bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs, on this same floor.

The windows that looked out from their upstairs rooms onto the veranda had wooden louvred shutters over them. In fact, all the guest rooms had them too. Inside my room, there were also curtains. I now stood right in front of the shutters over the window from the room the sounds were coming from. It was definitely the sounds of a woman moaning.

I stood up against the door of room eighteen and tried to peer through the gaps in the louvred shutters. I could see light inside. No curtains had been drawn on the inside it seemed. But because of the angle of the shutters, I couldn’t see anything worth spying on, only the ceiling inside.

I was desperate to see a glimpse of what I suspected was going on in that room. I suspected that inside, just behind the shutters, Lupe was getting absolutely fucked silly by my uncle, the old goat. I reached out and slowly adjusted one of the shutters so that I could peer in. I was quite nervous, I didn’t want to get caught, but temptation overtook me.

I slowly peered in through the adjusted shutter. I could just see my uncle’s legs on the bed, from his thighs down to his feet. He was obviously facing down. I could also see Lupe’s legs, again from about her thighs down to her dainty little feet.

However, Lupe’s legs were up in the air and flailing about. Obviously, my uncle was fucking his wife Lupe in the missionary position, and by the sounds of it, she was loving it. I so wanted to move one of the other shutters, so I could maybe catch a glimpse of Lupe’s amazing tits. I didn’t really want to see my uncle’s naked ass pumping away, however, but if I got me a quick look at Lupe getting fucked, I could certainly live with it.

However, as I started to move the next shutter along, it gave out a very loud creak. I stopped immediately. I waited for a moment, but thankfully my uncle kept on fucking Lupe regardless, so I assumed they had not heard it. Still better not tempt fate, and I gave up on my peeping.

But as I turned to return to my room, I leant on the door of room eighteen, and the door swung open. I looked inside, it was dark, but I could see the room had been completely gutted, ready for renovation. I stepped inside, and went to the wall that shared with the bedroom of Lupe and Uncle Gerry.

I guess due to it being stripped back bare, the wall was very thin here because I could now hear everything going on in the bedroom just behind this wall.

I could hear every moan and pant from Lupe as my uncle groaned in pleasure as he fucked her.

“Si, Papi, si, si,” Lupe cried out.

I stood there with my ear to the wall for a few minutes longer, listening to the sounds of my old uncle pounding away at his lovely busty young wife. My cock started to stir into action again in my pants.

“Oh, you lovely girl,” my uncle moaned.

“Si, fuck me Yerry, fuck me. Harder Papi, si, harder,” Lupe panted.

Her moans got louder and louder until I assume, she climaxed; all I could hear now was my uncle groaning as he banged away at his wife.

“Oh, come here baby, turn over for Papi,” Uncle Gerry said, “Yeah that’s it darling, oh my god, look at that lovely ass of yours.”

Presumably, Lupe was now getting fucked doggy-style, and I heard slapping sounds too.

“Si, smack that ass, Papi,” Lupe moaned.

Lupe carried on panting as she got screwed from behind and spanked by my uncle. Uncle Gerry’s groans eventually became louder too.

“Oh, come here baby, you know what I want,” my uncle said.

Uncle Gerry’s groans continued, but I could now hear nothing from Lupe. I then realised that perhaps her mouth was full, so couldn’t make much noise.

But suddenly I heard noises from outside, in the courtyard. I went to the door and saw a man walking from the road up to the staircase to the second-floor veranda on the other side of the courtyard. I thought I had better not push my luck any further and quickly shot back to my room.

Through the window from my own room, I saw the man reach the top of the stairs on the opposite veranda and go into room twenty-four and close the door behind him. He must be the other guest Lupe had told me about. It was very dark, so I could not make out any details about him. But he obviously hadn’t seen me, which was the important thing.

After all the excitement, my cock was still at half-mast. So, I locked my bedroom door, pulled the curtains and turned off the lights. I got into bed and spent ten minutes jerking off, thinking about the amazing Lupe. Soon after I fell into a deep, long sleep.

In the morning I awoke, showered and dressed, and headed out onto the veranda. Opposite, Lupe was delivering a tray of food to Mr Cohen.

“Hey Jack, come down to the kitchen,” Lupe called over to me.

I nodded and headed down the stairs, and into Uncle Gerry and Lupe’s home. My uncle was at the kitchen table, Lupe came in from outside, and we sat and ate breakfast together. My uncle wore his work overalls and was soon off to his workshop.

He offered to lend me his scooter, a little Honda 125cc. Uncle Gerry said it would be great for me to use to take a tour around town by myself. I could borrow it anytime I wanted, he told me, as long as I kept it filled up with petrol. Gasoline was so cheap here, not like back home.

I thanked him for the offer, and Uncle Gerry gave me a map of the local area. Lupe cleared away the dishes again.

She was dressed more simply today, but still fairly sexy. She wore little black hotpants and a tight little white T-shirt. I decided whatever she wore, it must be impossible for her to not look sexy as hell.

I imagined wherever Lupe went she must get pestered by men all the time. I wondered how Uncle Gerry felt about that.

Soon it was time to start our day. Uncle Gerry kissed his wife goodbye, along with a grope of her ass that he had been enjoying so much last night. Then he was off to his truck and down to his workshop for the day.

Lupe gave me the keys for the Honda scooter and told me to have a great day.

“Will you be gone all day, Jack?” Lupe asked.

“Yes, I suppose so, taking some photos. But I’ll be back before it gets dark, I guess, otherwise, I might get lost,” I replied.

Lupe gave me her and Uncle Gerry’s cell phone numbers in case I had any problems. I went and got my backpack from my room with my camera and a few other things. Then I got on the Honda scooter parked in the courtyard. As I drove off, I saw Lupe up on the veranda holding sheets and pillowcases, presumably going to clean one of the rooms.

I spent the morning driving around town, getting to know the layout of the area. I even passed by my uncle’s workshop outside of town and stopped by just for a few minutes to check it out. He was working on an old tractor, so I left him to it.

After getting a simple lunch at a small roadside restaurant, I felt a little tired. Perhaps my travels were catching up on me, or maybe I ate too much. I decided to call it a day and headed back to the Casa Madre guesthouse.

I arrived back at about 1.30 pm. I thought I might take a snooze. I noticed Lupe had remade my bed and generally tidied up. But I thought I might sit outside on the veranda with a bottle of water for a moment.

I sat there for a few minutes before I again heard the same sounds from the evening before. I strained to hear the barely perceptible sounds, again rather muffled, but definitely a woman moaning.

I assumed my Uncle had returned home early and had decided to give Lupe some afternoon delight. I couldn’t resist going down to the vacant gutted room eighteen and listen to them again through the wall. However, as I moved along the veranda, I realised the noise was not coming from Uncle Gerry and Lupe’s bedroom. It seemed to be coming across the courtyard, on the opposite veranda.

I slowly walked around the veranda, past my uncle’s home end of the building, and back up the other veranda. The noise seemed to be coming from room twenty-one, where Mr Cohen was staying. Perhaps Mr Cohen had a local girlfriend and was giving her a seeing too.

As I approached his room, I could see all the louvred shutters were firmly shut, and also the curtains in the room were pulled across. I wasn’t going to be able to peer in and see anything. However, Mr Cohen’s bathroom door was ajar. His bathroom was separate from the bedroom, I remember Lupe telling me.

I opened the bathroom door and looked inside. It wasn’t quite as nice as my bathroom, but it was acceptable. I thought maybe I could at least listen for a minute through the wall, even if I wouldn’t be able to see who it was that he was with. I closed and locked the bathroom door quietly behind me.

I then noticed the bathroom had a large section of glass bricks in the wall that separated it from Mr Cohen’s bedroom. The bricks were thick and distorted within, so you couldn’t see much of the bedroom on the other side, but I suppose its purpose was to let some light into the bathroom from the bedroom, as there was no window in here. I had not turned the light on in the bathroom, so whoever was in the bedroom with Mr Cohen would not be able to see my movement through the distorted glass bricks.

I was correct about being able to hear through the wall. I could easily make out Mr Cohen’s grunting and moaning, and a woman panting.

“Oh god, yeah,” Mr Cohen moaned.

I peered closer through the glass bricks. I could just about work out that Mr Cohen was lying on his back on the bed, and a woman was riding him on top. But the glass in the bricks was so distorted, deliberately so, so that someone in the bedroom couldn’t see someone going to the toilet in the bathroom. It meant sadly I wasn’t going to get to see much, it was just vague shapes really.

Then suddenly I noticed a fairly large gap between the end glass brick and the wall, where the white putty should be. It was only maybe an inch wide, but it should be enough. I moved to the other end of the glass brick section of the wall.

I peered through the hole, and got a hell of a shock, but a very nice shock all the same.

In the bedroom beyond, riding Mr Cohen’s cock, was Lupe. She wore high heels, a flimsy super-short pleated blue skirt, a tiny white blouse tied together under her bust, white knee-length socks, and nothing else. No bra, no panties. Lupe had a huge big smile on her face, as she bounced up and down, her ass slapping on Mr Cohen’s thighs.

“Oh, si, si, fuck me, daddy, fuck me,” Lupe whimpered as she bounced energetically.

I realised now Lupe was wearing a little schoolgirl outfit. She looked sexy as fuck; I just wish she wasn’t wearing the blouse. I could see her erect nipples poking through, and could see her amazing cleavage. I just desperately wanted to see her huge naked tits.

I couldn’t help myself and had to pull my now almost erect cock out and began jerking off to this amazing view. I watched Lupe continue to bounce up and down on top of Mr Cohen. I could just see his cock going in and out of Lupe’s shaved pussy.

Mr Cohen sat up and grabbed and groped at Lupe’s ass. Sadly, because Lupe was slightly in front of me, from this angle I couldn’t quite see her ass cheeks. Mr Cohen buried his face in Lupe’s bouncing cleavage. Lupe put her arms around his head, encouraging the old man.

“Oh, si daddy, suck on my tits,” Lupe instructed her much older lover.

Mr Cohen looked like he was in his late sixties. Fair play to him that he had somehow managed to bed the incredible Lupe. Not that my uncle would be too pleased if he knew what was going on right now under his roof. I wondered if this was a one-off thing, or a regular affair.

“Come on girl,” Mr Cohen gasped, coming up for air from Lupe’s cleavage, “Let me fuck you from behind, darling.”

Lupe clambered off Mr Cohen, and got on her hands and knees across the bed, so that she was facing the wall from which l was spying on her. Mr Cohen got up from the bed; he was completely naked. He was generally slim, but with a bit of a belly on him. Some of his skin was a bit saggy here and there, including his ass; not a particularly pleasant sight.

His erect cock, encased in a condom, bounced up and down as he walked around the bed to get behind Lupe. His cock was a fairly average size I thought, perhaps a little smaller than my own. His balls were a lot lower hanging than mine, however, perhaps a sign of his age.

Mr Cohen stood at the side of the bed, and Lupe backed up her ass toward him. The bed height seemed to be just right. Sadly, again I wasn’t going to see Lupe’s ass from this position. Lupe looked over her shoulder at Mr Cohen, reminding me of when she had done the same last night whilst showing me the air-con unit in my room.

“You won’t tell my Mama or Papi about this, will you daddy?” Lupe said in her little schoolgirl voice.

“Oh no baby, you just make sure you come over and see me as often as you can, and let me do whatever I want to your gorgeous young body. Then they’ll never find out what a slut their daughter is,” Mr Cohen told her, as he slowly pushed his cock back inside Lupe.

“Okay daddy,” Lupe replied.

“Now tell daddy how old you are,” Mr Cohen told her, as he began thrusting away.

“You know how old I am, daddy,” Lupe panted, again in her best little schoolgirl voice.

“Yeah, but you know I love to hear it,” Mr Cohen said, slapping Lupe’s ass.

“I’m just sixteen years old, daddy,” Lupe grinned.

Mr Cohen groaned; he obviously enjoyed this game.

I was furiously jerking myself off, loving the view of Lupe’s huge cleavage hanging down below her, and bouncing around in her blouse as Mr Cohen fucked her from behind. I was wanking so furiously I knocked an electric toothbrush off a small shelf, and it clattered into the washbasin.

I froze. Mr Cohen was oblivious, and carried on pumping away inside Lupe. But Lupe herself immediately looked up, and looked directly at the wall. Perhaps she was looking through the small hole in the wall from her side, but she certainly seemed to be looking me straight in the eye. Could she see me?

I couldn’t see how. Surely the hole was too small. I then looked at the wall behind me; I was casting a shadow there. The light coming from the bedroom through the glass bricks was making my shadow appear there.

Had Lupe seen my moving shadow through the glass bricks? Certainly, she would be able to see there was a small hole in the wall. Perhaps she could see the shadow and put two and two together, and decided she was being spied on.

She still continued to stare at the wall. But then a grin spread across her face. She looked directly through the hole, and mouthed the words ‘naughty boy’ at me, wagging her finger at the same time.

She continued to stare in the same direction, directly at me, grinning like mad. She must have worked out who it was that was spying on her. If she thought it was my uncle, her reaction would have surely been very different.

It might prove awkward between us later on. But for now, I was going to enjoy the sight of Lupe getting fucked as a schoolgirl by old Mr Cohen. I assumed Mr Cohen was so old his hearing was not what it used to be in his youth, which is perhaps why he hadn’t heard me knock over the toothbrush. I noticed he wasn’t wearing his glasses too, so probably couldn’t see far beyond Lupe’s stunning ass in front of him.

Lupe began panting and moaning, louder and louder.

“Si, daddy, faster, faster,” Lupe gasped back at her lover.

Mr Cohen began pounding Lupe faster and harder, gripping her hips. It wasn’t long before Lupe’s expression turned to ecstasy, she went very quiet, and I assumed she had climaxed. Lupe soon recovered though and began panting again as Mr Cohen continued to pound away at her.

“Oh, si, I love you watching me as I fuck baby,” Lupe said, grinning right at me.

I assumed Mr Cohen thought that comment was directed at him, as he slapped Lupe on the ass. But I knew Lupe was sending me a message to say she was enjoying being watched. Mr Cohen was groaning more and more, perhaps he was getting close.

“Oh baby, I’m going to do my usual,” Mr Cohen said, panting.

“Okay daddy,” Lupe grinned.

Mr Cohen pulled out of Lupe and removed the condom. He then gripped Lupe’s ass cheeks and pushed them together tighter. I could now just see the top of her ass cheeks, as previously Lupe’s schoolgirl skirt obscured my view. Mr Cohen pushed his cock in between Lupe’s ass cheeks, and began fucking them.

I could see the head of Mr Cohen’s cock popping in and out of the top of Lupe’s ass crack. I assumed this was Mr Cohen ‘doing his usual’. Perhaps he was an ass man much more than a boob fan, as he seemed far less interested in Lupe’s tits than I would have been. Frustratingly for me, she had kept her tiny schoolgirl blouse on the entire time.

As this was ‘his usual’, it meant that this thing between Mr Cohen and Lupe had gone on before, presumably many times. I wondered how many times this lucky old goat had got to fuck the lovely Lupe.

Finally, Mr Cohen erupted, or perhaps dribbled, out sperm across Lupe’s ass. He was done, and he collapsed on the bed next to her. He panted and wheezed. How Lupe hadn’t killed this guy with a heart attack yet I’ll never know, but then what a way to go.

Lupe sat up, adjusted her skirt and blouse.

“Okay, that was fun honey. You enjoy yourself?” Lupe asked.

Mr Cohen simply nodded, still trying to catch his breath.

“Well, I got to go, honey. But you take a breather before you take a shower, okay?” Lupe told Mr Cohen, but was looking directly at the hole in the wall, at me.

I took that as my warning to get out of there. I saw Lupe bend over to kiss Mr Cohen, as I was zipping up my fly. Then I left the hole in the wall, opened the bathroom door as quietly as possible, and crept back outside. I then shot around the veranda as fast as I could back to my room and shut the door behind me.

I peered back out through the louvred shutters. Lupe stuck her head out of Mr Cohen’s room and had a quick look around to check the coast was clear. Then she stepped out onto the veranda, closing the door behind her, past the bathroom I had been spying in, toward the family home section at the end of the building.

She still wore her complete little schoolgirl outfit. But I guess it was a short walk back to her room, and no-one was watching, apart from me of course.

I sat back on my bed, marvelling at what had just occurred. That a woman like Lupe was cheating on her much older husband perhaps wasn’t so surprising. She could surely have any man she wanted though. I wondered what on earth Lupe got out of fucking this old man.

I also thought about my uncle, working hard down at his workshop, blissfully unaware his gorgeous wife was playing away. Should I tell him what I had seen? I didn’t want to upset my uncle, but then perhaps he deserved to know the truth? I couldn’t decide what to do.

I took a shower, and couldn’t help but jerk off again over what I had seen. I then finally took a nap and slept a couple of hours.

Around 5 pm I awoke. I watched TV for a few minutes. Then I heard the distinctive click-clack sound of Lupe’s high-heeled shoes coming down the veranda outside my room. Perhaps Lupe had had a change of heart about how she had felt about me spying on her?

I stood up, feeling like a rabbit in headlights. Was she coming to angrily confront me? Was she going to throw me out? Or was she going to plead with me to not tell my uncle what I had seen?

There was a knock at the door. I was dreading opening it, but I couldn’t hide away. I opened the door.

Lupe stood there, looking stunning as always. She wore a tight, light-beige vest top. The top’s design meant perhaps even more cleavage was on display than when we had first met. She had a very short tight blue-jean skirt, and of course her high heels.

“Hey Jack, are you ok?” Lupe asked, rather sheepishly.

“Erm, yeah sure, I guess,” I mumbled, trying to avoid eye contact.

“Uh-huh. Ok, Jack, I think we need to talk, you know?” Lupe said, leaning against the door frame.

“Well, uh…” I stuttered. I wasn’t sure what to say, or where to look.

“Come on Jack, let me in. I promise I won’t bite,” Lupe smiled her winning smile, “I just need to explain a few things to you before your uncle gets back.”

I nodded, opening the door further to let her in. Lupe stepped into my room, and the door closed behind her.

I felt great anticipation, that my life here was about to drastically change. But would it be for better or worse?


Published 4 years ago

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