Lucy And Jo Go Into Business Full Time

"Lucy, Jo and now Karen, decide to go full time. Can they make it better? If so, how?"

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Lucy and Jo had had the trial run of their business and it was a resounding success. Karen was sure though, that they could do something different to add to their business. She was not sure what, though. Karen was the brains behind everything.

At the moment it was just caning for caning’s sake. Making people have a sore bum. Sure, some people wanted that. Some, she was sure though, had heard about them and stayed away, because of it.

Lucy spoke to Jo one night.

“I think we should go into business full time. Our jobs are now virtually non-existent, we sit around a lot of the time doing nothing. We have been going now for eight months and going very well. Even for a conservative person like me and yes I admit I am, it makes sense. I do not know how much money we have at the moment, Karen deals with all that. What do you think?”

Jo replied quickly, “I think that is a very good idea. Let’s speak to Karen as soon as she gets here. No, that will only be on Saturday and today is Wednesday. I am going to phone her now and ask her to come round. She can bring Colin if she likes.”

“I have a good idea what happened before when Colin stayed the night,” stated Lucy, looking at Jo disapprovingly.

Karen arrived and the girls got down to business.

“We have decided to go full time. With the figures you gave and the forecasts you made, I think we can make a good go of it,” Lucy said. “Can you set it all up in five weeks? There is the company registration and all that,” asked Lucy.

“Yes, I can. I have also been thinking about how we can make this business better and I have come up with a few ideas, but nothing really good, then this letter came in the post. It is a caning and spanking exhibition, where people have stands and display what they have, different types of canes, floggers, whips, handcuffs, gags, belts and that sort of thing. There are also some talks on, how to ‘have fun better’ as the letter says. I think we should go, it will give us ideas on how to make the business better.”

Karen continued, “At the moment, we are just caning and making bums really sore. Sure, some people want that, others though want the sexual excitement as well. It is in three weeks time but six hundred miles from here, so we will have to stay over-night. The show is on for a week, Monday through to Friday, so you two will have to take some time off from work.”

“That will be a problem at the moment, what with only so few of us at work now, it is hard getting time off. You go, you are the brains behind the business, anyway,” said Lucy.

“I am not so sure about the brains bit,” laughed Karen. You two girls do all the work, with the cane. Anyway, to start with, I want to change the slogan you have under your business name. Something like ‘No offence or fantasy too big or too small, we cane, whip, spank and flog for all.’

“Great if you can do that. I can see this business is going to be good. Now, can you change the name of the business? If Jo agrees, then I would like to change it to something like the ‘LJK Adult fun and Correctional agency’ and make you a partner. After all, you put in as much as we do,” said Lucy, looking around at Jo

“Of course I agree, I think that would be great,” answered Jo straight away.

“Wow,” said Karen, “well, thank you very much, I accept your kind offer. Now let us get down to business. I will have to speak to specialists in Tax avoidance and name changes of companies. Also the finer points of setting up companies. I know I said I could do it in five weeks, I am sure I can. Now you have about fifty-five thousand pounds in your account. What I suggest is, we have a starting capital of ten thousand pounds. The rest will be split between you two and when you have saved enough, I suggest you buy a house each, that avoids tax and the value of the property grows. I may be being selfish here, but when you move, Colin and I will move in here and don’t forget all expenses here are taken care of because it is registered as a business.”

“No, I do not agree with some of that. The money must be split three ways, as Lucy said you put in as much into this business as we have. I have no problem with you and Colin moving in here. As we will be using it as the business premises, I know what you and Colin get up to though, make sure you keep our canes in good order,” said Jo wagging her finger at her younger sister.

Lucy was nodding her head vigorously in agreement to all Jo had said.

“Well, thank you both very much. Tonight has been a night of surprises and all of them good,” Karen smiled. “I was going to suggest one other thing, that is that you give all members of staff a share of any profits made. Say, take fifteen per cent and divide it between three.”

“That is fine with us,” said Lucy and Jo together.

“Right, I am going to get down to work, sorting out the company name changes and the slogan. First of all, though, I am going to go home and have a really good fuck, then Colin and I are going to go out, get pissed, then come home and fuck some more.”

“Yes, yes, we do not need to know about your disgusting sex life, thank-you,” said Lucy sternly.

Karen then left with Colin instead of staying overnight. Jo and Lucy looked at each other excitedly.

“I hope Karen can do all she says. Like, change the company name and slogan. Now we must decide what we will need to make this even better. Maybe a whip? How about getting some condoms and offering to a man when he comes, so if he ejaculates, it won’t be all over our floor? Also, some wet wipes for a woman if they get wet. We can always allow the person considered a short time to use the bathroom if they want to, how shall we say, finish our job off. I hope Karen finds out lots of things at this show,” said Jo excitedly.


Karen and Colin then went back to their place and as Karen said, had a really good fuck before going out. After getting totally pissed and barely able to stand, they started to harass people in the street. Nothing nasty, just lots of sexual innuendos and so on. Then they both vomited. Two police sergeants came up to them.

“Can we help you both to a taxi?” asked the one sergeant.

“We don’t need your help, leave us alone,” said Karen.

“Yes, leave us alone, go and catch some criminals,” Colin added.

“I really think you two should be on your way home, you both seem as though you have had a good night and you would want not to spoil it would you. Here is a taxi now, shall I stop him for you?” asked the sergeant.

“No, we are going to another club so don’t stop the fucking taxi,” said Karen who was very drunk.

“No, you are not, you are coming with us,” said the one sergeant and then they both promptly went to place handcuffs around Karen’s and Colin’s wrists.

“Oh, no, you don’t,” said Colin fighting the policeman.

Karen and Colin both swore at the policemen and tried to stop them from being handcuffed. They tried to resist, but it was no good. The next thing they knew, they were in the police van, being taken to the station.

“Looks like we won’t get a good fuck to finish the night off well,” said Karen despondently.

“Well, we can always fuck here, difficult I know but let’s go for it,” urged Colin.

“Why not, one extra place to add to our list, fucking in a police van, I like it!” laughed Karen.

So, with some difficulty, they removed Karen’s panties and Colin’s trousers and jocks. Karen then proceeded to climb on Colin’s lap and ride him. The one police officer turned around when he heard noises coming from the back and saw what they were up to.

“My God, they are having sex in the back of the van,” remarked the one sergeant.

“Oh well, just another thing to add to their growing charge sheet, ‘public indecency,'” said the other.

When they arrived at the station, the charges were written down, then they were put in different cells. When they woke the next morning, their heads felt as though they had a steel band playing in them. They felt awful.

Karen thought to herself, ‘well, I know when Jo and Lucy got arrested for drunk and disorderly, they got sentenced to six strokes of the cane. So I am not worried. With the number of times I was caned at school and then Colin virtually every night, six is no problem.’

When they were in the courtroom, the charges were read out, ‘drunk and disorderly, public indecency and resisting arrest.’ They both looked at each other. They did not realise they would be charged with the last two charges. They pleaded guilty. What was the use in refuting something they knew had happened?

In the summing up and passing sentence the judge said, “I see this kind of case in my courtroom a number of times a day. A term of imprisonment or community service is going to be of no deterrent to you both. I, therefore, sentence you both to six strokes of the cane for each offence. I will, however, show some leniency as you have both pleaded guilty and suspend nine of those strokes for one year. The punishment will be given today, with the medium adult cane. Guard take the people down,” said the judge banging his gavel.”

Karen looked at Colin and whispered, “That was not what happened to Jo and Lucy and six was the most I ever got at school.”

When they arrived downstairs they had their full names checked and blood pressure taken. Karen was then sent to caning room four and Colin room number six. There were two people in the room, as Karen had expected.

As Karen entered the room, Sergeant Seaman looked at her and thought to himself, ‘that looks so much like Jo’s sister and the name very familiar. I have even had sex with this woman and now I have to read out her charges and see her get caned.’

Karen stood in front of the sergeant. “Karen Jane Little, you have been sentenced by the court to receive nine strokes of the cane, given with a medium adult cane. Do you agree? I am Sergeant Seaman and this is Sergeant Watkins who will deliver your punishment.”

As Sergeant Seaman read the charges Karen thought to herself, ‘I am sure that is Dave.’

“I agree,” said Karen with her head pounding hard from the previous night.

“Please move over to the caning bench and I will strap you down. The prisoner has been strapped down Sergeant Watkins, the punishment can begin.”

The next thing that Karen heard was the cane coming down then hitting her bare bum and feeling a welt straight away. She let out a loud scream. This happened nine times. By which time she was hoarse from screaming and the tears were rolling down her cheeks. When she changed back into her clothes, she looked at her bum. It had nine deep red welts on it. She met Colin outside the court.

“Shit, that hurt! My bum is so painful now and feels like it is on fire. Those sergeants really know how to swing a cane. One other thing, I am sure that was James in there. I don’t know his surname, but will ask Jo and Lucy,” said Colin.

“Funny you should say that, but I am sure Dave was in the room with me. As for your bum, well, I looked at mine, it has nine deep red welts on it,” answered Karen.


They visited Jo and Lucy that night and told them what had happened. Both girls burst out loud laughing. Karen also asked about Dave and James’s surname.

“Seaman and Dixon, why?”

“They were our arresting Sergeants and had to witness our caning,” answered Colin.

“So, it happened to you two as well. Now you know what it feels like, bloody painful. I think tonight is the night we are going to get our own back on Dave and James. I warned Dave we would when they least expect it. James can just join him. He was saying the same thing anyway. I know that Dave told me so. What about three from each woman, making nine? The same as Karen got. They will be here soon. How does that sound?” asked Jo.

Both Karen and Lucy nodded their heads in agreement and had big smiles on their faces.


Dave and James arrived at the girls’ house and kissed the girls on then sat down, looking at Colin and Karen.

“Yes, it is us, you bastards. You arrested us, threw us in a cell and then we got caned by the court and you stood there and watched. I have got nine sore, red welts on my arse now because of you,” said Karen, glaring at Dave and James.

Dave and James both laughed.

“We did not recognise you when we arrested you, only when you were in court. Anyway we were only doing our job,” remarked Dave.

“No, but you recognised my arse I bet, from the other night, when you fucked me,” shouted Karen at Dave. “Here let me show you what the court did.” She then proceeded to lift up her skirt and drop her panties.

“Ouch! Well I  am sure you deserved it anyway,” laughed Dave.

‘Right,’ thought Jo, ‘now is the time we get our own back’. She said she was just going to the toilet, but was not and came back flexing a cane.

“Right,” said Jo, addressing Dave and James. “Dave, remember I said I would get my own back when you were least expecting it because you and James had a good laugh at us opening our own business? Well, tonight is the night. You have got all three of us girls caned, so we shall each give you three strokes, as it happens, the same as Karen got. So, get your trousers and jocks down and Karen will handcuff you to that chair.”

She ordered, “Right, Dave, you are first. So trousers and jocks down and bend. Oh, and there are two things we do not accept. That is bad language and speaking out of turn. You are warned once, then if repeated a stroke is added. I am going to enjoy this,” Jo said smiling. then she bought the cane down swish, thwack, as it hit Dave.

“Shit, that hurt!” cried out Dave.

“What is that? Bad language? Right, this is your first and final warning. Eight to go.”

After three, she handed over to Lucy. Lucy swished the cane through the air, then bought it down on Dave. Each time he cried out but did not swear, as he knew Jo was serious about her warning.

Then came Karen, who both Jo and Lucy knew, could cane the best. Karen tapped Dave’s arse twice, then bought the cane down three times very hard. Dave screamed each time.

“Release him,” said Jo. “Right, James you next.” James had sat there the whole time, opened mouthed, dreading his turn.

The procedure was carried out on James as well. Both men now had nine thick red welts on their ass.


“I am going to get you for this,” said Dave to Jo. “I am going to fuck you so long and so much tonight, your little pussy will be sore. Come to think of it, I should fuck Karen as well, to make her pay. She canes the hardest out the lot of you.”

James was nodding his head vigorously in agreement.

“Hang on, what about me?” asked Lucy. “I know, or have a pretty good idea, what went on with you, Jo, Colin and Karen the other night. I may be a bit conservative, sure, but I think it is time I moved into the twenty-first century,” she added.

“Are you sure?” asked Dave. “So you would bend for me then?”

“Do you mean like this?” asked Lucy and dropped her panties and lifted her skirt. “Well come on, Dave, fuck me from behind, I am waiting.”

Dave could not believe his luck, but came up behind Lucy and entered her hard, going in and out making sure she felt it and she was soon screaming.

“I can’t sit here and watch this. Colin, get undressed quickly, then lie down, and I am going to ride you hard,” said Jo.

Karen also quickly got undressed, “there, great tits for you James, so suck and lick  them, and only then will I bend, so make a good job of sucking and licking.”

Very soon Karen was bending as well and getting fucked deep and hard.

When Dave had finished fucking Lucy, he moved on to Karen. They kept on with different partners most of the night. By then they were all exhausted from all the sex.

“That was good,” said Dave as he lay in bed with Jo. “My cock is sore and I imagine your pussy is a bit as well. Can you go one more round with me though, before we fall asleep?” he asked.

“Of course I can, I have never get a headache with you,” Jo laughed. “The only thing I ask is, you go on top and take it nice and slow. If we fall asleep with your cock in me, so wha?,” she added with a big smile on her face.


The business was closed for the two weeks over the holidays, and Karen was off at the ‘Spanking and Caning’ exhibition.

“I can’t wait to find out what Karen has learnt at the exhibition,” said Jo.

Karen was due back the next day, and the other two eagerly awaited her arrival.

“Wow,” exclaimed Karen, “I found out so much. To start with, your study, where you cane, must look more like a sex den. Have a TV showing a porn movie. Some things you must get are, whips, ticklers, blindfolds, gags, condoms, vibrators, don’t forget they have to be sterilised after each person, so more than one and wet wipes, for if a woman gets wet or maybe even organisms. Your gowns should have a slit at the front, so the person can get their hand in there easily.”


She continued, “Instal a dimmer switch on your lights. Some people might want the lights turned low. Tease or make remarks to a man about his cock, and a woman about her tits, some people are turned on by it. Some people just want a little spanking, to feel a whip across there ass a few times. The one thing I must add, we only touch people, as and when required. The receptionist must find out exactly what each person wants. Basically, this room has to be re-decorated and made to look very sexy,” she added.

Lucy looked a bit concerned. “This is not the conservative Lucy coming back, but are we not heading towards becoming a brothel, escort agency or sex parlour, call it what you like?”

“Good question,” said Karen, “no, we are not. We offer no sex and minimal touching. What we offer is adult fun or a good caning. Depends on what the customer wants.”

She carried on, “Oh, I might add, registering the company and changing the slogan was easy as it was not registered before. The newspaper adverts have been changed with the new name and slogan, for now, I have put the old company down in brackets underneath, for now, it is also bigger. The internet advert is changed also,” Karen added

So, the room was redecorated, it now looked totally different. What with tasteful pictures on the wall of couples having sex, couples spanking each other in different role play settings, fluffy handcuffs, whips, gags and a dildo on the wall and even a small rack, that people could be handcuffed to if they wanted.

The walls were all painted a soft pastel lilac. They also had lots of new uniforms as well. The flat-screen TV was set up, mounted up against the wall to play DVDs. The three girls had done everything themselves, with the exception of the light switch, which Colin had done.

Dave and James came round one night, just as the girls had put the finishing touches to the room.

“Come with us,” said Jo to Dave and James. “See what you think of our ‘new look’ room.”

Wow,” exclaimed Dave and James together. “What a change. I don’t even recognise it as the same room,” exclaimed Dave.

“What is the TV for?” asked James.

“If a customer wants a nice movie on, while he or she is given the service that they ask for,” replied Lucy.

“Is that the kind of movie I think you mean?” asked Dave.

“Well, I do not know if we both mean the same kind, so let me turn it on for you then you can see for yourself,” answered Lucy.

Lucy turned on the TV and there was a lovely porn movie in front of them all. Dave turned to Jo.

“I am not going to stand here and let this go to waste. Get your panties down and bend over that table. I want to come up you hard, oh and leave the movie on, just turn the sound down. I am sure we will make enough of our own noise,” said Dave hurriedly getting his trousers off.

“Lucy, get on that bed and get on all fours with your legs wide open, I want your lovely pussy,” said James.

As James was busy fucking Lucy, he noticed there was a little whip next to him.

“Let me try this out.” Whack, it came down on Lucy’s bum. “Yes works well, maybe try one more time.”  Whack.  Lucy cried out with pleasure as James spanked her.

“The conservative Lucy had now gone, she had moved into the twenty-first century,” cried out Lucy. “What about we swap over now, Dave fuck me and James you. I want to ride you though, Dave, okay?”

The other three looked at Lucy, not sure if they had heard correctly.,

“Yes, let’s go for it,” said Jo quickly.

James could hardly believe what he was hearing. He knew that Lucy had got less conservative all of a sudden, but this, combined with what had happened the other night, threw even him.



They were all sitting down, watching TV that night, that is non-porn films, when Lucy said, out of the blue, “I am glad I came out and left the conservative Lucy behind. Now I can have much more fun and one day maybe be like Karen,” she laughed. Dave, James and Jo all looked at her with open mouths, surprised at what they were hearing.

“Well, Karen is coming round later, how do you fancy round three, four and five then?” laughed Jo.

“I will love it, hope she gets here soon” stated Lucy.

All James could think was, that he knew that Lucy had suddenly lost her conservative side, but even some of what she was doing now took him by surprise. ‘Never mind,’ he thought, ‘I am just going to enjoy it and it means I get to shag all over the house and shag Karen and Jo as well,’ he thought with a smile.


The day came when they opened their business for the first time.

Karen came to Lucy and Jo and told them, “Right I have something to tell you. It seems to have paid off, this exhibition and changing your business. You are now fully booked for the next three weeks and bookings are coming in all the time, by phone and online. So you have made a good start.”

Karen continued, “Your first customer is Ms Caroline Black. She wants a full body examination and I happened to find out from her that she has got three speeding tickets in the past two weeks, which she is not going to tell her partner about,” she added. “I am talking to each customer and finding out something they may be keeping as a secret. As she said about the speeding tickets, that she is not telling her partner about, ‘what he does not know does not bother him.'”

“Right,” said Jo, “I think we can use that,” she added with a naughty grin.


So, both Lucy and Jo got ready in their outfits of a doctor, for Jo and a nurse, for Lucy.

Ms Caroline Black arrived and was shown to her seat after the formalities had been taken care of

“Nurse Armstrong will call you in a minute,” said Karen in a friendly tone and smiling.

“Ms Black, please,” called Lucy. “Come with me, Doctor Little will see you now.”

“I see you are here for a full body examination,” said Jo. “Well this may take a little while so let me put a movie on for you, while you get changed into the gown there, please, you are welcome to good behind that screen to get changed. You will also see a peg to hang up your clothes.”

A movie was put on the TV, ‘Patricia in Paradise’. Ms Black came out, all changed now into her loose-fitting gown, which had been modified.

“Who is that lovely lady out the front? She was so friendly and most welcoming,” asked Ms Black.

Lucy thought to herself, ‘that nice woman is one horny bitch – Karen!’

“That is Karen Nevin,” said Jo, remembering to use Karen’s other name.

“Now you lay back and we will go examine your body, I promise we won’t hurt you. You just lay there and enjoy the movie,” said Jo.

As the girls went about their business of the ‘examination’, complete with a stethoscope,  a small torch for ear examinations, blood pressure machine and of course medical gloves for them both, they noticed that Ms Blacks eyes were firmly on the TV screen.

“Doctor, can I use that vibrator next to the examination couch?” she asked.

“Of course you may,” answered Jo.

Ms Black took it and inserted it in her pussy, through the gap in the gown. She then turned it on. The movie was nearing its climax now and so was Ms Black. The two girls took no notice, except to smile at each other.

“Will you turn on your stomach now, so the Doctor can examine your back?” asked Lucy very nicely.

As she turned, Jo started to talk to her.

“I believe you have a number of speeding tickets in a short space of time, does your partner know?” asked Lucy.

“Oh no, he does not, he would go mad. I have three tickets in two weeks but anyway, I will just pay them and he will not know. What he does not know does not hurt him, right,” Ms Black added.

“Yes, very true,” said Lucy. “How are you enjoying the movie?” Lucy asked, changing the conversation completely.

“Oh, it is very good, I am going to cum soon” replied Ms Black blushing.

“Well, seeing as you have three speeding tickets, in two weeks, and you have not told your partner and you are so close to cumming, I think you should get a little spanking with this nice little whip, especially as your partner does not know,” Lucy said as she walked round to Ms Blacks side and showed her the little whip.

“Well, yes, I suppose I do deserve that what do you think, Doctor?” asked Ms Black

“I would prescribe two strokes of the whip for each ticket, all to be taken now,” replied Jo. “Hand me the whip, please, nurse.”

Jo bent the whip and swished through the air twice. Then it came down on Ms Black’s bum.

“Oh, that feels so good, I deserve that for not telling him.”

As the fourth stroke came down, Ms Black came. Number five and six were given quickly.

“You may get up now, Ms Black. Please tell your employer, you are fit and well, and can proceed with the insurance,” said Lucy smiling.

When Ms Black had left, Jo turned to Lucy and had a word.

“Well, that was great, do you not think?” she asked

“Yes, it was, let’s just hope it continues like this,” answered Lucy.

Jo and Lucy went out to Karen to see who was next and what their next customer wanted.

“Ms Cook is a naughty schoolgirl who it seems, does not want to learn how to spell and we have to teach her the error of her ways. Oh, and by the way, Ms Black has booked again for next month. She did it on her way out, so she must have been happy with you,” said Karen.

“Oh wow,” exclaimed Jo, what a start, “let’s hope it continues like this,” she added.

“Well, we had better get the room changed quickly from a doctor’s room to a classroom,” said Lucy.


It continued like that. The girls were booked up solid, weeks ahead. Some days as many as thirty phone calls came to make bookings. By the end of their first year in business, Karen spoke to Lucy and Jo.

“We have had a great year. There is enough money now for you for a deposit for your own places. That is, after all expenses and our bonuses are taken care of. It will still leave us with a tidy sum as a running capital. So happy house hunting, you two. We are closed for two weeks now, so you have all day,” said Karen with a big smile. Then she added, “Of course, When you two move out Colin and I will move in.”

“Hmm, I think the room with all our equipment should be locked,” Jo laughed. “To think this all came about because of one drunken night we got caned and that is still a painful memory,” she added.

“Oh, I must mention, the company we used to work for, well a month after we left, it went bankrupt and closed down. It looks we left just in time,” stated Lucy. “Here is to the next twenty years of the ‘LJK Adult Fun and Correctional agency.'” 

Published 6 years ago

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