Lucky Lori

"One wife's desire to become pregnant creates desire for another man"

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Couple’s Night – The Wingtip Bar

As it occurs once in a blue moon, the two couples get together for a night of pretending they aren’t adults. No one is allowed to talk about work or bills, struggles with family, or what the future may bring. The only thing they are allowed to do is run their mouths about absolutely nothing.

This is a semi-regular occurrence, as life always has a way of taking over.

Scott and Chelsea both work, their little guy draining the life out of them every chance he gets.

Lori and Brandon are in retail and commercial advertising, and their hours often overlap.

Opting for a refill, Lori takes a moment to steal a glance at Scott. He’s healthy, fit and lean. Lori has witnessed the rapid blur of Scott when he goes for a shirtless run in the neighborhood. He has a runner’s body, a white smile, and an incredibly charismatic character. He’s wearing jeans tonight, but she mostly knows Scott in his running shorts and, most of the time, shirtless body in the summer sun when he’s milling around outside of his house.

Lori’s brown eyes divert from Scott, but he takes a cheap glance along her body whenever he can. Lori is a head shorter than Scott, carrying a little bit of weight on her body that gives her definite curves, ample tits that press together in any bra she wears. Tonight, Lori has on a black dress that should be average and simple, but tonight it’s curvy and swishy, causing Scott to capture more than a single fantasy.

The wives talk in the noisy bar, letting the alcohol speak for them while the guys shoot pool.

“We just aren’t in a great place right now,” Lori comments, another drink.

“Have you guys talked anymore about having a kid?”

Lori shakes her head, making a face. “We’ve tried. I’ve tried.” Lori looks at her husband leaning over to shoot the number seven, her eyes finding Scott who’s clueless to her gaze. Lori finally breaks her attention from another woman’s husband. “The doctors know there’s nothing wrong with me.”

“Has Brandon ever been tested?”

Lori sets down her drink, idly turning the glass to make the condensation build on the bar. “No. He doesn’t think it’s a genetic thing, anyways. I think he’s wrong.”

“Does Brandon not want kids?”

“At this point,” Lori says, a slap on the bar, “I don’t care. If it happens, then it happens. I’ll just steal your kid when I get the itch for motherhood.”

“Please! By all means! Pick him up on the way home. I’ll come get him next month.”

Scott racks the billiard balls, Brandon landing a crack shot.

Brandon stands, not having made a single ball into a pocket. “You’ve still got those heavy-ass garden tools, yeah?”

“I do,” Scott replies, his attention on the table, lining up for a shot. He looks up, seeing Lori face his way as the girls talk. Lori’s curvy legs stick out from under a short dress. Lori’s heels are strappy and hot. Scott’s wife is wearing flat sandals. Scott lands a corner pocket. Stealing glances at Lori is good luck. He’ll have to remember that.

“Can we try for this Saturday, then? We can finally dig out those old shrubs behind the kitchen.”

Scott notices Lori dip down, giving him a view of round tits before she sits upright again, the smile on her face glowing as the girls laugh. He lands another shot. Thank you, Lucky Lori.

The girls continue talking from their barstools, their focus on their guys doing Man Sh’tuff. Their conversation returns to making a family.

“I think it just has to do with timing,” Chelsea casually says to Lori, a sip of her drink. Chelsea is eyeing her husband. She’s after that dick tonight. Hell, she might just need to suck it on the drive home.

Lori scrunches her cheek to one side, watching Brandon talk about something she doesn’t care about. “I dunno. I think it has more to do with the science of desire. If both of you are hot and ready for each other, then you’ll make yourselves ready, ya know?”

Lori isn’t sure if she’s making much sense, but she knows what she means. She wants her husband to want her, to burn for her. Passion. That’s it. Doesn’t passion play into the mix of uncoordinated, selfish, and uninhibited sex? Lori finds herself watching Scott prepare for another shot. Do Scott and Chelsea have hot, aggressive sex in the heat of wanting one another? The fantasy of Scott nailing Chelsea from behind causes Lori to shift in her seat, the panties feeling a little tight tonight.


Saturday – 102 Degrees

After nearly thirty minutes of swinging a pickaxe and successfully hauling up a couple of dead shrubs from behind Lori’s house, Scott takes a heavy breath, wiping the sweat from his face.

Lori steps barefoot onto the deck, a cold bottle of water in hand. “I’m sorry Brandon got called into work at the last minute. You really don’t have to do all of this shit without him.”

Scott shrugs, killing half of the water. He groans it off, a wave of his hand. “It’s all good. Maybe if I get him started then he’ll just have to finish up on his own tomorrow. I got all dressed up, at least.”

‘Yes,’ Lori tells herself, watching Scott arrange tools during his break. ‘I have noticed.’ Scott sports a pair of black running shorts and shoes. That’s it. The oppressive heat has Scott sweating like he does after one of his runs. His lean, muscular chest and abs are dripping, his arms swollen from swinging and digging. Lori watches Scott wipe his brow. She would wipe the sweat from that smooth chest if he would let her.

Scott finishes the water, crumpling it in his hands.

“Here,” Lori says, taking the trash. “I’ll be right back.”

Scott looks to the sun, back to the deck as Lori walks away. Her attire is lazy today, a pair of thin shorts more suited for bedtime, a fitted top displaying perfectly squeezable boobs. Lori’s clothes are perfect for the hot day. It’s also perfect for Scott’s testosterone as it pulses through his body. He’s working hard in Lori’s garden. He’d rather be working on her mouth, though.

“Here,” she says, reemerging from the house. She holds two bottles of cold water. She hands one to a grateful Scott, opening the other for herself.

“Hey!” Scott shouts as Lori pours the cold water on his shoulders and chest, staying with him as he tries to escape the freezing cold against his skin.

“Hold still, boy!” she shouts, an honest smile and laugh as she chases him, aggressively waving the bottle to get out every last drop. “I’m doing you a favor here!”

Scott surrenders, hands on his hips as he lets her finish on him. He smiles. “A favor, huh? I should be thanking you, then?”

“Uh, huh.” Lori sports a self-satisfied grin, proud of her victory. Scott’s body and shorts are soaked, the water dripping from his face and waist. “You’re welcome.” Lori’s hands go to her hips, triumphant in her own way.

Scott wipes the water from his face, two hands down his body to feel the cooling sensation against his skin. “Should I be expecting any other special favors today?” Scott’s smile persists, the playfulness being a well-deserved break from the heat.

Mmm,” Lori hums, a touch to her chin, a look to the sky. “I dunno. I do like giving special favors to friends, though.” She eyes his body, the way he’s not looking at her though she knows he wants to. Lori’s face turns serious, a burning need to squeeze his soaked body against hers, Lori’s untouched pussy tingling enough to press her aching thighs together. “You can return the favor if you want, Scott.”

His face finally finds hers, the weight of her tone and Scott’s testosterone mixing from the heat of Lori’s body. He takes a stab. “And how should I return that favor?”

Lori turns her bare feet in the grass, walking toward the house before letting the words slip past her shoulder. “You can give it to me any way you want, Scott.”

‘Scott,’ she says. Why does she keep saying his name? Either way, he loves the sound of it coming from her lips. Scott watches Lori walk up the deck stairs and into the house. She’s stepping deliberately, one foot in front of the other, her hips swerving and jiggling with every step. A very deep, incredibly instinctual urge races through Scott.

Lori, it seems, is absolutely burning up.

Scott picks up the heavy tool, taking a few deliberate swings at the ground. That’s it, work the testosterone out of your body. The more tired you are, the more likely you are to forget about even laying a finger on Lori. Or sticking a finger knuckle-deep in her hot pussy. Or using it to pinch her stubbornly hard nipples that were just announcing themselves to him. Or playfully squeeze her wet tongue.

Scott swings hard, burying the pickaxe into the ground.


Scott’s breath labors, hands on his hips as he touches his crotch, doing his best to keep a stiff cock tucked into his wet shorts. It doesn’t help much. Scott looks to the house, squinting from the sun.

‘Any way you want, Scott.’ Lori’s words repeat in his mind, the ghost of a memory that just happened. “Any way I want.”

A moment of Scott’s torment passes. Lori’s sweet voice is luringly heard from inside the house. “Sco-oottt.”  

“No fucking way,” he tells himself in a whisper. His breath finally catches up, his voice nearly shouting the question. “Lori?”

Once again, her cute call reaches him: “Sco-oottt.”

“Way,” Scott tells himself. He steps onto the deck, kicking off his shoes and socks, entering the cool house. His skin rapidly chills, his steps light as he looks around the place. The sliding door latches behind him. Scott can’t even imagine what he is about to encounter. His heart races, breathing slow as he tries to convince himself that this is real. This is real, isn’t it?

Turning into the kitchen, he finds Lori propped up on the island counter, leaning back with her legs spread.

Lori’s shirt does a terrible job at hiding her intentions. Her bra is now absent, prominent nipples protruding through her shirt. Curvy legs lead to pointed feet, toes curled on the counter’s edge to keep herself sturdy. Her beautiful, brown eyes never leave Scott.

Scott doesn’t need an explanation. He wants what he sees just as bad as Lori wants to offer it to him. The burn within him grows, becoming too much. If he were a weaker man, if forbidden feelings for Lori had existed for longer than they did, he would haul up her shirt, yank her from the counter, lay her on the linoleum, and fuck her right there. Lori likely wouldn’t resist. He’s correct to assume as much.

Lori holds herself steady as Scott’s tired hands slide from narrow ankles to smooth legs, tickling her skin when they find her thighs.

“Hey, you.” Lori’s words are so commonplace, so calm and inviting. There isn’t an ounce of hesitation. She knows what she wants. He may have been sweating in her yard just moments before, but she wants him like this – hot for her. Soft hands slide along Scott’s shoulders when he leans in for a kiss, his body pressing against hers. Lori’s legs wrap around his narrow waist, feeling his wet shorts on her skin, a fresh moan releasing from deep within her chest.

Scott’s hands find Lori’s flared hips, the softness beneath her thin shorts remaining tender against his squeeze. He’s finally able to get his hands on her round ass that he’s eyed for two years. He can’t stay away from it. He wants to press her ass together in waves, watching it shake in any direction he chooses.

Lori’s body is attached to Scott’s. He hauls her off of the island, her weight firmly on his hips as their lips continue their hot change of pace.

Lori smiles at how eager he is to kiss her. He wants her. It’s terribly obvious.

Scott staggers into the living room with Lori securely around him, her grip around his neck helping to do her part as he grabs the roundest part of her ass.

Scott gracelessly dumps Lori on the couch, a squeal from her at his unexpected move. His hands grip the bottom of her shirt, pulling hard before giving it a toss. Lori’s squeezable tits shake as she relaxes, the heat of it all nearly causing her not to notice that Scott’s shorts are absent, his stiff cock aching for Lori’s hot pussy.

“I don’t have a condom.”

Lori reaches into the waistband of her shorts, sliding them down before kicking them aside. She spreads her legs, presenting herself to him. “I don’t care.”


Soft hands latch onto Scott’s sides, hauling him to her. Scott dives into her neck, kissing her chest, licking both nipples with a gentle suck. He’s fantasized about those tits so many times. He’ll never forget this.

Lori’s legs lock around him at the ankles. They’re a hot, uncoordinated mess. It should be a little more cordial than this, to be quite honest, but years of wondering, and hoping, and praying are finally coming to fruition.

In their throes, a hard cock rubs against Lori’s wet pussy. Scott hesitates. “What do you want?”

“A baby.”

“Lori –‘’

“Scott…stop talking. Come here.” Lori slides lower, pressing against his cock. It’s right there. Just give her a push, a tiny thrust. It’s right there! Give her that fucking cock!

Scott holds on, Lori’s naked body soft and aching. “We can’t have a baby.”

We aren’t having a baby, Scott. I am. Just me.”

“You want to get pregnant?” His question is stupid, but he’s just stalling. Idiot.

Lori becomes motionless, slowing beneath the racing of her own heart. She reaches for his face, gracing a tender hand down his cheek, across his chest. She watches her own motion, fingertips trailing Scott’s muscles. When her eyes return to his, she finally captures him. “Give me a baby, Scott. No one will ever know. Look at me.” She touches a palm to his cheek, thumbing his lip, her eyes locked on his. “Get me pregnant.”

It’s impossible to ignore Lori’s condition. Naked, legs spread with thick hips, a little bit of a pooch under squeezable tits, and the look she’s giving him is all Scott needs.

Lori closes her eyes when she feels Scott rub the tip of his swollen cock on her pussy. “Yeah,” she says. “Right there, baby. You can have her.”

“Oh, my God.” His cock slides in easily. Lori is tight, so he has to work himself into her. Kneeling on the floor, his hands wrap around curvy thighs.

“I need cock,” she lets out, eyes closed, hands gripping the couch. Lori’s words grind. “Oohhh. Fuck me, Scotty boy.”

Lori’s body makes her desirable. Her burn for Scott makes her beautiful.

Scott doesn’t hold back, thrusting into Lori with audible grunts, his eyes focused on her tits bouncing in waves. When Lori opens her mouth, he desperately wants to stick his cock down her throat, but he does well to just hold onto her thighs. The sounds of her sex drive him up the wall. She truly wants him. He can feel it.

“That’s it, baby!” She does a fantastic job of encouraging him between breaths. “Fuck me however you want!” Breathe. “Get me pregnant, Scott!”

He fucks her harder, Lori’s toes curling in the air. “Say it again.”

Lori’s eyes open, her mouth hot, gasping for breath from Scott’s pent-up desire to fuck her hard into the cushions. “Get me pregnant, Scott. I want your baby. Get me fucking pregnant with your baby, Scott!”

“Fuck yeah.” Scott fucks Lori as hard as he can, watching her shake and grit her teeth, pretty tits bouncing, round thighs in his arms. “Call me when you find out you’re pregnant, baby. Then my cock goes in your mouth.”

Lori opens her mouth, extending her tongue for him, watching his face. “Right here?”

It only encourages Scott to pick up the pace, if that were possible, pumping so hard that his balls press against her ass with every thrust. The thought of Lori’s eyes watering as she sucks his cock is too much, causing him to explode inside of her.

“That’s it, baby,” Lori tells him, using her legs to force him against her, her hands pulling on his thin waist. She closes her eyes, feeling Scott’s hot cum pulse deep inside. “Oh, shit!” she calls out, Lori’s head landing on the pillow, the feeling of Scott shooting hot cum triggering her orgasm. Scott holds onto Lori’s quaking legs, her body shaking in violent squirts. “Fuck!…Me!…Fuck!” she mutters, continuing to cum. After one good, final squeeze of her body, Lori relaxes, continuing to hold Scott in place. Out of breath, when exhausted eyes finally open, she sees Scott’s labored breathing causing his chest to heave. Lori laughs at the sight, her smile wide. “You ok, buddy? You good?”

“Oh, yeah,” he replies in a single breath, loving how gorgeous she looks laid out on the couch, himself between her legs. “I’m great.”

“Good.” Lori pats Scott’s hands as they grip her thighs. “Now, don’t move. Just hang out there for a while, yeah? You did great, stud.”

Later that week, Scott gets a text from Lori while he’s at work.

@Lori: I slept with Brandon last night.

It takes him a minute, Scott’s brow pressed together from her strange message out of nowhere. He taps away.

@Scottie: So, what? There’s nothing wrong with that. He’s your husband.

He watches her words bubble up on his phone before disappearing. Once. Twice. Lori’s struggling. ‘Oh, shit,’ Scott thinks. ‘She said something.’ His heart races. “Come on, girl. Say something.”

Her words bubble up again. @Lori: I wanted to thank you. That’s what I really wanted to say.

@Scottie: Of course. No need. You’ll do great.

Lori sets her phone down on the café table as Scott’s wife, Chelsea, continues her story over coffee. Lori is having trouble keeping up, her mind split between three people at the moment. Turning her phone over, she checks for anything else from Scott. There’s nothing. Scott doesn’t expect a response from her, so she’ll just leave him alone.

Six Months Later

Lori’s pregnancy has been a double-edged sword for her. For one, she’s never been happier. Two, she’s never been hornier. Lori’s hormones do some strange things to her, but this afternoon, she isn’t upset in the least. After an overdue outing for the power couple duo on the lake today, Lori is glad to release some of the tension and frustration she’s been harboring. She wanted to thank Scott for that hot afternoon, so now she finally has her chance.

Chelsea and Brandon are busy loading up the cars.

Lori’s bikini top is down. She’s on her knees, looking into Scott’s eyes as she enthusiastically sucks his cock. Leaving Lori and Scott alone to tie the boat up in the marina was a terrible idea.

“Rub my balls, baby.” Scott closes his eyes, feeling Lori work her magic. His stiff cock touches the back of Lori’s throat, her head bobbing up and down in motion with her swollen tits.

Lori grips Scott’s cock, her tongue extended from an open mouth as she makes beautiful eye contact with him.

With Scott’s eyes on hers, he doesn’t hold back, his cock popping steams of hot cum on her cheek and tongue.

Lori isn’t shy, continuing to jerk though she’s sure she got most of it. She wipes her cheek with one finger, sucking off Scott’s load, happily swallowing.

Lori is gorgeous on her knees, top down, and tits out. “So, there,” she tells him. “It took me six months to find the opportunity. But…Thank You.”

Scott catches his breath. “You’re welcome, sweetheart. Congratulations.”

Published 1 year ago

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